Killing God Island

Chapter 802: Chen Tianpian. The Rebellion 5

Qianda and Han Li are approaching the two in front of each other. Just about a meter away from each other, the fat man in these two people just pulled their wings out of their mouths and just started to speak. The two said half a sentence, and saw Qian Da directly drawing a knife. On this night when the light was not very bright, a glare suddenly flashed in front of the eyes of the two, and the body of the two followed immediately backwards. Falling down, when the two of them fell completely to the ground, their two heads also fell to the ground from the air and rolled to the side.

Qianda didn't follow the duo's nonsense at all. After solving the two with a knife, she went straight to the front door. Han Li also smiled and followed behind Qianda, and complained again. Generally speaking: "You really are a mistress of nosy business." Han Li said after this sentence, followed by Qian Da with a long knife in her hands.

At this time, Qianda held a Japanese long knife on her right, and the tip of the knife just crossed the ground. When the two of them walked in, not only did they not alert the people around them, but they made them more excited, especially Those very strong black men stood up one by one: "Craig Ruigood! These two girls are on order, not bad! I want these two today!"

"I want it! Laohei, don't always **** me, I will see it first!"

"You gave me a ball, didn't you see two of us? We are all alone!" As soon as the words came out, more people were unhappy: "Why are the two of you present? We have to get in!"

The two black men laughed loudly after hearing this: "Good! Both are brothers, then everyone will be together!"

Just when the two black people just laughed heartily, the heads of the two black people were suddenly cut off, blood was sprayed directly on the other person's face, and the head that fell down also just hit At the foot of this man, this one completely made the man sober, and he saw his eyes widened and said: "Come, come, they killed, Zamasi and Gemu Er, the brothers took the guy to subdue the two little girls first Men, then we use our men’s best place to avenge these brothers!"

Speaking of this kid, it seems that this is also a head here. His sentence immediately got the corresponding of the people around him. Between these people, they directly lifted the table and pulled out all the knives behind the table. At this time How small this momentum is, but there is no way to scare Qian Da and Han Li.

I saw that Qian Da and Han Li still maintained their original postures, and instead of expressing no fear at all, they showed strange smiles. I saw that Qian Da and Han Li not only did not flinch, but continued to walk forward. At the same time, the knife in Qian Da's hand also rubbed against the cement on the ground, and a spark was emitted in the dark night. With the direct attack of Qian Da, the three people in the front were directly cut off by Qian Da's knife, and at the same time, Qian Da's room After the latter pushed and raised the knife to block the attack of the three, a counter kick kicked directly on a man who tried to attack her behind her, and with the moment he fell to the ground, a very gorgeous rotation of 360 degrees horizontally .

The dozens of people who wanted to attack Qianda at the same time were instantly blocked by Qianda's knife, and as Qianda ran forward, as she ran, the knife in her hand became faster and faster.

In fact, Qianda doesn’t need to use such a quick knife to kill these people in one move, but Qianda has already belonged to her very ordinary attack. She can’t attack the ordinary people now, but it’s not her. She deliberately wants to increase her attack speed, but her body will naturally increase its speed and strength during a period of combat. In this case, Qian Da will occasionally find out and control herself, but sometimes she will forget when fighting. At this point, the speed of Qian Da's attack has also changed from just being able to barely see her movements to a situation in which her sword is completely unclear.

I can only see where she is passing, and the people in front of her are all cut off by her limbs. Qian Da's attacking method is comparable to the professional killing of Zhuo Wenxin and Ben Xi, who are professionally attacking each other and killing them. Her attacking method is relatively simple and rude, not to cut the opponent's fatal point, but to cut it according to your mood, and it is a very powerful attack.

The so-called chopped body will be cut directly into two halves, and the starting force is very strong. Sometimes even chopping a person to death will be regarded as a number of breaks. It looks like the meaty stuffing. She never kills one. It is nothing to kill the opponent, but to use the defense of the opponent. For example, defending with the arm is the so-called first block with the machete. Because Qian Da’s arm strength is very large, this knife will make the opponent unbearable. The knife will fly out or be cut. Down, then it will go down with her knife. Anything that can be cut will be split in half by her. Many people are blocked by the whole arm and cut off rigidly.

