Killing God Island

Chapter 720: Chang Yanxiao, one of the Seven Warlords

"You're so mean, you want to marry me in this situation, don't you think your conditions are too high?" Sitia glared at the fat man in front of her face with an angry expression, and the anger in her heart was really thinking If you want to hurt him, don't sprinkle, soak, urinate, as you like, if you grow up like this, you want Miss Ben to marry you? This is what Sitia thinks at the moment, but for the father's company is naturally also for the mother and the entire family, she did not directly say these disrespectful words.

Of course, this fat and fat man in front of him has a very high EQ, and he has so many countless girls. As long as she looks at the expression of the woman, she can think of her inner thoughts at this time. Since she has no excessive abusive behavior, then It means that she has regressed. He belongs to someone who won't easily let go if he seizes a little opportunity. Besides, this opportunity is still very big. Of course, as long as she can agree or therefore take advantage of her, then she will not lose herself. The layout of a large amount of money and a lot of manpower and material resources have even planned a lot of brain cells spent behind the scenes.

So the fat man was very sloppy again. He smiled slightly. The fat on the whole fat face fell like two. Tuo. Shit. He fell from the sides of his two faces, and opened his thick lips. He said in a calm tone. : "Since the conditions I have issued are too difficult for you, then we are taking a step back from each other. You accompany me to travel to Hawaii for a week. During this period, you listen to me and if you are satisfied with us, we will return to our country. At that time, I will let my father put a sum of money that can bring your father's company back to life immediately. As for how to spend and how to save, it depends on your performance at the time."

"You guys are really humble. Despotic. No shame!"

"It’s up to you to say what you want. Anyway, I think I’m a paid bailout. It’s a rare opportunity. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t spend tens of millions to save a company on the verge of bankruptcy. If you have to make me say bad things, it’s all because of you. I think you are worth tens of millions, and even if you don’t want to marry me, you can get so much money with me for a week. I am afraid many women dream of it. But if you are willing to marry me, my property is more than a hundred times that of your father, even if you don’t like money or me, then when you are for your father and your future, I am afraid you will not give up this Chance?" Chubby Smith looked at Sitia in front with a smirk, and at this time, Sitia did not reject him as loudly as before, but asked after a few minutes of silence: "Okay I will stay with you for a week, but I don’t want you to send money to my account. I will let you borrow your father’s funds and channels to get my father’s company on the right track. When will you do this, I will consider accompanying you You traveled together!"

"Okay! Then it's a word, I assure you that your father's company will be on track within a week, and you're ready to baggage to accompany me to Hawaii!" The two men exchanged for a short time and really saved This is the beginning of the real change of this incident because of Sitia’s father’s company, because Sitia repented. Although she had a private agreement with Chubismiff, after he reached it, Sidia refused to refuse him. Before the transaction, this also caused the fat man’s distorted heart to collapse even more, and began to use more harsh means for forced acquisition, because Chubby Smith’s family had money, so as long as the woman he fancy Will get it, so his attachment to Sitia also led him to wantonly to retaliate against her, and even to spend money on hiring a nearby speeding party to launch a private abduction of Sitia, but because of the woman’s insistence Jumping directly from the tall building, Citiar is such a strong-hearted woman. The character of dying rather than obeying makes her jump directly from the top of the twenty-floor building, but only with the determination of death. The fierce girl, but she was definitely dying, she was rescued by Chang Yanxiao, one of the four major families, with the world's top level of strength. Chang Yanxiao is a Chinese and a rare strong in the world. After all, the world's top strong It may be only Chang Yanxiao who is very famous in China, and he is one of the seven war madness of the Plinters family. Naturally, he does not need to say much about his strength. He also passed by right here. He came to this for a mission. The national, just after finishing the tasks instructed above, may return to the headquarters tomorrow, so I plan to stroll around in this country tonight. I didn't expect to walk here and suddenly a woman fell over.

Chang Yanxiao is not only handsome but also very understanding of Xiang Xiangxi Yu, so he flew directly without hesitation, he easily caught Sitia in the air, and at this moment his eyes met with Sitia Seeing, it may be due to excessive shock, which made her expression and expression too nervous, but after Chang Yanxiao's legs fell and put the girl holding her hands on the ground, Sitia's expression consciousness recovered, she looked Reddish looked at Chang Yanxiao and whispered thank you, then lowered her head. Although Chang Yanxiao has long ponytail hair, she looks handsome and handsome, and her figure is also very proportional. Although it is not a muscular man, but You can see the outline of muscles in his casual clothes, but it is not the type of muscular men.

"Miss, are you okay? Why did you fall from the top?" Chang Yan smiled and looked at the top, then asked the sentence casually, and Citi Yaye directly replied: "I was forced to jump down from the top. , If you didn’t save me, I might be dead now!" Citiar said very nervously, her eyes were moist as if she was asking Chang Yanxiao for help.

"Oh? What about this? I originally thought that the security in Italy is very good, and it seems quite chaotic!"

