Killing God Island

Chapter 768: Brothers and sisters. There's nothing wrong with brother

The physical discomfort of the Ghost King makes him feel as if he is not dirty and is suffering from severe pain. It is obvious that the form should not be able to sense the pain of the body now. After all, the form of the spirit is mainly based on mental power and should not be felt. The pain was right, but at this moment his whole body felt as if it was about to split up. What is going on?

The ghost king felt very puzzled. He clearly knew that this form was not bound by the flesh. How could this kind of body tingle occur without his own body? Soon, Zhuo Yanxuan's voice appeared in the dark surroundings. Do you feel severe pain all over your body now? It seems that this pain is about to explode with the body and is still torn apart before the explosion ?

"How do you know my feelings, what did you do on me?" The ghost king knelt on the ground in pain and asked very lowly, and Zhuo Yanxuan also heard from the dark surroundings at this time. Laughing laughter: "You are so painful because you have just been desperately absorbing my mental power. Thanks to you only absorbing half of the power in my body, otherwise your spiritual body has long been unable to bear my spirit. The powerful impact of power burst and died, but now there are two kinds of mental power in your body, and my mental power is not under your control and cannot be merged with your spiritual power as you think.

So it causes your current main spiritual power to repel the spiritual power you absorbed, and my spiritual power is forcibly ejected by your mental power because it is rejected by your mental constitution, and this pop-up will be different from your spiritual The force mixes and creates a huge rift. Originally, you should not have sensed this pain, but I forgot to tell you that I have now forcibly enclosed your entire spiritual body in a space in my body, and here Everything is controlled by me, and because my spiritual power is greater than yours at this time, I do not control you, but I control you, so I force your spiritual spirit into human beings. The ability to perceive, so this kind of my spiritual force forcibly bursts the pain produced by the surface of your spiritual body, and you will feel the real.

This kind of heart-ache pain will not only make you feel the pain of the body being torn apart and exploded, but also to make your spiritual body more fragile. Do you know why I want to make your spiritual body fragile? "After Zhuo Yanxuan said this, the dark surroundings gradually became brighter, and the surrounding things became clearer. Don’t know that all the ghost kings here are not the outside world, but Zhuo Yanxuan presented similar Void land constructed by illusion or illusion.

The ghost king still knelt on the ground and felt the pain all over his body, and Zhuo Yanxuan, who was present in front of the ghost king, walked over to him step by step, and said to the ghost king while walking: "Humans have three idiots, for love, hate, for There are three kinds of feelings of hatred and humanity: family, friendship, love, all the world’s induction has its origins and no origins, but the ultimate starting point is the most painful thing for humans, just like the first cry of a baby, I said These are because my spiritual power and your spiritual power are mutually exclusive, and I can feel part of your memory from your mind. I think you should also be able to feel part of my memory like me?"

"Yes! I can also feel your fragmented memory, but why can't I merge your spiritual power with me, obviously can absorb but can't finally merge, why?"

"Because we are different from the essence, just like I just said that human beings are three idiots, idiots for love, hate and hatred for enemies, all three of you are occupied, and I am the same as you, so We can communicate with each other physically and mentally to see each other's one-sided memories, but the so-called three kinds of love, family, friendship and love, you do not account for the same, although you love your wife's existence, but what you really love Not clear, so we are essentially different, but this is not the biggest factor that determines the incompatibility of our souls."

"What is the biggest factor that prevents us from being in harmony with each other?"

"The ultimate factor is who is stronger and who is more mentally powerful. You don’t think I’m really equal to you in fighting strength? Don’t let me tell you, I can defeat you at the beginning, just At that time, I wanted to let the long line drop the big fish, neither let you feel that I was strong nor let you feel that I was weaker than you. As long as it is similar to your level, you can let go of your suspicion to me and still feel that I am joining It will bring you greater benefits. Humans are basically out of this kind of mind. People who are stronger than themselves are always on high alert, and people who are similar to themselves generally become friends or good helpers. And it is through this kind of your intuitive thinking that I will carry out this step by step, and the next thing I want to say is that you are not only inferior to me in strength, but also inferior in spirit to me, especially when I am the evil emperor. With the insight blocked by the Eye, you are no longer my opponent, so I will personally **** your soul into my body to fully accommodate you." "Oh! Although I have to admit that your series of conspiracies is indeed sinister, but you are stronger than me, I am not convinced. The reason why I lost to you is because I and I Bo Qiu was seriously injured when he suspected of fighting. I will lose your hand and I will not obey you even if I die. You use such a sinister and vicious scheme to deal with me. Do you think you can leave here safely by killing me? "

Zhuo Yanxuan listened to this sentence and asked: "To tell you the truth, your wife is also dead, and I killed you can be regarded as a reunion of your husband and wife!" Zhuo Yanxuan said to the still painful that he could not stand up The ghost king walked away, Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to cover his head directly with his hand to draw away all his only body spirits, that is, to decompose his original body into mental power and inhale Zhuo Yanxuan’s Inside the body and transform it into its own power.

