Killing God Island

Chapter 818: Chen Tianpian. Each shows its power 2

Han Li, who was not far from Qian Da, also solved all the people around her. A big tail was still swaying behind her, and she stared at another place and looked directly at it, and the place was also right. It's a red light and it really looks very cool. This is the swallow that Chen Tian ran after turning on the power of the red child. The body will become hot because of telling the movement to emit a very cool high-heat energy substance.

At this time, these people have all turned into handsome bosses, but the victory or defeat is here in one fell swoop, thinking that here Chen Tian continues to accelerate to the steel steel door falling forward, and the path Angelina By the way, she happened to kill Kent Jimus and Galvesen with her own similarly powerful spider silk. None of these people around were spared by Angelina's spider silk.

After Angelina had just beheaded these, she saw that Chen Tian had just opened the red power of the whole body. She was running towards her at a speed. Angelina also saw that Chen Tian was going to stop the steel gate in front. It fell, so Angelina shouted to Chen Tian: "I'll help you!" Angelina gathered three spider silks together, and let Chen Tian jump up like a bow string, of course Chen Tian also Seeing the strength of Angelina, Chen Tian sprinted quickly, and then both feet jumped up and stepped on Angelina's spider silk together, ejecting directly forward with a catapult-like ejection force.

Chen Tian’s speed is very fast, and with the help of Angelina, his speed has indeed risen to the limit of Chen Tian’s speed so far, but unfortunately it is still a little slower, Chen Tianbang’s sound is solid. Crashed on the closed gate. Chen Tian’s body hit the steel gate because of too much impact. The slammed self flew a distance of more than one meter, and continued to glide backwards until it landed. Then the body fell to the ground with a big letter.

At the same time, the hundreds of people who were locked out by the steel door suddenly fell into despair. At the same time, they also knew that their fate only had to fight hard with these people. Whether they could escape in these hands depends on luck. The only way to get in is not working anymore. Only by fighting with Chen Tian can they continue to live, so these people are in this desperate situation. Instead of retreating, they are more determined. It seems that they are determined this time. Determined to fight with Chen Tian these people in the end.

And Chen Tian’s goal is very clear this time to take it here, no matter what tactics are used to solve all these people or just take it here, Ye Minyu will pass here to Newton Cress at most three days later. The site will launch the next attack. If you can’t take this area, you can’t use this place as a springboard to expand the area of ​​Newton. Cres’s area. You can’t use this area to hinder you. Attack the site of Newton Kreis to a greater extent, so everyone in this area must be wiped out. This is the death order given by Ye Minyu before Chen Tian set off.

Although Ye Minyu is not the leader of this organization, both the tactical analysis and the application of various tactics are very human comparable. So Chen Tian believes in him very much, especially wants to destroy the territory of Newton. It is necessary to obtain greater profitability at the minimum cost, and this profitability must be completed by Ye Minyu, so Chen Tian still believes in Ye Minyu. After all, this shaking Ye Minyu has also joined this group for a long time.

Now don’t look at the presence of such people around, but these people’s fighting powers can even be easily solved by Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, so after Chen Tian was hit and flew out, he sat up straight and shook his head in the same place, because this one Not only did it hurt his brain, he felt numb, but also made him very upset, so Chen Tian slowly stood up and rushed towards the steel wall in front with an angry expression again, it seems that Chen Tian still did not give up Since Chen Tian knows how hard this thing is, it is by no means a fist, so Chen Tian also pulled out the silver dragon slam stick and slammed the thick steel gate with a strong force while running. Smashed up.

The sound of this metal impact sound is indeed very loud. Although Chen Tian’s Yinlong swing stick hit a deep mark, but this time also shocked the silver dragon throwing stick in Chen Tian’s hand, Chen Tian whole right arm It was numb. The hardness of this gate was impeccable. There was no problem. Even Chen Tian was under such a heavy blow, there was no sign of damage. Even though there was a little dent, the hardness of this steel gate was not as good as Chen. Heaven's silver dragon swing stick, but it is not easy to smash such a thick steel door through the silver dragon swing stick.

At this point, don’t look at the hundreds of people in the Zhongwei, but even if these ordinary people are thousands, they may not be the opponents of Chen Tian. In the process of recovering half of their physique, it is like fighting with these people. Like bullying children, neither the speed of power nor various special abilities other than humans are comparable to ordinary people, so I really want to kill them, so many people are not enough to kill these people, Angelina’s clues are right. These ordinary people are as terrible as hell, because people who try to get close to Angelina, except Chen Tian and other people, are all classified as enemies, so they face Angelina’s group attack and can’t see the spider. Silk's attack was a nightmare for those who were not far from Angelina.

