Killing God Island

Chapter 739: The New Five Ancient Gods of War, Gu Wang Ling Zifeng.

A Ruiqi's ability to control poker can make the poker that forms the wall extremely hard. Enemies worthy of siege are basically unable to break in it by themselves. Unexpectedly, Rapa didn't use any tricks to put A Rui The strange paper wall shattered directly and shouted, and the surrounding energy field instantly became very strong. Obviously, the rapid invasion of toxins has made his face darker and his lips purple. I saw Lappa's face roaring roaringly: "Since you want to kill me, then you two don't want to live either, and Ling Zifeng said to him directly, "You want to burn with us jade?" I'm afraid you don't have this opportunity because you are finished! "At the same time Ling Zifeng said this, Lapa also directly raised all of his strength to the strongest state, so that he could not suppress the poison and let Lapa die in just ten seconds, and he knew he would not. I’m afraid it’s hard to escape this disaster. Rather than killing them, it’s better to die with them, so Lapa wants to kill them directly with his dagger on his hand and his super fast speed. , But his speed is fast but Ling Zifeng in front of him does not dodge at all. His fast speed at this time Ling Zifeng can’t really see it, but Ling Zifeng can fully perceive it, because when he was in close combat with him, he would have been very subtle. The bug hit Lapa's body, and it was a living creature in his body with severe pain. He could not easily feel the movement of the bug, and the bug completely obeyed Ling Zifeng's instructions.

At this time, Ling Zifeng's command was to penetrate his heart, and the attack power of this bug was unambiguous. In this way, Lapa's had fallen to the ground in front of him before he even killed Ling Zifeng. He fell to the ground after six strikes, and the powerful five-level God of War God level was solved by Ling Zifeng. Immediately afterwards, all the universal watches of all the fortified people in the killing island agreed to the warning, and this warning It is a paragraph that Ling Zifeng killed one of the Five Ancient Gods of War, Rapa, in the central area of ​​the T District, and received a reward of 100,000 points and won the title of New Five Ancient Gods of War. This news almost instantly killed the entire God of War. All areas of the island know the name Ling Zifeng, and Ling Zifeng is just the real name, and his nickname is Gu Wang, so he is now a few words in front of Gu Wang, one of the five ancient war gods, Gu Wang, Ling Zifeng . "

Ling Zifeng killed the long plague **** and Rapa, so Ling Zifeng replaced his title, and the main reason why Rapa was called the long plague **** was that he was slender and there would be a lot of deaths everywhere, and most of them It is mainly based on his large-scale poison like poisonous plague, but he did not expect that he likes to study all kinds of poison with poison, and finally his death method was poisoned and died.

At the same time, in addition to harvesting the blessings of Ai Ruiqi beside him, Ling Zifeng let many people know that Ling Zifeng, who has always been known for his low profile, suddenly let the people who killed God Island know his existence. It is a big man in the top a zone of the six districts, and a newcomer in the z zone who has just entered the island. Almost as long as the people on this island are all famous at the moment when Ling Zifeng killed Rapa. , For a while, it was basically bright, and not only showed that his name killed Lapa, but also replaced the title of the five ancient gods of Lapa, which made many powerful people immediately want to know. What kind of character is Ling Zifeng in this t zone? After all, the Five Ancient Gods of War are the top strongmen in the strongest zone in a zone, so many people want to know who this Ling Zifeng is, especially Chen Tianhe on the other road at this time. Xu Xuan and the two suddenly felt a shock in their left wrists. When they lifted up and looked at it, they found that a line of font was flashing on the watch.

The three words on this font immediately attracted Chen Tian’s attention. Ling Zifeng killed one of the five ancient gods of war, the long plague **** Rapa, and became one of the new five ancient gods of war. Although the nickname Gu Gu did not let everyone see it, But this is also an umbrella that the four big families want to give Ling Zifeng. If people know that too much information is likely to be targeted, even if they use a universal watch to detect the other party’s information, it is only a summary and not a detailed information. Irrelevant personal profile, when Lapa, one of the five ancient gods of war, died, five places at the same time did not qualify for different emotions. The first is Jeff Deere, who has collapsed all the way. He fell into your despair. Because he didn’t even expect Lapa to really help him, but he would never think that someone could kill him in the t zone, and he was the first one to be killed from being named the Five Ancient Gods of War, and Jeff Deere really didn't expect that some of Chen Tian's group could have such strength, so at this time his heart was collapsed and he fell into despair, so he more in the carnival with these brothers, he wanted to bring them all in Come and blow up all here, people are crazy in despair. Of course, Jeff Deere’s heart at this time is that I must also pull you up even if I die, even if you will not die all at least, you must at least let you pay the due price, which is typical You don’t make me better than me, and I definitely don’t make you good at revenge, so he is now waiting here quietly, waiting for the arrival of Chen Tian’s group, as if waiting for them to come on the road together. It has indeed surpassed a normal person's fear of life and death, probably because of the courage after drinking.