At this time, the ghost king was unable to resist and could only watch Zhuo Yanxuan approaching him, and put his hand on his head and began to absorb his internal energy. At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan only felt his chest. A pain, the source of this pain is not from the void, but from Zhuo Yanxuan’s body. Zhuo Yanxuan immediately returned from the void to reality. Zhuo Yanxuan’s own body cannot move with this trick. Yes, so Zhuo Yanxuan and Ghost King are both in a form where the body is separated from the body, except that the ghost king is lying on the ground and the soul is in Zhuo Yanxuan's body, while Zhuo Yanxuan is standing still.

And they didn’t know what happened to the two of them around, and they didn’t move, but they weren’t stupid. They were afraid that if the two suddenly shot again at this time, then the past It was equivalent to death, so no one dared to step forward when these people looked at each other.

And at this moment, he suddenly passed the crowd like a wind around him, until he stabbed into the chest of Zhuo Yanxuan. These talents could see clearly that this person is not someone else. Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister Zhuo Wenxin, at this time The faces of these people are full of confusion, and it is clear that the relationship between the brother and sister has always been very good, but why the first time this sister appeared is not to kill the ghost king, but to directly give Zhuo Yanxuan, who is still in place, a chest.

That's because Zhuo Yanxuan's body also has the soul of the ghost king Shira. Although Zhuo Yanxuan can force Shira's consciousness, when Shira feels that her husband is facing a life-and-death crisis, she suddenly breaks out a very powerful Nian, it is this kind of persistent and appreciative idea that directly forced Zhuo Wenxin's main consciousness down, and used Zhuo Wenxin's rapid movement to quickly move in the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan.

At the same time, he also feels that his husband's ability is weak. He went directly and gave Zhuo Yanxuan a knife, but at a sudden Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly opened his eyes. The next second after opening his eyes, he counterattacked and killed the other party, but when Zhuo Yanxuan saw his sister, his expression suddenly changed, and the originally clenched fist was released, and he put down all precautions and said to Zhuo Wenxin: "Sister, your eyes are wrong, are you controlled by anyone?"

Zhuo Yanxuan looked at Zhuo Wenxin affectionately. I saw that Zhuo Wenxin's hand was shaking in Yanxuan's chest at this time, his expression looked very sad, and tears also came out of his eyes but he didn't say anything to himself. The elder brother said that this was very strange, so Zhuo Yanxuan immediately realized what happened to his sister at this time, and it seems that the couple's ability to use each other is common.

Zhuo Yanxuan thought of this, not only did he not counterattack, but directly opened his arms and directly embraced his sister in his arms, and said gently to Zhuo Wenxin: "It's okay! There is a brother who will end everything, and you don't need to feel guilty. Minor injuries are nothing to me." Is it really nothing? If it is a normal wound, even a fatal wound, it is considered a minor injury for Zhuo Yanxuan, because Zhuo Yanxuan has super strong regenerative cells, and the regeneration ability is quite powerful, but Zhuo Yanxuan has the eye of the evil emperor to gain insight into others The fatal point of the opponent, thus giving the opponent a fatal blow to play a killing role.

So Zhuo Yanxuan's fatal injury was inserted at this time, but he smiled so easy-going as if he didn't care about his life or death at all, but in fact Zhuo Wenxin had already shown mercy, and the ghost wife Sheila who originally controlled Zhuo Wenxin's body really planned to A fatal blow to Zhuo Wenxin, but because of the strong obstruction of Zhuo Wenxin's soul, it was deflected. Although the deviation is not so fatal, this knife is a dead point for Zhuo Yanxuan. In fact, it is like Chen Tian's superb regeneration Similar to the immortal ability, it also has a deadly dead spot, no one is perfect.

Zhuo Yanxuan saved his life because of the deviation of the dead point, but at the same time Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to recover very slowly this time, because this place is the dead point that breaks all the regeneration ability of Zhuo Yanxuan.

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