"Yeah! Thank you for saving me, let's leave here quickly!" Citiar looked at it in a panic, and then looked back and forth again and again, catching Chang Yanxiao after seeing no one around. Said the words to leave quickly.

But Chang Yanxiao didn't plan to leave, but continued to ask: "The girl is so beautiful, those of you who don't have long eyes dare to bully you, and the Chinese are below. I don't know if you have heard of Chinese Kung Fu. , And I have also practiced for a few years, so please don’t be afraid of girls, even take me to repair them!"

"Thank you for coming forward for me, but there are a lot of people on the opposite side. I don't want to hurt you. Let's leave here first!" Sidiya was very nervous, but Chang Yanxiao smiled and pointed to the front and asked: "Is it the people in front of you who bullied you?" As soon as this sentence came out, Citiar scared her as soon as she turned her head, and dragged Chang Yanxiao's hand directly towards the alley in front.

"Where is that woman, don't let her run away, if we let this woman run, no one can explain to the boss." This younger brother just shouted out, and a man next to him who appeared to have a higher status than him A flat-footed man who gave him a mouth without saying anything: "You are so nonsense, hurry up and chase. This woman hasn't fallen to death at this height. This woman's life is so big, but it's impossible to fall at this height. Nothing at all, give me gentleness, hurt her, don't think about it any of you."

The beaten younger brother immediately nodded and apologized: "It's Wei Ge, we know!" As soon as his voice fell, Wei Ge was kicked again on the fart. Don’t chase me, what are you doing stupidly here? Waiting for me to chase?

"Yes, yes! I'm wrong, Brother Wei, I'll chase it, I'll chase it!" He immediately chased forward to Sidiya, and Sidiya also grabbed Chang Yanxiao's hand while running Say: "We ran to the corner in front of us and we separated. The person they want to catch is me. It has nothing to do with you. You mustn't have muddy water. It's not good for you. They are members of the Speed ​​Party!"

Chang Yanxiao's face, which had been smiling after listening, showed a slight sense of awe: "I didn't expect you to be loyal!"

"I just don't want to hurt you!" She said that when they were here, the two of them ran to the corner. Citiar released Chang Yanxiao's hand and said to Chang Yan Xiao: "You're running over there, I lead them away!" She said, she continued to run forward, but Chang Yanxiao did not continue to run, but instead, the younger brother chasing the woman just turned around and was lying straight with Chang Yanxiao's hand. On the ground, Chang Yanxiao just waved his hand gently. More than a dozen people saw this guy who dared to hit us.

And Chang Yanxiao saw such a fierce and awful dozen people, even igniting a cigarette without fear, and using the legs one by one in the process of lighting the cigarette. After kicking out, and hitting several people, they fell to the ground and couldn’t stand up. They kicked them all down without kicking, and they couldn’t stand up, and it seemed like it was just a few seconds, even Chang Yanxiao's mouth had just taken a breath, and these people had all been resolved.

Chang Yanxiao flicked the soot and said to the dozen or so gangsters who were lying on the ground and hurting: "Get rid of it, what you say is also a gang. Society, society, a dozen men chase an unrestrained chicken. Powerful woman, is it embarrassing? You guys still go to the speed party?" Chang Yan laughed at this, and a very rough male voice in front of him also passed into his eardrum: "It's that shit, insulting us to speed Party?" This man is the older Vigo, and this Vigo and several other younger brothers have already captured Sitia, but at this time, Sidia saw the knocked down gangsters and looked at it with a very surprised expression Smiled to Chang Yan.

And Chang Yanxiao is also holding a cigarette **** in her mouth, looking at the front with a very cool posture with her hands in her pockets, and picking up the cigarette **** with one hand, exhaling a smoke from her mouth and saying: "Do you intend to use this woman to threaten me?" ?"

"Small you, deflated. Three, I use a woman to threaten you? Do you think I'm a fake?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be quite confident. Since you don't intend to use a woman to threaten me, then let that woman go. If you want to single out or go together, you can play whatever you want." Chang Yan smiled with a look of contempt. I looked at Wei Ge with a scar on his face, and this Wei Ge was also a dad who had been on the road for many years. It is impossible for an idiot to really release this woman. After all, grab this woman and you will get a lot of money. . Now I pay more attention to money and benefits. Even if I still occasionally use rivers and lakes to solve problems, most of them can still give each other a better face, but Chang Yanxiao, a casual wear and ordinary dress, has nothing at all. Humiliating the scum of the son and the gangster, but what he said in the mouth was very hard-core, as if he were a black brother.

But in fact, Chang Yanxiao is indeed a real underworld brother, and its power is definitely the biggest underworld. Big brother. It’s just that his current dress can’t be seen at all, he is under the jurisdiction of the family. It is the heads of all the gangsters, gangs, clubs, and all the leading ranks of all spheres of influence, so his aura is actually much larger than these people, but these people are not in his eyes.

However, this brother may not care what Chang Yanxiao is. The present Chang Yanxiao is just a deflated in his eyes, so he rushed directly to prepare to beat him.

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