Killing God Island

Chapter 75: Endure for a while

Among these five people, Ding Yuanhua has a strong sense of justice and is the most capable of fighting besides Chen Tian. The third and third kings and tigers have no principles but are very particular. The fourth, fifth, sixth and sixth teams are slightly less powerful than the third and second. But they are all the kind of friends who are very worthy of making friends, and they are willing to pay attention to their friends.

This time Chen Lingxiu prepared to take the initiative to hit her by surprise, and this time did not intend to threaten her with photo threats, but let her taste the taste of being round, Chen Lingxiu found some more than ten willing to pay. Chicken, this time Chen Lingxiu is going to let her fall completely...

"Hey! Xiuli, why are you listless today?" Yin Xiuli's deskmate is also one of the girls who is very good with her in private.

"I don't know why, I always feel panicked today, as if something bad is going to happen."

"How come! Will our elder lady also have troubles? Be happy, and I will go shopping with you tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Of course she knew that with sister Chen Tian's personality, she would find someone to trouble them, she would never give up, so Yin Xiuli, although going shopping with the same table on the big side this time, actually arranged in secret A lot of manpower.

She also conducted a private investigation. The five people with Chen Lingxiu, that is, the five people in the six-person group headed by Chen Tian, ​​are very capable of playing. Some small gangsters around this are not opponents of these people at all, so This time she caught her father's private bodyguard and several company security guards in secret.

But she still underestimated the strength of Chen Tian's gang. Although these company security guards were scattered around Yin Xiuli, they were solved one by one in secret. The three security guards farthest from Yin Xiuli were respectively Geng Guannan and Lu Zexu pulled directly to no one's place and beat their heads.

Even the nearest security guard from Yin Xiuli was solved. The security guard was standing outside the locker room door outside the shopping mall on the third floor. In fact, Yin Xiuli had banned other ladies from entering, but this security guard looked When a young girl no more than 16 years old was holding it in her hand and bullying Xiang, she walked straight in.

The security guard was ready to intercept. At this moment, the little girl rushed to the security guard as if she had fallen, and the security guard reached out to help her subconsciously, but the security guard caught the girl who fell. The stun gun in his hand directly corona.

Corona, the girl wearing a casual security guard, was Chen Tian’s sister. After she was coronaed, he directly called Ding Yuanhua and Wang Hu, and the three went directly into the locker room. In addition to a girl of her class, she also stood a woman with excellent figure and temperament.

This woman’s true identity is her bodyguard. She looks like Yin Xiuli had expected Chen Lingxiu to take this opportunity to retaliate, so she has been waiting here for a long time: "I guess you will come to me on your own initiative. Come here, it’s just time for us to calculate the ledger!"

"Okay! Then we will calculate the general account here!" She waved Ding Yuanhua and Wang Hu directly to the female bodyguards in professional attire ahead, and the three of them directly hit each other, but don't look at Ding Yuanhua and Wang Hu People can play well, but they are obviously not opponents in front of this professional female bodyguard.

The two men were knocked down without holding on to the woman for 2 minutes. The woman grabbed the blood-stained Ding Yuanhua in one hand, and the other person on the heels was Wang Hu, and Yin Xiuli also Asked with arms akimbo: "Do you think these two guys are very good at fighting? Today we will calculate the general ledger and read that you are sister Chen Tian. I will let you kneel and lick my shoes today. I will spare about you!"

After listening, Chen Lingxiu nodded awkwardly: "Good! I lick me! You tell her to let Ding Yuanhua them first!"

"You put those two wastes first!" She said this, she sat on the stool and stretched out her shoes, and also asked Chen Lingxiu to kneel and crawl here to lick her shoes, facing Chen Jingxiu at this time, she fell down directly and decisively. She crawled over like a dog in the direction of Yin Xiuli, then knelt in front of her and sticked out her tongue. The moment she pulled out her stun gun and directly touched Yin Xiuli's leg.

After a scream, Yin Xiuli was directly stunned. The female bodyguard just wanted to attack Chen Lingxiu. Chen Lingxiu took out a fruit knife in her bag and forced it on Yin Xiuli's neck, which had collapsed: " Don’t move! If you dare to come over, I’ll be rude to her, even if I don’t kill her, I will give her a knife on her face. I’m afraid you won’t be able to explain to your boss then?”

The female bodyguard asked very calmly, "What do you want?" "You turn around now, we are not allowed to walk out of this door within ten minutes after we go out, otherwise I will scratch her face!"

"Do you know that you are committing a crime now? If you let her go now, I will let you go if nothing happened today?"