And one of the other four is Ms. Zhao. In fact, Ling Zifeng is Ms. Zhao’s behind-the-scenes arrangement to protect Chen Tian. Chen Tian is Ms. Zhao’s precious and unique real experiment. Only he overcomes the genes that do not age and deteriorate. In this case, she can enter Chen Tian and improve her own cells that still cannot delay aging, so it is impossible for Ms. Zhao to let Chen Tian die here, it will only make him gradually stronger and slowly become his own physique. All kinds of coincidences will allow her to use the experimental drug on Chen Tian, ​​because he is not sure whether the drug will work and the various conditions afterwards, so Ms. Zhao wants Chen Tian to grow faster, so in order to Chen Tian could be safer. Or, Ms. Zhao sent Ling Zifeng, who was very strong, to join in another form. Ms. Zhao knew that Chen Tian was a person who appreciated the strong, so she deliberately let Ling Zifeng and Chen in this situation. The acquaintance met and asked Chen Tian to invite him to join. Although Ms. Zhao knew that Ling Zifeng’s skill was very unusual, Ling Zifeng killed one of the five ancient gods of war, it is absolutely impossible to solve him with real strength. Ms. Zhao is absolutely certain that he knows Ling Zifeng's true level.

But whether it is on this island or in the outside world, it has been knotted. As for the process, it has been ignored by many people, but Ms. Zhao will never ignore it, but from the perspective of Ms. Zhao, she still appreciates Ling Zifeng. In addition to his potential, he can overcome so many people with a weak victory, which proves his potential and strength. Of course, Ling Zifeng is also a person selected by Ms. Zhao, so his growth is strong. Ms. Zhao is also heartily happy .

The other three special attention to Ling Zifeng are the internal discussion of the four major families and the tenth king of the highest ruler of the killing area of ​​A, and they also discussed the death of Lapa, who was originally a master of the area. Died in the t zone, this is more to make them feel ashamed. As a strong man, some small characters have been solved, but it can be called the top lapa in the a zone. The King of Ten Powers had to be taken seriously, but Ling Zifeng's fighting power did indeed exist in the t-zone. He was talking about Ling Zifeng in another place. Some other relatively good guys were relatively private, and they were also at this time. Discuss who is Ling Zifeng in the t zone?

At this time, Ling Zifeng's name was already greater than Chen Tian, ​​and they also confirmed that Chen Tian's group included Ling Zifeng, and the site of the siege of Jeff Deer on all sides was already in place in three ways, and he almost solved Lapa. Ling Zifeng has not arrived yet, because after killing Rapa, Ling Zifeng found out that there were three gems in his hand. This made Ling Zifeng suddenly excited. To know that he wanted to leave this area, he had to use gems to open it. But it takes nine gems, but Chen Tian had two gems before, so with these three pieces, we now have five gems and four missing, so Ling Zifeng will be so excited from the pocket of his body Take the gems from here, and then carefully put away the gems and said to A Ruiqi: "I didn't expect our road, even a bumper harvest was really amazing." Ling Zifeng said this, and looked at the surrounding miscellaneous The soldiers were still fighting the garbage of the Ferrodik family, so they slapped Arrich again on the shoulders and said, "These people haven't finished fighting yet. Since we have harvested so much, we have reached the designated location earlier. These People ask you to let them hang up early." Ling Zifeng finished the sentence, took out a pill in his hand and said casually: "I have felt that you have suffered a certain degree of injury in your body, so take this Eat and take care of the surrounding battlefield!"

A Ruiqi took Ling Zifeng's pill, and then put it in his mouth with his hand and swallowed it directly. A hot current in Dan Tian followed him directly into A Ruiqi's whole body. This hot feeling made him not only Not so tired, and the injury just now healed, which made A Ruiqi not only feel that Ling Zifeng's medical skills are extremely powerful, but also followed him with one hand, the palm of the hand suddenly formed a spiral shape from poker The poker of the game is small and the tornado is followed, followed by Arrich’s right hand, and the poker that rotates and expands to the surroundings directly spins around like a tornado, and everything that goes is not cut like a flying knife. The larynx is inserted in the other party's vital points, and his own face is in a state of intimidation without any injury. The opponent who has just battled with him for 300 rounds suddenly died, and died. The law was still killed by poker.

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