Killing God Island

Chapter 771: Brothers and sisters. Changes in the overall situation in the rear 2

Zhuo Yanxuan just heard Zhuo Wenxin added this sentence: "Of course, after looking for something, I would bother you to dispose of these corpses together, and just throw them to the corner of the mountain. There is no need to bury these people, because there is no need to bury them. We will use this as our main base for the coming week. More precisely, you will stay here for at least a week."

"What about you?" A man named Hou Sanye took the lead in asking this sentence, and Zhuo Yanxuan also directly answered the question in his mind. You are stationed here first, and my sister and I have to deal with another. It's a big deal, and you must keep the door closed when my sister and I are away.

"En! Good!" Many people respected Zhuo Wenxin, after all, they had admitted that Zhuo Yanxuan was their new leader, so they also began to respect the leader's sister, and in addition to this, Zhuo Wenxin did The fox should not be underestimated, but what did she and Zhuo Yanxuan want to do? "

In fact, this pair of brothers and sisters is very far-sighted, and the plot to play at the same time is often unexpected. This pair of brothers and sisters is so bold that one person does not take it, and only two of them dare to go alone to meet the force closest to the site of Poqiu, and The leader of this strength is Steve Ranji, who is recognized as very powerful.

The brothers and sisters did not expect that things would go so smoothly. They thought that at least a few tricks with someone with no eyeballs before they could see some big men, so that they were recommended to Steve Lanji, but what the brothers and sisters did not expect was , Bold people are not only these two brothers and sisters, Steve Lanji's spirit is admirable.

When Steve Ranji learned that there was a pair of young couples who looked like a good match outside, Steve Ranji already guessed who he was, but he did not go out and knew the magic of the world. The person, in fact, said that the supernatural powers are also somewhat exaggerated, but his men are distributed in many places in the T area, so there is quite a lot of inquiries.

From the moment they asked to meet with Steve Ranji, Steve Ranji actually knew what their brothers and sisters did, including certain agreements reached with the ghost king ghost wife and even with the ghost king his brother, He knows all that he hasn't said, but he wants to know what tricks the pair of talented men and women have to brush in front of me.

So he really invited Zhuo's brothers and sisters to come in, and it was the empty surroundings and luxurious objects and decorations, which can be seen that Steve Lanji's personal taste is very high, and it may definitely belong to him outside the island. A very arrogant and wealthy person, but evaluating a person’s value is not based on his taste and money, so Steve Lanji said directly: “If you have anything, just say it directly. I don’t believe it. If you kill so many people for no reason, you will choose to come to me. I am not a man who likes to turn around, so what is your so-called brother and sister coming to me this time?"

After Steve Lanji invited the brothers and sisters, they let them sit opposite each other, and it was still an elegant room. The most important thing was that there was no one left by him, which showed that his spirit was absolutely extraordinary. After all, the strength of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, both brothers and sisters, are top powerhouses with instantaneous seconds ability. This is not impossible for Steve Lanji.

But he still dared to meet the two brothers and sisters alone, and it can be seen that in addition to having the courage to know others, they definitely have a certain strength to be able to sit face to face with the brothers and sisters without losing momentum. At this time, both sides look at each other, each Their faces all look serious but they are not unrestrained. Among them, Zhuo Yanxuan spread his legs and leaned on the chair and looked forward, while his sister Zhuo Wenxin slightly smiled as if the bird relied on his brother Beside, it seems that the siblings are similar to ordinary young couples at this time, and there is no danger of seeing anything. If they are not clear what these two have done, I am afraid they will definitely think that these siblings are naive. Wuxie's kind of strength is not strong, but a pair of young men and women with high face value.

The opposite Steve Lanji also leaned on the chair and tilted Erlang's leg and asked the sentence just now: "You two brothers and sisters, come to me what is the so-called when?"

Zhuo Yanxuan also directly replied: "I came to want to discuss cooperation with you, I wonder if you are willing to cooperate with my brother and sister!"

"Oh? Cooperation? Let's hear it!" Steve Lanji frowned. Zou Yan seemed to be very interested in asking this sentence, and Zhuo Yanxuan also directly said his plan: "My plan is, Join forces with you, the strongest of the 13 bosses who rule the middle of T District, let us each achieve what we deserve." "What you deserve? What do you want? Come out first and let me know, and will you know what I want?" Steve Lanji directly asked this sentence At the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan also said bluntly: "What we want is the nine gems needed to leave the t zone. This is what our brothers and sisters want, and what you want is nothing more than the power of the entire t zone. , So we can work together so that we can each achieve what we want to have."