"Hehe! Do you think I don't understand the law? I'm not a teenager now, even if I kill someone. I will sentence you to death. I will not tell you the conditions here, I just have some personal affairs to solve with her, give me 24 hours I will let her go naturally at the time, if you call the police, you will be at your own risk!" Chen Lingxiu said, let Ding Yuanhua take Yin Xiuli away. After Wang Hu broke off, he made sure that the woman had not left the room for ten minutes and was retreating.

After Chen Lingxiu snatched Yin Xiuli, the female bodyguard did not leave here for more than ten minutes, but she had already called the boss and explained that the situation was waiting for the boss to decide. Her boss was Yin Xiuli. His biological father, who is also the richest businessman in the black and white all-in-one food market in q city, when he knew this, he immediately sent out two channels of black and white to find the city, and asked that my daughter must be rescued within 6 hours All the people brought to me.

This time Chen Lingxiu was playing big, but she didn’t know the seriousness of the situation at this time, and she took Yin Xiuli medicine and played with more than a dozen people in a hotel, and she also recorded and opened a live broadcast to humiliate her. This picture makes Ding Yuanhua think that Chen Tian’s personality is not as cute as her face. Although he has been the accomplice of Chen Tian’s sister, he regrets the incident and even the other four people feel that The matter was too overwhelming and it was decided to withdraw from the matter regardless of the ending.

But after 20 minutes, they were directly broken into by a group of people. These people had guns in their hands, neither the police nor the ordinary little bastards. As the best brother Chen Tian, ​​Ding Yuanhua wanted to protect Chen Lingxiu for the first time. In order to resist, he was directly shot and killed at the scene by these people. This scene directly suppressed the remaining four people.

Although the other four were also able to fight without fear of death, they were scared for a while in the face of such scenes. They did not dare to mess up for a while. These people directly dealt with the scene after they killed them and took away Yin Xiuli. As well as Chen Lingxiu and others, including several young male students who were on the bed, were shot directly by these people.

If it weren’t for Yin Xiuli’s father who wanted to bring Chen Lingxiu and others in front of him, several of them could not survive at all. Facing such a powerful person, Chen Tian was alone to save people.

In fact, the most important thing about Chen Tian is his charm, that is, this person is very courageous and very responsible. When he knew this, he rushed to save people as soon as possible. Chen Tian wanted to use force to break through The result was dragged in.

When Yin Xiuli’s father asked Chen Tian, ​​“You also saw that there are now five people you want to save, one your sister, and four good brothers who were born and died following you, and my daughter was treated by your sister this time. My spirit has suffered a lot. My daughter said that she likes you, so let me not kill you and say that this matter has nothing to do with you, so I will let you choose now. Who can you choose from these five people?"

After hearing this, Chen Tian smiled: "Please let my sister leave here. I am willing to use my life to change her. Since I cannot save them, I choose to die with them. This is my choice!"

Pappa! Yin Xiuli’s father suddenly got up from the sofa and applauded and said, “Yes! It’s a bit of a man. Although you don’t grow up, but you are really a man in the bones. I’ve been as mixed as you, but my daughter I woke up and said I forgave your sister, but she never wants to see you both!"

"What about my four brothers?"

"They can also follow you, but they will be punished for doing wrong things in the way, especially because they owe me. If they want to go out, they will leave a thing alone. This thing can be a body part such as a finger. This is me. I hope you understand the rules here!"

Chen Tian looked up at them again and said, "I'm going to take these four people, I will break four fingers for you, please let them go..."

Yin Xiuli’s father walked beside Chen Tian and patted his shoulder, saying, “As their eldest brother, you’re very particular and kind. But if you make a mistake, you don’t pay for it yourself, and you will never grow up. I just let them For a long memory, this will only make them smoother in the future, otherwise they may die in the future without knowing how to die!"

"Break the legs of all four of them and hit me all the way from here!" After he gave the order, he said to Chen Tian again: "I'm not giving you off Mawei, I want you to know one thing In fact, sometimes men should bear, unless you are so strong that others have to bear with you!" After he said this, he suddenly turned around and cracked the face of Sister Chen Tian with a backlash. on.

Chen Tian’s expression suddenly changed, but he didn’t do it. Yin Xiuli’s father shook his hand and said, “She owes my daughter this slap. This account can come to me when you have the strength, but see If you can bear it in the future, it will become a big weapon. The Yangtze River will push forward the waves. If you have the strength to let me bow your head one day, I will marry my daughter! See you off..."

In fact, this matter is not over yet. Although Yin Xiuli decided to forget all this, she still can't get rid of her destiny.

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