Because they can't see the spider silk around Angelina, they can't escape Angelina's attack. The most important thing is that Angelina's killing is actually easier than Chen Tian's attack, so The people who died around Angelina are enough to prove that these people want to catch Angelina alive, but they found the woman more dangerous and dismissed the idea, but as long as they entered the trap of Angelina’s dissatisfaction with the spider silk, she barely ran After all, even a strong fortified person who enters Angelina’s cobweb encircle circle will die without doubt, not to mention that these are very ordinary people. These people even have no chance of reaction and avoidance, they are ejected directly. The spider's silk killed instantly, but this kind of death was not too painful.

Although Angelina killed a lot of people, she really talked about how many people killed, Angelina, Xu Shun and Han Li combined more than Qianda alone. She belongs to a pure murder machine. Although the blade has been cut like a saw tooth with a dent after a dent, but it does not affect her killing, the strength of the knife she cut, even if the knife in Qianda's hand did not cut the edge, then put on The power is absolutely enough to split the body directly.

Without this strength, how could the four big families mention Qian Da's name in the conversation? This woman's strength is this time Chen Tian and others have seen it with their own eyes. At present, the strength of this woman may not be able to be killed by all the people who join forces. I know that the four big families cannot choose the ones who have not paid into the island. ! What is your true identity? "

Now Chen Tian and others have begun to wonder who this woman's province is. After all, Qian Da's skill and strength are simply too ridiculous. Could it be that he is a first-class super master who is mixed with Kuang Qi? "

Of course, in addition to the most killed by Qian Da, the most killed was Xu Shun, and then Angelina. Now that Wu Yifan and Yao Jun have recovered eight layers, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan also joined the battle. In the meantime, but these two people are not to kill more people, these two people were killed in the direction of Chen Tiange all the way.

The resilience of Xu Shun’s combat power is just as good as that of the previous one, because Xu Shun’s coccyx blade is too sharp and hard, and it is very lethal to those who have strengthened it, not to mention that the body is still These ordinary people who have not been strengthened.

As long as Xu Shun can use the toughened war bones, this will be the most deadly for the enemies who are far away from him. Because of Xu Shun’s toughened war bone ability, it is an exclusive super type of attack that is called Wan Wan. This ability is combined with Xu Shun’s built-in weapon toughened war bones. It is absolutely powerful enough to kill many people in an instant. With the virtual forward running, the two tail bones behind will continue to swing with Xu Shun’s tail bone. The attack is chopping off various corpses while running. Of course, Xu Shun is already quite proficient in his abilities and combat.

Just when Chen Tian didn't give up and was still going up to prepare to attack the front door with a stick in his hand, he was suddenly shouted by Yao Jun and Wu Yifan: "Stop it! Do you think this door can be damaged by brute force? This is more than forty. Thick layer of alloy material, the hardness is definitely not your Silver Dragon swing stick can be broken, so now I will open this door, they said they began to cooperate with each other.

In fact, Ye Minyu is afraid of members of high-tech majors that no one knows, such as Chen Tian, ​​so Yao Jun and Wu Yifan only played a key role at this time. Of course, Ye Minyu’s consideration is more comprehensive than that of ordinary people. Many, Chen Tian, ​​a person who never fought and fought in childhood, could have intellectual minds. Although Angelina is a storyteller, she can’t understand computer programs to decipher knowledge, so she arranged Yao Jun and Wu Yifan came to solve this kind of thing, and Xu Shun's face was naturally impossible, but Ye Minyu was not a **** after all, she certainly would not guess that Chen Tian would meet Qian Da and Han Li even if they would invite them Join, but Chen Tian’s approach is to save everyone. When the fighting body is all weak and unable to resist, if Qian Da’s strength is too strong, I am afraid that everyone is either killed or imprisoned.

So Chen Tian let Qian Da and Han Li join the team that wanted to insure themselves. It is clear that this time Chen Tian is betting right, and the most important thing is that although Yao Jun and Wu Yifan know more about this aspect, they are very good. This time is completely different. The generals who lost their right and left hands are ready to play in person this time. At the same time, Chen Tian, ​​who is currently blocked by the gate, Angelina and the two also began to urge Yao Jun and Wu Yifan to quickly crack this. The door, but because the electronic program of this door is the latest generation, even Yao Jun and Wu Yifan can't decipher it at all.

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