Killing God Island

Chapter 56: Tomb card

Generally, the women who love madness in the family are afraid of Ms. Zhao’s majesty and strength, but although Joni Yililin’s identity is slightly inferior to that of Ms. Zhao, Jony Yilin is not afraid of her in terms of her ability to single out. However, as a cadre below the middle level of the family, Han Li can't compare with these two Niucha women in terms of status or strength, so she can only bury her love deeply in her heart.

But she couldn't stop herself from thinking or acting, so she learned that Kuang Qi came to this island to do a task, and she came to this island because she was punished for doing something wrong. In fact, she was only able to work with Kuang Qi Contact alone, but she never imagined that everything was going well, but at this time, there was a woman beside him, and this woman was Qian Da. Wilson's appearance was slightly better than herself.

This also makes Han Li's impression of Qianda extremely poor. Han Li's character is actually completely opposite to her appearance. She looks cute and Sven wears myopia to give people a good girl appearance. In fact, she is very good at heart. And the people who are cruel and hate to themselves basically want to get rid of them, especially Qian Da is by the side of Kuang Qi, breaking the two-person world she wants.

At this time, Qian Da was finally really able to see the face of madness completely, which also made Qian Da's face reddish and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the fluctuating heartbeat made her feel inexplicably panic. He Xinxi, this feeling Qian Da had once had, but since that person left, so many years, Qian Da has never met someone who can give her this feeling.

Unexpectedly, this moment caused Qian Da to have a long-lost inner fluctuation, but Qian Da did not express this joy in her heart, just stood aside and stared quietly at the madness, but the feeling was slowly heating up , The heartbeat is getting faster and faster from the previous acceleration...

The further you go to the instruction point, the greater the chance of meeting with the rest of the group. At this time, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan meet with the other two survivors. When they saw Yao Jun, they were very alert and stared at him for the first time. People, followed by saying that they didn't want to be an enemy and wanted to pass by without interfering with each other.

Of course, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan don’t want to find trouble. They also understand that people who can live here are not ordinary people. Although both of them have some skills, they are super masters for ordinary people or ordinary soldiers. The level, but for these people in fact, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan both understand that it is not a big advantage to really start.

So it’s better not to be able to attack each other without incident, but the two of them seem to panic and escape from there, so Wu Yifan asked curiously: "Brother Yao! I feel these two people look panic, I think the signs ahead are wrong, let's be more careful!"

As expected, Wu Yifan and the two did not go far, and they saw a chaotic scene in front of them, and it was not ordinary chaos, which was mixed with many mutant zombies and two teams fighting with each other.

For the time being, Wu Yifan and Yao Jun did not participate. Just when the two were about to detour, the watch worn by them suddenly sounded a message. When they looked up, they knew why these people were fighting each other here.

The real reason they are fighting against each other is not to kill each other. The real reason is for a four-centimeter round gold medal called a tomb card. As for why this thing is called a tomb card, it is not yet known. This question Wu Yifan and Yao Jun doesn't care either. What they care about is the following paragraph.

If you want to pass the x zone, you must collect three tomb cards. Once the gate to the w zone is opened, you can pass ten people at a time. Once you close it, you must wait for fifteen days.

This is a gold round gold medal called a tomb card. As long as it is within 100 meters of the watch holder, it will automatically transmit the information just to the watch holder. Wu Yifan and Yao Jun both looked up at the front and said: "The original thought Enter the area w, the three gold medals are the keys!"

The two originally planned to leave, but ran to the chaotic battlefield ahead. At this time, there was already a fight. While the mutant zombies and the survivors were fighting, the two groups here also shot each other by killing each other to win the gold medal.

At this time, whoever the gold medal falls into will be attacked by several people. Of course, those who can live to the center of the city, regardless of combat effectiveness or IQ, will not be bad. People who have a gold medal in their hands will see several people. When attacking him, he will directly throw the gold medal to others to get rid of himself.

So this little four-centimeter gold medal flew around in the air until he flew into the hands of a bearded man. He was stabbed by a dagger thrown by Yao Jun just after receiving the gold medal arm, but the bearded man The gold medal in his hand did not let go. As soon as this bearded man was about to throw the gold medal to his friend, he was kicked back by Wu Yifan who ran to him quickly kicked his body backward, as he fell to the ground At the same time, Wu Yifan also jumped up and placed it directly on the man's neck with his knee. The man instantly put a large straight posture all over his body and slammed his legs and stared at Wu Yifan.

Wu Yifan picked up the gold medal from his hand and just got up. He saw at least eight people surrounded him from all four sides at the same time. At the same time, Yao Jun quickly ran in the direction of Wu Yifan. And Wu Yifan threw the gold medal to Yao Jun who was running towards him, and Wu Yifan also looked at Yao Jun through these people for a moment.

