Killing God Island

Chapter 349: Final critical point

This also made Yao Jun suddenly blinded: "He didn't know why Biharan chose to escape, he thought what was happening around him? So he first looked around and observed that everything was fine Only then did I notice the changes in his body, and the small hook hanging on Yao Jun was brushed between them. After the Biha wheel running extremely fast and the strong stretch of the transparent fishing line, the skin and tissue on his arm were scratched instantly. Several openings were made, and the speed and length of the openings were also very amazing. Especially the skin on the wrist was cut instantly. The blood and the right arm of the deep bone also let Yao Jun sink in his heart because of this The seemingly painful feeling was completely imperceptible. Now he seems to have lost the painful nerve, but he is not bleeding or afraid, so he immediately pressed the separated skin by his hands.

At this time, Biharan also took the opportunity to attack Yao Jun again without any politeness, and the speed towards him was faster than the speed just because Biharun had the same power as Yao Jun. Differently, this fierce medicine taken by Biharn will slowly increase the maximum limit of the body with the change of time, and even exceed the limit until the body can no longer withstand the full burst, so the speed of Biharon at this time It's faster than just now, but Yao Jun doesn't dare to let go easily, as long as the bleeding amount of the entire arm of his right arm is amazing, after all, his self-healing ability is simply weaker than Chen Tian's registration.

Just as Biharun approached, Yao Jun took cover of his wound and began to avoid it. At this time, Yao Jun could only recover from his wound by avoiding it. Unfortunately, it is impossible for Biharan to let him succeed. Only in this way can he kill Yao Jun within four quarters. How could he let Yao Jun delay the time so easily?

At this time, he didn't even watch the watch for how long, now he will take advantage of the serious injury Yao Jun to fight to kill him within one minute, after all, he has basically wasted almost 2 minutes, if the victory is not here At the end of one minute, Biha Wheel can only admit its fate, so this minute is the key to the survival of Biha Wheel, so Biha Wheel hardly gives Yao Jun the slightest breathing time, and it will be a violent meal. Attacking, and it is fatal to fight, and with his unique fish-like and small silver hook that makes people unclear. With his current powerful speed and strength, it is really unpredictable. Yao Jun is at this time Can only keep avoiding the back and cooperate with his legs to defend and attack.

But Biharan’s formula is a bit too strong. At this time, Yao Jun’s attack on his legs is almost difficult to parry Biharon’s right attack. At this time, Yao Jun is difficult to ride a tiger. He wants to rely on his legs to attack. It is completely unable to coordinate with his upper body movements, and once the large movements will make the right arm continue to bleed, the most embarrassing thing for Yao Jun at this time is that his physical recovery ability is not good. If his body can have half of Chen Tian’s physique It’s not so embarrassing now, but it’s a pity that Yao Jun’s physical recovery ability is indeed too general among the strengthened people, so once he suffers a wound that his body can’t bear, he clearly has the ability to fight but can’t fight it. In an embarrassing situation, a little battle will kill yourself because of excessive injuries.

The shock caused by the collision between Yao Jun’s leg and Bihar’s leg. If he is not injured, it’s okay, but now his entire arm’s skin and flesh are cut apart, and his physical recovery ability is average. His recovery ability is more than three times stronger, so he can barely hold it without stitching and can only learn, but just after hemostasis, the wound that was shocked in the battle with Biharn cracked again.

If it hadn't been for the drug's efficacy, it might have been painful that he couldn't bear it. But now it is precisely because he can’t feel the pain that makes him feel bad, because only pain and various feelings can make a person understand his physical limits and current physical condition, but now he can’t feel it at all To any abnormality in your body, so although this kind of self looks very powerful, it is actually a terrible phenomenon. If you lose all the feelings that humans should have, you can only feel the simple power of your body, I am afraid that you It will be super exciting at first, but when you get back to your normal state of mind after the excitement, the area of ​​inner terror may be much larger than your original state of excitement.

Yao Jun took a hard head-on kick that he couldn't avoid, and chose to raise his legs to meet the enemy, but the result was the same as he imagined. Although the injured himself can still catch the attack of Bihar, but he catches himself at the same time. The injury will also get worse and worse, even after taking three strokes in a row, the blood flow has slowly flowed out from the beginning and has been constantly flowing out. It's too bad for him to be entangled with him, but he is very good-faced and won't take the initiative to ask Ling Zifeng for help, so he really used the most embarrassing trick to fight but run, just twist and run and compare Harun played a chase.

At this time, Biharan's heart was really anxious and angry, because three minutes had passed, and he thought to himself: "Is this guy until I can only hold on for five minutes? If I take five minutes, I will die." ? Whether he knows it or not, he must die! Even if I die, I will take you."

At this time, Yao Jun can run as fast as possible, and the Biha wheel behind him is also catching up with Yao Jun in front of him. Ling Zifeng in the distance is laughing, and I originally developed this drug to let Men are more men. I didn’t expect that they would eventually become a fierce medicine that instantly strengthened dozens of times of combat power. I didn’t expect these two people to use this medicine again for running. So Ling Zifeng really looked at him with a bitter smile. There is no way to delay the time. After all, his right arm is separated by skin and flesh. It takes a long time to completely heal the wound, so Yao Jun ran and used his own clothes to tear open his arm with one hand. Entrapped layer by layer, of course, this kind of action slowed down his running speed a lot, or he could not catch up with him than Harun. From the running speed, the speed of the two should be higher than Yao Jun’s burst point. So as long as Yao Jun does not slow down, there is no artificial reason why Biharun cannot catch up.

