Killing God Island

Chapter 734: Kill you invisible

"Then what should we do now? Help them? If at their speed, the rest of the road is finished, we may still be standing still!"

"We don’t have to be so anxious, even if we are the first to get in, you don’t have to look at what team we are bringing, even if we rely on us to get in, with this kind of team you think we can rely on us to attack So we only need to limit this way, the one who really attacks the main base will definitely not be our way, so let's take a good rest first, and maybe some opponents worth our shot may appear after a while, so the two No matter how many people die in this team, Ling Zifeng is actually not as kind as he looks, and his doctor has no medical ethics at all. This first level is barely beaten by their own power, and they followed to another. There are walls on all sides, and the front door is only blocked. The captain of the Ferrodik family made a direct look at his men. The two men went to open the door, but as soon as they touched the iron door, they were hit by a strong current. It’s impossible to say the electricity, and the expression of the whole person is distorted. In just a moment, the two people were scorched by the entire body of the electricity. This scene also made the rest of the people dare not come close again, even their captain than gallon. There was no countermeasure this time, so I asked Ling Zifeng: "This door in front of me was powered by high voltage. Just now my two brothers were electrocuted as soon as they pushed the door. What should we do now? "

At the same time, a defensive wall was formed by poker directly in front of him. These pokers became extremely hard and sharp through the ability of Ai Ruiqi. The strength of the bullets could not be penetrated at all. Don’t look very thin or metal, but Through Arrich’s ability, it will become extremely hard. Moreover, this machine gun has been continually bursting in the same place, trying to penetrate the defense formed by the previous poker, but it did not hit it directly. Wear, after a few minutes of shooting, these people have no bullets in their guns, just the moment they just want to change the magazine, the protective wall formed by the poker is like a burst, and they have become one. Zhang Zhang poker and flew directly to the people in front of them, and these rotating flying pokers were all directly tied to the people in front like a flying knife. The dozen people who just held the machine gun fell down One by one, poker became hedgehogs, and at the same time, Ling Zifeng waved to the people behind him, and it was time to rush forward! After opening the door, Ling Zifeng turned and stopped participating in the fight, because he disregarded this level of fighting, and these people rushed directly to them with props. After all, buying machine guns here is also very expensive, and the firearms come here It is only useful for some weakened reinforcements. For some strengthened people, it is not useful at all. Basically, they can avoid bullets, so ordinary people rarely use murder points to exchange firearms. The chicken help, but deal with some weaker but very lethal.

Ling Zifeng poses a great gesture to A Ruiqi, and gives a thumbs up. At the same time, A Rui Qi also makes an ok gesture to Ling Zifeng. The two of them know each other and look forward to the battle. The leader in the front rushed to the forefront is the leader of the Ferrodik family, Bigalun. Don’t look at his mediocre strength, but the battle is really quite brave, although from the perspective of Ling Zifeng and Arrich, the captain is very mediocre. , But in the eyes of his opponent is completely different. In front of different levels of combat power, the strength is likely to be slightly stronger than the other party, but if you start it, you may be able to easily reach the opponent within a few strokes. This is mainly because In addition to fighting physical strength, the gap pays more attention to how to exert the greatest advantage and combat power. Bigalun is such a strength that cannot be penetrated but it finds its own shortcomings and improves in all aspects of combat, so that he gradually becomes more and more Strong, so that he can kill his opponent as soon as possible in a short time, this will not only save a lot of trouble, but also prevent the other party from comprehending the Sky Tribulation and taking the opportunity to turn on the Sky Tribulation state, which can greatly reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles, he It is this kind of man who never gives each other a chance, so although his overall strength is not strong, he is indeed very brave when he rushes to the front at this time.

It may also be that the opponent's strength is too garbage, leading him to basically solve one of the two punches, and the basic kick can also be solved. This also completely inspired his men and made them one by one. It was as if he had beaten chicken blood a hundred times more bravely than before. Ling Zifeng laughed at this scene, and at the same time Ariqi also casually said: "Is Jeff Deer's men so weak? I really don't know how he was taken. Is this boss the same level as his men?"

