Killing God Island

Chapter 38: Vientiane

"This is my lucky coin. I never leave, but I want to give it to you!" Jie Peiyu put this coin on the table after saying this, and then turned to leave, Ms. Zhao was behind him Asked: "Why give me this?"

Jie Peiyu turned back and said: "Because I want to give it to you, this coin will be useful to you in the future." After he left, Ms. Zhao picked up the coin on the table and looked closely: "What did this guy just mean?" Will this coin be useful to me?"

While Ms. Zhao was studying the coin, a woman wearing a secretary's makeup suddenly knocked on the door a few times.

Dangdang... "Please come in!" The female secretary walked in very respectfully: "Sister Ying! The boss has something to do with you!"

After Ms. Zhao bounced the coin and caught it from the air, she threw it directly at the wall on the right. This force directly smashed the wall, and at this time Jie Peiyu was hiding behind this wall. If the average person has already been solved by this trick.

The speed of Jeppeyu's reaction is absolutely unmatched by the average person. Jeppeyu, who has the world's top ten titles, escaped before the slight fluctuation of the coin hitting the wall. He has a strong and strong amongst the strong. Perception and combat intuition.

Just like Ms. Zhao can sense all the movements behind the wall, of course, Ms. Zhao definitely knows that Yi Peiyu's skill can definitely hide. This is just a little lesson for Jie Peiyu.

Because Ms. Zhao has just noticed the hidden mystery of this coin, this coin is equipped with the most advanced miniature camera and automatic locator of the current technology. Ms. Zhao is superior in skill besides her strength.

In fact, Jie Peiyu is very honest and polite not to look at his appearance. In fact, he is a stalker and a thief. He is particularly fond of Ms. Zhao. This time he came to this country to actually see him. Her side.

Before Jie Peiyu didn't see Ms. Zhao, she posted pictures of her all over the house, so he came here this time to actually realize his desire for many years and chase this domineering elder sister.

Ms. Zhao was originally named Zhao Ying. When she was about 20 years old, she had partnered with the Plinters family. The two were known as the strongest combination, and Jie Peiyu always found that she was crazy in Zhao Ying’s conversation. Qi's strength is full of praise.

Jie Peiyu's strength is definitely one of the world's top fighting powers, but he has not played against Kuang Qi, but Kuang Qi is called the strongest man in the world, so he is very disobedient to him in his heart. If Jie Peiyu doesn't have hard power, it is the key, but he is regarded as one of the top ten combat powers in the world.

So his real intention to come to this country this time was to challenge Kuang Qi, but also to show himself in front of the woman he had always been happy with, but Jie Peiyu's plan failed, because Kuang Qi is now on the island.

The last level in the y zone is called Sen Luo Vientiane, which is a black and white combination of grounds. After entering, it is as if you are in a chess game. The surrounding walls are also composed of black and white squares. At this time, Chen Tian and others have entered.

But everyone has already walked half the way, and nothing has changed here. Chen Tian just put down the collapsed nerve. Suddenly, all the black frames came out with a two-meter-long sharp iron tip, Chen Tian. At the same time as the rest of them hid in the white square.

"It turns out that the central position will automatically turn on only when it reaches this place." After about three seconds, these spiky materials retracted again, and at the same time, a huge screen was lowered from the top of the shed. When this screen was lowered to the central position Then it stopped.

At the same time, the screen also displayed a black and white stereo image exactly the same as the surroundings. Local red dots appeared immediately after the stereo image. The positions of these red dots were scattered in the black and white squares, making the overall black and white image almost densely displayed. A lot of red dots,

And in this scenario, red dots appeared in three different positions in a row. Chen Tian looked at the screen and asked: "What does this mean?" Angelina and others were also silent. Only Ye Minyu answered Chen Tian's question: " These are the order in which the iron thorns are about to be pierced. I think the reason why we want to suggest to us is to test our memory ability. It seems that these people want to see us in addition to the evolution data of our body. Whether their intelligence and memory will evolve accordingly."

