Killing God Island

Chapter 785: Brothers and sisters. Waste off

The leader of this uncle is one of the four elite teams of Stardarudi. The strength of the leader is definitely much higher than that of these middle-level cadres, but the death is extremely miserable, making Ellens who saw this scene directly want to rush to kill The few murderers, on the strength of Elin and Uncle, are the leaders of the four elite teams. Their strength is definitely not worse than that of Uncle, but because she is a woman, she is definitely much different from men in physical strength, and she is mainly herself. The actual combat strength is very strong, and the degree of genetic evolution is actually not very high, which means that his genetic endurance is not as strong as the strengthened people of his level.

Although she is the same as Uncle Ying, she is indeed similar in fighting, but if the fighting method is a protracted battle or the use of strength to determine the moves, the strength and weakness will immediately arise, so she is good at fighting each other instantly with various combats in close combat Spike, she hasn't died for so long, it's not because of her fighting skills.

It’s because she is a woman, and she grows very well. If it weren’t for her, she wouldn’t be able to live to this day. After all, beautiful women are very sought-after both on and outside the island, and the situation in her mind It’s absolutely impossible to run away after being surrounded, so they want to consume the woman’s physical strength and then capture it alive.

That's why Ellens lived unharmed, and she was not very far away from Uncle, and then she saw the scene of Uncle’s tragic death, which immediately made her very angry, because she was always taken care of by Uncle. For her as a father-daughter, if I had an uncle at first, I am afraid that there would not be Ellens today. The people who stayed willingly this time stayed this time. In fact, Elins did not want to stay and did not want to stay. Uncle stayed and wanted to save him in the past, but he was surrounded and unable to leave, so he could only resist tenaciously, but although there is still a possibility of surrender, he thought that Uncle would not die with him. Is likely to be captured, but members of this organization are generally very strong.

And the number of the uncle died so miserably that she could not accept it for a moment. She jumped out of the encircling circle here and wanted to kill the few people who had just started, but Steve. Ranji jumped on the way. The second-hand Stanson shot suddenly and kicked the woman out of the air with one foot. Her body fell directly on the knife of the next person due to the rapid drop in strength.

Although the back of the body was penetrated by the knife at the chest, but Elynth’s physical quality did not die directly, although Elynth’s body gene development was not as perfect as the evolution of the same level of strengthening people, that is, she was actually very capable of repairing Weak, this kind of serious injury that penetrates the body is also repairable for her, but it needs to be repaired for a long time.

The blood flowed out of her body at the same time, she also directly hit the face of the person behind with her elbow joint, and at the same time turned around and kicked the person behind the person's chest, kicked the person directly, because Elin fell on The place where people are piled up, so even if he gets away, he is still surrounded by death.

She still didn't pull out the knife that pierced her chest. After looking at the people who were approaching her at the same time, she pulled out the knife inserted in her chest, and began to fight with her life as a weapon.

The blood from the front and back of Elin’s chest where the knife was pulled out was very serious, but she still actively attacked these people again, and these people originally wanted to play with her after alive, but these people also Everyone in the organization is a cadre-level person, and it can be seen that a person is seriously injured and slightly injured, although it is very tenacious to strengthen people's vitality.

But these people can also see that the woman should have been saved. Although the position just stabbed is not a fatal part, the position that penetrates the chest is generally fatal. Although she is stronger than the average person, it is obviously healing At the root of ability, if this bleeding volume does not stop bleeding, still such a large-scale battle, no doubt will die within five minutes.

And these people also see that this is due to Stanson’s just shot, and it seems that they don’t want to keep this woman, so these people surrounded Ellens this time, indicating that she is struggling and cannot escape the fate of death. .

As her **** assassination passed, these people also surrounded her. Although the knife was fast, it allowed the attackers to directly prevent it. At the same time, she left and right and left the knife at the same time. He was like the uncle just now. The same ending, at this time, the knife that was pierced into the body has not yet been pulled out. These people originally thought it was over, but they did not expect that this woman would be in heaven. The state of heaven was turned on at the moment of life. This Not only did they shock the people around them, but even Stanson and Steve Ranji watching them were shocked.

Because this kind of physical genetic evolution is not strong, how can it be awakened to the state of Heavenly Tribulation. In fact, this is not the true state of Heavenly Tribulation. This is just that after she became a strengthened person, her genetic mutation has changed. The state of hijacking is very similar, but to subdivide these people is not a complete state of heavenly catastrophe, but a similar evolutionary gene hiding and strengthening the personality of the owner is completely separated. Usually this gene belongs to the sleeping factor, that is, it looks like Like ordinary people who fail to strengthen, even more than three times the strength and speed of ordinary people will not be reflected, but it is not a failure to strengthen, but a special type of strengthened person whose genes are separated from the body and hidden. Reinforced people may know that this kind of self-gene cells cannot be awakened after being killed, and some people will activate or completely wake up under special circumstances. And just at the moment when Ellens was about to die, she hated anger and unwillingness and other emotional influences, completely activated the hidden genes in her body, and strengthened herself beyond human genes. The gene is infinitely amplified. In fact, this is the way to strengthen people's opening of the Heavenly Tribulation, but they are controlled by their own main consciousness, and she is a momentary change in which the main consciousness is affected by various emotional factors such as anger and unwilling hatred.

