Killing God Island

Chapter 798: Chen Tian Pian. The Incident 1

Chen Tian's group and the four alliance teams also occupied two sites and stood by for more than a week. Since they stayed longer than before, Chen Tian had asked Ye Minyu what our next goal would be?

Ye Minyu said to Chen Tian that the next goal was Newton Kress. The reason why Chen Tian solicited Ye Minyu’s opinions and opinions on everything was because her mind was quite clever, but this did not mean that Chen Tian was stupid, Chen Tian They are also people with their own ideas, and sometimes they are also very alert, or they will create anti-kill miracles many times when they will not fight with others.

When Chen Tian heard that Ye Minyu said that the next target was Newton Kreis, his whole expression changed instantly, and he immediately asked, "Why should we fight for Newton, which is located behind several sites. Cres?"

Ye Minyu directly explained: "From the current situation, since the whole situation has become very turbulent from our beginning, many people with mysterious friendship are now cooperating, so we have to avoid their sharp edges and choose some that have not yet gathered. Organize together, and gradually clear the heaviest bones."

After listening, Chen Tian still puzzled and said, "I can understand your explanation, and it makes sense, but the 13 bosses who are not allied are not Newton Kreis alone, and they are closest to us. There are three organizations that are currently independent, and not only are they closer to us, but also far more powerful than Newton Kreis in terms of strength and scale, right?"

Chen Tian’s doubts are actually correct, so he was very puzzled by Ye Minyu’s approach, so he only questioned his confusions and doubts more carefully and more carefully.

"Don't you suspect that I have other intentions?" Ye Minyu squinted Chen Tian and asked, Chen Tian immediately shook his head and replied: "That's too far, I just want to know what you think, even if I agree with you alone I am afraid that others will have doubts in their hearts. It is not that our forces can completely control everything here. Since they want to use their power, they must be convinced to do things for us?"

"Oh! What you said is quite tactful. When did you become brain-speaking? When you originally planned to bring everyone together when you explained the reason, since you want to know why first, then I'll tell you well, it seems that you haven't been idle these days, and you have figured out the surrounding sphere of influence. The three surrounding sites are all independent and have not joined hands with the rest, but they are not The main reason for the organization to join forces is that they are not qualified to join forces, because a truly powerful organization is based on the strength of its elite to prove whether it is strong, rather than on the strength of people to prove its strength. Now ten Five of the three site bosses have died, that is to say, there are still eight bosses, of which 13 of the 13 bosses are recognized as the strongest Steve Lanji, and he has now eliminated the three surrounding sites, There is even one more place than us, so this guy will stay at the end.

The other seven are Kayin, Alsace, Jefferies, Qi Bilang, Newton Kress, Jack Bi Kevin, Ola Douzt. "

After listening, Chen Tian nodded and said, "Yes! Except for the strongest one, the remaining seven bosses are indeed these seven, so why do you have to choose Newton Kreis to start with these seven?

Ye Minyu continued: "Of course there is a reason to choose him, because Kayin, Alsace, Jefferies, Qi Bilang, Newton Kress, Jack Bi Kevin, Ola Douzt seven Among them, Kayin, Alsace, and Jefferies have formed an alliance, and these three are not weak, and their strength in the alliance may be much stronger than the strongest Steve Lan. , So now we will definitely be defeated in battle with it, and the other four bosses who have not yet formed an alliance, although Qi Bilang's sphere of influence is not weak, but it is impossible to join forces with the three bosses of the siege alliance, so we do not have to Worried that he will join forces with three other organizations. As for Jack Bi Kevin and Ola Douzt, the strength of the two is simply not qualified to form an alliance with the other three groups of real powerhouses, so for these two There are empty titles that only rely on the small number of people, and the number of people will not cause us much obstacles and threats. On the contrary, it is the last person Newton. Cress is most likely to be drawn by the other three strong organizations. The boss, regardless of his own strength or his organizational strength, is in line with those three organizations.

So we have to take Newton Kreis’s place before he joins the league of the other three bosses, and then let the women’s team and Begge split together to solve Jack Bi Kevin and Ola. . The two bigwigs are enough, but in the face of the current forces facing Newton. Cress, we must gather together to attack them at the fastest speed and unexpectedly defeat them to form a three in a short time. One of the great forces. "

After hearing this, Chen Tian nodded and said, "It turns out that this is the case, so when will we implement this plan."

Ye Minyu said with a serious expression: "Three days later!"

Chen Tian asked again with a surprised look: "Why three days later? Don't you say the time is tight?"

"It’s true that the time is tight, but the problem is that if you want to bypass the two boundaries and directly attack Newton. Cres’s site, it is absolutely impossible, so we need to make it possible within three days. ." "What's the matter, can't you just finish everything in one go?" Chen Tian asked with some helplessness, Ye Minyu hit the universal watch on his left wrist , The map suddenly shined on the ground in the form of imaging projection. Chen Tian was originally not very likely to see the general picture. He can see the details of some small maps around, but the specific details and the overall map distribution are not very flat. Okay, so sometimes it is really not very understandable. "

Ye Minyu looked at Chen Tian with big eyes and squinted at her, Ye Minyu sighed helplessly and pointed to the necessary road in front of the Newton. Cress site, there was something that looked like a triangle type just seemed to be blocked At the entrance, this place is actually the restricted area of ​​the t zone. This restricted zone of the t zone brings together a group of people of different types from everyone.

