Killing God Island

Chapter 792: Brothers and sisters. Kill everyone present 2

His fist hit Zhuo Wenxin as if it hadn't, and the knife in Zhuo Wenxin's hand cut his neck directly. At the same time blood spurted, Zhuo Wenxin moved back one step and then flashed across the whole person instantly Disappeared, when she appeared again, the other escaped person thought that he could really escape. This guy's lucky psychology came from Zhuo Wenxin chasing someone in the other direction, even if his running speed was fast, but Zhuo Wen Xin's speed is still easy to fold back to catch up with him.

At the moment when this kid was ready to jump again and successfully escape from this green jungle, seeing the hope, he only felt a breeze blowing behind him, followed by the neck collar behind him was grabbed by Zhuo Wenxin, and with great effort Directly pulling the running person directly backwards, directly followed by Zhuo Wenxin who was also a flying knife thrown in the air by turning around and kicking with his feet. This man was in the middle of the neck with Zhuo Wenxin's dagger, which was directly pierced His neck pinned his body to a big tree.

At this time, Zhuo Wenxin had already killed all the people who wanted to escape through four different directions, and the people who were desperately fighting the people who wanted to kill a **** road were handled by Zhuo Wenxin's brother. Zhuo Yanxuan opened the ghost mode It is even more powerful. Even if he does not use this ghost mode, his muscular muscles have the same ability to fight against Chen Tian. He originally liked Zhuo Yanxuan, who is fighting hard with people. It's similar, so in the real bombing of the two, Khan Buweis rushed forward, and both of them are pure tough guys like Chen Tian.

They are all fighting modes that use fists to kill each other. Because Zhuo Yanxuan's personality is still a ghost king, his current fighting method is exactly the same as that of ghost king, and it is a fighting mode with ghost mode turned on. The only difference between Zhuo Yanxuan and ghost king is that, Zhuo Yanxuan did not learn professional martial arts specifically through humans, but bought a variety of martial arts and video teaching by his clever perception, and evolved into a very comprehensive frontal fighting through real-life fighting, and the fighting method of the ghost king It is practiced through formal channels.

The Ghost King and his brother Staru Rudi were originally majors in tourism. During a trip, the two brothers’ travel team was hijacked by a group of unknown terrorist militants, and the most regrettable thing is that this team of more than 30 people, except this pair The travel team outside the brothers were all killed by these people. The reason why the two brothers survived was because they joined the organization.

And the two brothers are also very witty. When they joined them, they let them shoot a few people to prove their determination. Of course, this is a good figure for the brothers, and they usually have fitness. So no matter their body shape and cruelty, these people are satisfied. So they joined this organization, but this organization is not a large terrorist organization, but some small militants. It is far from the real organization. It was later defeated by a fierce battle. The members were seriously injured and the brothers were ambushed. .

But the brothers’ two lives were very hard. The captured brothers survived in their own way. This organization is very much the largest armed field privately owned unit in Pakistan, specializing in some unconventional battles and dealing with some governments and It is not a special operation team fighting everywhere, but it is not a regular army.

His chief has friendship with many privately armed militants. Most of his members are first-class masters. The captured brothers and ghosts can survive because they are so cool and learn everything quickly. In the life of armed organizations, although the fighting is not very strong, the marksmanship is very accurate. Both the character and the temper are very consistent with the commander’s appetite, and the ghost king and his brother survived not because of his human nature.

His selfish and cunning character and appearance, let the commander in chief here directly give it to him after seeing it. He has been accustomed to all kinds of people for so many years, he is really used to this type of people, so he ordered to take She was held in a dungeon.

But the brothers have their own lives. The condition for the ghost king to join and train him is to let him fight with six soldiers with one person. If he can insist on not being beaten down for twenty minutes, he will be qualified. In fact, the chief here I intentionally wanted to stay with him and wanted to see his patience and resistance to attack, so I ordered the six soldiers to fight hard before the battle, but not to hurt his muscles and life. Otherwise, the fighting power of these six soldiers to defeat the ghost king is not a problem at all, but what the chief wants to see is not to knock him down, but to see if his ability to fight and endure is qualified.

As a result, the ghost king is really a tough guy. Although he was beaten badly, he insisted on it, and he was appreciated by the commander-in-chief and the highest chief here. Although the captured prisoners belonged to armed terrorists , But did not report that he was admitted into the private army by another identity.

