Killing God Island

Chapter 702: South Road Five

The Iron Wolves team is just a group of pioneers for Chen Tian's group. In fact, Ye Minyu did not have much hope for these two teams at all, so Ye Minyu had already assigned two powerful people to these two teams to support them. By the way, Siberia Leahzi’s meaning is to let Badama think about whether or not to fight hard. Badama has some idea that his strength is a few pounds, even the strength of the elder sister is against them. Before attacking, I considered my own strength and overall strength, but I don’t know who gave Badama’s self-confidence. He would feel that even the elder sister and him and these four wastes can solve all these people in the south, because of his strength. Even Siberian Leahzi’s self-confidence is speechless, but Siberian Leahzi thinks that even if she really meets a super opponent, she has at least the ability to protect herself, so she doesn’t have the enthusiasm to attack Badama. So she also went crazy with Badama. Although this belongs to the stone attack, Sibi Liaz is also a very crazy woman.

Although Badama just had a lot of self-confidence, the truth is cruel. When he found that these people were quite hard, he was surrounded by strictness, and his four men were also confronted by the two groups. Killed, if it were not for the eldest sister to hit ten Badamas alone, it is now estimated to have become a corpse. At the moment of the crisis, two people suddenly flew from the sky in the distance. Badama looked up and these two people have wings. The flight speed of the two was very fast. When they landed, Badama felt confident, because the people who came were Chen Chen and Xu Shun. Both of them had wings-like things. Chen Tian had blood wings. Xu Shun has bone wings, and at the same time, Sibi Liaz also smiled to Chen Tian: "It seems that the savior has arrived, you really came in time, I am afraid that you can only do it for me later. The corpse was collected."

Chen Tian also directly replied: "Sister, you laughed. With your strength, we may not have something to do in the late afternoon!"

Sibi Lia laughed after hearing this: "Your kid really speaks, but what are you waiting for?" She suddenly changed her words, and at the same time, Chen Tian and Xu Shun stared at each other, and they both looked forward. After rushing over, Chen Tian and Xu Shun were both people with a wide range of attack skills, so they yelled to Siberian Leahzi while running, "Sister, you jump first, jump as high as possible, now Jump!" Although this was shouted, the other enemies in front of them did not know the meaning of Chen Tian and Xu Shun, and Sibi Liaz directly jumped on his feet without any consideration. At the same time she jumped up, Chen Tian rushed over and clapped her hands, wearing countless tiny tentacles in the center of him, and stabbed all the hungry soldiers who had not responded to them. They entered their bodies and sucked up their blood, and Xu Shun's tailbone blade swept around in a circle, and everyone within three meters of him was instantly cut off by the waist.

By the time Sister Leahzi fell from a height, all the bodies around her were already corpses, and all this was only a few seconds. Siberian Leahzi left and right hands shot at the same time On the shoulders of Chen Tian and Xu Shun, said: "I didn't expect you two to be so strong, it really made my sister look at me differently!" Chen Tian and Xu Shun replied with an awkward expression: "The eldest sister has won the prize, not because we are strong, but the opponent is too good." At this time, Siberia. Sister Zi suddenly raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you mean my strength is too good?"

Chen Tian shook his head suddenly: "Of course not, I mean those who have been solved by us!" Xu Shun also nodded, and Sibi Liaz was amused when he saw the expressions of the two: "I I am funny, but you are really powerful, even when I jumped up, I completely solved these people, and I was so handsome, I made my sister dare not be against you in the future, or else It's easy to be killed by you in such a second!"

At this time, the Iron Wolves team has basically disappeared, and now there is a captain of Badama and Siberia Liaz. In addition, Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng who come to support the current team against the South have only four people. , But these four people except Hardama are hard people, and Badama is also a captain-level person. Although the strength is much weaker than these three, it is also better than Yao. Jun has to be several times stronger, so these four people just want to move forward internally. Since Chen Tian and Xu Shun came, basically they haven’t let the elder sister do it on their way. These two people killed such miscellaneous soldiers. The lethality is too great, but you can’t blame these people for being by Chen Tian and Xu Shun seconds. Xu Shun’s coccyx blade is countless even if the master died on his coccyx blade, not to mention the masters. And this monster, such as Chen Tian, ​​who is completely undead, is scary enough from this point, and its high blood control attack is even more inaccessible, and few people on this island use machine guns. There is no chance to hurt Chen Tianhan’s hair, so at this time, Sister Badama and Siberian Leahzi only need to follow these two people. Their killing methods are very simple and rough. And their skills are all high-range and high damage, especially Xu Shun’s killing is very simple, that is, the endless blade of the tailbone is waving like a lightning, and the silvery light flashes in front of different people. Their The body was easily cut directly into segments like tofu, and Chen Tian also used blood to **** blood, which allowed him to fight more bravely and the stored blood can slowly trigger the blood pool, but now he put more Blood is used for the **** tentacles that appear on the outside, and his main blood has returned to his body, because now the blood of these people is enough for him to form the countless **** tentacles in the sky, these red will move The blood of a living body is actually a drop of his main blood to make it obey Chen Tian's command.

