Killing God Island

Chapter 77: Exclusive weapon

After the old man and the two cyborgs stabilized their bodies, the person who appeared between them was Chen Tian who was crimson all over the body...

The old man smiled at the state of Chen Tian: "Your kid is well evolved, but you are easily caught in the middle when you stand in the middle!" The old man opened the wine gourd and took a sip of wine, and then headed in front of Chen Tian again come over.

At the same time, the two cyborgs directly attacked Chen Tian without saying anything. For a time, Chen Tianzhen faced a direct attack from three people. Chen Tian’s body was directly hit by the two cyborgs behind him. At the same time, Chen Tian also caught the old man's frontal attack.

Chen Tian’s body is super capable of resisting attack. Even if he was directly hit on the back by the two behind him, Chen Tian seemed to be okay, but his body moved a few steps forward. At the same time, Chen Tianyi turned back and followed his arm for a round, touching The one punch from this round directly swept the two of them.

The two cyborgs didn't expect Chen Tian's battle to be so accurate. The seemingly very simple movements were properly and properly displayed. After this punch, the two men rotated 360 degrees to the front. The old man punched him.

The old man turned sideways and thought he had already escaped, but this was Chen Tian’s legs had been raised. Chen Tian’s movement in the red state was too fast. The old man was kicked back by Chen Tian without a reaction.

At the same time, Wu Yifan was almost beaten by another biochemical man. Wu Yifan was usually confident in his skill, but in the face of a biochemical man whose body is completely different from the normal one, all of Wu Yifan's killing moves are in front of this biochemical man. It didn't work, and the biochemical man who had his throat twisted and broken his neck didn't die.

Moreover, this ability to fight is not inferior to Chen Tian’s physique. Wu Yifan’s attack is very strong but his ability to fight is not strong, so after being hit several times in the body, he is almost powerless to fight again, although the trauma is very light, but these The following are internal injuries, and Wu Yifan, who has injured his internal organs, has basically been unable to fight it head-on, and can only barely avoid it.

Until Yao Jun came to help, the two talents barely tied with this cyborg, Yao Jun's knife technique was still very good!

But the skin evolved by this bioman is not only difficult to be cut by the knife, but also the **** skin is very smooth. After the blade is cut, it will not only be not cut, but also attacked by the homeopath. Otherwise, this bioman has this special constitution. , Yao Jun has already killed her many times, but it is a pity that even if Yao Jun and Wu Yifan join forces, they can only fight with them.

What Wu Yifan and others did not expect was that the biochemical person who fought with Angelina had been killed by Angelina at this time, which also made Yao Jun and Wu Yifan both suspect that the strength of this biochemical person is not weak Anji How did Lina solve him so easily?

Could it be the weakest of these cyborgs? Or is Angelina always hiding her strength? At the time, Chen Tian was very suspicious that Angelina had been deliberately hiding her strength. If the biochemical person who was fighting her was too weak, then from the perspective of the surrounding destructive power of the battle, it should not be weak, so Angelina was definitely in She has always hidden her strength, and she was originally a person who came out of the island's high-level area.

The children who are not far away from Angelina, like a man, a woman, and two children, are not simply capable of solving all three handsome men who follow Verbos with two people. After solving their opponents, It is the two brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family who still have no choice to continue attacking others. After solving Fang Shihao, the two have been watching and watching and have not helped either party.

But the most intense place among the people on the scene, except for Chen Tian’s side, Ben Xi and Twitke played the most exciting side, Twitts, but the strength of the CIA agent is absolutely enough to deal with the first-class A killer-level master, although Ben Xi is strong, she is no longer a rival of Twitts after playing with too many people in her current physical condition.

Twitus also admired the woman. She had reached the limit of her physical condition. She even struggled with Twitus for a full five minutes before he was completely overthrown. Twitters really admired the book. So instead of killing her, she crouched next to her and took the three gold medals away.

He took the three gold medals, and while everyone was fighting, he wanted to secretly open the steel gate to area W. He thought that no one had found it. In fact, Zhuo's brothers and sisters had already discovered his move.

"Brother, shall we solve him in the past?"

"It's not necessary, let's look at it and say, even if you let him open it first, the door will be closed as soon as it is opened and it won't go in alone, let him go and explore the way first!"

Twitus walked to a steel gate more than thirty meters high. There were twelve gold medals on the gate. Where should I put it?

Twittes was in a daze for a while. I put it in and tried it first. After he put it on the three front grooves, the three gold medals were just put in. The surrounding wall suddenly touched the organ at the front of the gate. The 36 hidden laser beams around the steel gate instantly emit 36 ​​laser beams. The red line is as sharp as a knife and instantly cut Twitus's body into 36 pieces...

Zhuo Wenxin's expression surprised and covered his mouth and shouted: "Brother! He's finished like this? Obviously there is a gold medal, how could this be?" Zhuo Yanxuan seems to have expected the same response: "What is the name of the watch suggesting the full name of the gold medal?"

The younger sister thought for a while and then replied: "It seems to be a tomb card!"

"Yes! This is obviously a gold medal. Why not a gold medal but a tomb card? You understand this time? If I guess right, that door should not be as simple as a tomb card. Everyone has died here, and it is precisely because of this that this gold medal is called a tomb card, meaning that getting this gold medal may be your burial place."

