Killing God Island

Chapter 352: Dark corner

As for Wu Yifan's strength, appearance and temperament, they can't be compared with these two. Although many women may be fascinated by Wu Yifan's handsome appearance, Qian Da he can't be moved at all, mainly because Wu Yifan and other people Compared with ordinary handsome men, they are more handsome and exquisite, but they are much worse than Umalu, and the madness looks sloppy, but the facial features are definitely the perfect men, plus these two are kings. Temperament men can feel the side of their king vaguely beside them, and the strength of the two is absolutely unmatched, so Wu Yifan can match anyone else, they can't compare, only follow two men For example, he can’t even compare, and Wu Yifan is not convinced. From childhood to he is called a genius, but...

Why did I enter this island? I couldn’t compare to a Chen Tian who even fell to the bottom of the fighting power of the entire team, so Wu Yifan had a lot of inner pressure recently, but he couldn’t leave this team. In such a high-level area, he has only one dead end. But in the team of Chen Tian, ​​he couldn’t do anything more brilliant, so if he wanted others to value him, he had to prove his strength, so when he knew this, he slowly became silent, and occasionally always He will study his own robotic arm, because he can only rely on this arm to improve his combat power under the premise that he can't find how his body should evolve.

Although Wu Yifan and Xu Shun are both members of Chen Tian’s team, they rarely talk or contact each other on weekdays. Unexpectedly, this time Yao Jun’s distribution actually assigned the two people together, but these two people To a certain extent, there is no holiday, just because Wu Yifan and Yao Jun are relatively close on weekdays, they are a bit out of place with Xu Shun and Angelina. After all, Yao Jun always calls himself the captain of this team. Although Chen Tian is not the nominal captain, he is very popular. In fact, more people just say nothing, but actually Chen Tian is the real captain. Of course, Wu Yifan also knows that Chen Tian Wuxin and Yao Jun are competing for this captain. I just wanted to find a way to leave the island.

So in Wu Yifan's heart, he actually admired Chen Tian very much. Sometimes he really willingly lay down his life for his teammates to rescue. This is not something that everyone can do, so at this point Wu Yifan was also very convinced of Chen Tian, ​​but he had a good relationship with Yao Jun from the beginning, and also had a lot of life and death he experienced. So sometimes he will take into account his mood and stand with him. Although Wu Yifan He has the temper of a young master but he is still very kind of a person who is very affectionate and very righteous. Otherwise, Ms. Zhao will not choose this person, but from the beginning, Ms. Zhao wanted to choose three people with confidants and potential, except for Yao Jun. It’s been with her six-year-old veteran, and the other two are Chen Tian and Wu Yifan. Chen Tian was because she had the courage to save her sister and the special restraint in the prison. The choice of these three people is not based on comprehensive ability evaluation.

The first team leader chosen by Ms. Zhao is Yao Jun. Ms. Zhao does not value Yao Jun’s combat effectiveness and potential. The reason why Yao Jun values ​​Yao Jun is because he is very loyal, but Chen Tian’s amazing potential and impressive combat strength. As for Wu Yifan, he is neither loyal nor combat effectiveness and potential. He is much worse than Yao Jun in terms of loyalty. In terms of combat effectiveness, he was actually not Chen Tian’s opponent before he entered the island, but he was still selected by Ms. Zhao. It is because of his amazing willpower that he will not give up easily in any matter, and because he is very just, he only cares about feelings and friendship, so Ms. Zhao gave the third place to Wu Yifan.

In fact, he valued his infatuation with his apprentice Qian Da, and wanted to follow her whereabouts. When Yao Jun learned that Miss Qian Da had come to this island, she immediately arrived through many relationships and worked hard. This island, so he and Yao Jun came in very rarely because of crime. Although the two did not come in because of crime, the people who come here share a common feature is that they all have their own reasons, because they like people to come here. Due to their own reasons, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, these two obsessive men, came here as sadly as Chen Tian and others.

Although Wu Yifan and Xu Shun both admire Chen Tian, ​​they are not optimistic about each other, because these two are the most annoying type in their original life. Wu Yifan looked down on this kind of cowardice when he was outside the island. Even her own woman can’t be protected. Even now she changes her courage and becomes bigger, but this kind of person who depends on others is the most annoying type of Wu Yiyifan, and Xu Shun is also the most disgusted outside the island. Young Master, it's always cool to think that I can do it, and the attitude of looking down on this look down on that has long made Xu Xuan not used to it.

