Killing God Island

Chapter 382: Not a small character

Of course, this is all wishful thinking of Connison, because Chen Tian did not intend to join, and not only did not join, but also to kill him directly, so Chen Tian said to Connison with a smiley expression on his face: "Sorry !My arms are not so simple to be useless!" Chen Tian finished this sentence, at the same time, his broken arm stretched out a red moving line, these lines are Chen Tian controls the boundaries of his blood, which can be attacked and defended, and the more capable he is, the more skilled he is. The functions and powers he can play will also make Chen Tian more and more satisfied. Heaven can already control the blood very well to do many other small movements. At this time, Chen Tian is actually pretending to talk to Connison in person. In fact, the blood of the broken arm has been silently hooked on the position of his broken arm, and then used Scarlet tentacles pulled Chen Tian's broken arm straight back, and when Connison discovered it, he couldn't stop it.

When Chen Tian completely matched the broken arm, it was almost completely repaired in just ten seconds or so, and there was no scar or small trace. Chen Tian’s right arm finger moved and gripped the silver again. Long throwing stick: "It seems that your knife hides a lot of mystery!"

"The mystery is not important, the most important thing is to kill it!" Connison threw the behemoth blade in his hand again, and the semi-circular blade directly faced Chen Tian again, and at this time, Chen Tian also threw the stick. The sound of the sharp steel sliding backwards with a strong force, accompanied by a sound similar to Long Yin, caused the first impact of the two weapons. Chen Tian’s silver dragon swing stick was made by the beautiful design of the faucet. As long as the front faucet is forced too hard, the wind entering from the dragon's mouth due to the speed of the wind will emit a sound similar to Long Yin, and this sound resonates with the impact of the moon.

The two turned around and swung sideways and sideways again. Although the two weapons had different attack trajectories, it seemed that the two weapons had a suction between each other. The use of chopping at the same time would cause the two to change to produce an inexplicable suction, but This suction force caused the two weapons to collide unintentionally more than three times, and the two people also felt this unusual suction force, and they used their own strength to forcefully change the two weapons to collide with each other. They made a compulsory counterattack with different attack methods. Although this counterattack did not cause much harm to the other party, both of them also understood each other about what would happen if the other party’s weapons collided with their own weapons, so the two also They started to be careful with each other, but neither of them gave up the use of weapons. Connison always used weapons because he knew that if he didn’t use this knife, he wouldn’t be Chen Tian’s opponent, and Chen Tian still used the stick in his hand because I think the powerful suction force generated by the knife and the stick throwing each other is very interesting.

This powerful suction made Chen Tian think of a more interesting way of fighting, so Chen Tiancai did not put away the stick, but directly and naturally a stick was smashed towards him head-on, and Connie was afraid to take Chen for a moment. The attack of the sky, so he directly avoided Chen Tian’s stick with his face, originally he had already avoided it, but Chen Tian’s stick throw and the sword of the month in his hand can resonate, and the powerful suction of resonance Directly dragged Consonson's body to the past, although this stick did not hit him directly, but he was sucked in at the same time Chen Tianyi turned and hit his face directly with his elbow. His teeth were bitten on his tongue, and blood was also drawn from the corners of his mouth.

And Chen Tian thought secretly: "It seems that I guessed right, this attack is really fun!" Chen Tian thought that here he directly threw a stick at him here again, and how hard he was. How big will be the suction power, Conson is not stupid and of course guessed the result, so when he saw that Chen Tian threw the stick again, he already thought that he still wanted to use this trick, so he It also avoided the back directly according to the routine just now, but Chen Tian really wanted to borrow the suction between the two to make a more powerful attack again, so Chen Tianyi swung his stick and was so powerful that he immediately sucked Connison’s body again. , But this time is very different from the last time, because Chen Tian’s homeopathic attack can’t be avoided even when the suction force is very close, but this time it is a bit far away, although Conson is still the whole person. Was sucked directly, but this time Conson was released directly, this suction can only **** the moon that resonated with the Silver Dragon swing stick, so Consonson loosed the knife, and his entire body would not be affected by it. Too. And once the knife disengaged, it turned faster than the previous slewing speed, and Chen Tian thought that Conson would be sucked in, so once again turned around and prepared with the left arm elbow joint just like before After giving him a more refreshing experience, knowing that it wasn’t Connison that flew over this time, but Chen Yue, Chen Tian’s elbow just turned around and attacked, and he collided with the flying moon that flew over. Chen Tian's left arm was cut directly by Ben Yue. The sharpness of this knife cut Chen Tian's arm too easily.