As soon as this word was spoken, Brigal, who was still very brave, was kicked directly more than ten meters away, followed by a person who was like a wind, and these people in front of him were kicked into the sky, this foot is not just It’s as simple as kicking and flying them, but kicking all parts of their internal organs with one foot. When these people fly into the sky, the whole body bursts in the air instantly, just like the dazzling four-and-five-part blood water flying across, Ling Zifeng saw this suddenly Squeeze out the cigarette butts in his hand, and said to A Ruiqi: "Is the rest enough? It's our turn to play this time!" In his book, I walked straight ahead according to this sentence, and the man who appeared in front was also He is burly and has blue hair. There are two men behind him. One is thin and withered and looks like a skeleton. The other is fat and very rich. These three people are full of aura. At first glance, they are at the cadre level. The kicker, named evil spirit, glanced at Ling Zifeng who was coming to him, and his unrelenting verbal power showed that he was a man of few words, so he did not Saying hello to Ling Zifeng, he rushed directly to Ling Zifeng. The boy's running speed was very fast and the collision force was very strong. He rushed to Ling Zifeng instead of waving his fist directly to Ling Zifeng, but directly hit Ling Zifeng with his shoulder, Ling Zifeng Instead of evading, he directly moved his hands forward and wanted to forcibly stop the reckless man, but what he did not expect was that the strength of this person made Ling Zifeng not move, Ling Zifeng was directly hit and flew out, and this The guy also jumped up again and hit Ling Zifeng with his knee in the air again. If this strike is a normal strengthening person's physical endurance, it will be directly exploded like those just kicked by him, but Ling Zifeng is also the same He was hit and it was still a knee impact, but the body did not fall apart from the air to the ground, which was indeed beyond his expectations.

Ling Zifeng stood up directly after landing, and patted the place where he was beaten, and asked, "Do you think I'm not dead, you're strange?" He directly attacked Ling Zifeng again. Ling Zifeng blocked his attack again this time with a serious expression. What he did not stop was his impact. This time he blocked the fist of the so-called evil spirit. Ling Zifeng can easily block and directly make a move. At the same time, one turns and raises his leg, and his left leg jumps slightly and his right leg lifts up. His knee directly hit the evil chin. The whole person who hit him backed back continuously for two steps before standing firm. As soon as he stood firm, he saw that Ling Zifeng jumped directly in the air and hit his leg again. The blue-haired evil spirit raised his arms straight up to directly block Ling Zifeng's blow, and at the same time his arms were thrown out by his arm instantly A strong wind blade, Ling Zifeng did not expect him to have this trick again, because too suddenly Ling Zifeng did not expect this guy to have this ability, blocking him from attacking while he was not landing. , The wind blades swayed by both arms while swinging left and right forwards made Ling Zifeng more than a dozen scratches like a knife scratch in front of him, and the depth was neither deep nor shallow, causing Ling Zifeng to look Just as it is about to hang up, the entire front body has been stained with blood.

Ling Zifeng looked down at his wound and asked, "Yes, there are two." From the calm expression of Ling Zifeng, he can see that he doesn't seem to be worried about his current injury. However, his body's healing speed is quite rapid, and he is taking a step Step by step to repair himself, I still did not forget to ridicule my opponent and said, "Are you still attacking me while I was injured?" The young man with big blue hair obviously didn't grasp the opportunity just now, but waited for Ling Zifeng's wound to heal He continued the next round of attacks. Although Ling Zifeng admired this kind of enemy, the enemy was the enemy after all, so Ling Zifeng sighed sadly: "Although I admire that you haven’t just attacked me, but the enemy is the enemy. At the end, we can only have one, but I don’t hate your bright opponents, so I give you a chance to choose between life and death. How about giving up this battle and joining us to give up secretly?"

Just after Ling Zifeng said this, the blue-haired evil spirit who had not spoken for a long time finally shouted: "You give me less nonsense, the temperament of our first born king is just the righteousness for others, let me follow You don’t have to die unless I die!” This sentence also fully shows his attitude and conception, so Ling Zifeng replied a little regretfully: “Then I can only say a regret, I forgot to tell you, since you just used your knee just now You have been poisoned when I hit me, I have so many moves with you back and forth, I am afraid that the poison has spread to your whole body, if you just agreed to my proposal, maybe there will be a rescue, but unfortunately you are so stubborn I can only say goodbye to you!" Ling Zifeng's words just fell, and he was already running to Ling Zifeng again, and he kept running and said to Ling Zifeng: "Even if I die, I will take you with you." Go to hell!" As soon as he said this, his nostrils began to bleed out. The poisonous numbness caused some numbness in his limbs, so just a punch with a lot of strength was easily caught by Ling Zifeng. He said: "Now you should believe that you have been poisoned?" He said this, and took out the antidote and asked: "Just now you may not believe you have been poisoned. Now you should have believed what I said, Did you change the point of view just now? I gave you one last chance this time."

"Hehe! The ill-fated seven-footed boy actually killed me with this kind of indiscriminate means. Even if I die, I look down on you, and I won't be in a company like you." Ling Zifeng smiled after hearing: "Who said that poison is Xia Sanluo, I let you use it, you will not use it, this is also a technology, will you use it as anyone?" Ling Zifeng finished his sentence and pushed his body forward, and the other two in front The man shouted: "This big man has already died shortly. You haven't tried to save him yet. Is it calm enough to fear me?"

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