Killing God Island

Chapter 761: Brothers and sisters. Battlefield reversal

The ghost king and Zhuo Yanxuan who went deep into the enemy in front were also divided into left and right sides to attack. Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan was basically searching for the whereabouts of the gem except for killing some people who blocked the road, but he did not directly say Let everyone collect what gems, but let his men bring all the valuable things here, so the team of Zhuo Yanxuan is more like a group of robbers, but there are really not many ruthless people in Zhuo Yanxuan. Road, unlike the ghost king, because the leader is there, so some of the strength is basically there, and Zhuo Yanxuan did not support it in time after easily solving this, but instead instigated to collect all over the place. Zhuo Yanxuan turned on the watch function to detect the surrounding movements and the surrounding terrain map. After he fully understood it, he looked at his watch and shouted to everyone: "It's about time, everyone will collect the All the valuable things are not allowed to be kept together, and then I will be responsible for the 20 people who stay behind to take care of these things, and the rest follow me to support the ghost king!" Zhuo Yanxuan said that he led more than 80 people not Going to the ghost king side at full speed, and the ghost king side has fallen into a hard fight. Since coming here to rush, except for the ghost king ghost wife and the two, the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family have the strongest strength. The rest are plain elites with ordinary strength. Very strong opponents are okay, but once you meet the real strongman, you can’t stop it at all. In addition to the fatigue of rushing and no food for a day, the ghost king is in a crisis of being encircled. Although Poqiu’s doubtful territory is not big, It has been impossible for so many years to have no men with good level of strength, but at this time Bo Qiu suspected that he did not personally shoot, and the six warlords under him had already surrounded the ghost king and completely restricted him, and the ghost king These men also suffered various casualties. It can be said that this road is completely different from the fate of Zhuo Yanxuan. Although the six men under Bo Qiu are very strong, it is not easy for the six people to join forces to kill the ghost king. , And it was just barely suppressing him. Obviously, the ghost king had not yet used all his strength to fight the six people with only a little more power. At this moment, the ghost king suddenly felt that his wife, ghost wife, Shira, had a weak breath, and he suddenly felt in his heart. I was very anxious, so I wanted to have a quick decision in the past to see what happened. Although the ghost king knew that his wife was very strong and ordinary people could not kill her, but this very strong worry immediately made him completely erupt. At the same time, these six people did not expect that the strength of this person should become stronger again, and this crazy fighting power method is also a hard fight that is not afraid of death. The only people in this fighting method are Chen Tian and Zhuo Yan. Xuan, and the ghost king dare to fight hard with people in this way of fighting. After all, these three people have super repair ability, the most important thing is not only the super recovery ability, the body's resistance to attack, but also few people can compare. And the tough man's temperament completely shocked these six people.

No one is the opponent of the ghost king in their heads-up ability. The six can only barely draw with each other, but the ghost king just tied it with just the normal strength, but this time the ghost king wants a quick battle and a quick decision The battle status is just like the two who have just been judged, who is strong and weak at a glance. Although this is facing six masters with relatively good strength, but the ghost king can't do it as long as they are a little more serious, and the violence of the ghost king is powerful. The person who competed with Zhuo Yanxuan was really more than just the real strength. He saw that he directly grabbed his fist and shook his hand directly, followed by a turn directly picked up this person with brute force and used him as a weapon. The same is directly thrown at another person. The person who is directly in front is directly knocked down by the companion who was thrown out. The ghost king did not let go, but directly used him as a weapon to throw it directly to another person. On the person behind him, the force was so great that he directly fell down and slid continuously more than a meter away before stopping.

