Killing God Island

Chapter 379: Thousand teeth

"Hello boy, don't you worry about your sister? Let her beat two girls alone. Isn't that a bit excessive? Zhuo Yanxuan shook his head directly and said, "I don't think it's too much, and the two are in At most, my sister is a scum of war five, but it is you, I feel that I should have some skill! "

Zhuo Yanxuan's voice had just fallen, and Du Liangan had already appeared in front of Zhuo Yanxuan. He had heard Du Liangan's words before he could dodge his ears: "The two are not weak, but you dare to let your sister cope with it. Two people, I believe her strength should not be weak, but now you eat me first!" Before Zhuo Yanxuan should come over, he was kicked in the face, when he felt the pain, his whole The body has been kicked to the ground,

"Hey you guys are so mean!" How dare you attack me? "Du Liangan laughed after hearing this:" I am not a sneak attack. Did I remind you before I shot? "


"Boy... Haven't you heard of this sentence, soldiers don't tire of it?" Du Liangan finished this sentence and walked in the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan again. Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly got up and prepared to punch. , Du Liangan immediately made a defensive posture when he saw it, but Zhuo Yanxuan didn't really hit it with a punch, and kicked it between Du Liangan's legs, kicking a heartbreaking drama The pain instantly filled the whole body, making Du Liangan's entire face green. He was covering his crotch and pointing at Zhuo Yanxuan: "Your boy... your boy..." This huge pain, He couldn't speak anymore, he could only jump down, because the two eggs were kicked by Zhuo Yanxuan, and after he jumped up and down, he finally jumped off the top, and then the talent was long With a stretch of breath, he roared: "Your kid can play anywhere, but not here!"

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled slightly and replied, "I'm sorry! Didn't you just say that soldiers aren't swindled?" Du Liangan's expression sank instantly and replied: "Yes, yes! I didn't expect your kid to learn very quickly!" Shi expressed angrily again to Zhuo Yanxuan: "I'm too lazy to waste time with you now, so you better think of what tricks to use, otherwise you won't even have the chance to show it!" Du Liangan finished the sentence Then, with a very calm expression, he walked towards Zhuo Yanxuan, and Zhuo Yanxuan also approached him facelessly. When the two met for about one meter, the two instantly sprinted into each other's face. Faceless punching in the face of the opponent's body without technical content is like treating the opponent as a sandbag. Du Liangan actually has high combat skills, and Zhuo Yanxuan’s combat effectiveness is also very good. The two don’t need to fight each other at all, but they both want to prove that they are better than the other. To be strong, Zhuo Yanxuan likes to fight with people mainly because he sees the **** colleges more, so it leads to that kind of punching, and you will suffer each other’s injuries with one punch, and then you will have a sense of accomplishment when you defeat the opponent. More men, and Du Liangan was originally Japan, and the spirit of martial arts, justice, etiquette, benevolence and morality of the Great Japanese martial arts have been running through since childhood. Since childhood, he has nurtured a variety of educational concepts and tactics such as Yiqidao. His father once told him that as an excellent samurai, he must first have the martial arts spirit. Any challenger will challenge you no matter what. This is a real victory over him, so Du Liangan sees that Zhuo Yanxuan wants to fight his body with hard steel. Of course, it is precisely because he wants to choose this type of battle, so Du Liangan did not flinch with Zhuo. Yanxuan kicked up, and enjoyed each other's body.

Du Liangan said while playing: "I didn't expect your kid to be really resistant!" This sentence was appreciated from the heart. Although Du Liangan's mouth and nostrils were blown by Zhuo Yanxuan, but few people have been able to He was injured, and Du Liangan, an opponent, has agreed with him at this time. There are really few people who can bear Du Liangan's so many punches. Zhuo Yanxuan also directly said: "Aren't you also quite resistant? It seems that this is The battle is long, I have to see how long you can endure?" Zhuo Yanxuan finished this sentence, followed by extremely fast speed and strength, Zhuo Yanxuan and Du Liangan both fight, but fight Coming back to fight, but not fighting is the strongest, everything depends on his later evolution and various special exclusive abilities, etc. Du Liangan’s special abilities are not currently known, but what is certain is his physical resistance Still much weaker than Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan’s ability to fight against Chen Tian has proved that his ability to fight against Chen Tian is even stronger than that of Chen Tian, ​​and there are blood enchantments to protect him, even if someone cut him off his hand. Connect it by yourself, because the blood filaments in the blood enchantment are involved, or other methods can remove the body from the group, and it will not produce any side effects.

