Killing God Island

Chapter 717: How easy is it to run?

In fact, it is not because of how hard and strong Lu Luante's face is. It is precisely Chen Tian's own problem. Because he splits his physical strength and divides one person into two bodies, his current body is very self-healing. Kuaiwai, although his own attack power is still there, the lack of body hardness leads to not only lack of attack power, but also the problem of his own hardness makes Chen Tian feel that this trick seems that the blood line is still very large, so Chen Tian wants to make his body Jump into the blood river and blood river into one, so that Chen Tian will not become so weak, but what Chen Tian did not expect is that he originally wanted to directly enter the blood river with the same tricks as he just did, but he did not Thinking that before Angel Chen made this move, Lurant pulled it out of the form that was about to turn into blood water, which was not good. This drag caused Chen Tian’s body to enter the blood river, and After the upper body was pulled back, the legs below the waist and some of the most important parts of the man also disappeared, leaving only the body and half of the waist, making Chen Tian unable to fight Lu Lante, but Lu Lan He seemed to be very happy, and he was also a person with a strong inner vanity. He likes to show off his type of person, so when he pulled Chen Tian out, he looked at Chen Tian who could not climb up on the ground. , Started beckoning to the partner in front as if to win, and gestured the victory in advance to the two associates in front, but facing Alma and Sidiya in front of them, they kept a serious expression. Warnings and shouts were issued, but due to the large number of blood corpses around them, and they would emit very unpleasant bass without brains, resulting in a large murmur so that far away Lurant could not clearly understand what the two were calling. , But from their excited expressions, the two were very excited at this time, so Lurant misunderstood the excited expressions of the two, they probably thought that I killed the one-eyed dragon in front of me very well, so Expressing my admiration for me very selflessly.

Lurant’s strength is unquestionable, so he often gets praise from some people, and he has formed a very proud character over time, so he is very happy to wave to Alma and Citiar in the distance, right here For a moment, he suddenly felt a strong wind behind him, and there were some energy fluctuations that the ordinary people could not perceive, so Lurant instinctively squatted down and swept back directly in the form of a leg sweep. The whole person was completely stunned when he turned around.

Because at this time, Chen Tian behind Lu Lante was not the Chen Tian who had just left half of his body looking vulnerable, and this little meeting just turned around, when Lu Lante turned back again, he What I saw was a huge blood blade with a height of at least ten meters, and this huge blood man was a super-terrorized individual formed after the body of Chen Tian and the blood river merged into one. This trick Xu Xian once saw Chen Tianyong Once, Xu Xun was shocked when he saw this trick. In fact, it was inaccurate to say that it was shocked. It is exactly like the expression that Lurant turned around now. This kind of surprise and fear are mixed. Together, Lurant, who completely closed his mouth, was already scared to lose his usual calmness at this time. The main reason was not Chen Tian’s huge body.

Monsters more than ten meters tall on this island will also often see that since Lurant can live in this area for so long, he has naturally seen monsters with a height of more than ten meters, but Chen Tian’s giant is not The unilateral monster's height and volume, but the whole is a blood man in liquid form, and at the moment when Lurant turned back, this huge blood man raised his arms upward and fell directly with his fists down, while watching The huge, **** man actually attacked quickly, and this fist had been smashed when Lurant turned around, plus his stunnedness for a few seconds, he could not avoid at all, even if he could, Because this fist is really big and it was hit with both fists, this area is really inescapable, resulting in a dull sound, and with Lurant’s emergency defense arms up, he also gritted his teeth and closed. Eyes closed.

But unfortunately it is of no use at all. Chen Tian called the blood corpse to return to the blood demon lord, which is another form of himself composed of the blood river and the surrounding blood corpses, Chen Tian blood river and the body, although this It is not Chen Tian’s state of Heavenly Tribulation, but it is similar to that of Heavenly Tribulation. At least its use is completely similar to its strength. Chen Tian’s huge fist hit the ground directly. The huge and dull sound was accompanied by a huge shock, followed closely by Afterwards, the surrounding area was shrouded in instant smoke. The dusty scene and the shock wave visible to the naked eye caused everyone around to retreat. Xu Xuan directly wrapped the bone wings behind him in front to use it as a shield, but he was still hit. Flying directly out, Badama saw such a fierce shock wave in front of him, and wanted to use his own strength to try to defend, but was blocked in the front by Siberian Liyazi sister to prevent this huge shock, but Unfortunately, the power of the shock wave is indeed very large, causing Sibi Liaz to prevent it, but the whole person was flicked out like Xu Shun.

