Killing God Island

Chapter 826: Chen Tianpian. Xu Shun came to help

Although the attack speed of the mechanical worm is very fast and strong, after Angelina’s small body withdrew the spider silk, she again made a very consistent attack with the same hand and dagger, and then connected the gaps after these attacks. The dagger lifted his arm again and ejected the spider silk to stretch his body forward again, so that Angelina leaped in the air to avoid the dense hundreds of mechanical biochemical insects while attacking.

If Angelina had only one hand, her attack might be stronger, but Angelina had only one hand, so she had to eject the spider silk and she had to keep pulling out the dagger for several tens of seconds by falling from the air. , To carry out ultra-fast attacks and defenses, but in general, Angelina can't avoid it before she can pull out the dagger emergency defense. During this period, Angelina basically didn't want to actively attack these mechanical biochemical insects, but Just when she wanted to send a spider silk again to shoot the falling body towards the front building or the surrounding rocks and trees to ensure that her body could rebound again, she had figured out a mechanical biochemical insect of Angelina’s routine, Through the control of humans, the spider silk shot by Angelina was cut directly.

Angelina, who was originally defended by falling, instantly felt as if she was losing gravity, and the whole person fell instantly, and at the same time, hundreds of dense mechanical biochemical insects simultaneously spread like a group of crows from the air directly to the direction of Angelina's fall. In the attack, Angelina, who was completely out of balance, couldn't control her body at all, so she fell and felt a buzzing group of bugs swarming towards her.

Angelina's falling body thumped heavily from the sky and fell to the ground. Due to the height and terrain, the light fell was not light. In addition, she was also badly beaten by the group when she was disabled, so Angelina fell to the ground. At the moment, due to the body's indulgence, she spit out a lot of blood directly, and before waiting for Angelina to do anything else, she saw that the very dense mechanical worms above had all sorts of sharpness towards her landing direction. The tip of the metal, just when Angelina was extremely critical, Xu Sud suddenly appeared and unfolded his double-winged wings with toughened war bones, and the dense rain like raindrops on the top, only heard the tinkling bells. stop......

The sound rang for about five minutes, which showed that the number of mechanical worms was huge, and these fortified people have not captured the restricted area for so many years. It seems that it is not because the restricted area has developed drugs that can weaken the body. In addition to the powerful drugs, this semi-mechanical creature is the real reason for ordinary people in this restricted area to protect themselves.

These things are too powerful, so Yao Jun and Wu Yifan stopped, the two did not dare to step forward, but Xu Shan's potential is quite large, even slightly larger than Chen Tian's potential, because Chen Tian fights from small to large And Xu Shun was a weak man with weak strength until he entered the island and even met Chen Tian. He could not survive without his girlfriend's protection.

But now Xu Xian is just like reborn, and the teachings of Chen Tian and his girlfriend died in his arms, what he said to him, and transplanted her built-in weapons of ancient artifact dragon bones to Xu Xian’s In vivo, of course, the toughened war bone does not necessarily become very strong, mainly because Xu Xun's own potential is very strong, this toughened war bone shows the strength in his body more than ten times stronger than Xu Shun's girlfriend Ye Xiaotong.

Regardless of the length of the tailbone blade or the use of various abilities, it is obvious that Xu Shun's ability to use his own genes to play this war bone ability is quite awkward. Although it is not as good as Chen Tian, ​​it is definitely the second level of Chen Tian. .

In terms of real combat strength, although Angelina’s strength in the t zone is not bad, but the strength is basically fixed, and based on the current strength, Angelina can’t compare with Xu Xuan, Xu Xuan blocked the bone wings behind the expansion. After the attack, a two-meter snow-white prismatic tailbone pierced from Xu Shun's body. After only one sweep, the body of dozens of mechanical insects was directly cut off. The highly corrosive liquid carries venom, but this green blood was completely avoided by Xu Shun.

The beheaded biochemical mechanical worm, together with the controller's brain, will cause the person who controls the mechanical worm to die together. This connection of spiritual consciousness will be fatal unless it is automatically left. Therefore, the mechanical worm just killed by Xu Shuan's tailbone, not only the biochemical mechanical worm, but also the party that controlled it will also die.

This is where the experiment is still not perfect. If you can give more time to Lan Lanni in the restricted area, both this technology and the medicines against fortified people can be more perfect, but unfortunately Chen Tian and others are not interested. District, they including Zhuo's brothers and sisters are all people who want to leave this island, and under this premise, they are at any cost. What's more, it is to solve the problem of Lan Lan, who is entangled here. All stumbling blocks blocking the road must be clear.

The restricted area currently occupied by Chen Lanni is a stumbling block for Chen Tian and others. Of course, since Xu Shun followed Chen Tian, ​​he was also dedicated to fighting for the team of Chen Tian. After all, no one would want to stay in this ghost place. Although there are no laws, laws and other regulations here, it is also because there is no restriction, saying that killing kills will always be a place of weak meat and strong food. There is a danger of being killed all the time, and I want to survive here. In addition to not being killed, you also have to find ways to kill others to get homicide points. Otherwise, you can’t even get the most basic food and weapons in the display cabinets on the island in exchange for things.

