Killing God Island

Chapter 731: This area is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Sibi Liaz said very proudly at this time: "I didn't want to use this trick, but there was no way. After all, your ability is also very strong, but the people who are trapped by my chaotic airflow can't come out at all, and The oxygen inside is very limited, so you will soon suffocate and die, but before you die, I want to look at the more exciting, see the huge blood man Chen Tian incarnate? I will let him beat you For the meatloaf, Sibi Liaz finished this sentence and shouted to Chen Tian, ​​who was ten meters high in front, "Catch the ball!" "Siberia Liaz kicked on the transparent body of chaotic airflow trapped in Sitia, and kicked her directly in front of the huge blood man in front of Chen Tian, ​​while Chen Tian also caught Sitia in In the palm of my hand.

Chen Tiangang wanted to use his right hand to force Sitia’s whole body into a puree, but at this time when the thunder and lightning suddenly flashed in the clear cloudless sky, a very domineering and thundering lightning directly slammed into Chen Tian’s head. The huge blood man was instantly torn apart when struck by the lightning, and as the sky was covered with clouds, several currents also hit the body of Sitia falling, causing the transparent body that trapped her to explode at the same time. She seemed to have run out of power from the heights, and the two fighting on the other side were Alma and Xu Shun. Xu Shun was one of the three major forces of the Chen Tian team, and his attack methods and attacks were not weak. , But the effect on Alma in front of him is not great, the main reason is that this kid is not only capable of close combat, but also the ability is not only very powerful in defense, even his own defensive type of mass destruction Power ability, he has the same lethal power as Citiar and can be both group and single. If it is not Xu Shun's ability, it also has a large range of lethal power. It is really difficult to fight Alma because This person's ability is the power to control the earth. Not only can he control the ground, but he can also shuttle on the ground to attack at will, and he can also create various earth-shaped objects and native puppets with independent vitality. This person's ability No worse than Citiar, he has the ability to develop extremely high potential.

So Xu Shun didn't take a bit of a deal with him, although he didn't want to kill Xu Shun easily, but the fighting style of the two also prompted the two to fight for so long. When he saw that Sitia was in danger, he turned directly back to a seemingly shocking feeling. In fact, it was a fake posture and then moved away from the battlefield in the direction of Sitia.

Alma’s ability is special. The power of the earth can control the matter composed of any soil on the earth, and even the rock can change its shape with his ability. The sand of the land can be mobilized by him, and even turned into magic. All kinds of sandstone demon soldiers, like a blood man crawling out of Chen Tian's blood river, can instantly form a team, but the blood corpses that appear in Chen Tian's blood river must be summoned by Chen Tian's personal killers. He came out and used some of his abilities and combat powers during his lifetime. It’s just that because Chen Tian is not capable of blood rivers now, blood corpses have a fatal weakness, that is, blood corpses have very low defense power and are very impatient to fight. I am completely different from Chen Tian’s blood corpse. The blood corpse’s defense is very low, but the sandstone devil is hard like the stone man. The skin and the slight blade dagger can’t cut the opening. It can be seen that the strength of the skin is generally strong. It hurts with a fist, and the power is also very powerful. Basically, his strength is the same as the strength of the punch in the state of Chen Tian seriously fighting with others, but the movement is not as sensitive as Chen Tian’s blood corpse, and his thinking consciousness It is far away from the self-conscious blood corpse in Chen Tian’s blood corpse. It can be said that it is completely similar to mechanization to attack the other party, and some enemies and opponents will look very clunky when they are seen, but the power he summons is more powerful than Chen. The blood corpse of the sky is much larger, and it stands on the ground, whether it is the defense of the earth wall or the various huge earth-type arms that appear in the type of attack to carry out high-strength attacks. This attack appears to be comparable to Xu Shun’s battle bones. Xu Shun was slightly strenuous. Although his mechanical war bones were powerful and lethal, the face of a larger attack, after all, no matter whether she used the bone wings to defend or the tail bone to attack, she could not have the upper hand. Can only barely be low-grade because Alma did not attack with Xu Shun at the beginning. Although Xu Shun saw Alma’s ability to control the land so powerful later, he entered the state of complete war bones. Show it.