So when the two left, no one took the initiative to say a word to anyone. Until approaching the boundary of the Red Cross, Xu Xuan asked directly: "What should we do next?" In fact, Xu Xuan asked a little No problem, after all, he was just a poor young man working outside the island. He had no experience of his own and no chance of reaching high society. In particular, he watched a lot of scenes in movies about assassination, but although he himself currently Because of his strength improvement, he has gradually become more and more courageous, but he is a person who is not good at thinking, so instead of thinking about what to do next, it is better to directly ask this rich and handsome. Xu Xu asked: "What should we do next?" Although Wu Yifan was very disgusted with his type of people, after all Xu Xu was already an associate, and now he is another The basic polite response of the group is essential, so he turned back and said: "The current situation is unclear. Let's go over and look at it first. Remember not to talk too much, don't talk too much, what's going on in your mind. Clearly speaking!"

Xu Xuan nodded, and the two went into the suggested wooden house similar to the old castle style, because there is really no high-rise building in this t zone, and the construction method of this style of wooden house is already regarded as the top in this t zone. The two of them suddenly froze when they entered, because it was like a masquerade, the men were all in suits and the women were all dressed in nurses, and their bodies were glamorous and their long legs were exposed. Black. Silk. Socks. To Wu Yifan and Xu Shun, the two originally wanted to mix in without knowing it. As a result, as soon as they entered, because of the big difference in clothing, they were directly exposed: "You are... ." Wu Yifan directly asked this sentence.

I saw that these people were the same as the two of them. The long-legged women in nurse costumes were still holding dishes and rich cuisine. These people dressed in suits were serving food, and the host on the stage He is a middle-aged uncle who looks extremely sorrowful. This uncle pointed a microphone at Wu Yifan and Xu Shun and said, "The visitor is a guest, whether you are a member of our Red Cross or not, we will be serious The hostess gave the two dresses! After the man said this, the four slim women in nurse costumes came to them with their suits.

Xu Shun asked in a low voice: "Are we going to leave now, or do we go with them?" Wu Yifan shook his head directly to Xu Shun: "Don't worry, first look at the situation and say, you should have never experienced the feeling of being dressed by a beauty You might as well feel it, it's a very good feeling, don't always learn Chen Tian all the time to kill, kill, kill, you can watch my movements to learn me later, save you lost courtesy and let this gang People digest."

A total of four long-legged beauties wearing nurses' dresses came. Two people, one left and one right, changed clothes for the two. In a few moments, the two also stood in front of these people in a suit, after the suit was packed. Wu Yiyifan, who is super handsome with his own temperament image, directly compares Xu Shun. He is better not to wear a suit. The temperament simply does not help the upper class temperament of the suit, but instead looks like a small dry sales. The same as the manager. The temperament of the little people can't be covered with gorgeous clothes. After the two were changed into a suit by four beauties, Xu Xun asked: "Will, are you having a masquerade? The whole atmosphere is quite good. Not bad!"

The middle-aged man on the stage smiled slightly and said: "no! no! no! Today is not a fancy dress party. The second is an operation to witness a miracle, which will completely subvert your visual nerves. You are the first to witness the miracle with me. People, so you should feel lucky, remember that this is surgery and not magic, so there is no deceptive small measurement, please see my live medical show below, ladies, please show us our experiments today !

When he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers: "go!"

After he said this, the five people suddenly fell and hung from the sky. These five people were three men and two women, and each looked very painful, because he was strangled by a child and hung in the air, followed closely The middle-aged man danced in situ while sang his fingers at the sound engineer in front of him. The three-dimensional sound of the circulating music around the moment covered the two violinists, and then he picked up a chainsaw while dancing. , And then split up to the person who fell, and split the person directly from head to toe. The blood sprayed his face and the entire upper body, but he continued to jump Jackson's slide without care. , Slowly sliding forward, the other four were looking at him with a frightened expression, but they couldn’t say anything at all because their mouths were blocked.

The men in suits on stage also shouted that beauty seemed to support such a practice. At this time, Wu Yifan and Xu Xuan who saw this scene were also stunned: "This guy is... ...What are you doing?"

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