Just after Zhuo Yanxuan just explained the meaning of this gold medal, suddenly a huge crack appeared on the ground again. This scene has been seen by Chen Tian and others. It seems that some extremely mutated individuals will appear, and this style should not be too big. small.

Seeing the situation, the rest of the people also wanted a quick battle, and then chose to grab the gold medal to go to the w area or temporarily escape from this situation. Chen Tianjian also knew that the major events were not good, but the two biochemicals did not seem to be. Nervous, but the old man who has been attacking Chen Tian wants to solve Chen Tian even harder.

Although the speed and strength of the old man are not as good as Chen Tian in these aspects, this old man’s trick is not weak at all. The old man’s gourd not only has wine but also contains multi-element power, I saw this old man beat the wine gourd At the same time, the sparks generated by the friction of the air burned the spirits in the gourd into a fire dragon and circled in the air.

This move shocked Chen Tian. I did not expect that there are such strange people in the world. This is like the 3d special effect. The move is very gorgeous. I don’t know how powerful it is. I saw the old man put out the move while pushing his hands forward and shouting: "Let you try the old man's trick, the breath of flame!"

After this huge red flamed dragon hovered in the air for a week, Chen Tian headed directly towards Chen Tian. When Chen Tian saw that the situation was not good, he just wanted to throw a fist and heard Zhuo Yanxuan's voice coming behind him: "Hey Brother! Catch this, try this against him!"

While Chen Tian only felt a silver light fly over, Chen Tianyi reached out and took the thing directly in his hand. This is a throwing stick with a silver gleam and a dragon on the whole, and the original owner of this handsome stick is exactly Fang Shihao, Chen Tian caught the stick and flicked the flame dragon directly down while the surrounding ground instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Both the old man and the two cyborgs evaded backwards, but Chen Tian split the stick directly from the middle like this flame, and the stick seemed to be able to devour the flame. Twenty centimeters, Chen Tianyi looked at the style and power of the stick and shouted immediately: "This is really good! Thank you!"

Chen Tian turned back and thanked Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan just nodded and said, "You will understand the mystery of this stick dumpling slowly!" After the old man's strongest move was broken, the two biochemicals directly After rushing over again, Chen Tian always used baseball bats and **** before he entered the island, so he was very talented in the use of sticks.

With a loud bang, the stick hit the first biochemical man who was ready to attack Chen Tian, ​​and this time he actually dented the biochemical man's body directly into it, even the skin that could not be cut by the knife It was actually sunken by Chen Tian’s swing stick, and the three consecutive blows directly hit the biochemical person into a serious injury. Another biochemical person’s arm was blocked by Chen Tian’s stick throwing. He touched his right arm, and then with a hard click, Chen Tian jumped up his right hand and swiftly slashed from top to bottom. Chen Tian did not expect that he had returned from the normal state to normal. But the intensity of his own use is not very great, but the intensity of the stick throwing directly blows the brain of this biochemical person.

The blood sprayed Chen Tianyi's face. The biochemical person's body hardness is not weak. Even if the head at least wants to hit like a watermelon, the effect is very difficult. I did not expect that the hardness of this stick will turn a biochemical person so easily. Seconds later, Chen Tian looked at the silver and silver dragon throwing stick in his hand again: "Wow! What material is this thing made of, is it so powerful?"

One of the two cyborgs was seriously injured by Chen Tiansan’s club and wanted to stand. The other was killed directly. Chen Tian suddenly appeared when he felt that he could basically meet Yao Jun and Angelina. One man, one woman and two children accidentally gave Chen Tian a continuous stroke, don't look at the two's arms and legs are very short, but the attack speed is not weak.

At this moment of Chen Tian Leng Shen, these two did not give Chen Tian a chance to rebel, the boy attacked Chen Tianshang 3rd, the girl attacked Chen Tianxia 3rd, this one gave Chen Tian a beating, one stroke after another. One by one hit Chen Tian back and forth and back continuously.

Although it seems that Chen Tian was beaten badly, the old man just shouted to the two children: "Hey! Abao, Yinmei, come back soon, that guy is different from others!" The two children, confiscated the double-handed fists of the stick and confiscated the fist to the arm. Then the whole body directly triggered the state of the red child, and the two children flew out with a bang.

"Hey! You just give me enough!"

Seeing that Chen Tian was beaten so many times, the two children were unharmed, and rushed again: "I don't want to bully the children, but you two give me enough!" Chen Tian's look, the explosive power and speed are in the eyes of these children In front of it, a red light appeared in front of them like the Flash.

Before waiting for the two to punch, they were caught by Chen Tian's left and right hands on their necks, and the two children's feet were directly lifted off the ground and lifted up: "Let us go! Let go... .." Chen Tian lifted them up straight and didn’t want to kill them with both hands. He just wanted to teach them both.

At that moment, the place where the ground was just cracked was not thought of, and it did not spread in their direction. Instead, it swallowed all the few meters of mutated creatures around it. To be precise, this thing seemed to be merging with these mutated creatures. Everyone knows that once this thing appears, it is definitely not a creature they can deal with.

Chen Tian looked at the huge rift in the pose of grabbing these two children. Originally, Chen Tian thought that there would be huge tentacles just like the giant creature last time, but this time it was not the huge tentacles. It is a huge five human fingers.

Everyone present was stunned: "This is..."

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