Killing God Island

Chapter 63: Red body

"You killed my sister, I will let you go to the funeral!" Xiao Wulun picked up the hammer and jumped directly from the place. This bounce force is shocking. This jump is almost 20 meters away. Yao Jun also Seeing that the big things are not going well, the hammer just about to prepare to escape the small dance has been smashed from above.

Yao Jun jumped to the side with the fastest speed, and a loud bang blasted the shock wave, so that the cement ground around the ruined site instantly recessed a large pit from the middle, while Xiaowu borrowed a hammer Yu Li, her small body turned horizontally and kicked towards the jumping Yao Jun.

At this time, Yao Jun also crossed his hands to block this foot, but the strength of this foot was far beyond Yao Jun's imagination. This foot Yao Jun could not avoid while jumping, so he chose to only hard connect but take The cost of staying on this foot is very serious. Yao Jun only feels the same pain as if her arms were about to be kicked, and she was kicked directly from the jumped position.

After Yao Jun's body landed heavily in the air, he slid more than a meter away before stopping and his back was completely broken. But Xiao Wu didn't give Yao Jun any rest or relief, followed closely again. A hammer directly hit Yao Jun again from above, and Yao Jun wanted to avoid the flexibility just now just dreaming.

The loud resistance made a huge invisible ring-shaped air bubble, spreading around with Yao Jun and Xiaowu as the center. A strong wind greeted everyone around, and the wind was mixed with stone sand to let these people I didn't see the result of this hammer at all, but from this strength, Yao Jun's eighth floor would be smashed into meat.

What surprised these people was that Yao Jun didn’t die, and the other people appeared to shock everyone. The person who rescued Yao Jun was Chen Tian who had just arrived here. Although Chen Tian was very capable of fighting Strong but attacked by this level of power will also hang as long as he is completely hit, but Chen Tian's body is red at this time. He kicked the hammer directly with his leg.

The shock wave just generated was the air fluctuation caused by the impact of these two forces. Since Chen Tian had some understanding of how to control this high explosive force more sensibly, this time he used the self-consciousness to enter the red state, but Chen Tian did not expect that the little girl’s hammer would be so powerful, but fortunately, Chen Tian’s foot was also full of strength, and the result of the two of them colliding with brute force was that the ground on which Chen Tiansuo stood suddenly fell. At the same time, Xiao Wu was also kicked out by Chen Tian.

Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, who are about 20 meters away from the two, did not expect Chen Tian to appear suddenly. At the same time, Angelina and Zhou Shun were not far from Chen Tian at the same time. After flying into the air, his body turned to the ground while staring at Chen Tian with a very unfriendly look, and shouted loudly: "I didn't expect that you ugly man could catch my attack? Since you are helping this person, you My enemy!"

Xiaowu was just about to attack Chen Tian, ​​but she appeared a few people at the same time around and around, and the people who came over attacked her at the same time. When Chen Tiangang was about to reach out and raise Yao Jun, Yao Jun pointed out The little dancer in front said, "There are three gold medals in the black bag hanging on the girl's neck. These three gold medals are the keys to the w zone. We can't leave here without that!"

Chen Tian made a clear gesture and said to Angelina by the way: "Yao Jun and Zhou Shun will trouble you to take care of it first. The charge in the charge will let me come!" Chen Tian said this to Xiao Wu. Going, Xiao Wu was entangled with the other three people at this time. Before Chen Tian passed, a long man who was uglier than Chen Tian directly blocked Chen Tian's way.

"I won't let you ugly man stir up the mess!" This man who is uglier than Chen Tian actually said that Chen Tian is an ugly man. Chen Tian lifted the redness of his body at this time, but Chen Tian was serious. The expression replied: "You say I'm ugly? Then what you grow up is not a person anymore?" Chen Tian didn't talk nonsense to him at all, just went straight to punch.

Being able to live to the most central area of ​​Area X, his own strength is naturally impossible to be too weak. While this ugly one arm blocked Chen Tian’s fist, he also kicked straight towards Chen Tian. Chen Tian did not dodge one arm and pushed him up. After kicking directly, he suddenly raised his knees and jumped directly on the man's chin. The huge force made the person lean back directly.

But the man reacted very keenly. While leaning backwards, he directly supported the ground with his hands and wanted to make a jump, but Chen Tian did not give him the opportunity at all. I saw that the man just supported the ground with his hands and prepared his legs. Just about to turn up, Chen Tian grabbed his ankle and followed Chen Tian's side to turn the ugly man's body directly.

With a loud bang Chen Tianlun lifted the man and smashed it into the ruined concrete pillars in front of him. Only with a loud bang, the man’s head was hit by the blood of the brain, and the blood of the brain was instantly scattered. When Chen Tian killed the ugly man Turning around, he found that a figure in the distance was flying towards Chen Tian. While Chen Tian subconsciously evaded the attack, the ground again experienced a very strong tremor as before, which also caused the scene that was originally a ruin to fall into again. In chaos.

While the ground was cracking, strange sounds of hissing came from a distance. Chen Tian jumped more than three meters in height. After jumping several times in a row at this distance, he stood at a dozen meters high. Looking at the movement in front of the ruined building, the person who just attacked Chen Tian was a long-haired woman wearing a veil. This woman wore a black mask to block her face but her gender could be easily distinguished from her body. .

At the same time, some dozens of biochemical variants with a height of more than ten meters suddenly appeared around the ground. Ominous signs appeared on the ground. At the same time, several three-meter winged beasts that seemed to have mutated enough to fly were flying in the air. The scene not only shocked Chen Tian, ​​but even all the people present were shocked by the scene. They also began to wonder if they had traversed. Is the scene in front of them really something that should appear in the real world?

But this kind of thought is just a flash of thought. Following the huge reality, these infighting people have jointly dealt with these biochemical giants for their own protection. When facing the biochemical heterogeneity of the human body, they are not human. These people who had just been in a hostile relationship stopped all the subconscious fights subconsciously, and some even joined hands in order to protect themselves.

Chen Tian subconsciously looked at the woman who had just attacked him, and at this time the woman was also staring at Chen Tian below. Who is this woman? Why should she take the initiative to attack me?

Just when Chen Tianxin was in doubt, I did not expect that the young woman wearing a black mask and a ponytail was so sensitive that she jumped several times in a row and stood in parallel with Chen Tian. position.

The distance between the two is only ten meters, but at this time the two stared at each other without saying a word.

Chen Tian felt that the woman in front of him was definitely not simple, but he did not take the lead, but the woman raised her right hand and seemed to be posing. In fact, she had already moved, and Chen Tian did not think of the woman’s arm. It could be stretched out, and the speed of the stretch was so amazing that Chen Tian didn't respond at all, and the body was thrust into the chest by the woman's finger.

When Chen Tian reacted, immediately grabbed her sharp fingers with both hands to prevent her from going deeper, but Chen Tian lowered her head to grasp the woman's wrist, and the woman's arm suddenly contracted, following the contraction as if it could be stretched again. .

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