He grabbed one of his arms with one hand and flew it directly into the heap where the mutant zombies gathered the most. This person was thrown over without even having time to scream, and his body was torn apart by this group of mutant zombies. Broken. Because of the chaotic scene, these people are unlikely to attack Yao Jun for the first time. After all, there are some mutant zombies around them.

And although the strength of these zombies is not as good as them, the special individuals that have evolved in number and part of the mutations are absolutely not to be underestimated. Whether these are the people who ran to Yao Jun to compete for the gold medal, or Yao Jun forward wanted to catch The posture of the gold medal thrown is actually everyone's idea of ​​playing the gold medal. Therefore, the gold medal is placed on the ground. At this time, you must first clean up all the mutated zombies in this position.

With two daggers in hand, Yao Jun was constantly solving the zombies in front of him, while several others and Wu Yifan kept running to the gold medal while killing the surrounding zombies. But their distance is not as close as Yao Jun, just when Yao Jun solved the last mutant zombie and prepared to reach for the gold medal...

He only felt a sudden flash in front of him. Yao Jun just hit his face with a gold medal and was hit with a foot. The strength of this foot made Yao Jun fall directly to the ground while his head hit the ground heavily. After two impacts The head made Yao Jun's eyes blurred by Venus.

The man who appeared suddenly was Gao Kai who was a good friend with the perverted girlie. This man chose to escape because of fear after seeing that girlie Gu Xiaofei was killed by Qianda. Unexpectedly, his sudden appearance also made Yao Unexpectedly, Jun and Wu Yifan, Wu Yifan's face also changed when he saw Gao Kai appearing.

After all, the perverted girly strength is very strong, so the strength of Gao Kai will not be too weak, Wu Yifan slammed his head and shouted: "This is troublesome!" He ran directly to Yao Jun's direction, due to the emergency Wu Yifan Jumping straight up, stepping on the head of the mutated zombie, jumping in the direction of Yao Jun, and striking in a direction of Yao Jun with an amazing continuous bounce, directly hitting Gao Kai, who is stepping on Yao Jun’s face with one foot .

Gao Kai turned around and said, "You give me less hindrance!" He made a direct upward kick, Wu Yifan's fist and Gao Kai's kick directly faced together, the huge force directly flew Wu Yifan from the air for a distance, When Yao Jun regained some strength, Yao Jun took advantage of Gao Kai's kick to fly Wu Yifan at the moment with a blow.

Gao Kai, who was suddenly attacked, fell down due to the instability of the center and his body tilted, but his reaction speed was very fast. At the moment when he was about to fall, he struck the ground with one arm and struck the body directly. This heel came straight to Yao Jun's face. Yao Jun was also a fortified person from the special forces. He raised his hand directly for an emergency pardon for bare hand combat.

Immediately afterwards, there was also a flip side kick, bang bang! Three consecutive blows, both sides parry and easily resolve, the two's close combat is very strong, not only the two fight each other but also depends on the surrounding zombies, just after Yao Jun was beaten, he was absolutely determined to catch Only gold medal will be attacked by Gao Kai, Yao Jun, who is now fully focused, is not weaker than Gao Kai!

Just after Wu Yifan fell from above, he saw another dozen people rushing directly to win the card. Wu Yifan directly stood in front of these dozens and put on a stance: "The battle of that level is not something you can participate in, you garbage I’ll take you on the road!"

These ten people were originally divided into two groups to fight against each other, and now see Wu Yifan's arrogant attitude have rushed towards him, and Wu Yifan also clenched his fists and strode towards these people, just Wu Yifan and this When more than ten people are about to fight together, I don’t know what is flying over from a distance!

In an instant, Wu Yifan and the dozen people immediately heard an explosion like an explosion in the middle of the front, followed by a human-shaped deep hole on the ground, and Wu Yifan and the dozen people also looked at the distance.

I saw a pair of sisters in the distance. My elder sister was slim holding a long blue sword, while the petite little girl wearing a black gothic dress was holding a huge hammer that seemed to be very important. The hammer handle is connected by a very long iron chain to a huge plush teddy bear that looks cute.

And the bizarre scene that just happened was the amazing scene after the little girl beat the mutant zombies with a hammer. This zombie that was beaten by the little dance, a human-shaped pit that smashed the ground out of this little dance The little girl's strange power can be described as horror. In the face of these mutant zombies, the little girl stood calmly in front of her sister and helped her open the way.

The huge hammer in her hand, rotating randomly in her hand, as if playing baseball, will be surrounded by zombies, easily hit and fly more than ten meters away...

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