Killing God Island

Chapter 358: Do you have this strength?

On the whole, it is very powerful. People who were flying in the air spit blood as if the effect was deliberately rehearsed. In fact, this is just an example of Wu Yifan’s mechanical arm. This kind of smash can only be surpassed in the fist. The splitting effect of the human body and the strength that the body can bear is increased by a geometric multiple, and since his fist just hit the ground, this force increases the impact force of the ground, using the ground as the rebound surface. The spare force from the second attack caused a dry person to fly into the air, and thanks to the high height of the wooden house, otherwise these people might break the roof, but now the ground has formed a fist-shaped concave hole , The rest of the surrounding people were basically all flicked up by his huge crit. This move has the advantage of being like the effect of the initial mad qi first move in the z zone, but this effect is comparable to the mad qi It's a far cry, but it does look a bit similar.

It’s just that this can only be regarded as an ordinary shock, and the madness is a tremendous momentum, but this effect and the experience are very few. After all, this effect is absolutely unavailable to ordinary people, except for Connison and behind. Aside from the twelve nurses, the individual corners and the sisters were still sitting in the same place as the nearby ones. The rest of the people were spitting blood on the ground even if they did not want to attack Wu Yifan. Because Wu Yifan's arm chaos will cause harm to people, Wu Yifan will be very careful whether he practices this arm or against the enemy, but this time he is facing the enemy and there are no teammates around, so he played unrestrained A direct punch shocked and wounded most of the people around.

This trick looks very gorgeous, and it is a large-scale attack. In addition to these people flying, the surrounding appliances, tables and chairs at this moment, also formed an instant flying in the air, even Connison When I saw this scene, I praised: "This kid is good! Looking at the momentum is definitely not a panacea!" At this time, Wu Yifan gave him great shock. This is the first time he saw this kind of fighting style and strength. Therefore, Conyson appreciates Wu Yifan very much at this time, so he wants to recruit him even more, but he also knows that it is difficult to find a strong one. If he wants to recruit a strong person, he must first domesticate it, the so-called domestication It is to prove that he is stronger than him to make him convinced, and generally the strong and the strong are sympathetic, so Conson is giving a color to those who are really strong at this time, because They just stopped by Connison in the past.

Because he wanted to take control of him personally, he shook his head to his surrounding members. Of course, this was only a short moment. The people who were falling down from the top were all people and various objects, but Conson was He walked directly in the direction of Wu Yifan, and Wu Yifan also saw that the middle-aged uncle had come to this side. Of course, he knew that the uncle was one of the three major organizations in the t-zone and his strength was absolutely weak. No, so quick battles and quick decisions are the way to win. Too much dragging away from the water will only make the whole situation worse and worse. Seeing that his men have not dared to get started, the eighth floor was a full blow by me. All were frightened, so would he, as the head of the entire family, come forward and fight me personally?

It was precisely at this opportunity that I directly took a few strokes of him, so that I could fully grasp the initiative here. Wu Yifan thought that this was directly hit with the same full force as before, and he hit Connison directly, knowing that there is Conneson, who was so powerful, did not avoid it at all. He looked directly at the punch in front of him, and raised his hand directly. Wu Yifan's punch just hit the palm of his hand that raised his face and guarded his face. On one blow, it was caught by Connison so plainly, and did not even back half a step, but the huge collision airflow formed a strong wind wall around the collision, but this strong collision airflow It soon disappeared, and there was no such powerful scene at all. This instantly changed Wu Yifan's face, and Connison also asked with a smile: "Is this the intensity?"

Connison did have a high expectation just now. If this punch only has this strength, more than half of his men can make such a punch, so Connison asked with a slightly disappointed expression: "Is this strength? "Wu Yifan was still unbelievable. He turned and kicked the ball sideways and was also carelessly raised by Connison. He followed Wu Yifan and stepped up with a punch, but was again used by Connison." With one hand, and the effect is exactly the same as just now, there is no sign of retreat by the shock of power. This really makes Wu Yifan feel that his heart is a bit broken. Even if he can’t beat him, at least I use such vigorous force, why can’t I touch him?