When Chen Tian felt something was wrong, his left arm had fallen off his shoulder. As the short moon knife was inserted into the ground, Chen Tian's arm fell directly, and Chen Tian also directly disconnected his shoulder. Blood gushed out and formed countless tiny tentacles like **** red threads that stretched directly to the broken arm below, and even before his arm fell, he pulled his broken arm up and connected it, Chen Tianzhi Shi looked angrily at Connison: "You don't even have a knife in your hand now, what else do you want to fight against me?"

Connison smiled after listening: "You are really deceiving people, it seems that you really want to kill me, people will bite when they are anxious, and they will jump the wall when they are anxious, since you don't want me to be good, then Everyone don’t think about it!” Connison directly took out a test tube with a small bottle of green liquid, then opened the bottle and drank it all in one breath, followed by his body as if a powerful change occurred, and the whole body instantly changed to the whole The body turned into a giant with a height of more than three meters. Conyson was expelled from the experimental project by the four big families at that time, because he was very irresponsible, and he let stealing various materials such as the American Deadpool found that the Hulk died. The powerful genes extracted later were finally analyzed by various scientists. Among them, some files of confidential texts had been reviewed by Connison, and he also recorded and photographed a lot of incredible data. After entering the island, he went through many experiments. , And finally made his form into this, although this is not a perfect form, but this form is already his strongest form.

Although Connison has evolved similarly to Hulk, but its strength is less than one third but it can exert an average of 10% of Hulk. This is enough for Connison, so Connison In this area, few people wanted to fight him and force him to use this trick. Chen Tian, ​​who suddenly became this form, was also stunned, and a big fist hit him directly. Chen Tian thought all I didn't want to jump back directly, a loud noise from the front came instantly, and many foreign objects were splashed from the broken ground. Not only many people around Chen Tian were affected, but Chen Tian did not expect In addition to being able to start the Sky Tribulation, this guy even has this special ability. "This strength makes Chen Tian have to take it seriously. If the strength of this fist is smashed, the whole body will be smashed. The internal organs and Google will be crushed at the same time. I don’t know what will happen. How long will it take to recover without dying? This Chen Tian has never tried it, so Chen Tian did not dare to try it easily, so Chen Tian jumped directly after avoiding it, jumped into his hand again by the moment he lifted it, and prepared to jump for the third time. The stick hit him directly on the head, but Chen Tian was photographed as if he were hitting a mosquito just before he approached.

At this time, Chen Tian, ​​who was present, fell into the passive side, and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin not far from Chen Tian also fell into their respective passives. If the rest of the small organizations were already destroyed by these three people, Chen Tian and Xu Shun and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, the pair of siblings, the strength of the four can easily wipe out all kinds of small forces. I did not expect these people to be in a bitter battle at this time. This Red Heart Cross can also It is said that the strength is absolutely not weak, and the hierarchy management system is also in place. There are obviously many men who have not let them get started. Conson and Chen Tian know that letting these people get started is equivalent to letting them die in vain.

So to comment on this organization from a management perspective, Connison can still be called a good management, but the hearts of the three major organizations are the weakest organizations. Although the three major organizations have the same name, the same name does not mean strength and degree. Quite the same, but the reputation is the same as that of Nanpai and Atangmen, but it is necessary to have a real fighting power. The difference between him and the other two organizations is not a little bit. The only real master they can count on now is Sarnu, Sarnu. Definitely the one who has the ability. Although Sarnu doesn’t have the finalist, she is really terrible because of her incomparable body. Although the queen of U area is strong enough to enter the micro-realm, she has to fight hard for the queen and It is not necessarily true that you can beat Sarnu.

Because the giant beast in Sarnu’s body is really amazing when it is excited. At least in this small t zone, no one can beat her, but this time she can’t. Restrained by this animal evolution, it may have lost the best time to permanently restore the human body. After these years of Connison's treatment, the cells in her body have initially stabilized. If there is no intrusion of these people, Chen Tian said Maybe in a few years she can really return to normal, but if no one can resist Chen Tian, ​​these are two exposures in front of her. The first one is to leave this organization directly regardless of this matter. The second is for Connison to cure her. She must help him to smooth these talents. I thought that Sarnu also started to take it seriously. Originally, Sarnu thought that a little girl like Zhuo Wenxin could not be worse. However, after several battles, Sarnu already knew that Zhuo Wenxin was not such a good little character to deal with. If he did not take it seriously, he would suffer a great loss.

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