Killing God Island

Chapter 49: Chen Tian Awakens (Part 2)

Chen Tian's body skin changed from red to dark red, and both of them who were flew out by Chen Tian were not badly injured. They have heavy armor-like armor to protect the body from trauma. It is not obvious, but the huge shock makes the body of these two people. Both suffered huge internal injuries.

The two were all bleeding inside the body, especially the nose and mouth have been oozing out. Chen Tian walked over and grabbed one of them and shouted: "Your presence makes me lose a very important friend, so I will not let you die easily. ! I want you to suffer more than death!"

Chen Tianyi punched the man's chest armor, and the impact of the punch on his chest armor was also heard.

The bang of the armor made Chen Tian's fist not broken or cracked, but the huge shock of this fist caused the man's body to tremble without stopping.

"You... you still kill me!" Chen Tian's mouth raised a smile: "Kill you? No, no, I will give you two a chance now, if you want to live from me Kill the opponent, and I will keep the promise and let him go."

After Chen Tian said this, he went to another person with less injuries, and then said in his ear again: "You are less injured than him, so it is too unfair for you two to fight, I have always been a fair Fair person, so you have to be as serious as him!" Chen Tian said to him after a punch!

"Don't do it!" The man's nostril bleeds and his body twitched after a few punches. Chen Tian looked at their dying faces and made him stand in front of the two again. "Now give you the last chance to choose , Was I killed directly, or did I choose to kill my companions to survive and give me a way to live?"

The most injured person immediately shouted to Chen Tian: "If you want to kill, kill me, I will not shoot my companions! Do you think our Wilson family elite troops will be greedy and afraid of death?" he just said. When he was finished, he was strangled alive with a cross-locked throat directly behind him.

His wide-eyed eyes unbelievably issued the last ambiguous sentence: "You...why...why...we have known each other for many years...friend? "His face turned red and his pupils dilated, until he finally said that we were friends we had known for many years before he died of suffocation due to a broken neck.

Although the other person killed his friend, he also left tears silently. After all, he was a close friend between the partners for many years. Chen Tian saw that these two people should be a good friend. They did not expect to die in life or death. The heart of the people is impermanent.

After the man killed another person, he looked at Chen Tian and said, "I have killed him. If you don't honor your promise, I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!"

After listening, Chen Tian smiled slightly: "You can't let go if you're a ghost, right? Then you've done a ghost and let me see how to not let me go!" Chen Tian strode forward and punched him in the face. At the same time, Chen Tian's whole body also transformed from dark red to a state similar to orange, the strength of the whole body seems to be not in the same grade as just now.

The nose of the man who was blown out again was collapsed, but the man didn’t die. After all, he was a fortified person. The huge force of this punch made his body hit the wall and was bounced back. When he got to the ground halfway up, Chen Tian was pressed again, and another heavy blow hit the man's chest.

The power of this punch was so amazing that he dented the biochemical armor on his body. With the splitting of his armor, Chen Tian punched again, second punch third punch fourth punch fifth punch , Until Chen Tian's sixth punch hit the body armor of his body was instantly shattered, and this punch also penetrated his chest.

This man has been beaten by Chen Tian for a long time, but Chen Tian is still waving his fist. He seems to hate this kind of person who will give up his friends for his own life. This selfish person Chen Tianxin is the most He hated this kind of person, and he also hated that he didn't protect Angelina's safety.

So he is just venting his unwillingness and anger in his heart. After so many years, because he looks ugly, he has never met the real, and he is willing to protect Chen Tian’s friends who are always with him. I once promised to take her away from here. ......but......

Chen Tian punched more than two dozen punches on the body under him. His upper body had been smashed by him, and even the concrete floor below the body was hollowed out by Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian’s mood was still unable at this time. calm......

"Angelina! I'm sorry! I didn't protect you well!" Chen Tian finally shouted this sentence, and a familiar voice came from behind him: "If I really died, would you really be so sad? ?"

