Killing God Island

Chapter 813: Tiantian Chen. The true strength of Qian Da

Although Chen Tian knows his physical condition very well, he must do this now, and he does not rely on courage and stimulating challenges like gambling. He also relies on another ability to fight against him Although this ability is afraid of the blade, it can protect the internal organs of the body to the maximum extent under high impact, so Chen Tian will jump directly down.

The two chariots were also driving upward from below. Chen Tian fell quickly. The driver only heard a bang. Chen Tian just fell on his chariot, but Chen accelerated from the height. Tianyin Yinlong sling sticks, by the height of falling from the top and the speed of downwards and his final strength, gathered in one place, aiming at the position that had just been completely recessed and deep, and punctured the platform directly with his own falling power. The armor of the chariot directly inserted the silver dragon sling stick from this position, and directly stuck the driver's skull through the outside of the chariot. The huge force directly penetrated the man's head.

In this way, the chariot and Chen Tian fell from the heights at high speed, and the ground was directly smashed into a big pit. This pit was very deep. Although Chen Tian could not be seen, there was a green smoke at the bottom of the pit.

Just after Chen Tian solved a tank, Qian Da also looked back and looked at that expression with a hint of smile. At the same time, Qian Da saw that these people around him also killed more than half, and the rest of them were all seen. I ran on my own, and killing them wasn’t as enjoyable as before, so I looked at the four tanks around me. Since Chen Tian had already solved one, it was clear that the five tanks could no longer fit together.

Therefore, Qian Da also decided to solve these four seemingly difficult chariots, because Qian Da sees Chen Tian’s weakness as such, and only thinks that he will not be killed. Chen Tian’s ability to fight back is beyond Qian Da’s expectations. Scope, Qianda is not incapable of solving these four machines. Qianda feels that the tank that solves this state is too boring. She also wants to see how the five machines will be combined. But now This expectation can no longer be fulfilled. Chen Tian has solved one, and now five cannot fit together, so Qian Da watched the knife in the handle of the four chariots coming towards her plunge down to the ground, and there was a trace in the corner of her mouth. Evil smile.

Qianda looked straight ahead at the moment, watching the four cars in front of her approaching her chariot. Qianda thrust her knife into the ground and suddenly stepped **** the tip of the knife target to accelerate her forward impact. Qianda stretched her hand directly to the face, and this scene instantly shocked everyone's eyes. I saw her five fingers pinched directly on a surface that accelerated towards her. The degree of kneading of these five fingers scared everyone, Qianda. It's really a natural power. Not only does it stop a tank with the kneading ability of the five fingers of the right hand, but with the force of her fingers, the surface of this hard tank is directly pinched by Qian Da's fingers.

At the same time, Qianda did more exaggerated things with amazing arm strength. Because all four chariots rushed towards her, so while Qianda grabbed a chariot, she directly talked about it with this chariot. The knife is not as stiff as this chariot, and its weight is not as good as this chariot, so the chariot that Qianda grabbed directly in his hand directly hit another chariot, and the other chariot was also chased by Qianta The inside of the chariot that was caught in the hand penetrated directly. Qianda just pulled out the front tip of the chariot, and the chariot exploded with a bang, and Qianda just hit another vehicle and saw another one. The vehicle directly fired the hidden weapon, and the Qianda key used this tank as a shield and would lose its excellent opportunity to attack, and it might let it run away.

So Qianda didn’t care what the chariot fired at herself, so she threw the chariot in her hand directly. These hidden weapons couldn’t touch the surface of the chariot at all. The chariot was useless. With a loud bang, the chariot hit the car together. The chariot thrown by Qian Da was added to the weight of the chariot and the weight of the chariot. Qian Da threw this chariot after heavy impact. The chariot went straight down.

It was then that the last chariot wanted to take advantage of the chaos and want to sneak attack on her, because now she had no knife and threw the chariot just grabbed, which is simply the best attack on her Time, and she also turned his back on him, which also gave the driver great courage to take this opportunity to solve Qian Da directly.

But how could his attack not be noticed by Qian Da? First of all, Qian Da’s skill in melee is very good, how can it be easily attacked, and the sound of the engine of this tank is also quite loud, ordinary people’s hearing can not be heard before the first ten meters, As a fortified person, wouldn't he know that he was behind?

Qianda has solved three cars and guessed the fourth one has been spared. As the sound became louder, Qianda suddenly turned around and kicked directly on the front of this chariot, making everyone speechless again. The wide-eyed and the big-mouthed surprise happened again, because Qian Da even kicked this tank with a single kick, which makes people feel that this woman is not human or advanced. Strengthen the level of people, which is a bit excessive.