Conyson took Wu Yifan's two or three fists of the same strength in succession and asked again: "Are you just capable? If it is just this level, then my expectations for you are a bit too high, you will not be just Would you like to beat me with this kind of strength?" In fact, the maximum strength Wu Yifan can exert is this kind of strength. Using the same strength continuously to make him punch every time, not only does it not increase, but the strength level also declines linearly, so Conyson somewhat saw Wu Yifan as a man, and it seemed that he had no real skills, so Conyson wanted to end this boring battle, so Connison directly took advantage of the moment he punched again, Suddenly, he caught his right hand and grabbed Wu Yifan's right wrist. He didn't expect to feel Wu Yifan's pulse after grabbing it?

This right hand is a mechanical arm, but there is a layer on the surface that is very similar to human skin, so if you don’t look closely, you can’t see that this is a fake arm. Connison feels wrong and asks: "You are a prosthetic limb? It seems that you The effect should be from this arm, and I will study this arm carefully." Although Wu Yifan's right arm wrist was caught, he still did not give up and stabbed backward, and found that he was not moving at the same time. , Directing the body forward and wanting to use the shoulder to make a very brutal impact, but unexpectedly this trick was already seen, and not only was it detected, Connison also used the same move, the two collided together to see who has more strength .

Wu Yifan's strength is not a little bit worse than that of Connison, so after the two people's shoulders collided together, he not only was hit back by the whole body, but also the entire expression of his left shoulder pain changed, Connison just Wanting to break Wu Yifan’s right arm, Xu Xuan, who had just been blown out by a punch, suddenly jumped out of a wall directly. The huge force made the force ejected from the front wall like a bullet, and everyone immediately evaded, some The avoiding bodies were directly penetrated through a hole and fell to the ground. At this time, Connison focused his eyes on Xu Shun in front.

At this time, Xu Shun’s left eyeglasses were broken, but his whole expression looked very angry, but he showed a smiley face to Wu Yifan and said: "Sorry, the head just hit by someone I was dizzy for a moment on the wall, but fortunately, I woke up in time, and I am assured that I will come to save you!" After he said this, he ran directly in front of Wu Yifan and Connison, and these people around him were not at this time. Attacked in groups, but watching the wonderful fight between the Red Cross leader and Wu Yifan, but because the gap in strength was too big, I couldn’t see any wonderful places. Just as the battle was about to end, Xu Shun appeared again and directly Running over, Connison originally believed that Wu Yifan was very strong and optimistic. He wanted him to join the organization, but after he was rejected, his strength was so general, so he was not too optimistic about this seemingly weak Xu. Suddenly, Xu Sun didn't expect Xu Yifan to use the same weapon as Wu Yifan, but just hit with a punch. Connison didn't even loosen Wu Yifan's right hand, just turned back and easily lifted up with his left hand to block Xu Shun's attack.

Unexpectedly, just after Xu Shun's punch came to hit Connison's palm, Connison felt a pain in the palm of his hand and at the same time his entire body was tilted backwards. Because he didn't let go of Wu Yifan's hand, he was missing The defense of the other hand was cut by Xu Shun's one leg, directly on his chest, so that Connison's already tilted body could no longer withstand such a large force, and he was directly hit by Xu Shun on the ground. The huge force made the marble on the ground all cracked. Xu Xian saw that Connison had not refused to let go. He suddenly heard a snow-white and very windy tail bone from the position of the waist and tail bones behind him. The strongest blade is the blade of the coccyx, and its sharpness can reach the level of indestructibility. Conson is also a man with fast eyes, and he did not expect that this seemingly weak spectacled man not only has such great power, but he can also wear this behind his back. A bone spur as sharp as a knife?

Therefore, Connison directly let go without hesitation, but he was still a step behind. Although he released Wu Yifan's right hand, his hand was still cut off by Xu Xuan's tailbone blade while recovering, and the blood was from the air. Splashing a red snowflake, everyone at the scene also instantly widened his eyes, because the appearance of Wu Yifan is more handsome than Xu Shun, plus the handsome scene of Wu Yifan who just flew everyone in a boxing, so many people feel that Wu Yifan is very strong , And Xu Shun had never been handsome to Wu Yifan from the beginning, and later was fainted by a hit by a nameless caliper who hit the wall for five minutes. It can be seen that his strength and impression are very weak in everyone's eyes, but he did not expect him Many people were stunned as soon as they shot, and they didn't want to pour a punch and a foot directly to knock down Connison. The third move was actually the bone that pierced from the tail of his body, and it was just swept away. Connison cut off the front of the right arm directly.

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