The voice was so familiar. While Chen Tian stood up and looked back, the live Angelina was standing behind Chen Tian.

Isn't this my illusion? Chen Tian immediately turned and ran towards Angelina. This sudden change of joy made Chen Tian ran over and immediately picked Angelina up and rotated for several laps before putting it down.

"Great! Why are you all right? I think you were hit by a machine gun?"

Angelina smiled slightly and replied: "This is a secret! But I hope you will always know what is better. When you know it, it may be time for you and me to leave."

Chen Tian's expression became serious again: "Don't say this, since you don't want to say it, forget it, anyway, we have all been strengthened, and the wound healing and recovery ability is more than ordinary people."

Angelina watched Chen Tian slowly return to her normal complexion from her just reddish complexion. She paused for a moment and said, "Are there any drugs that slow down your body's evolution? If you don't have me, there are still some, you just If you don’t continue to take the medicine for alleviating evolution in this state, I am afraid that you will soon start the state of Heaven Tribulation." Chen Tian directly asked, with some doubts: "The state of Sky Tribulation can become stronger, why do you want to stop me?"

"Turning on Sky Tribulation can indeed greatly improve the combat effectiveness, but the negative impact is also great. If the body evolves errors, it may become non-human form and may never be able to return to its original state again, so I am not completely sure. It's better not to try." Angelina's expression seriously warned Chen Tianmo to try.

At this time, about a hundred meters away from Chen Tian et al., the madman in a suit and Qian Da wearing a sports suit with a long knife behind his back were standing on the top of the highest building in the x area and looking down, while Chen Tian and others The position of the person is exactly the position of the red dot displayed on the watch.

Qian Da saw the watch on Kuang Qi's wrist and asked curiously: "Brother Qi, how is the watch on your wrist different from mine?"

Kuangqi raised his hand slightly to make Qianda see more clearly and then replied: "Of course it is different from yours, and the function is also completely different. Your watch is set for you to evolve a lot of functions, including querying teammates. With the enemy's terrain and other data, you can even detect the location and distance of people around, and many other functions, but my watch has only one function.

Look for the very single person finder that you are looking for, and this person will be detected no matter how far the person is, as long as they don't leave the island. And your watch will limit the distance, and it can not show the position of someone you want to find, but it shows the position of everyone around you, but it includes the number of teammates and hostile people. The overall information is also very general and cannot be accurately calculated. defect. And my watch can find this person more accurately, but it can't show the others except for this person. "

Qianda nodded slightly and said, "Did you say your mission is..."

There was a gentle smile in the corner of his mouth: "You are a member of the Wilson family, you should know what I do, right?"

Qianda nodded slightly and pointed to Chen Tian’s position in front of her, asking: “That ugly one-eyed man can’t die if he is blown to the head. His ability is absolutely different from ordinary people. I’ve never seen a punctured head. The fortified person in the ministry can not die. And the degree of physical damage he has just exceeded his healing range, I did not expect him to be able to recover instantaneously and still have a high explosive power. We think he like this person will not kill, in the future Will become a big hidden danger!"

Kuangqi listened to Qian Da saying that he would kill Chen Tianhou, and directly replied: "Do you know why he will not die? As a technology level among the four major families, the most sophisticated family should have heard of Wingers IX. Is this person's name? This person is of royal blood from England. Once known as the King of Vampires, he has true immortality. He is the only one who has escaped from my hands immortally."

Qianda seemed to remember something, and immediately added: "The person you are talking about is the one who has achieved the pinnacle of your world's strongest name? That's..."

Kuang Qi looked at Qian Da and would like to talk about those old days. He directly signaled that she didn’t have to say anything, and then Kuang Qi continued: "After Winge IX was defeated by me, his genes were used by four big families to strengthen The main body of genetic research, they would like to have the same ability as Wingers IX, but the evolution process of ordinary fortified people is not stable, and the survival rate of mixed genetically strengthened bodies is very low. However, very few people who came out later It does have the undead ability, and the strengthened people with this physique are called God Eaters, and their undead ability is also called the Seven Kills."

