Killing God Island

Chapter 726: I'm very busy right now

Chang Yanxiao is a person who is very good at training elites. Although he is not in charge of the family combat department, he has 100 strong men under his control. Each one is a carefully selected master, and he is trained by him. , And pull out one casually, it will definitely not be worse than the members of the combat department trained by Joni Eileen, which shows that Chang Yanxiao is still very professional for those who have the potential to train, and Sidiya in front of him has great potential. , So he used the microcosm to detect the potential of Sitia, and he couldn’t help but want to let her develop, so he actively taught him the way of fighting. Although Chang Yanxiao was kind, but it also indirectly hurt her. Otherwise, she would not be able to kill, nor would she be arranged in the god-making plan and enter the killing island, but Chang Yanxiao was not a person who taught others halfway, and taught half of the people who thought they would, he was right The person he teaches is very strict and is a person who likes to develop the front of the human potential, and the training is aimed at the actual strength, so the Sitia Academy is not the ultimate goal of Chang Yanxiao.

His ultimate goal is to turn an ordinary weak girl into a professional fighting level in a few hours. As a rare top talent in the world, Chang Yanxiao does not say that he can do this, but in his absolute An ordinary person can be transformed into an ordinary skill within a short time.

So Chang Yan smiled at the three tricks and five methods that Sitia had given him complete control, and said to Sidia again: "Now you have control of what I just taught you, now take this medicine, rest assured that It’s not a poison. It’s a medicine that allows you to completely separate yourself from ordinary people within a few hours.” In fact, this medicine is a gene-enhanced drug developed by gene-enhanced mutations. Degree, but it can make this person’s physical speed and all organs of the body fully strengthened to at least twice as strong as ordinary people, if complete strengthening is at least three times more than ordinary people, but the risk is likely to be greater than half Withstand this brutal intensive surgery, the risk of death is very high, but the risk of this drug is very small and basically not fatal, but it will bring some temporary physical effects, such as poor blood circulation and poor breathing, etc., so After seeing Cidia taking the medicine, Chang Yanxiao pointed to the bed again and said, "You are lying on the bed now, I need to help you get through several acupuncture points on your body." Chang Yanxiao used this method successfully. Has turned several men into top masters, mainly because this method can make people directly become reinforcements, but he needs his assistance. If this is known to the heads of the four major families, he may have been helped Owned, unfortunately Chang Yanxiao has been very low-key.

Although Cidiya didn’t know what Chang Yanxiao had eaten for herself, she would eat even the poison. After all, the girl’s vigorous heart could give everything for the person she likes, and she also felt that it could not be the most poison. Kind of medicine.

So Sitia lay directly on the bed, and Chang Yanxiao also directly massaged her very professionally, but the massage was indeed regular, and after he had a few acupuncture points with his hand, the whole body suddenly seemed to cramp In general, her body was tight, and a hot energy from Dantian directly filled her body, so that she could not help but suddenly cried out, and Chang Yanxiao also used the energy of her hand to forcibly suppress this force. So that she can swim smoothly in Sitia’s body and strengthen all the organs of her body smoothly. If you have a ghostly smile and you don’t need to suppress it with your own strength, if you rely solely on her own patience, I may not be able to endure this severe pain. It is also easy to hurt some organs in her body, so Chang Yanxiao personally opened into the micro realm, using her own power to feel the power in her body and using her own power to gradually strengthen her body, but this kind of The pain still made Citia whisper painfully. This sound did not make a small noise. The father of Cidia who was reading a book in the living room was stunned for a while, and then she smiled and shook her head with a smile. " Hey! Has it started? The young people are really good. Although they want to stop it, as a father, it seems that it is not so good, and I can see that my daughter still likes this kid very much. The daughter will grow up sooner or later. I’m young too, forget it, it’s better to open one eye and close one, but this kid is so powerful that he can make my daughter so crazy!"

And when she heard such a sound from a distant room, her mother raised her ears immediately, and her mood began to become irritable: "Although I know that they will do so, are they a bit too loud? This is really annoying, it's so annoying!" She came out of the room angrily, but when they passed the door of the two people's room, she didn't knock on the door to disturb, just glanced and walked angrily to the living room , Waved to her husband who was reading the newspaper and said, "You can still read the newspaper so calmly, don't you hear it?"

Sidiya’s father smiled and asked: “Of course I heard that children grow up, don’t you want to be this bad guy? And the boy is also very handsome, and his speech and manners are not very good. It’s no wonder that my daughter will fall in love with such people, so I plan to close my eyes and close my eyes. I’m going to stop you from stopping yourself. I’m not a good person for this bad guy!”

Sidiya’s mother said angrily again: “You idiot, of course I didn’t plan to stop it!” She directly grabbed her husband’s ear and threw a wink directly at her: “I don’t want to bother now. Daughter, I just want to fight you for three hundred rounds!" Citiar's father was stunned for a moment, then hugged his wife directly and whispered with a low smile: "Observe! My wife, my lord!" Then, with both hands, she took Sidiya’s mother back to the house, and about thirty minutes later, the cry of the daughter outside did not stop, because the nerves in her body were evolving, and the evolution was more sensitive than ordinary people. At the same time, the perception of pain also bears three times the pain of ordinary people, so while her body is strengthening step by step, the pain is gradually increasing, so not only does her cry not stop for a moment, but also The bigger it was, the more embarrassing Sitia’s parents were. Seeing Sidia’s mother angrily questioning her husband, she asked, "Do you promise me 300 rounds of war?"