And several other people not only wanted to save their companions but also wanted to directly subdue the ghost king together, but they didn’t expect the speed of the ghost king to be as fast as the power. The three people who rushed up were directly blown off in a 360-degree round. The ghost king directly threw this man in front of Bo Qiu suspect, this guy is the head of this place. If he does not kill him, he will not be able to quell the war here for a while. They are now more powerful than the ghost king. There are many and the ghost king is currently surrounded, so all he has to do now is to kill Bo Qiu as soon as possible. If he does not kill him quickly, he will be completely killed by his men. The death of the siege, so those of his men are now more than half dead. Most of these are life and death brothers who have been with the ghost king for a long time. Although people like them are used to life and death, they are killed by their own long time. It is also very sad, so in order not to kill them all, of course, in order to leave here earlier to see what happened to his wife, he always feels that his wife seems to be in big trouble, the ghost king. The perception ability is accurate. This is not his ability, but the level of Ghost King and Zhuo Wenxin, which is stronger than Chen Tian and weaker than Ling Zifeng, already has a preliminary ability to enter the micro realm. He perceives some things that are usually not recognized by the master, so this kind of perception of the ghost king is actually the initial stage of entering the micro realm, but he has been staying in the t zone for too long and has not entered the higher zone, so he does not know his own. This ability is to enter the micro realm, so the strong uneasiness in his heart has caused him to fall into a stage where he is the main fighting force. In fact, from the time when these ghost kings were surrounded, they have been reduced to the situation of being killed. If it weren’t for Ghost King’s super strength, they couldn’t stick to the present, and now it’s completely the Ghost King who is fighting with everyone, and the most important thing is that it hasn’t fallen off. His powerful side really admired Boqiu. , But the moment the helpless enemy was the ghost king throwing people over, Bo Qiu suspect also got up and jumped directly across the body of the thrown person and then kicked directly with the forearm raised by the ghost king. Let the ghost king tilt slightly, and at the same time, Bo Qiu suspected that the kick of the flying body was directly rebounded by the opposing force of the two people. At the same time, Bo Qiu doubt also felt some tingling pain in his right foot. Of course he also I can’t admire the strength of this person in front of me. No wonder I can’t suppress this person with the six major fighting forces. Those who can sit in the position of the boss in the middle of the t zone will naturally not be ordinary people. It's just that temporarily repelling those six people and not solving any one of the six men of Bo Qiu's doubts. In addition to the one who was just dumped to fight Bo Qiu's doubts, the other five people are still opening different angles to the ghost king. Offensive, this also creates an opportunity for Bo Qiu doubt to open the state of heavenly disaster. Generally, there are few fortified people who can turn on the sky disaster state immediately. Of course, Bo Qiu doubt is no exception. Currently, the only person who can instantly open the Heavenly Tribulation is Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister Zhuo Wenxin. She also escaped the deadly blow of the ghost wife Sheila’s knees because she could open the Heavenly Tribulation at a critical moment. Yes, but this can instantly open the Heavenly Tribulation There are very few people in this state, but Bo Qiu's suspicion of Heavenly Tribulation is still very special.

His celestial catastrophe state is a kind of plant creature that is neither human nor animal form. It is precisely because he has this ability that he is clearly the smallest of the 13 sites but no one dares to annex him for so many years. The reason, and all said that his strength is not strong, but no one dared to provoke him, because this guy's ability is a very sharp weedy grass in the herb, and he is not like most people. Like a person, he became very big. Not only did he become smaller, but he became smaller, and became very small, so small that it was no different from the ordinary plants and grass on the ground. If he didn’t know, he thought he was a catastrophe. It’s stealth ability. After all, the sudden disappearance of this person is really incredible. Of course, this phenomenon is also seen in the eyes of the ghost king, so he is more careful to prepare for the next series of things that may happen, but now the ghost king is really inseparable. , Because the six people around here completely surrounded the ghost king, although the ghost king's combat power can beat them six completely, but the current situation does not allow the ghost king to completely rest assured to deal with these six people, the ghost king now only wants to solve them first The leader then let the truce stop here, otherwise his brothers were almost dead, more than a hundred people that the ghost king had just brought to the present and even the two were still alive, and at this time Bo Qiu suspected that he was suddenly in a state of heaven. The disappearance is gone, so the ghost king’s mood is even heavier. At this moment, the door that has just been closed and the dog closed is suddenly opened. This is as exciting as a sudden light shining in the darkness, and It was Zhuo Yanxuan and the more than 80 people he led that opened the door and rushed in, while his other 20 people continued to search for valuables and guard the captive captives there.

So Zhuo Yanxuan only came with more than 80 people, but when they rushed over, the whole situation was completely different. Zhuo Yanxuan took the lead to directly solve all the dozens of people in front, and also greatly inspired the momentum of the 80 people under his command. As Zhuo Yanxuan shouted, "Kill them all!" Although only four words, these people rushed up very bravely. After all, Zhuo Yanxuan always gave these people a feeling of invincibility, although in The battle between Corpse Bone City and Ghost King seems to be tied, but it seems to these people that Zhuo Yanxuan's strength seems to be stronger than Ghost King, at least fighting behind him is more secure than fighting with Ghost King, although knowing the time and Not long, but it gives these people a strong sense of security and trust, and the feeling of being with him is completely different from the ghost king's style, but there is a feeling that everyone feels very similar, that is, that kind of strong tough guy This is especially evident in the fight, so Zhuo Yanxuan first approached the ghost king and used a very violent and powerful fist, so that the people around him could not stop the attack of this person, basically directly hitting one punch at a speed. When he came to the ghost king, the ghost king suddenly felt relieved after seeing Zhuo Yanxuan and patted Zhuo Yanxuan's shoulder and said, "Thank you brother, it would be dangerous if you rushed to us in time!"

Zhuo Yanxuan also smiled slightly at the ghost king: "Please be with me, I'm responsible for blocking these six people. How about Bo Qiu's suspicious life?" The ghost king nodded and said, "It's wrapped in me, but Here, please!" Zhuo Yanxuan directly flew a bald head of one of the six people out of three meters, and then turned back with a victory gesture and said: "Here I am, you can rest assured, although you To deal with him, I guarantee that no one can disturb you in your battle with him!" While the ghost king nodded after listening to it, two of the six of them jumped from his left and right sides and prepared to attack the ghost king directly. To defend and fight back, the two were jumped and shot down by Zhuo Yanxuan. After landing, Zhuo Yanxuan said to the ghost king again: "I have said that no one will disturb your battle with Bo Qiu, you are still hesitant. Why don't you find him soon?"

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