Killing God Island

Chapter 66: War is approaching

Xiaowu's physical injury is very serious and it is difficult to heal again...

The blood flowing out of her body had dyed the black dress she was wearing red, and at this moment she looked up very calmly, with a strange smile on her face, but she said to the dead Nuo Mi : "Sister... We still failed to leave this island, but I will be reunited with you soon!" Xiao Wu looked at the original chopping motion above, but did not defend with the hammer in his hand. I chose to close my eyes.

A strong leg impact directly prevented Ben Xi's fatal hack, at this time Xiaowu only felt a strong wind coming in front of her. When she opened her eyes again, she could only see what had just happened in front of her. A scene.

I saw a slender young girl kicking a foot in front of the little dance, she just happened to be with Ben Xi’s legs, the impact of the collision between the two women’s legs also made them not far away. Dance, hair tips and hair all blown backwards.

At this time, it was Zhuo Wenxin who parried the fatal blow, and she saw that she kicked the foot in a beautiful and casual manner, and there was a bright smile on her face: "The battle between the two of you should almost leave. Now, this girl is taken over by our siblings!"

After Zhuo Wenxin finished speaking, he turned and said to the little dance behind him: "So... hand over the gold medal hanging on your neck!" Zhuo Wenxin did not expect that during her turn, Xiao The dancer used the remaining power to turn Zhuo Wenxin directly with a hammer.

Both the strength and the speed of this hammering are more than several times before, and Zhuo Wenxin did not expect that she would attack the person who just saved her life. Zhuo Wenxin could not hide at this time: "You... ..."

"Younger sister, be careful!" Zhuo Yanxuan pushed his younger sister aside, and he was blown out directly by the hammer of Xiaowu, which was definitely not small. This scene also made his sister Zhuo Wenxin look stupid. After she almost stiffened for ten seconds, she shouted loudly: "Brother!!!"

Xiao Wu had just planned to let Ben Xi kill herself, but unexpectedly this time was stopped by the sudden appearance of Zhuo Wenxin, so Xiao Wu felt very unhappy at this time and felt that this woman was a hindrance, so she directly directed Zhuo Wenxin back to her A hammer wheel passed, but this hammer did not hit Zhuo Wenxin but flew her brother out.

The person whom Zhuo Wenxin cares most about in his life is his own brother, and from the visual point of view, the strength of his brother is not small. The brother's comfort immediately made her rush directly to the small dance and rushed towards the face: "You darling, dare I hurt my brother... I killed you!" Xiaowu just came out of the hammer and hadn't waited for his body to stand firm. Zhuo Wenxin had come over.

Before waiting for Xiaowu to take the hammer out again, he was separated from his head by the dagger in Zhuo Wenxin's hand. This momentary outburst of anger not only cut Xiaowu's head directly into the air, but also flew in the air. The head... Zhuo Wenxin still felt uneasy, and inserted the dagger into the middle of her head again.

In just a few seconds, Zhuo Wenxin will detach from Xiaowu’s neck with a very fast skill, and the dropped pocket is directly caught in the palm of his hand. The black pocket contains exactly the three pieces these people want. Gold medal, Zhuo Wenxin grabbed this thing in his hand and hurried away in the direction of his brother flying out.

Everyone around here instantly seemed to be frying up, and locked all the targets on Zhuo Wenxin again. Even Chen Tian and many other people who were still alive all followed Zhuo Wenxin, because only these three Only a gold medal can leave here to enter the W area, Zhuo Wenxin's running speed is very fast moving on the surrounding ruined tall buildings.

But at this time, she has also become the target of everyone's attack. If she wants to go to the direction of her brother's flying, she can also leave with a gold medal, but in Zhuo Wenxin's inner world, everything is not as important as his brother, let alone this gold medal? If all these people were brought to the elder brother, wouldn't it be more dangerous if the elder brother was seriously injured.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Wenxin actually threw a small black bag with a gold medal directly into the hands of Ben Xi who was chasing her. Ben Xi also looked down in surprise and raised a big question in her heart: "Why does this woman want Throw me this thing?"

In fact, Zhuo Wenxin just wanted to lead everyone away, first go to see how his brother was injured. If nothing was robbed in the past, after all, throwing this woman at one and a half will not be easily robbed by someone, so Zhuo Wenxin Will directly throw such an important thing to Ben Xi.

Sure enough, Zhuo Wenxin did not expect that these people locked their target to Ben Xi. Just when Zhuo Wenxin eagerly ran over to see his brother's injury, Zhuo Wenxin's brother Zhuo Yanxuan was from a corner in the distance , Stood up and walked in the direction of his sister.

Zhuo Wenxin, who saw his brother, rushed towards his brother eagerly, and Zhuo Yanxuan patted his body and was thrown down by his sister: "Hey! Don’t hold me down, the most important thing now is to get those three A gold medal leaves here, it’s important not to get into business!"

When Zhuo Wenxin saw that his brother was fine, he even cried with tears in his eyes and cried, "Brother Fool! Don't do such a dangerous thing in the future, what if I have something to do with you?"

Zhuo Yanxuan looked at her sister because of her anger and worries, her small face tightened and blamed herself. It was really nice and cute. Zhuo Yanxuan patted Zhuo Wenxin's hair and replied: "Relax! I have some pain all over my body, but you are my sister, as long as I don’t die, no one wants to hurt you in front of me!"

Zhuo Wenxin checked his brother’s injuries again, and after confirming that he really didn’t get too serious, he pouted and said, “Brother! I’ve killed the woman who just hurt you. Then we just need to kill that Just get three gold medals, right?"