Qianda's strength level is indeed absolute in this t-zone. Basically, these people are basically killed by wielding a knife. Although they did not increase the speed deliberately, her body is faster and faster, which is also the same as her. Her body genes are related to her strengthening genes, but she is a direct descendant of the four big families. Originally, she would not use her descendants as an experiment, but Qianda is to be strong and can be afraid of any side effects. woman.

Before being strengthened, because of her amazing potential and strength, Ms. Zhao was fancy and taught a lot of her unique skills. Qian Da was also the only student of Ms. Zhao, because Ms. Zhao was a woman who never accepted apprentices and taught others how to fight. Not only is Dajia fighting very close, her swordsmanship is still one of the top ten, known as the sword **** Yumalu. When she was a child, she was injected with the most special genes newly developed by the family in adulthood. Qianda can be said to be concentrated Too much potential and one body. Entering the island is together with the strongest man in the world, and he was taught some ways of fighting.

Both Qianda and Chen Tian’s tenth street are thrown out of her combat ability, physical fitness and potential. Even Chen Tian’s special physique is slightly inferior to that of Qianda’s physique, although it is the same as Ms. Zhao’s enhanced genetic physique. However, Chen Tian did not develop the powerful strength of Ms. Zhao, and Qian Da’s genes are not inferior to Chen Tian. Although they are genes of different forms of fighting, they also have the potential to release unlimited possibilities with the capabilities of users. Fighting gene types. Therefore, these people can kill them even if they force their eyes before Qian Da kills her. Of course, Qian Da’s strength is strong, but the only drawback is that she has not awakened into the micro realm. If she can awaken Her strength can reach the title of the five ancient gods of war that the four major families proscribed. Even though Ling Zifeng is now named one of the five ancient gods of war, his fighting power is not at the level of the **** of war. He can kill one of the five ancient gods of war. It is not true strength that he relies on. Although using poison is also a part of his strength, he did not win gloriously and did not single-handedly kill him.

Although Ling Zifeng has awakened into the micro realm for a long time, and even surpassed Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan a lot, but if he really fights with Qian Da, Ling Zi Feng can't beat Qian Da at all, but although Qian Da has high potential, he can't awaken into the micro realm by himself. It is also her only regret at the moment. Although she has long known that being a master will definitely enter the micro realm, she has not been awakened slowly and she has little hope for it, although Qian Da cannot use the micro realm. Almost called the ability of universal induction, but it did not affect the amazing fighting power of Qian Da at all.

So these people around are simply not enough for her to kill, and Qian Da's murderous approach is very cruel and overbearing. It belongs to the kind of violent hacking that cuts people like vegetables and makes the dead dead without the whole body, except for Qian Da's cruel way. In addition, Han Li was not idle while Qian Da was attacking others, and she had been killing people, and Han Li’s fighting style was very casual, and killing these people had no pressure on her, even she did not use Wan. The ability to rob, after all, Han Li's ability to rob is different from others, and others need to consume a lot of physical strength and even use it is very inconvenient.

But Han Li has been able to use her own state of celestial catastrophe, and her gecko's power allows her to walk upright on any treed object without landing, and her tail can also attack at will. Very powerful, but against these people Han Li doesn't need to do this at all. Her body movements are faster than these people's. The attack of these people is like a slow motion in Han Li's eyes. How can she hurt her, and her attack is very fatal.

Therefore, Han Li only needed to take out a dagger, and when they cut out the knife and flashed and got close to the other side, they would instantly kill the other side, so don’t look at their large number. In Qian Da and Han Li’s eyes How many people come to kill.