"I'm sorry, my wife. I have been under too much work pressure and tired work, so today I am afraid it can only be a hundred rounds!" He was aggrieved and lying on the ground and gasping for breath, but his wife shouted and pinched his waist. Dao: "Why are you in such a bad state? Which fox spirit has you raised outside?"

"Wife, don't think about it, I really don't have it!"

"Have you really not?"

"I really don't, I swear to God, really not!"

"It's not easy to swear to heaven, you have to swear to me!" "I swear to you, I have absolutely no women outside, if there is a thunderstorm in the sky." The voice just fell outside, as if it was thundering, but it wasn't actually thundering. It is their daughter's own strengthened cells that have successfully acquired the power of Sky Thunder, so the thunder was just the thunder summoned by Citiar with her own ability.

At this moment, Citia's mother said with a serious expression: "Tell you that there is thunder outside, and you are lying and carefully hacking you."

Sidiya’s father knelt directly at the head of the bed: "All I said is true. It may be that I have been too tired recently and in a bad state. If you don’t let me go, my wife, then I can only use my unique skills!" After he finished speaking, he stuck out a tongue that was longer than the snake. That's why he chased Sitia's mother back then. His father was born with a tongue that could lick the tip of his nose.

At this moment, the father and the father seemed to be unable to hear the cry of the daughter. The husband and wife looked at each other and whispered, "It seems they are done!" Just when they thought it was done, they suddenly heard again. My daughter's crazy cry, and it's even stronger than before!

Sidiya’s father instantly blushed: “Fuck! This kid is so fierce!” And his wife was originally about to let him go. Upon hearing her daughter’s voice, it seemed that the two men had started a second round of fighting, only to see her Turning over and suppressing her husband and scolding: "There is no way to take it out now, or you will be dead today!" The full temperament of the queen directly scared him suddenly nodded: "Yes yes , I will start now!"

In the room between Chang Yanxiao and Citiar, Citiar had just gained the power of the sky and thunder. The thunder and lightning in the surrounding sky were summoned by her and burst out thunderous sounds, but her ability was not to travel the clouds and rain. She didn't think it was her own ability, but after Chang Yanxiao simply taught Citiar how to use the energy in her body, the thunder outside was louder, and even Chang Yanxiao didn't even think about the woman's ability. So powerful, this thunderous burst and powerful lightning thunder make the dark night sky very bright, but this is not her real ability, so Chang Yanxiao guides her and gently encourages her in her ear: "Your ability is not just that, the real power is connected with the class!"

Since Sitia had just changed from an ordinary person to a fortified person, she was tired and sweaty, and the pain made it difficult for her to get up from bed now, but because she heard Chang Yanxiao’s encouragement, she was again inspired to want to Chang Yanxiao showed her side in front of her, because she was very strong in all aspects of study and learning, so suddenly a thunderstorm fell from the sky. She would directly hit the roof directly and penetrate the roof directly, but Chang Yanxiao also raised her hand at the same time. This powerful sky thunder directly hit the energy barrier of Chang Yanxiao on the roof, and then ejected into the window while Chang Yanxiao also held Citiar's hand and asked: "You are ready to become a real Are you yourself?"

Cidiya nodded her head weakly and Chang Yanxiao smiled slightly when she saw it and said to her: "You are really a brave child, then I will give you real power to change your ordinary life from now on." Chang Yan Xiao held her hand and touched the metal of the window, and the power of thunder and lightning was directly injected into the two people. Chang Yanxiao’s strength was so strong that he was not afraid of such an electric shock. If the average person would be burnt directly, it would only be All the clothes are destroyed, and if Citiar is an ordinary person, she will definitely die, but her own power is to protect herself, but because she is truly fused with thunderbolt for the first time, this kind of thunderbolt cell penetrates her every time. The tingling sensation of an inch of body cells made Citiar once again make a very painful cry, which was completely distorted by her parents.

Although Sitia gained a strong ability, it was a pity that the entire bedroom was messy, but at this time, she slightly raised her hand, and she still could clearly see the looming current in her palm. She asked with a surprised expression: " Who are you?"

Chang Yanxiao made a non-speaking gesture with her index finger on her mouth, then stared at Citiar’s eyes and said, “Because you have a good physique, I gave you the abilities you should have, but don’t use it lightly Don’t let others know, once you use it, you will kill the people you know, otherwise you will be miserable after letting others know, but after I teach you the combat skills, the power given to you can also make you not in the future. I’m being bullied again, so take advantage of this ability to protect myself. I’m leaving this country tomorrow, so I hope that one day I will come to this country to see a different you."

"Can't you stay for me? If you can't, can you tell me where you are going?" Citiar looked at Chang Yanxiao's eyes very complicated, but Chang Yanxiao said with a smile: "Britain If you come to the UK, remember to bring the lucky coins I sent you, as long as you find someone with a status, you should be able to find me."

"Then you wait for me, and I will definitely find you." Cidiya sent her own kiss directly after her sentence, and her red lips covered Chang Yanxiao's lips, and Chang Yanxiao also said again: "Hey, hello! Your body needs to take a good rest now, you are already tired. Isn't it appropriate to do this kind of thing?"

"It's okay! Because I'm willing!" Chang Yanxiao smiled slightly after hearing it, then as a gentleman refused to give you such a beautiful beauty, it really lost the gentleman's demeanor, so I just... he just wanted to fall, suddenly Someone knocked on the door in between, this really angry Citiar shouted: "Who is it?"

"I'm your mother, give you something to eat and fruit!" Mother Sitia's voice came from the door, and was suddenly rejected by her daughter: "I don't eat, you can take it back and eat with my dad! I am now Very busy!"

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