In this place called the restricted area, the people gathered are all ordinary people, because of the particularity of the island and the island created for the experiment of the **** creation program, there will still be ordinary people, and these ordinary people People are actually some of the cannon fodder that the four big families put in for fun in large underground casinos, and in order to protect these ordinary people, they have created a special place where they can completely rest, and they are equipped with various weapons and countermeasures. This is a group of ordinary people who completely opposes anti-reinforcement.

The four big families are also because a group of ordinary people will be airborne every month to let them experience survival and let the fortified people hunt and catch the master as a slave and multiply, etc. Although this approach seems cruel, but It really makes those rich people happy. After all, they are accustomed to seeing these fortified people keep fighting and killing. It is even more exciting to see ordinary humans survive in this killing world.

So this kind of place also exists in ordinary high-level areas, but the nature of each area is different, and Ye Minyu’s inner hint is to let Chen Tian bring Xu Shan, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, and Angelina to kill them. Complete this matter within three days, and then three days later, Ye Minyu will personally lead the rest of the team and the four major league teams to come to the merger to start the attack on Newton Kreis’ territory.

Of course, Min Yu also left Ling Zifeng, one of the three major combat powers, just because Chen Tian and others left, in case they fought in person or if some of the four alliance teams were not kind to themselves, Ling Zifeng would greatly reduce this. After such a dangerous event happened, Chen Tian asked Ye Minyu's whole plan again, "When will we start?"

"The sooner the better, it’s better to let everyone prepare for each other now. After lunch, you should start. You can arrive before dark by your journey, and then you will decide for yourself at the specific time and when.

Chen Tian nodded and said, "Got it, before leaving, I want to ask you again, are you doing everything for the team with integrity?"

Ye Minyu froze for a moment, and then replied: "Of course!" Although it was only two words, it had made Chen Tian feel comfortable and turned away.

Of course, Chen Tian will never know that some things seem to have their own fixed number. This may be the so-called fate. Another member of the Chen Tian team, Lin Xue, was the same as the 13th Taibao before. The geniuses of Huang Mao's fighting group gathered hands and girls. The girls who escaped because of the appearance of Chen Tian and others lived in the restricted zone. Everyone here is an ordinary person. Their physical qualities are even the best here. Ordinary reinforcements are not as good.

Even so, it was not destroyed by the reinforcements in this place. In addition to the unity of these people, there are many strange weapons and equipment here. Some equipments are even the killers of the reinforcements. It is because many of them can be easily relaxed. Kill the equipment that strengthens people, so this small place of the triangle type will be called a restricted area.

Everyone on this killing island, apart from hitting the **** person, all free numbers are also free to meet their reasons. Chen Tian’s task is to lead, Xu Shun, Wu Yifan, Yao Jun, Angelina, plus himself Five people came here to try to destroy a fully armed team of hundreds of people. Although they are ordinary people, and Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Angelina are also super ruthless characters in the reinforcements, but these people have There are all weapons and equipment specifically to deal with strengthening people.

So as long as the strokes are not dead, they will take this place as a safe place. Any ordinary person who airborne, as long as they find this place, basically they can continue to survive even if they pass the barrier, but that refers to some very small amateurs before. Group organizations are strengthened, but really large organizations are disdainful to fight against each other. So for so many years, it belongs to the situation that well water does not commit river water, and big things do not fight together.

In addition, there are many high-tech weapons and some drugs that specifically restrain the reinforcements, so they don’t pay attention to the reinforcements that are not very large in number, and sometimes they will take these single reinforcements for combat training. of.

The young girl Lin Xue who was very accurate in shooting before, don’t look at his young age but it is regarded as a veteran here, because many people before him are already dead, she is one of the few in many dangerous situations The exception that could survive is that the girl Lin Xue is lucky, so these ordinary people died after batch after batch and she was still okay, so she also became a cadre from a different member, and also from the original one. A weak girl turned into a cold-blooded murderous man who was now slim and murderous.

But she is really amazing for all kinds of firearms and shooting. The ordinary people in the restricted area are completely different from the people who are selected for the god-making plan. Chen Tian’s type of strengthened person and even the island is only a strengthened person. Basically, more than 90% are all kinds of felony off the island.

And these ordinary people's unreinforced cannon fodder, there are more reasons to enter this island, but more than 90% of them are not criminals or criminals. They enter the killing island, and they will have many here. The reason, but basically it's nothing glorious, but because of this, these people are absolutely more unscrupulous for survival, and even have no bottom line than these fortified people, they are a group of really crazy people, although they are ordinary people There is no half-point reinforcement, but their inner black belly is far darker than the reinforcement people, and the training of these people is not a single training mode, more is to coordinate the combat mode and various cooperation.

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