Killing God Island

Chapter 347: ADATA II

The person who came at this time was Ling Zifeng. Ling Zifeng said disgustedly: "I will do anything for me. If you are a woman, this is okay. Is it a disgusting thing for a man to say this?"

"No, no, I don't mean that. I mean, I can be your little brother and be your servant." Bihalun directly added this sentence, but Ling Zifeng's sentence almost made him desperate again. : "I don't need your wasteman at all, and you, such a greedy life-and-death man, I don't want to be killed by you in the future, but I just said I gave you two friends to deal with, but It looks like he is now nibbling. The medicine is a bit too powerful, so the strength gap looks too big and boring, so I decided to make this battle more exciting, so I will give you two options now, one is killed by me now Death, the second is that I gave you a pill, and it can be instantly strengthened to a terrible point, but you are different from him. Your medicine is highly toxic, only five minutes, which means that if you can Within minutes, if my friend kills or beats him, he loses his ability to fight, and I will give you an antidote, or even accept you as my little brother. Everything will take you. Zheng Min is better than my current teammate. Will choose you, so whether you can continue to live depends on whether you are eligible to live again.

After finishing this sentence, Ling Zifeng threw him a pill exactly the same as Yao Jun’s pill. If he did not take it directly or threw it directly, Ling Zifeng would definitely kill him without hesitation, so Biharan had nothing else I chose to take it directly in front of him. Ling Zifeng nodded slightly and said, "You have to remember, you only have five minutes, so you better not wait five minutes before running to control me. If you can’t solve him in four minutes, you’re basically not saved, so you’d better not think too much now you can pass.”

After taking Biharen, I only felt that the whole body was full of power instantly. This feeling is really difficult to describe. It is a very full feeling. The newly injured arm and the whole body do not seem to be tired at all. This feeling is simply great. By the way, he got up and ran in the direction of Yao Jun ahead. In fact, Ling Zifeng was bored except watching Yao Jun crushing the two of them. After all, this kind of power was very hurtful if not all broke out, except for this aspect. Lingzi Feng also wanted to verify the deficiencies of his medicine through the battle between the two. In fact, the medicine Ling Zifeng gave to Bihalun looked similar to Yao Jun’s, regardless of color, size or size. Although it is the same, the effect is completely different. Although they all have the common feature of instantaneously enhancing combat power, the second generation of Aegis was just eaten for Bihar. The real use is not to fight, but to torture. A drug for human use.

But why do drugs that torture people have the same effect as Yao Jun? that is because......

That's because Ling Zifeng sent his nickname Gu Wang before he entered the island. He is famous for using poison masters. Basically, most people in the Chen Tian team have nicknames, such as Chen Tianwai, a ghost man, and Yao Jun before the military. The codename is War Wolf, and Ye Minyu was originally called Ji Yusheng when he was not transgendered. He was called Adam. Because his intelligence is too high, his **** is like a **** in the heart of many organization gangsters, so most people have nicknames, and Ling Zifeng Gu Wang is a veritable high reputation, but he is usually a surgeon. In fact, under the big night, he also has a heart of being a hero. He imitates the superhero in the American blockbuster Marvel, and haunts the dark city. In the corner, some dirty and dirty people will be regarded as the objects of his own support for justice. His righteous heart hides a killing heart. He will not give these criminals to the police to deal with like the Spider-Man or Batman. He In the previous experiment, the mice were all mice. Later, they caught some wicked people to do human experiments in his basement.

Most of them will be killed by his medicine, so he uses his proficient medical skills to kill more people than he saves, so he slowly develops a habit that is not happy if he does not kill, but he pointed It’s the person he should kill. He’s still very good to ordinary people. He gave Yao Jun that the 1st generation of ADATA was developed specifically to strengthen the ability of men, but later Ling Zifeng found that if he increased the medicine in this way The amount is not only strong in a certain aspect, even the whole body will explode with super strength. At first, he gave rats to eat. After eating the rats, he could even kill cats and large dogs, but afterwards the mice were exhausted because of physical strength. Many died.