He also assigned many instructors with great experience and experience to carry out various combat trainings on him. Therefore, the combat training that the Ghost King has undergone is very formal, and his brother survived not through his brother’s relationship, but through After the method of self-help survived, after Starudi was imprisoned in prison, he had a fierce battle with nine other men in the prison. He had been a terrorist on the terrorist side for the past six months. It is not a good person in itself, so the relationship with the bad guys is very good, and at this point his brother is obviously not as good as him, because the character of Starludi's brother Ghost King is ruthless and simply disdain to follow these people.

But his brother is different. He likes to do anything bad and is quickly appreciated. His brother’s strength is also trained by this group of people, so he was imprisoned here to fight against these nine people. They killed all of them, and these nine people were also soldiers and their combat power is far above that of ordinary soldiers. If these nine people were not full because of the lack of food every day and their bodies were particularly tired, it is impossible for nine people to even have one person. Can't beat it.

As for why these nine people are so tired? That’s because the head here loves women very much, so a lot of women’s original matches are neglected by him, so the original match secretly bought the guards here with money and identity. They often come over at night to date these nine men. A big fight, but when I came here, I found that all nine men were dead.

After being surprised, she also discovered the advantages of Staru Rudi, that is, not only his appearance of muscles but also his handsome appearance, he is more suitable for himself than nine men whose bodies have been hollowed out, so this The lady asked Starudi straightforwardly: "Are you new here? Did you kill these nine people? Don't you know that these nine people are all my pets?"

Staru Rudi was originally thinking about how to escape from this place. She was suffering when there was no chance. The woman appeared and opened the door. So Staru Rudi suddenly had evil thoughts in her mind and wanted to hold this woman. When the hostages left here, the woman could easily come here, and here are all male barracks, which means that the status of the woman here is absolutely extraordinary. Thinking of Staludy here not only did not answer the woman’s question, but directly Standing up and running straight to this woman is a punch that wants to stun her first, and then flee here with her, and she is taken hostage, but what Starrudy didn’t want to fight is that he is even a big man. Can be killed.

Even the woman in front of her slammed her hand and held it in the palm of her hand. Then she narrowed her eyes and raised her lips and asked again, "Did you not hear what I asked you?" She finished the sentence. Starudi immediately squeezed hard with his palm and shouted: "It hurts so painful! Please let go!"

This woman is the original match of the highest chief here. She used to be a very powerful female soldier. The elite of the special forces team was proficient in all kinds of combat. She did not dare to come here alone and fool with these men, so she pinched Starudi's hand said: "You killed my male pet, then you can only be my male pet, insist on more than 45 minutes, I will let you leave here, if not even 20 minutes, I Let this cell become ten corpses, so your life and death are now under my control. Whether you have freedom or not depends on whether your kid has the skill." She finished licking her fingers, and at this time she It was already scared that Starady didn't dare to move, and after letting her catch it like this, she nodded with satisfaction and said, "The size is qualified, then it depends on your skill."

In this way, Starudi also survived through his own tactics, where he and his brother were divided into two different action teams, and then in a mission due to political governance and party. The secret was held in a very closed prison. Later, it was discovered that the four big family cadres were trained in the country to have potential and powerful dangers. They were finally included in the list of people in the god-making plan.

So it became a fortified person who was airborne to the island by plane. Since then, the two brothers have been working differently from the z zone to the t zone, and created today’s achievements in the t zone, but it is clearly the two brothers. Credit, but in the end, the ghost king was swept away by his brother in the name of sending him to the rear defensive fortress. At the same time, he also lost the ghost king's wife and wife and many special combat powers, and some were powerful and attracted by the charm of the ghost king's personality. The members of the group also left because of the departure of the ghost king and slowly becoming unsuitable for Starrudi’s work, and eventually a large part of them joined Steve Ranji’s.

So Starudi’s nature has not changed for so many years, and he always considers himself before doing anything, so after learning that his brother’s soul is in Zhuo Yanxuan’s body, there is no more care but let him take care of himself immediately. He made a break, and he chose to escape without looking back.

Although the ghost king really can't beat Zhuo Yanxuan, but its strength can definitely be indistinguishable from the normal Zhuo Yanxuan, so killing these people is as easy as it is, not to mention that he has turned on the ghost mode, which belongs to his own body. It's a waste of strength to turn on the ghost mode. It is very physical, so the ghost king rarely uses this trick. Now the main reason is that the ghost king wants to solve the people in front of him at the fastest speed. Another reason is that the ghost king wants to consume Zhuo Yanxuan. Physical strength, he wants to use this to let Zhuo Yanxuan consume half of his physical strength, when the ghost king can better control this body, otherwise he can’t suppress Zhuo Yanxuan’s soul for a long time. In just three minutes, he has begun to suppress Live in Zhuo Yanxuan.

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