Du Liangan suddenly grabbed the fist from Zhuo Yanxuan and said, "We are going to punch me, and the fight I kicked you is indeed too boring, and it may be too long to be able to distinguish the outcome, so I Decided to let us play fast!" Zhuo Yanxuan didn't wait to ask Du Liangan what he wanted, and suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen followed by a special creature that was annoying and terrifying, and this creature might just start. When it comes to decoration, this thing looks just like the shape creature. Zhuo Yanxuan guesses that Du Liangan has turned on the Sky Tribulation state, so Chen Tian is also preparing to use his most explosive state, and the arm of Du Liangan’s body has evolved. The strange creature he named was Thousand Teeth. These are the special abilities that the body evolved after the Sky Tribulation state. This creature seems to be connected to Zhuo Yanxuan’s wrist like a snake head, but it has nothing to do with the snake at all. It is very uncomfortable and suffocated after opening the front mouth, which is full of dense small teeth.

This thing won’t be easy to loosen as long as it bites, and Zhuo Yanxuan will be forced to live at this time, but soon Zhuo Yanxuan presses this soft-looking thing with one foot, and then he twists his body and wants to try Twist it into a twist and then twist off the head, but the idea is good, but there are many problems in doing it, because the softness of this thing Zhuo Yanxuan did not master well, so he did not twist this thing for a long time. What's more, this thing is slowly being tried. Zhuo Yanxuan's physical fitness is definitely better than Chen Tian's ability to fight, but it is difficult to say how strong it is. After all, the two have great potential. But in the observation of the four major families, many big brothers support Zhuo Yanxuan's votes above Chen Tian's votes. Although Chen Tian is a super potential stock with the same genetic cells as Ms. Zhao, can he become the second It is difficult to say that a top strong person like Ms. Zhao is because he does not possess the qualities of a king, while Zhuo Yanxuan has the same inner domineering as Kuang Qi.

Of course, the four big families in this battle can’t be seen, but Zhuo Yanxuan’s fight with him at this time is also very violent. Basically, Du Liangan is not applicable to Tianjie now. He can’t suppress Zhuo Yanxuan’s offensive, he only bullies Zhuo Yanxuan did not have the ability to open the Sky Tribulation, so he was temporarily in an advantageous state, but this dominant state could not completely suppress Zhuo Yanxuan, and even the possibility of a fatal blow to him was less than 50%. Don’t see that he has a thousand teeth that can track and crush people, and he also accidentally bit Zhuo Yanxuan. Even so, he still can’t control Zhuo Yanxuan’s avoidance every time. Xuan had a headache for this thing that bit him. This was something that could not be dragged down or pulled. The most important thing was to keep this thing, and this thing was actually Du Liangan’s left arm, but Du Liangan opened the sky. The robbery will make the left arm autonomously produce the consciousness of the owner, which means that he can stop the left arm and the left arm will automatically intercept and attack the other party. This is a very good move. When Du Liangan created this move at the beginning, it was very good. Disgusted, but slowly did not find the beauty of this trick, thinking that he does not need to rely on his own thinking to control, he has independent thinking, can communicate with him through your brain, not open the state of Heavenly Tribulation There is absolutely no problem with how you want to use your left arm. Once you start the consciousness of the sky-tribulation, it is a very arrogant and non-stop character.

At the beginning, even for several months, Du Liangan could not control his left arm with independent thinking, but then let him understand that as long as I die, even if your left hand is intact, then your fate will be the same result, so His left arm only obeyed his command after the opening of Heavenly Tribulation in the later period, but sometimes it would not be followed, but at least now when fighting Zhuo Yanxuan, this arm still obeyed his instructions, only then the two can The match is better. Of course, sometimes he will be summoned when he meets some small color, he will be very hot, but this time the situation is completely different, Qian Qian also sees that the current strength of this opponent is absolutely not weak, so Qiantou then carried out a sneak attack while Zhuo Yanxuan was not paying attention. Although the sneak attack was successful, it did not have much impact on the battle between them. Therefore, he used his more than 1,000 teeth to cut Zhuo Yanxuan’s internal. Muscle tissue and the rest of the meridians.

Zhuo Yanxuan could easily avoid Du Liangan's attack, and suddenly felt a pain in the chest like a heart, which made Zhuo Yanxuan's movements slowed by half. A foot that could have been avoided kicked directly on Zhuo Yanxuan's face, At the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan was also free, because Thousand Tooth saw Chen Tian was flying, he just let go of his mouth, otherwise it would cause Du Liangan to pass by if he still bite, if he just didn’t let go, he might still be able to return Can temporarily limit Zhuo Yanxuan's movement speed, but now everything is too late, because Zhuo Yanxuan is also a fortified person with a very powerful repair ability. After a thousand teeth just loosened, it bit off the internal organization of Zhuo Yanxuan. The small holes of rotten meat and misaligned teeth are almost exactly the same as in just 15 seconds.

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