Everyone was reminded by Ye Minyu's words, and Chen Tian even patted his head and said, "So what should I do? I just forgot what I saw just now?" Ye Minyu looked at the 10-second countdown on the screen, and it seemed that he would start three consecutive attacks in different positions in the same order as before. Ye Minyu immediately said to everyone: "Don’t panic, everyone I have remembered everything I just saw. After a while, everyone will follow me. Where do I jump? Don’t hesitate to follow me behind me."

At this moment, Ye Minyu suddenly took a step forward. At the same time, Chen Tian and Angelina, who were not far away from her, also walked with her to the black cube, and the rest of them all wore steel tips that could be instantly fatal. .

"Everyone is following!" Ye Minyu jumped to the left again, and everyone followed her, and then Ye Minyu turned around and jumped back out, jumping three meters away from the spot and standing behind the white square Position, Chen Tian and others also made exactly the same jumping action with her.

Steel thorns were pierced through the left and right walls of the surrounding ground, etc. Only Ye Minyu stood at nothing, and Chen Tian immediately praised: "You really do!"

Ye Minyu smiled slightly and said, "I have the ability to remember!" Chen Tian immediately gave her a thumbs up, followed by a variety of problems appeared on the screen again, all solved by Ye Minyu one by one!

At the same time, in front of the black and white grid, there is also a channel to the x zone, but this line of words also appears on the screen. Turn on the final mode.

Immediately following the four weeks, there were obvious changes. The ground began to rotate at the position of Chen Tian and a few people. At the same time, the black and white ground began to self-disperse and combine.

At the same time, the surrounding scene changed instantly after a dazzling light in front. Chen Tian couldn't believe his eyes at this time, because now he saw the scene in his home. Chen Tian had always wanted to go home in prison for the past three years. Take a look.

Especially in the old house before the accident happened, Chen Tianming knew he was in an illusion now, but he couldn’t help wanting to stay here for a while. This kind of nostalgia and everything in this room reminded Chen Tian a lot. Many past events.

When Chen Tian walked from the door to the living room step by step, what he didn't expect was that his father, who had died three years ago, and his mother and sister sat on the dinner table and chatted happily when they saw Chen Tianhou's father did not speak but waved to Chen Tian.

And Chen Tian’s always-loving sister also stood up and ran to Chen Tian, ​​holding Chen Tian’s hand and said naughtily: "Brother is back!" Mother also brought the cake from the kitchen: "Today is your birthday, soon Order and wish to eat cake!"

Chen Tian was pulled into the seat by his sister. He closed his eyes immediately after sitting down and made a wish: "I hope to have a happy family like ordinary people and live happily with his family every day!" Wait for Chen When Tian opened his eyes again, what he saw made him wide his eyes again.

Because the scene he saw again was the scene where his father was dying because he owed Gao Li. Loan, Chen Tian wanted to stop in the past in anger, but found that he couldn’t get through. He could only see his father. He was beaten with blood, and he struggled desperately. But he was beaten and could no longer stand up until his twitching body died on the street.

"Dad!" Chen Tian stared blankly at his father's body. At the same time, the scene on the other side was the process of her mother being arrested and humiliated. Her sister was hit by a car, especially when her sister was hit by a car. This scene is also the scene that Chen Tian most wanted to forget, but now it happened again and again in front of Chen Tian's eyes.

Especially in the scene where the sister's body was flying, Chen Tian even saw the sister's body flying directly from the front. Chen Tian shouted: "Don't!"

Then he jumped directly over three meters high to catch his sister from the air, but the sister in his arms pinched Chen Tian's neck with both hands.

The younger sister shouted to Chen Tian: "It's because you were desperately chasing me in the back that day, that's why I was hit by a car. My father would borrow it because of my medical treatment. It's so unfortunate that you are all shouldn't be living in this world at all!"

Chen Tian's eyes were widened by pinch, and he also saw his father lying on the street with blood on his face stood up: "It's all because of you!"

Chen Tian's mind echoed this sentence, and at the same time his mother shouted angrily: "You destroyed this house!"

"I want to make up for you, I want to atone for..." Chen Tian murmured to himself by grasping his neck with both hands, and his brain had been hypnotized by the light radiated from the upper screen. Deeply plunged into his own illusion, he was helpless.

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