Of course, Alma and Citiar could not escape the impact of this shock wave at all. The two of them had their respective defenses blown out, and the dust and sand were smashed by Chen Tian. The flying sand and rocks were general, leaving many people around them. I suffered a lot of injuries, and the dusty dust lasted for five minutes before slowly subsiding, and the scene was even more shocking after subsidence. A large pit was formed tens of meters away, and a lie was lying in the deep pit. Lurant, who has been smashed into meat sauce, is a terrible bet that smashes Lurant's entire body with just one blow. This destructive power is terrible. The only five people left are Alma and Sitia. People, the two looked at each other, and then nodded to each other to signal each other, after all, the old partner for many years can understand what it means without saying a word, the meaning is very clear is to quickly retreat, because the two have now Knowing that they are at an absolute disadvantage, they obviously have the absolute advantage of not installing b. Unless Chen Tian comes up to start the blood river and use this fire to the full, they can definitely attack five people in a short time, at least It can kill the badama of Chen Tian's current four people.

But now not only did they not kill any one, but only two of them left, and besides, they also suffered some minor injuries just under the dust and sand, and now the other party is not only several more than himself, Even if the huge blood man in front of these people is not able to deal with these two people, so these two people turned around and were ready to run, but these two people have not waited to run out of the sight of everyone, just It was stopped by Xu Shun and Sibi Liaz.

Sibi Liaz was blocking the young girl Citiar, and Xu Shun was blocking Alma. The two were originally far away even Alma, and did not expect Xu Shun to appear suddenly, and the person did not arrive The tailbone blade has greeted Alma first, and Alma is also a very fast-reacting person. If he dodges a little hesitantly for a moment, his body may now be cut off by Xu Shun’s tailbone blade. , But Xu Xuan’s coccyx blade was not retracted directly after being hit, but would attack again after a miss, and after Alma dodged three times in a row, it became more and more felt that Xu Xun’s coccyx The blade is not only sharp, but also becomes more rapid and different attacks with the person’s evasion. Sometimes Xu Shun’s tailbone blade will pierce into the soil, and then pierce out of the soil and Alma launched a non-specified attack, and from which position of the ground did the attack come out, in addition to the quick response and fast hiding, it was necessary to first use the ear to distinguish the position of Xu Instant’s tailbone on the ground. This ability is Xu. Unexpectedly, this guy's ears and reaction ability are keen, so Xu Shun's attack is obviously very yin and poisonous, but for a while, it didn't work too well, but at this time, he must repulse the other party as soon as possible or let him The choice to retreat from difficulties is to fight Chen Tian, ​​otherwise Chen Tian’s current consciousness is clear Xu Xu can’t guarantee, so if there is no enemy he can vent, it will be troublesome to take action on his own.

So this is also the reason why Xu Shun wanted to push him back. Anyway, he would rather commit suicide by himself, he would not let these people run away, the main reason is still afraid that Chen Tian’s current state of consciousness is unclear, if this is the case, then there is this The two people stayed in Chen Tian for a while, Xu Shun, Sister Libyz and Badama could take this opportunity to leave now, and Chen Tian could not last for too long. After Chen Tian returned to his original state In taking him back, of course, this is only Xu Shun’s idea, and the older sister Siberia Leah, who is blocking the woman in front of her, the idea at this time is a little different from Xu Shun, and her current idea is to kill It’s a pleasure. At present, Chen Tian is backing up Siberia. I want to make it a pleasure. Anyway, the outcome is divided. Now the murder is left to enjoy the breaking process. So Siberia. In the heart, Sidia, who was completely let go and fought with Siberian Leahyz, is currently rather frustrated and somewhat depressed. It is at this time that she has no intention of fighting Siberia at all. Fighting, she just wants to escape now, but the woman in front of her wants to give her no way of life, so she is also anxious and fought with this woman in a similar desperate battle, but Sister Liby Zizi’s fighting ability is nothing. Not weak, she is not at the disadvantage, but she is completely suppressed by her. Of course, on the other hand, she thinks that she may not be able to solve this woman in a short time, so she does not want to work with her. The woman continued to consume. After all, the dozens of meters of the liquid blood man was coming to this side. The power of the thing was just a look. It was absolutely dare not to fight this thing.

Sidiya has been constantly looking for opportunities to get rid of Siberian Leahzi's elder sister, but Siberian Leahzi's fighting level is the same as that of Chen Tian, ​​which means that her fighting power is definitely not to be underestimated.

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