Killing God Island

Chapter 773: Brothers and sisters. Trap 1

"I work with Staru Rudi, even if you are all evened out, I think my sister and I will be bruised all over the eighth floor, but if we cooperate, it will be easy to wipe out Staru Rudi, because The current Staru Rudi site is completely out of date and right, because Staru Rudi has been surrounded by the front and back, to be precise, if the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family joined the Steve Lanji gang, Star Rudy wanted to make a head-on breakthrough that was almost impossible, and would only be forced to return the same way, and when they found that even their own base could not give them complete security, they surrounded him together and would The solution, so that you can have four sites at a time for recruiting and conquering your troops in the future. Since the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's are not very inquiries about rights, as long as they are really as expected, this series of plans will be fully connected. .

So these columns are as magical as the chain reaction, and to make these magical things you see into reality requires more effort to do it, so no matter how I think, you will not want to be with us Brothers and sisters are enemies? "

"With our cooperation with you, you will definitely reduce a lot of trouble, and you will get three sites in vain through our cooperation plan, plus me and my sister will also listen to your transfer and arrangement. This conclusion no matter from which From a point of view, you don’t lose, unless you choose to be an enemy of our brothers and sisters, so you will fall into the crisis of being attacked on both sides, and I think even if our brothers and sisters are worse, they will definitely hit you, so you listened to me After the plan, if we feel that we are still **** and want to kill our brothers and sisters, then we will just do it hard."

Steve Lanji nodded slightly after listening to Zhuo Yanxuan's general plan, "This plan is not bad, so how do you want me to cooperate with you in this plan?"

Zhuo Yanxuan motioned for Steve Ranji to catch up and talk slowly, but Steve Ranji was very arrogant, but this plan sounded really good, so Steve Ranji also wanted to continue listening His whole plan, because Steve Ranji thinks this kid's mind is very easy to use, some want to win him, but judging by Steve Ranji's years of experience in knowing people, this brother and sister definitely belong to that It is a purely interest-type cooperative relationship, and it is also an independent person. But if you really get the help of these two people, maybe it will be a big deal.

Of course, Steve Ranji just scared the two of them just with his momentum. Even if Zhuo Yanxuan didn’t look at the plan this time, he wouldn’t really start with these two people, at most, they let them Leaving, Steve Lanji is also the kind who not only has a strong combat strength but also a good mind, of course, knowing the consequences if they really fight with the two brothers and sisters, and since this pair of brothers and sisters did not bring any one to negotiate Cooperation matters, it represents their great sincerity.

Therefore, Steve Lanji naturally cannot really be an enemy of this person. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan has just said that it is obvious, as long as they cooperate with them, they will listen to their own needs when they arrive. Of course, Stee Ranji also wants those nine gems. Of course, after finding this gem, he also needs to find the correct intersection to really leave the t zone. Of course, Steve Ranji is not interested in unifying the t zone. He has been here for several years. Hegemony is also to accumulate his own power, so that he can quickly find a way to leave the T zone. If he does not find his side while creating his own power, it is easy to be killed without finding a way to leave.

After all, this is not a place of peace. Even if you are strong, you still belong to a group of wolves, and the weaker you are, the more real it is in a dangerous place, so Steve Lanji is in t Ou created his own sphere of influence, so when he heard that the sibling was very interested in the nine stones, he immediately wanted to work with them, but he wanted to know whether these two siblings were qualified to cooperate with me. Resolving the weaker forces by the two of them actually proved to be of little skill. At first, the two sites were not in fact. Steve Lanji had his own ideas, otherwise Zhuo Yanxuan and his brothers and sisters did not need to do it at all. The two forces have long disappeared.

At the time, Steve Ranji wanted to turn the two forces into their own message investigation area, so they let them stay here and did not circumvent them, because their strength and other site leaders There is no way to compare the manpower in all aspects, so they will often inquire about other forces and a lot of information around them. He Steve Lanji is to get more information within the two forces to find out how to leave The approach here.

In addition to listening to Zhuo Yanxuan's elaborate series of plans, the two of them even made a snap. Steve Lanji agreed to cooperate with Zhuo Yanxuan, and the two again formulated a very complete plan. After the two men finished their respective plans, their expressions at this time were very evil, and then a very somber smile.

When Zhuo Yanxuan's brothers and sisters returned to Bo Qiu's site again, they first summoned more than 150 men to convene a meeting. In fact, the intention was obviously brainwashing, because Zhuo Yanxuan tried to use his three inches to not be bad The house allows them to trust themselves completely, and only then can they become enemies with their former leader Starudi.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible. Zhuo Yanxuan must let them see the difference between mixing with him and Stalludi. Zhuo Yanxuan must be fully reflected in his boldness, so everything for everyone must be Satisfying them will make them feel more grounded on themselves. Zhuo Yanxuan has long thought of it. Besides Zhuo Yanxuan sent a lot of weapons and daggers to this group of people to improve their combat power, they also issued A lot of things that make them very excited are watches, big gold chains, various rings and all kinds of things that need to be expensive in the outside world. They can now say that they are brought with them, and they are all genuine. Let them be excited, but everyone present now, including Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters, are the same. Everyone is an experimental body on this island. Everyone is a desperate and belongs to a day to a day. Exist, so enjoyment in time is the mantra of this group.

