Killing God Island

Chapter 4: Beat [Kuiqiu comment! 】

The people you choose are not ordinary enough to choose a common person? "

"You really are a person who loves to ask questions. Since you want to know that, I will tell you that. The third person is the former Special Forces veteran Yao Jun. He is 34 years old this year but he still has the skill and is good at using six. A man with a dagger can solve six special forces instructors in one minute.

The middle-aged senior once again said with a little interest: "Ms. Zhao, the more I touch you, the more I feel that you are a little scary. Sometimes I even think that you should not do your best to do things for the above. Which organization are you for? How about doing things?"

Ms. Zhao smiled and smiled and said, "Are you countless? But I do have a patriotic heart, so I selected these three people on the list on the island. I want to be on the island. Form a team inside and let Yao Jun be the captain of Chen Tian and Wu Yifan to assist him to obtain different evolution data of strengthening people in various countries."

The middle-aged senior officer seemed to be able to get through. He immediately took out Yao Jun’s information and looked at it and sighed: “This soldier is really excellent and very patriotic. He has been unmarried for the country’s lurking for ten years and is willing to act as a criminal for the country to strengthen. People are investigating information from various countries, and such a soldier who has no regrets for the country now has very few such people!"

"In fact, the so-called multi-country joint force technology is just a contract. Many countries want to make the project stronger, so nominally many criminals enter the island to conduct experiments. In fact, more than half of the people who enter the island come from military personnel and top technology. Elite talents, and most criminals sent by countries can only serve as cannon fodder for this experimental system on this island."

The middle-aged senior also sighed and nodded slightly, said: "The state is too complicated. I don't want to interfere and understand the soldiers. I just want to make your country strong. No matter which organization you work for, as long as you don't interfere with the country. I will open one eye and close one eye."

Ms. Zhao suddenly made a gesture to the middle-aged executive and said, "Do you want to see the true strength of these three people with your own eyes?"

"Come with me, let me see you!" The middle-aged officer followed her out of the control room, and also saw a middle-aged soldier who was a soldier at first glance on the seat in the hall of the hallway. This is Ms. Zhao Just mentioned Yao Jun.

Although he retired, he saw that the chief still immediately held a military salute for the first time: "Sir, good honour this time to participate in the god-building plan. I will definitely dedicate my best to the country!"

The middle-aged officer also gave him a military salute: "Very good!" Ms. Zhao also smiled slightly and then said to Yao Jun: "Come with me, I will take you to see the two, and the two will enter Paradise Island and will Becoming your subordinates does things for you, but these two people have different personalities than normal people, so it depends on your ability to control."

Just when Ms. Zhao just swiped the card to open Wu Yifan’s door, Ms. Zhao only felt a wind blowing from her face. When she looked up, Yao Jun had taken the lead in front of her and blocked Wu Yifan with her arms. Side kick.

The two closed their hands at the same time and attacked each other at the same time. The middle-aged officer standing at the end said flatly, "Don't you stop them?"

Ms. Zhao took out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of her white coat, and then handed one to the middle-aged senior and said in words: "If they like to fight, let them fight! Let Wu Yifan know Yao Jun's power, he brought Who will listen to him on the team?" Ms. Zhao and the middle-aged senior officer each held cigarettes and watched their fight as if watching a play.

Both of them are quick to move, and their skills are very good. Both are the most professionally trained elites, and both are very good at melee and physical skills. For a time, the two were really difficult to compete. The fists and feet seem to be very powerful, but they are actually trying to find the other party's way, and they want to seek each other's flaws and kill them.

However, the two of them played for ten minutes and still did not score. Wu Yifan gradually lost his breath. He used his most usual assassination of the broken bone in the melee, but Yao Jun never kept him locked. Instead, he slipped two daggers from his cuff at the moment of anxiety, and wanted to assassinate him to cut off his neck.