Suddenly, Badama felt as if he had saved a lot of trouble at once, and if he went on like this for less than half an hour, he would be able to smooth out everyone in the south, but Siberia Leahzik didn’t realize that it would be so easy. At this point, of course, Chen Tian and Xu Shun think so too. These are just some miscellaneous soldiers. The real masters haven't met them yet, but so many people are dead in front of them, and they will soon be alarmed to guard the masters here, so The real battle should really start soon, so Chen Tian has so much blood absorbed that he is all ready, just killed so many people enough to start the blood river, as long as he opens this trick, he can basically turn over, so Chen Tian has already prepared the back road.

The same is true for Xu Xian. Although he has not made the war bones in a complete state now, Xu Xun is completely different from the previous ones. Previously it was an exercise in the development and use of war bones, and Xu Xuan’s battle mainly relied on The powerful attack power of War Bone, so he is very dependent on War Bone, but now he is gradually changing, that is, he can be very strong without War Bone, and slowly adapt to War Bone. In the integration stage, Xu Xun has not yet fully realized the power of the fusion, and there is not even a complete integration, but now Xu Xun has applied the toughened war bone to the extreme, whether it is the development of moves or the use of various forms of the whole. Xu Xun has completely disengaged from his previous personality, and he has become more masculine after following Chen Tian, ​​so he gradually secured the title of the top three in the team of Chen Tian, ​​just pushed away from Chen Tian and Xu Xian. At the gate of the must-go road, there have been people here waiting for them for a long time. Both masters and people with different identities have their own different auras, just like entering the company soon from the clothing temperament and words Find out who is the hierarchy of cadres and units, etc. This can also be seen from the appearance of clothing and aura. These people are different from the previous ones. Although there have been some small bosses in the front, they are different from these. Compared with people, there is nothing comparable. There are five people standing in front of it, and there are not as many people standing in the surroundings as just to increase the momentum. In fact, standing so many people is not useful. The strength is not the fundamental top of the same level. I can’t live, but the five people who know this dare to stand up against Chen Tian and others on the other side. Obviously, they have proved their strength. Standing between these five people is a very pretty girl. The man not only has long long hair but also is more flamboyant, but his naked work proves that this is a man, or if he looks straight, he thinks it is a beautiful woman, although there are some women But his face value is really good. From the standpoint, the two people on his left and right are a man and a woman. The man on the left does not look like a figure. He is dressed in black casual clothes but is very fashionable. Still holding cigarettes and looking sullen, there are still long chains hanging on his lower body jeans. He wears typical outdated chain pants, and the other woman is the only one of the five. Women don’t look very old, they have short hair but they’re very bold. Basically, they can see a little bit where the upper body and the lower body look at each other. The aspect is very bold, generally girls are afraid to wear this clothes to the streets.

The other two are a pair of weak-looking people, because these two are disabled like Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tian is blind, and these two are totally blind, so he can wear a blindfold It can be seen that this man has blind eyes and is wearing a Chinese cheongsam. Although he is not Chinese but looks like a foreigner who admires Chinese culture very accurately, it is not a cheongsam or a cheongsam because it looks like a cheongsam but The sleeves are more like a coat, very long, and look thin and dry, anyway, it looks like the kind of person who can knock down one foot and kick the heel with one punch, looks very weak, of course, except for this Outside, the other person is more mysteriously dressed, not only wearing a cape to wrap the whole body inside, but also wearing a mask that looks full of mystery, and gives a strong feeling, with two people behind his back I don’t know what it’s carrying, and this person’s bare skin is wrapped in bandages. It looks like a mummy. This person is tall but looks super thin. It’s too apt to describe him as thin as a stick, and looking at Chen Tian’s position on the other side, judging from the current position, Chen Tian is undoubtedly the first, and then Xu Suddenly, with Sister Liazi, standing at the end is that Badama is obviously stronger from the standpoint and temperament.

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