While these people were still indulging in these famous watches and various precious ornaments, Zhuo Yanxuan said to everyone again: "I know everyone is very tall now, but what I want to let everyone know is that you follow me Zhuo Yanxuan, I will make you more happy and happy. In addition to these material lives, I will tell you two good news."

Many of the following people can't wait to ask: "Does Brother Zhuo have any better news?" Someone has been asking in excitement, it seems that he has now made up his mind to talk to Zhuo. Yanxuan was mixed.

Zhuo Yanxuan directly said to him: "I am also a man myself, and on this island full of killings, I know exactly what everyone needs in addition to these physical things, it is more likely to be a woman, so I I have carefully selected ten beautiful women with beautiful appearances for entertainment in other sites. You can come to my lottery every day, or if you have the most heroes to kill the enemy, I will directly call this woman. Of people gave it to this person."

As soon as these words came out, these empty men shouted loudly: "Boss Zhuo, we will definitely follow you forever in the future!" The following people shouted in unison, Zhuo Yanxuan originally wanted to say something else Brainwashing these people, I don’t know if these people are so easy to handle, I don’t need these games at all. At this time, my sister Zhuo Wenxin said in the ear of her brother: "Brother, the girls you choose are all big breasts. A girl who breeds cows?"

The sister’s words directly asked Zhuo Wenxin for a while, and I didn’t know how to answer them. I could only say it perfunctoryly: “This is not the type I like, I’m just a woman selected for them from the perspective of most men. , Your brother, I like medium size." After Zhuo Yanxuan said this, his sister suddenly smiled: "Medium size? Then what do you mean is my size?"

Zhuo Yanxuan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, this looks very cute, and it's not the same. Whether it is wearing clothes or the overall shape is the most perfect, too big or too small. For me, I think it will affect the overall proportion of women's figure. A figure like your sister is the most perfect."

After listening, Zhuo Wenxin rushed directly to his brother: "I can be the perfect figure in my brother's heart, I am very happy! That brother would not envy these people to be accompanied by women at night? Why not eat my lovely sister? !"

Zhuo Yanxuan sighed his head after listening and sighed: "Don't make trouble, you should wash your sleep!" Just after Zhuo Yanxuan said this, Zhuo Wenxin's eyes suddenly showed a want to kill Han Guang, the speech immediately became eerie: "Today, the man named Steve Lanji is really crazy, and no one dared to pretend to be like this in front of our brothers and sisters. If it wasn't for your brother, you stopped me, I really want to Kill him directly and let him close his stinky mouth forever."

Zhuo Yanxuan patted the top of his sister's head and said, "Okay, okay, don't worry about this little thing. He is still useful to us now. When he is useless, my brother will give you this breath." At this time, Zhuo Wenxin suddenly hugged his brother. Under the moonlight reflection, the shadow of the two brothers and sisters was very strange. The shadow of the two of them turned out to be a double shadow. In fact, this is because the ghost king and the ghost wife are still hidden in the pair of brothers and sisters. A soul, but these two people have been suppressed by the brothers and sisters of the main thinking, it is equivalent to being sealed in their own bodies.

On the second day, Zhuo Yanxuan used a universal watch on his left wrist to send Staru Rudi a copy of the information that had been successfully occupied here, not only killing the chief Boqiu here, but also surrendering prisoners of war and so on. Using red dots and coordinate forms to allow Stararudy to confirm the authenticity of the information and claim that it is fully ready to be on standby at any time.

After receiving the good news from Zhuo Yanxuan, Staru Rudi immediately ordered all the elites brought to rest today, waiting for the order of tomorrow, and called all the cadres in his own site to the lobby to hold an emergency meeting, although he I really want to go to war tomorrow, but many people suggest that the current situation does not have an absolute advantage, even if it is really as smooth as Zhuo Yanxuan said, but we are responsible for the main attack here, and the opponent is still the most powerful in the entire t zone. Yes, should we plan well in a few days of investigation and get started?

More than half of the people who made this point of view were originally very stunned, but this time he was somewhat stunned by the desire for power, and he also felt that this was a great opportunity given by God, and the rear There are younger brothers and Zhuo Yanxuan and his sister, three masters and hundreds of people, and he is also full of confidence in his own strength and men, because in the past few years he has trained and developed different ways to improve combat. It’s just that there hasn’t been any timing yet, and his actual use is actually for his own right ambitions, so this time he decided to take this opportunity to fight well.

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