"Oh! Do you think I am really interested in the power of this area?"

"So what are you interested in?" This sentence was Zhuo Wenxin's sudden interruption, only to see Steve Lanji said directly: "I am also very interested in those nine gems, I just did not find out the t zone Export, so do you think I will work with you?"

"Of course!" Zhuo Yanxuan said this very firmly, and Zhuo Wenxin snuggling beside him also said casually: "I have the same point of view as my brother, and you will definitely agree to cooperate with us."

"Oh? Your brothers and sisters are quite confident, do you think you two are very strong, and you want to overpower me?" Steve Lanji asked tentatively, but Zhuo Yan Xuan and Zhuo Wenxin didn't have any extra movement at all. It seemed that the two were sitting exactly the same as before. After a few seconds, Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly said: "Of course you will agree to cooperate with us because Smart people should know what it means to have a hundred benefits without harm."

"How do you say this?" Steve Lanji stood up from the spot with a smile, and raised his left hand to look at his watch and said: "I will give you five minutes to explain the real intention and the team with me. Specific matters, if you are satisfied with your brothers and sisters, you can either leave here. If you can’t convince me, I’m afraid your brothers and sisters will be treated as wolves this time.”

Steve Ranji said so plainly, and he didn’t see any intimidation at all, but he always said one thing, so if he was made to feel that he was wasting his time after listening to your plan, the consequences would really be like As he said, you don’t want to leave here alive. Although Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are very powerful, but at this time they are on other people’s sites, and there is a great possibility that there are some strengths that are indeed not weak. Master, because Zhuo Yanxuan relied on his initial entry into the micro realm, he felt that in addition to the presence of this super-high-energy aura in front of him, there are also several energy fluctuations that are different from ordinary people. This kind of energy body is far beyond There are many ordinary reinforcement people.

So Zhuo Yanxuan made a gesture of not acting rashly to his sister, and Zhuo Wenxin also nodded slightly to his brother, and Zhuo Yanxuan directly said to Dang Steve Lanji: "I want to rely on your ability, no Maybe you don’t know what our brothers and sisters have done under your eyelids, I think you may also open your eyes and close your eyes to see what we are doing? Then I open the skylight to speak brightly and tell our brothers and sisters Plan and intentions."

Zhuo Yanxuan said a little pause here and said, "I used to work with Ghost King and Ghost King's brother Staru Rudi to wipe out Krum's site closest to him in one fell swoop. His strength I think you should It is also clear that both him and his men are the weakest among the 13 regional bosses, so I and the Ghost King took him down within a day, and then I discussed with the Ghost King over you To attack Pochu’s suspicious site closer to you, and not only to take down all the sites of Poqiu’s suspense but also to kill the ghost king here, it’s a double-act, but my next goal is not you, but It is the brother of Star King Rudy.

He was deceived by me now to personally lead his elite troops to sit on Krum’s site, waiting for me and the ghost king to take down the site of Bo Qiu suspect, and then inside and outside to attack you to take off your territory. "

Steve Lanji smiled after hearing: "Hehe! This plan looks perfect, then why don't you follow the original plan, but instead killed the ghost king and came here to discuss the plan with me, you are like this I don’t think anyone dared to use you if you are a double-faced person?"

Zhuo Yanxuan responded directly to him: "That's not necessary, the first one who dared to use me is you."

"Why are you sure I will use you?" Steve Lanji asked this sentence with interest, and Zhuo Yanxuan's next answer made Steve Lanji default this.

"Because I appreciate your combat power, and you have too many comprehensive abilities to strengthen the ghost king's brother, and it will become more and more intense in the next battle. The collapse of various forces will inevitably lead to a large-scale large-scale war. , So cooperation with you will not only greatly enhance your chances of success, but also in my practice of letting the ghost king continue to detour to attack Boqiu suspect, I have chosen to cooperate with you, because I am at the base of the ghost king brother Costa Rudi There are a few generals in me, and some of the generals in Zhuo Yanxuan's mouth are Ben Xi and his three men. In fact, the three of them were intentionally left by Zhuo Yanxuan in order to stay in Staru Rudi After leaving the base, let Ben Xi and four others completely capture his main base.

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