So after the improvement, Ling Zifeng gave the rat a rat. Not only did the rat kill a kangaroo this time, but he was tired and did not die afterwards, so he quickly applied this result to the human body, so he caught at night Some criminals and a website called the Messenger of Justice, that is where the justice killer is hired, there will be a lot of rich people landing to say the person they want to kill and his crimes, and then there will be a special killer company to send a special staff Taking orders, Ling Zifeng occasionally finds a very sinful person to do experiments here. Although it succeeds in mice, in fact, the mice are small in size, so they succeed in mice in terms of dosage, and may not necessarily succeed in humans. So the next five people were all killed by Ling Zifeng's medicine. One was the situation where the mental violent blood vessel burst after taking too much medicine. The blood vessel burst and died in less than five minutes. Ling Zifeng scratched his head and shook his head non-stop: "It seems that this time the proportion of drugs is too large, which results in the medicine being stronger than the maximum the body can bear, causing the body to each The large organs were exploded. So he started the second experiment according to the overall proportions of various organs and heights of the human body, inquired many information books, but the results of the second experiment were much better than the last time, but still at ten He died in minutes. This time it looks more natural. It is not as bad as last time. The body of the death is miserable. This time it looks relatively normal, but after checking the specific cause of death, it should be that the body cannot adapt to the blood. Flowing too fast causes the maintenance blood vessels in some parts of the body to burst, hindering the aorta and even the normal operation of other important tissues and organs.

So he spent more than ten days searching and deploying books. Eventually, the third experiment did not show sudden death, but the body was deformed due to genetic mutation. Thanks to Ling Zifeng, he was locked in a cage. The original Ling Zifeng I think his mutation is very interesting. I want to use medicine to treat him as it is, but due to many unstable factors, not only is he cured without him, but his wisdom has gradually degraded over time. In the past, Ling Zifeng You can still communicate with him outside the cage, until later he can't even understand what he said. Ling Zifeng cured him and abandoned him. He shot this experiment with a machine gun outside the cage. The fourth experiment has basically been Successful, because a little insufficient amount is unable to control the stability of the strength, that is to say, one will be strong and one will be weak, and it is impossible to top off when his strength after taking is strong and weak.

It wasn't until the fifth experiment question that this experiment was truly oriented towards success, but the fifth person was still dead, because Ling Zifeng tried to personally experience how strong the person taking this drug was, so he released the cage. In order to be able to leave, the criminal chose medicine to kill Ling Zifeng first, so the two shot big shots, and in the end the experiment question No. 5 was killed by Ling Zifeng.

And the only weakness after the success of this medicine is that after taking the medicine, one will be immersed in the consciousness of the fighting mania, and this experience will not be easily dissipated. It will last for about ten minutes, and if these ten minutes stop without fighting This caused the body to explode, which is the real reason why Ling Zifeng wanted Bihalun to take drugs to fight Yao Jun.

The medicine that Biharan eats is the second generation of ADATA, and it can also play an instant strengthening effect like the first generation, but the difference is that his strengthening time is only five minutes, and if there is no antidote after five minutes, the consequences are not Poisoned, but the body explodes like a human bomb in an instant, and the body may be blown up without a piece of residual material.

In fact, Ling Zifeng used this medicine to deceive a strong man with his own strength. He thought that taking this medicine would kill Ling Zifeng, so they both scolded for a tie, but his body exploded in five minutes. , While Ling Zifeng took the medicine in advance. Although he was beaten up because of his instantaneous weakness in the later stage, he was almost killed, but he didn’t know that the more powerful the second generation of Aegang will increase in the later period, it will eventually explode. At that time, the power will increase to more than ten times of that of the Weiwei generation. The non-expired result is like a balloon. When it reaches the maximum, it will burst instantly.

Since Yao Jun looked at McHathton ahead, he still wanted to run, but unfortunately McHatton was already overstretched due to endurance, but Yao Jun, who took the medicine, couldn’t feel tired and sprayed at a faster speed. It's just like the electric test that grabbed McHaughton directly from the back, and then punched back with a right fist and punched him in the back. This punch directly hit the spine of his back. The back is straight out from the front

By inertia, McHaughton was still lying on the ground. His upper body and lower body were still moving, but his body was shaking, but he was not dead at this time, but he couldn't stand up. He said he vomited blood from his mouth: "Please... . Please don't kill me, I just offended you with my eyes, and I beg you, don’t remember the villain and bypass me, and you don’t have a lot of points to kill me. If you let me go, I’m willing to be This undercover in Atangmen is the same as even introducing you to Atangmen. You can do anything if the ball doesn't want to kill me. It's not easy for me to go from the x zone to the t zone.

After Yao Jun saw that he had finished speaking, he didn't hit with any punch at all, and the hard-to-move Mai Hadun was hit by Yao Jun with a punch and his head was quite miserable, but just when he was about to turn back Suddenly I felt a gust of wind in front of me, and the whole picture was exactly like the scene of the pulling wind when I ran just now, except that the person who ran over this time was the Biha wheel that had just been beaten by myself.

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