But it is a pity that Alma is still unable to fight back and can only defend. Therefore, the five people are obviously different from the previous position in terms of strength. The station that Chen Tian saw originally stood at the front. The handsome Lurant stood among the five, and it seemed as if he was the leader of the five. He looked very powerful, but the real strength was not at all the case. Now, the mother Lurant has been resolved by Chen Tian's group. Of the five, there are only two left, but the strength of the two is really not weak. If these five are not pretending to be one by one, Chen Tian and Xu Shunwai plus the Steel War Wolf are definitely not the two. Five opponents, two of them are enough to make Chen Tian and Xu Shun tricky, but at present, although these two men are powerful, they seem to have no plans to fight Chen Tian and fight for revenge for their teammates. The idea is that if Xu Xun and Siberia Leahzi had to be blocked, the two might have escaped now, but only after they stopped did they realize that the two of them still have such strength. The two were really caught by Xu Xian and West. Sister Bieliaz underestimated, if they were not aggressive, the two did not want to reveal their strength and one battle, and the result was that both defeated and injured after the battle, it is better to stop, just talk about the strength of Sibi. Sister Leahzi is about the same strength as Sidia, who can control electric energy. The two really fought in a single round to attack Sithiya’s thunderbolt, which is more than dozens of times stronger than Sister Leah’s attack, but very It’s a pity that Siberia Leah’s chaotic airflow happens to be the nemesis of Sitia’s ability, so the chance of continuing to defeat Sitia’s fiasco accounted for more than 80%, but if she is replaced by Xu, she will win Xu Shun, because Xu Shun’s built-in weapon toughened battle bones are full-body bone toughened, which happens to be the conductor of thunder and lightning. It is as simple as Magneto playing Wolverine. There is no chance of winning. Xu Shun and Citiar can even tie her. And if Sister Liazi exchanged her opponent and Xu Shun, she would also be completely suppressed by Alma’s ability, if not against Alma, who could control the power of the earth. The ability of Sister Biliaz is mainly because of the earth element of his power, not only his own attack power is powerful but can be attacked and defended, and he can also create hundreds of sandstone devils around him. Protection, so that people who want to melee him can't get close at all, and his long-range attacks are even more violent. It is completely known for its mightiness. Even Chen Tian is a hundred meters blood demon Venerable. It is not so easy to suppress him. Not to mention Xu Shun.

So Xu Shun shouted to each other loudly: "Brother Chen Tian comes to help, I can't hold it anymore, this kid is so strong!" His voice just fell, and a huge five-finger mountain composed of sand and stones, about five meters above him, The same hand, falling from the sky, just like a slap in the face, directly hit Xu Xuan, Xu Xuan originally wanted to escape and this time period happened to be with Siberia. The time period in the direction of Chen Tian is the same, and Cynthia, who was caught by Chen Tian in his hand, attracted Tian Lei in order to protect himself. This is really the so-called thunderbolt of a sunny day. On Chen Tian, ​​who turned into a blood demon venerable body, huge current and power directly blasted and smashed Chen Tian’s huge liquid body, and at the same time, Sitia also fell from Chen Tian’s scattered blood.

Xu Xuan just wanted to jump and was directly affected by the current on the ground. He felt his legs numb. He originally wanted to jump and then flew away with the bone wings behind his back. As a result, he did not jump much. A huge resistance was formed, which caused Xu Xian to be blown back without flying to two meters. At this time, the huge palm over the sky was also shot directly. Under desperate circumstances, Xu Xuan could only choose to defend, but the defense area with his hands upward was too large. No, so Xu Shun can only use his bone wings as a shield for instant defense. A loud noise came out that Xu Shun was shot directly into the ground, sinking under the huge palm and the ground around him, The surrounding shock waves let the smoke directly cover all the surroundings, just like putting a natural smoke bomb, and at this time, Sitia falling from the sky was also caught by Alma's hands. By this time, the two people directly covered the smoke. Ran away.

Chen Tian, ​​who was scattered with blood rain, also changed from the state of the blood river to human form, but his face was pale and he was seriously injured. The great power of the five sky thunders almost shocked Chen Tian directly. Although Chen Tian Has super recovery ability but that is all cell regeneration and division from the group, so that he can regenerate and recover, but once his own cells are all dead then it is really dead. The huge electric energy of the five lightnings just caused the huge The Blood Demon King was all broken, and many of the blood cells were burned to death by lightning. If it were not because of the blood, Chen Tian had already died. Yi's blood splits back to his original form from the group, so Chen Tian's physical fitness is very weak, as if he was seriously injured, and Xu Shun was shot into the soil with a slap. Although the war bone helped him a lot of low-level injuries, The huge concussion caused all internal organs to bleed internally. Although this injury can be completely cured, but within a short period of time, Xu Shun’s combat power cannot fight the strong. Currently, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Siberia Liaz Only the four sisters of Badama and Siberia Leahzi are still fighting. If it is not because of this, the two people will definitely choose to stay and kill Chen Tian and Xu Shun. They mainly do not know Chen Tian. He and Xu Shun have been seriously injured. The most important thing is that the Cynthia who led Tianlei is exhausted and unable to fight, so another talent will choose to take her away.

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