So in less than a minute, nearly a hundred people on the periphery were all solved by Qian Da and Han Li. Qian Da had settled these people and decided to look into this relatively luxurious two-storey building in this area. Going away, Qian Da also signaled Han Li to block those people's retreat in the other direction. Han Li was an old river and lake, and although IQ could not be compared with the top IQs of Ye Minyu and Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters, it was definitely very The clever kind, when he was in the underground city of the y district, he was the one who turned Chen Tiansuan.

And without any IQ, it is impossible to stand firm within the four major families. In addition to having no paper job or other special occupations, you must have a very capable skill. Of course, you must have a certain degree in addition to light energy. Learning and wisdom, and Han Li was the secretary of the middle-level cadres of the four big families at that time, how can you stand without intelligence and strength?

So some necessary tacit understanding can be understood even by ordinary people, not to mention Han Li, a woman with a sperm type, so she immediately understood that Miss Qianda meant to let me seal them from this wall by her own ability She then wiped them all out in tandem with a frontal attack.

So Han Li made an ok gesture to Qianda and then jumped backwards by the elasticity of the branch, directly bouncing her body and walking upright on the floor directly up and down with her ability.

While Qianda held a long knife and kicked directly from the front door, she walked in. After kicking, she waved her knife and cut her body horizontally. The two people in front were directly cut into two by her cruelty from the waist. Very fierce and fast, even if normal people are cut in half, they will not die directly, let alone strengthened people, so these two people have not died directly after being cut in half, but Qian Da does not care. The two of them walked directly inside, because it was cut to this extent that basically it was only a matter of time before they died.

Due to the fighting and fighting outside, these people in the house have also heard. Now the house belongs to the state of alert, and the people who can be in the house are all cadres who are stronger than the outside or those who are quite good at the thug level. However, it is a pity that no matter whether these people are thugs or cadres, the strength comparison with Qianda is too far away. There is no resistance at all in front of her. Basically killing them is no different from killing these people outside, so No one can stop Qian Da's pace. Except for the woman inside she doesn't kill, basically all men have been killed, whether they are real members or slaves who have been arrested. The slash of the knife in Qianda's hand.

Until Qian Da walked to the last door house, there were six people in this house, one of them was **** and was not wearing any clothes, and the long-haired man sitting on the sofa was obviously the big dog here. Daz, and the other four are his left and right hands and two cadre members.

I saw the dog Daz saw Qian Da very calmly raised the tea cup and said: "You are a very powerful woman, even killing so many brothers in five minutes, I think you are tired of living." He directly Toss in the hand, the distance and the accuracy of his throwing are definitely the head of Qian Da, but Qian Da did not avoid the light and shattered the cup in front of her gas field. At the same time, the dog was removed in this room. Four people outside Daz attacked Qianda at the same time.

And the direction of the attack is still different, but it is a pity that Qian Da turned around and cut the two at the same time, and turned around and kicked the other person directly into the wall, and by the strength of this foot, he turned his hands in the air. Hold the knife back, and cut the person's body instantly.

With the two halves of this person's body, blood splattered out while intestines and internal organs were scattered at the same time, this scene also completely scared the dog Daz's expression tight, and at the same time, Qian Da did not choose to kill the dog Daz first, but instead A knife cut off the *** hanging in the house. Then the woman was loosely tied, and at the same time the dog Daz also broke through the window while trying to save people and wanted to escape.

Unexpectedly, Han Li, who was standing on the straight wall outside the window, had been waiting for him for a long time. As soon as the dog Daz broke out of the window, a big tail behind Han Li directly penetrated his body and died directly in the hands of Han Li. After Qianda untied the rope tied to this woman, the woman who was untied suddenly stretched out a knife in her palm and stabbed directly into Qianda's chest, accompanied by her strange smile, even more Stabbed in with a forceful knife until pierced Qian Da's body directly, and blood also flowed from the tip of Qian Da's body.

This scene was also beyond the expectation of Han Li outside the window. Han Li entered the window directly. Seeing this scene was also stunned. She was considering whether to shoot this woman directly at this time.

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