Therefore, the team of Chen Tian is very united, so it is more cohesive than the average team, and they have been together for a long time. The most important thing is that everyone has a common goal. Although each has their own selfishness, some of the most important choices are Everyone is quite consistent, so some individual selfishness and interests know that they will not blame each other.

For example, Chen Tian’s goal is very clear to protect everyone and lead everyone to leave the island together. Everyone must live together to die or die together. Never give up every partner, unless the partner betrayed everyone, Chen Tian is a very reliable The fighting power is very strong, and Xu Shun is influenced by Chen Tian and his girlfriend. He is determined to become a real strong man and the masculine man mentioned by Chen Tiankou.

Therefore, Xu Xun has already determined that he will never let himself be weak because of timidity after he can flexibly use the toughened war bones in his body. It is a man who must know how to stand up at a critical moment, and Xu Xun is the weakest because of mutation. When the siege almost died in the x area, it was also the rescue of Chen Tian and Angelina that has Xu Xuan today, so I really appreciate Chen Tian and Angelina from the heart.

Although he doesn’t usually say it, he always keeps it in mind. Of course Angelina takes care of him. Although Angelina looks like a little girl like Loli, Xu Shun knows that her actual age is older than herself. Sometimes, I feel as if I have an older sister.

So when Xu Shun saw Angelina encountering a crisis and was supposed to protect Angelina’s eldest brother Chen Tian, ​​because of the moment he was shot, Xu Shun immediately rushed towards Angelina without fear. .

Xu Shun knew that Brother Chen Tian would not die easily even if he was hit in the head, so Xu Shun didn’t worry about Chen Tian at all. Instead, Angelina’s situation was very critical, so Xu Shun jumped directly to start his own Bone wings wrapped themselves and Angelina all around, followed by these mechanical biochemical insects, which fell like a rain and kept falling from the top. Although they were all non-stop attacks of sharp metal limbs, they Xu Bian's bone wing defense couldn't be broken.

The toughness of Xu Shun’s toughened war bones is even harder than the material of Chen Tian’s Yinlong swing stick. This level of attack is basically a piece of cake, but it is due to the large number and the heavy blows. They don't attack and play completely, and Xu Shun can hardly spare his body to fight back.

Therefore, Chen Tiancai waited for a group attack of about five minutes or so. When the mechanical and biochemical insects were about to attack, Xu Xun suddenly got up, throwing Angelina in the direction of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, and also stretched himself Out of the tail bone of his most lethal tail bone.

The sharp white blade of the tailbone, the sharpness and hardness of the biochemical insects are covered with metal all over the body, and they are cut in half in an instant. At the same time, in addition to attacking Xu Shun, these worms also throw some Anji with Xu Shun. Lina followed her in the direction of Angelina.

But the insects hadn’t even touched Angelina who flew out, so Xu Xuan jumped up and flapped his wings while flying forward at a very fast speed, and the body after a diagonal rotation, the tailbone blade was therefore 360 ​​degrees. The direction passed directly behind Angelina, instantaneously blocking the trailing of these biochemical mechanical insects, and the seven mechanical insects that seemed to be evolving at the forefront scratched their bodies instantly.

Don't look at their metal all over the body, but in front of the hard and sharp weapons such as Xu Shun's Tailbone Blade, it's like a piece of paper, as long as the Zhenghua Mechanical Worm hit by Xu Shun's Tailbone Blade is killed by a stroke.

Because these biochemical mechanical insects are ordinary people under the control of these Lan Lanni, controlled by the spiritual realm, and because their lives are also closely related to the life and death of this biochemical mechanical insect, so dozens of biochemical mechanical insects were continuously killed in Xu Shun After that, it was obvious that the rest of the biomechanical insects had bypassed Xu Shun and launched an attack in the direction of Angelina and other three people.

Of course, Xu Xian appeared to be such a powerful attack, especially the tail bone stretched out at the base of his tail was extremely sharp, even the biochemical creatures on the surface of the metal body could not withstand the attack of Xu Xian's tail blade.

Of course, except for Xu Shun, who can withstand these biomechanical insects, Wu Yifan and Yao Jun can't fight against these things at all, even Angelina can only barely protect herself, not to mention that she has been seriously injured now, but at this time Yao Jun and Wu Yifan are obviously very embarrassed in this situation.

How to say that the two are also a former special forces captain, and the other is a very famous killer. Before his entry into the island, his combat power was quite confident, but now he can only escape from the injured Angelina who has left and right. But they did not feel at all against it. After all, the two did not stop moving forward in gene development for a long time. It was indeed impossible to deal with this dense and aggressive mechanical biochemical insect.

Although Xu Shun had a large number of insects in front of him, Xu Shun was a person after all, and the number of these mechanical biochemical insects was not the number that he could completely block by himself. Of course, Xu Shun had tried to block more machines. The biochemical insects are gone, but there is no way to stop them completely, so the mechanical biochemical insects that have quickly chased the two have reached at least more than fifty.

Neither the two can escape the status quo at this time, whether they are running away or choosing to fight, but at this moment Han Li suddenly approached the three and smiled to Yao Jun and Wu Yifan to signal you to go first, because The situation is urgent. The two really forgot the strength of Han Li, a man with the same strength as the crazy axe girl.

In fact, Han Li was just watching the excitement on the side, and originally thought that these ordinary people would be left. He could smooth everything without getting started, but it is a pity...

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