Wu Yifan, who was originally good at freehand killing, of course saw his way and directly avoided the fatal blow with a super sensitive side. However, due to this posture, the body protruded forward, and the dagger in the other hand of Yao Jun directly directed at him. The heart part of the heart was punctured, and Wu Yifan, who kept his head back to the back because of the speed too fast, could not avoid Yao Jun's second fatal blow for the first time.

After a snapping sound came the elegant and sharp female voice of Ms. Zhao: "Stop hand! Stop it for me!" At this time, the surrounding air seemed to condense instantaneously, and the time stopped for a few seconds at the same moment. Anyone on the scene It seemed to be shocked.

Ms. Zhao suddenly appeared between Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. She saw Wu Yifan's head stepped on her crimson high heels with one foot, while the other hand thrust Yao Jun into Wu Yifan's heart with **** The tip caught.

Just now Ms. Zhao was clearly smoking and chatting with middle-aged officers. At least 20 meters away from the position of the two of them, she suddenly appeared in front of them, and even the middle-aged officer who talked to her. I didn't notice how Ms. Zhao passed by in an instant, which was too fast!

The middle-aged senior just thought that when Ms. Zhao entered the room, she was almost kicked by Wu Yifan's side kick. Now she thought that she had long expected that Yao Jun did not need to avoid it at all, and even if there was no Yao Jun's follower Beside the protection... I am afraid that Ms. Zhao’s skill will not be injured.

No wonder she dared to take the lead and walked in first. The middle-aged senior officer silently confirmed in her heart that this woman's strength is absolutely unfathomable.

Yao Jun put away the dagger and stood behind Ms. Zhao. He didn’t seem to be surprised at Ms. Zhao’s skill. Wu Yifan, who was stepped on the heel of her shoe, was seriously hit at this time. At that time, in Wu Yifan’s eyes, it seemed to suddenly turn around. When Wu Yifan regained consciousness, he found that he was lying on the ground, and there was pain in his face. After the consciousness turned back, he realized that he had been trampled on the ground by the woman. When he looked up, Ms. Zhao was looking down on Wu Yifan and flicked the ashes down. Everything seemed to break through the blow of time and space. Like a dream, she angered Wu Yifan's self-esteem.

A feeling of suffocation came to mind, and Wu Yifan wanted to stand up with his hands propped up, but the prone posture prevented him from using much force at all, and was quickly trampled down by Ms. Zhao again. "Fuck!" Wu Yifan's teeth were clenched, and his heart suddenly burst into flames, and he could not help but scolded: "You woman has the ability, let me go and fight with me! What kind of skill do you suddenly intervene in this way?"

Ms. Zhao squatted down and touched Wu Yifan's head and smiled: "It's a pity that you are such a handsome young man, I am stepped on my feet, but you are too angry, I just help you dispel the fire as an elder, I am with you Have you agreed that you haven’t forgotten? You’d better listen to me now, otherwise you should know what consequences you have, you are smart people, you don’t need to tear your face, you hurt each other, and you say no? I’m going to take you now Meet another person!"

Looking back at the room where Chen Tian was restrained again, Chen Tian grabbed the only bald man who had not been tortured by him and shouted: "I let you beat me, you are really useless! You grow so much Why doesn't the muscles stay alive?

The middle-aged bald man's double fist bone joints have bleeds and are red and swollen around the periphery: "Ghost male brother I beg you, don't let me beat you again, my fingers will hit you soon!"

Chen Tian may also be bored. He suddenly threw his fist and hit the bald man directly with a punch. The power of this punch was astonishing as if he heard the sound of a bald man's sternum breaking: "Since you even beat people If you can’t fight, then I’ll teach you what a fist is!"

The bald man's entire body immediately collapsed to the ground, and the front door was also opened by Ms. Zhao and others. Before Chen Tian responded, Ms. Zhao ordered Yao Jun to fight with him in the past!