This state of Elin's is similar to a seemingly large one, with a unicorn in front, the whole body black has a certain gloss oval shape, but the creature's eyes cannot be seen, from The position of the unicorn can distinguish the front and rear of this creature, and the tentacles below the unicorn should be the mouth of the creature. At the moment when Ellens changed from the human body as a whole, the body became larger and directly flew away. All kinds of sharp weapons on her original body were pierced around, and at the same time, the wounds that were pierced also sprayed a lot of green. Liquid. The abnormality that appeared in the hollows that had not been completely repaired at the beginning was obvious. , Just like the water sprayed out by the water dragon with the same pressure as the outside.

More than a dozen people around him who haven't evaded him at all. This green liquid is all super-corrosive liquid. As long as a drop is dropped, the green power is very strong. The green. The liquid will not drop down with the moment of dropping. The stop is deep, and the penetration is very fast. Others say that the body of flesh and blood, even if the metal armor worn by the person will start to penetrate through the smoke, showing how powerful it is to look down.

At that time, the bodies of more than a dozen people closest to him were all sprayed into this liquid in large quantities. This huge corrosiveness immediately began to corrode and decompose these people’s bodies. As if the eyes were turned, I saw that my body's bones and internal organs slowly corroded and could not be repaired again.

Some people who could repair their wounds and all kinds of wounds with their own genes can't repair this super-corrosive thing, which immediately made everyone who surrounded the giant black beetle jump back a few steps. Pulling away from it, after all, the scene just made everyone have to pay attention to it. After all, this kind of eye-catching sees the corrosion of living people into a bone, and even the bones are not left, only to see the attack of a pool of blood on the ground It really makes these people dare not easily approach.

Steve Lanji saw that so many people were so scared to be scared by a beetle that turned on the Heavenly Tribulation. He yelled at these ordinary cadre members: "Waste, even a woman can't figure out what to do. Mix with me?"

After hearing these words, these people seemed to give them a stimulant again, so that these people attacked the beetle here. The beetle's green fluid. The body was just her blood, now repaired After that, there was no such attack, but her true attack ability is not only through corrosive liquid.

His real attacking method was the foot above her head and the very hard black armor. Although Ellens was attacked by more than thirty people at the same time, these people had nowhere to start against her at this time, because no matter what From that angle, I set her position to attack her. The rigidity of her black shell was indeed a bit ridiculous.

Even a hardness elastic shell that can't be hacked by an axe is a kind of property that not only has hardness but also has a certain rebound ability. A knife or an axe cuts her, and how hard you use it will be bounced back to yourself, causing its arm or shock. He was injured internally, because his shell had a certain elasticity, and besides being unable to cut, the destructive power of this horn on her head was also quite amazing.

Going down this corner directly put more than a dozen people directly in the air, which is dozens of times greater than the power of the sledgehammer to hit the chest, and although the left and right swings of her corner can be avoided by some people, but No one dared to block it frontally. It seems that this thing should be very strong. From the head, it can be seen that it is definitely very powerful. After all, this corner is very thick, and there are more than one sharp points in the front, so the frontal attack is still Very dangerous, because of the special nature of Ellens in this state, Steve Lanji's men immediately fell into chaos.

This is a huge thing that can't be defended and can't hold the huge thing in front of you. At this time, Steve Lanji has a hundred-member general, that is, senior cadres are ordered to deal with the big beetle in front of him, but Steve Lan Ji directly dismissed it, because he felt that this thing had seriously imaged his plan, and it was precisely because of the blocking of this thing that Staru Rudi had successfully escaped from here. If these people are in ink with this thing, it is likely Will affect the next plan.

So Steve Ranji stood up and said, "I'll take care of this guy! Let the team he pursues bring a few strong men, and the rest will be enough to have a handful of soldiers, and the rest will handle it. These corpses must be restored to the same as before before the brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin return."

Standing next to Steve Ranji, Stanson nodded and said, "Okay, my subordinates know how to do it."

Steve Lanji nodded and walked vertically towards the giant beetle in front of him, and while holding his fingers while shutting down, he made a clicking sound of varying degrees, and his expression looked like a smile instead of a smile. Walked over.

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