Because Yao Jun slowed his speed by bandaging his wounds himself, Biharun gradually caught up. At this time, Yao Jun also wrapped his right arm so that his left hand could free up his hand, but if he still Fighting hard with Biharun is simply not a concern, so although Yao Jun temporarily stopped the blood in his right arm, he chose to bow his head to avoid Biharun's blow and turned directly in the opposite direction to continue desperately. Running forward and running away. And Ling Zifeng in the distance is still sitting on the spot and looking at the watch. It has been 3 minutes and 50 seconds.

Biharan’s anger has reached the extreme point at this time, because Yao Jun is too cunning to fight but has been escaping. This is obviously trying to kill him, so Biharan directly angry again chased directly with the limit breakthrough point. I was on Yao Jun, because when he reached the zero boundary point, it was the highest combat power period when his strength broke through again. During this period, Yao Jun could not break through, because the critical force breakthrough point is very dangerous, so this period of Biha The fighting power and speed of the round have far surpassed Yao Jun. At this time, Yao Jun's extreme running has been able to catch up with Bihar.

At this time, it is 4 minutes and 10 seconds away from Biharan. His strength has reached its peak. Each stage will be at least ten times stronger than the current stage. Biharan is more powerful than Yao Jun. To be more than ten times stronger, he was originally at the same level of strength as himself, but now he is no longer his opponent regardless of speed, strength or even physical strength. Even if he fights hard, he can’t stay flat again, and Now his right arm is still seriously injured and is unable to use the fighting power just now. At this time, the strength is very obvious, so Yao Jun chose to continue to run away from him.

But this time Yao Jun was thinking too much. His full-strength running at this time can no longer pull the distance of Biha Wheel, but Biha Wheel can easily catch up with him, but Biha Wheel has also improved somewhat with his ability. Arrogant and arrogant, and also some self-violent abandoned, because it has been more than 4 minutes so he had to pull back before his death, so he chased Yao Jun poorly, but especially the original special forces like them were born Powerful, who doesn’t have a few killers?

But for people like Biharan and Yao Jun, who are much stronger than ordinary people before entering the island, they are very clear about the state of their bodies, especially the feeling of this ability breaking through the limit, there is a kind of gene-like wake up There are some similarities between the situation of strengthening people or opening the Heavenly Tribulation state. Of course, compared with the two, this method of strengthening through drugs is only the early stage of the Heavenly Tribulation state. But it is almost the same as the fighting power in the state of genetic awakening. It is similar to the state of Chen Tian turning on the red child. Chen Tian's state of red child is just a genetic awakening, not a state of heaven.

So Biharn’s ability at this time is even similar to that of Chen Tian’s Chi Zi, and even slightly stronger than Chen Tian’s Chi Zi, but he is about to catch up with Yao Jun and hit him in the back lap. , Yao Jun suddenly stopped and turned around and used his left hand to instantly produce a flying knife. Yao Jun is a knife expert who is still out. The knife can be used to turn the knife through the angle instantly. Although Yao Jun’s move was very sudden, but At this time, Bi Junlun's reaction ability to avoid the speed is unimaginable for Yao Jun. Originally, Yao Jun distinguished his distance through his ears. Just when the distance was about two meters, Yao Jun suddenly turned back and still appeared in his six flying knives. Although one of the flying knives is still out of Yao Jun’s left hand, even with his left hand, the skill of playing knives can definitely hit people. He didn’t hit it just because Biharun moved quickly at this time to avoid the speed. Of course, this movement speed will also improve his overall strength through his eyes and reaction ability.

Yao Jun still came out with this knife and didn’t even think about it and didn’t even think about it. He turned his head again and continued to run forward. Bihalun, who escaped the attack of the flying knife, also chased it again, even in terms of speed. He had just caught Yao Jun's flying knife unprepared, but it was still very easy to continue chasing Yao Jun after avoiding it, because his speed is really fast now, and Chen Tian Chizi's state of red light is as fast as Bihar. The speed is similar, even faster than Chen Tian, ​​so I want to chase Yao Jun so that he can catch up after running for a few minutes, not to mention just blocking for a few seconds, so in less than five seconds, Yao Jun felt in his ear The footsteps approached again, and Yao Jun stopped again and turned around quickly, and made the action of still flying the knife.

Since this trick has been used just now, Yao Jun also made the same tricks ready for Biharun this time, so while he stopped and made the same action, Biharun subconsciously ducked sideways, but Yao Jun didn't plan to throw a flying knife at this time, but just made this action, and because of the reason he had just sideways to hide like a direct conditioned reflex, he didn't expect this to happen. He looked back with a surprised expression, but Ling Zifeng had no plans to take part in the battle even a hundred meters away, but how could this dagger be?

Biharun stopped and drew the dagger in his back. At this time, although he was bleeding from the back, he was like Yao Jun. He didn't feel any pain after taking the medicine, but could this knife be? He had already thought of it. That’s right. This was the first time that Yao Jun was still going out. After he dodged, he flew back again through the trajectory, and the direction of the fly back was calculated by Yao Jun. It can be seen that Yao Jun played How high is the skill level of the knife, not only can he use six knives in both hands in close combat, but the most important thing is that the technique of his knife is also unprecedented.

In fact, this knife was inserted behind Bihalun. He didn’t know where it was inserted, and he pulled it out. In fact, this knife was inserted in his vital part. When I pulled it out, I felt no pain, but blood But he has been flowing out, and his body has no signs of healing, but he does not go until he does not feel any pain. He continues to chase Yao Jun. This time, Yao Jun did not pick up with the clothes he just ripped. It was recorded behind the dagger and this time he didn't escape again, but turned back and directly flicked out the dagger. The trajectory of the dagger flying out is just in front of Bihar.

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