Chen Tian is only several times more powerful than the average person, plus his body has a super ability to fight, but he has not received professional combat training, so he can’t see Yao Jun’s attacking skills at all, plus Yao Jun takes advantage of it. The punch was on Chen Tian's chest. This punch was more than ten times heavier than the fist of the bald man.

Chen Tian was beaten backwards for three or four steps before stopping, but unfortunately this attack was still useless to Chen Tian. I saw Chen Tian patted his chest and smiled: "Your fist is really cruel enough. But still useless to me, I don’t feel any pain at all!"

Yao Jun glanced at Chen Tian and then looked at his fist. He also felt that this person was very incredible, so he punched Chen Tian again with one punch, but Chen Tian still did not evade, let Yao Jun punch again. Hitting Chen Tian, ​​this punch was several times stronger than the punch just now.

Chen Tian was flying more than a meter away from this punch, but soon Chen Tian stood up from the ground and said here: "It feels fun to be beaten, but your fist is still useless to me! Chen Tian's words had just fallen. Yao Jun had appeared in front of him again. After a loud noise, Chen Tian was blown out again.

This strength is the maximum that Yao Jun can use. After this punch, Yao Jun immediately felt a burning sensation in his right fist, and Chen Tian was hit by the whole body against the cement wall. It was recessed, and the joints of his body also clicked to see Chen Tian's condition. The inside and the bones should not be broken.

Chen Tian patted the gray on his head as if he hadn’t been hurt too much: “You guy’s fist strength is the biggest I’ve ever seen. This third punch actually made me feel a rare pain, but I It’s still not full. Come on and beat me. If you can defeat me, I will respect you as a hero!"

Yao Jun clenched his fist again to give Chen Tian a punch, but after the punch he just made, Yao Jun's right hand had been numb with pain in his right hand, but Chen Tian did not find that he still kept calling: "Come on ! That punch was good just now. I want to see how hard your fist is!"

Chen Tianyue said that the expression was more abundant, the movement was more exaggerated, and the body kept swinging left and right: "Come! Hit me! Hurry me! I tell you to hit me!" It's an insult to people, especially his ugly and exaggerated expression makes people look very uncomfortable!

Yao Jun can’t bear it anymore, but he also knows that if he punches a punch with the strength just now, his right fist may be broken by his own strength, but Chen Tian’s provocative exaggerated expression and The strange tone is too much for a man to bear.

Just when Yao Jun was just about to make another shot, Chen Tian was suddenly slapped on the ground by Ms. Zhao's whole body.

Chen Tiankou vomited blood and whispered, "Sister! Your fist actually interrupted my three ribs. It was really me... It hurts! I am afraid that it will take several hours for me to recover!" Many blood vessels inside Chen Tian were instantaneously cracked. When Chen Tian fell to the ground, his nostrils and mouth also bleed out.

Not only that, but Chen Tian’s body on the ground was twitching violently, as if people were about to die and struggling violently: “I didn’t expect that... someone could make me feel so painful all over my body. Sister, I really admire you more and more. I really admire such a tough woman. If I’m not dead, please date me!" Chen Tian fainted after saying this sentence.

Ms. Zhao saw Chen Tian so dizzy that she sighed helplessly: "I'm obviously merciless, but it seems that the unreinforced body is not hard enough even if it has a strong ability to fight, but it has not entered. It's not bad to have such strength before the island."

Yao Jun resisted Chen Tian and walked to Ms. Zhao and whispered: "This person's body is so hard, I can't even beat him with a strengthened body. If these two people strengthen their bodies, I am afraid that their strength will be far in the future. Beyond me."

Ms. Zhao glanced at Yao Jun and asked, "You have never been a jealous person. How come you are worried about who is strong and who is weak this time?"

"I'm not worried about who is strong and who is weak, I'm just afraid that they are too strong for you!"

After hearing this, Ms. Zhao smiled: "It is not good for me? Even if they are strong, they will never be able to surpass me. The person who can be regarded as a real strongman by me may only be "crazy"."

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