Zhuo Yanxuan looked around and shook his head, saying: "Now the situation is not right, then Chen Tian is not weak. He didn't go to grab us. Let's watch the changes first. No matter what, I tend to be As a result, the process is not important, so we don’t need to spend so much physical energy on grabbing things. It’s too strange that these mutant beasts haven’t attacked us yet.”

Chen Tian once played with Zhuo Yanxuan in the y district, this kid is a person who keeps his promise, so Chen Tian also respects this person in his heart, but Chen Tian also knows that this pair of siblings are definitely not weak, but these two The fact that people didn’t fight for these three gold medals also made Chen Tianjue feel better. I don’t want to fight for it. Although Chen Tian is not particularly smart, he is definitely not stupid. He is also afraid that he won’t fight with so many people for a while. Physical strength may die here.

Another reason why Chen Tian chose not to move for the time being is that he cannot determine whether the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's are enemies or friends. Apart from the madness of Chen Tian who believes that there is absolutely no chance of winning, the brother Zhuo Yanxuan among the brothers and sisters of Zhuo is left. Chen Tian thinks he can be qualified to fight against me now, and his strength may even be stronger than mine, so when Chen Tian found that the siblings did not take action, so he also wanted to leave some physical strength to deal with special situations. happened.

At this time, Benxi was enemies from all sides, but the fighting instinct was very strong. One enemy and three people were not at a disadvantage. These three people were not small. One of them was very thin but his skill was not weak, otherwise he would be close to Benxi. Fighting has long died under her axe. He had been a bodyguard before he entered the island. Hei Dao's personal bodyguard, nicknamed Yasha, real name Van Lore. He used to be very open in Hong Kong, but because of the club. He committed a very big thing. Not only did the high-level personnel in several countries want to kill him, but even the biggest forces in the country could not protect him, so through his boss relationship and borrowing the four family forces, in order to protect him from death He was sent to the island, but whether he could survive on the island depends on his own ability.

In addition, the other two who attacked Ben Xi at the same time as Yasha Van Lore had a bigger head. Among the three, the tallest and strongest man with short blond hair, his name was Jevins Twitke, a senior agent of the CIA, and he was blocking Ben at this time. The real identity of the Chinese man in the foot is a very important character. He is a member of the Chinese dragon group Fang Shihao.

To ask why these three people appear here, there are many reasons. But if the three people can block Benxi, it means that they are not weak themselves, but these three people are not a group of each other. In order to compete for the gold medal, the three of them each hide their true strength for the embankment, so the three of them work together to barely draw a tie with Ben Xi.

And some of the other people who rushed forward were killed by Ben Xi and the three people, but at this time, all the mutated behemoths that surrounded everyone on the periphery would be directly breached by more than a dozen people. Strength is by no means extraordinary.

These dozens of people can be seen from the station position. They are composed of three groups, but the number of these three groups is different. The minimum is only three people. They are an old man who looks old, plus one For young boys who have not yet reached the age of 18 and seemingly only girls in their 10s. The old man is about 60 years old and looks like he is holding a large wine gourd in a sling-like robe. He is stepping on the mutated body of the head of a giant beast that is several dozen times larger than the three of them. Two boys and girls stood on either side.

The other two groups of people also have a certain strength in their domineering appearance. The number of people in this group is the largest in the three groups. They are composed of six people. Standing at the front is a mature woman who is about 32 years old. The long-haired shawl covered her face with heavy makeup but her body was extraordinarily charming, especially the long, thin and charming legs would never lose to any young woman. She also stood behind him with five looks, one handsome young guy composition.

A group of people in the other direction is also composed of five people. The person standing at the forefront turned out to be a woman with a mask on her face who had just fought Chen Tian. The four people standing behind this woman have changed their bodies just like her. It became a biochemical variant, so these five people all looked different from normal people. Chen Tian and others saw these people standing up one by one, and even Chen Tian jumped directly from the height, It fell to the forefront of Angelina and others.

Chen Tian's group stood at the front with Chen Tian as the head, followed by Yao Jun and Angelina, and at the end were the third-rate writers Zhou Yan who wore glasses and cultural people. Wu Yifan killed those two obstructive people Later, when he saw this form, he also came to Chen Tian and made a squeaking sound by pinching his fingers about to go to war.

The brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family who were not far from Chen Tian and others also stared at the three groups of people who appeared in front of them. I saw that the brothers of the brothers and sisters touched their sister’s hair and reminded: "It seems that this time it is time to move the real one. After a while, if there is a big scuffle, don’t care if you know it or not, as long as someone approaches you are all enemies. Just remember a little, and we will kill whoever comes.”

Zhuo Wenxin nodded cleverly and replied: "Understood!" Zhuo Wenxin said these words, her mouth and eyes stared forward again, and at the same time her cuff also slipped out of a three-inch dagger, just before the war was about to start. Under the atmosphere, in the right side of Chen Tian and others who have been watching the hot madness, Qian Da, Han Li and the trio suddenly stood up from the ground.

At this time, Kuang Qi walked to the center of the war of these people as if he were nothing, and Qian Da behind him also walked while looking at the people who were about to interact with each other with their eyes, Han Li was not The nervous side was doing naughty contempt, while extending the **** to the people around it and continually posed various provocative movements, until Kuang Qi said to her: "Don't irritate them, let's wait here first!"

After he said this, he looked down at his watch again, then looked up again, and a helicopter flew at the position where he looked up...

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