Qian Da even directly kicked such a hard surface area into the direct kick, and directly jumped up again to rotate the undercut foot, directly to the overall recess of the tank directly from above. With the sound of Qian Da jumping from the roof of the car, the chariot exploded directly under Qian Da.

After Qian Da's landing, nobody on the scene dared to attack her. Qian Da was the only student taught by Ms. Zhao, and her leg skills were naturally quite good. Qian Da was known as the world's top ten. The woman with the strongest leg strength, so Qian Da’s leg strength is much stronger than his strength with a knife. Therefore, Qian Da often does not use a knife when she really fights with others, although she usually uses a knife to kill people. But the real strength is the legs.

So Qianda only easily solved this chariot that was very difficult for Chen Tian and others with only two feet, so this is the main reason why no one around him dared to attack him. After all, these people are not Fool, the gap between strength and weakness is so wide, not only does it play no role at all, but it ends in death.

So no one of these people wants to prove that they are asking for merit. After all, their life is the most important thing. Of course, while Qian Da dealt with these chariots in person, the handsome left and right hands Kent Jimus and Galvesen were not idle. Therefore, they have to take this opportunity to grab a few hostages to stop Qianda from stopping. At present, there is only such a way. Of course, they also know that the strength of these two people is not an opponent of the woman who is holding a knife.

So now the only way is to capture their companions alive and negotiate with them in their companion’s life, otherwise they can still be suppressed with their strength, and they will be completely passive after a few minutes when all their abilities are restored. And it is difficult to completely suppress them with their abilities, and the same tricks will not work.

Even after putting in a lot of weak drugs, their bodies have already developed the ability to resist, and the effect of this drug on their bodies has become minimal, so Kent Jimus used the wise people of this team to analyze the current situation. As I said with Galvesen, both of them felt that they wanted to solve the current problem, and the focus could not be placed on the woman with long hair holding a sword. After all, the combat strength of the woman with long hair was too strong to suppress. This person, while Chen Tian could kill a tank by himself, could not be underestimated. It is likely that this weak ability did not have much effect on him.

Therefore, Chen Tian was also excluded from the scope of the attack, and the reason why Han Li was also sent out was that Han Li had already begun to recover on the premise that Chen Tian and others had not fully restored the body’s ability to strengthen genetics. Because Han Li was beaten miserably, and her anger was very instinct for survival, she had already restored half of her fortified genes in advance. Now, although Han Li’s face was swollen, she was already stretched out. The huge tail started a crazy attack on the people around who had just been hitting themselves.

These people around were devastated. These people did not expect that the people who were about to be killed suddenly had scales on their bodies. At the same time, the tail that stretched suddenly behind was so powerful. The most unfortunate thing was that it was just given to Han. The man who Li knocked down with a punch saw Han Li didn't stand up for a long time. He thought Han Li was dead and walked in to observe. At this moment, Han Li suddenly opened her eyes and opened a mouth. The tongue in her mouth was exactly A scene where a gecko attacks its prey with a tongue, which is more powerful than a bullet

Many times stronger.

This person's head was instantly penetrated by the tip of Han Li's tongue and the big tail behind Han Li directly bounced herself. At the same time as Han Li's bouncing moment, Han Li seemed to burst out of anger and was attacked by herself in the body. At the same time the tail bounced, the tail swept directly around himself, sweeping all the rows of people who wanted to continue to attack her.

The people who were swept by Han Li’s tail were basically shot out but a distance of several meters high. The people had died in the air before they landed, because this time they had broken all the bones and internal organs of their bodies, angry Han Li drew out two daggers, plus her huge tail and her deadliest tongue, and began a thorough killing of the people around her. Han Li also felt that her physical ability was recovering, with just a little effort It hasn't started to change. It's already movable, and even the injuries on the body obviously feel that they are repairing themselves, which proves that the powdered drugs just now can't limit Han Li's own ability.

That’s why Kent Jimus and Galvesson excluded Han Li. After all, the horror of this woman is not necessarily their opponent together, so these two can only focus on Xu Xuan and Angeli Na, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan are on the four, Xu Shun now has a machine gun in his hand that does not seem easy to access, and he is now in a fierce exchange of fire with others, and the other three are closer to Angelina, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan Three people, because Yao Jun and Wu Yifan are different in genetic evolution by a few grades compared to Angelina, so this enhanced medicine is very weak for their bodies. They belong to better physical constitutions. fatal.

Therefore, Kent Jimus and Galvesson have set their goals, and under the cover of the killer Linxue, a super sniper, they are ready to start the plan to hunt Chen Tian’s companions for negotiation conditions. Kent Jimus He and Galvesen didn’t sign Han Li to attack Chen Tian and Qian Da because they didn’t necessarily have a good effect even if they attacked them, and they also strengthened their vigilance. Unexpectedly hunted Angelina and Yao Jun and Wu Yifan.

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