"Seven kills? I seem to have heard of it from my master Ms. Zhao, but I have never really seen it. I didn't expect the ugly man to have a God Eater?" Qian Da couldn't believe it on the roof. Looked at Chen Tian's position again.

Kuang Qi explained again: "It is called the God Eater because they can instantly recover the damage they suffered by swallowing the strengthened human body. All the strengthened people on this island are called God's experimental bodies, and Once this kind of God Eater eats the same strengthened human cells, it will evolve into a seven-color physique by itself. It is divided into different colors of red orange yellow green blue blue purple seven like a rainbow. The first form that was originally inspired is that you just Seeing the red color, you should also see that his skin has just turned red, which has caused his own strength to increase. However, this form of physical exertion is huge. It needs to devour human cells to maintain his physical exertion. Now it is likely that the one-eyed kid is still I don’t know if eating people can not only give him strength, but also the essential source of his continuous battery life.

His own strength will rise and fall with time, from red to crimson or back to the original, when the deep red will be stronger than the red until the dark red will reach the highest point of the red, if he continues to eat people or increase After different types of strengthened human cells, or due to other factors become the second form of orange, it will likely go directly to the final purple state, and his strength will reach a very terrible level. This form is called seven kills, and this seven kills does not mean that he kills others seven times. The real moral means that others kill him up to seven times. "

"How many times have people killed him?"

"Yes! He will be resurrected once every form is killed. If he does not continue to evolve another form, the second death will really die. If he evolves after death, the second form will be killed and will continue to be resurrected. There are seven forms so it can be born seven times. That is to say, the upper limit is only seven times, and he will have seven lives when he evolves to the apex. Now he only has one chance of resurrection a day. And because they are all Wingers. 9 The world’s test body, although inheriting his undead ability, can’t be called an undead creature compared to the fellow of Winks IX."

Qianda nodded and said, "It turns out this way, I thought the kid would never die. It turned out that it was only once!"

Kuang Qi looked at his watch again and said, "Okay! I’m going to deal with the job at hand. You are responsible for blocking the mutated zombies that are gathered to this side!" Kuang Qi said this directly from the top of the building. Jumped down.

Qian Da also stood on the top of the building and watched the other hundreds of zombies running densely towards this side. She also pulled out a long knife in her hand and stepped on it, flew down from the top of the building at the same time She also jumped directly into the corpse.

Qianda's body falling at a rapid speed stepped directly on the head of a mutated zombie, stepped the entire upper half of the body of the zombie into the soil, followed by her again leaping a long wave in the corpse, Blood was splattered all over the ground under a blood-red circular trajectory, and many zombies' heads and broken limbs were cut directly from the air.

Using Qian Da's skill and strength in this corpse is as simple as cutting melons and cutting vegetables. Although these zombies are numerous, they can't approach or hurt thousands of Da Hai's hairs. Qian Da's knife and skill are very quick and agile , Wherever you go, there are neatly cut zombie bodies...

At this time, Ye Minyu, who was not too far from Chen Tian, ​​was being chased by several people from the special forces of the Wilson family, and she was running towards Chen Tian at this time: "Hey! What love do you two still show there?" ? These people will instantly transform into armor like Iron Man, don't hurry to help me!"

Angelina recognized these people at a glance, using armed technology weapons and war soldiers: "That steel armor is called, war!" Angelina returned to her directly.

Ye Minyu returned his hand with a Nepalese knife, and crossed the throat of the person closest to him horizontally. The armor, known as the war era, is very hard, and the defense position also highlights the protection of the neck and other key points. At the same time, the blade edged the armor on the neck to produce a huge Mars, and at the same time the man also punched Ye Minyu with a punch.

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