Killing God Island

Chapter 340: I will tell you if I win

Ye Minyu said again: "Of course there is. First of all, we should start to catch people in the area of ​​the t zone. In this case, we must unify all three large and small organizations to know this at the same time. Of course, we can choose some small organizations first. Regardless of them, as long as the entire t-zone is messed up, those small organizations that do not know the reason will soon know the news. Also, I decided to implement this plan in five days!"

After listening, everyone asked: "Why do we have to wait five days?" Ye Minyu certainly knows that they will definitely ask why, so he directly said: "This is to better prepare for this plan more carefully, in these five days you Several people can't be idle anymore, you have to inquire from the side of these well-known organizations in the T district, their bosses are men and women, what are their personalities and hobbies, only then can I get a better understanding His thinking came up with how to cope with the special situation. In addition to letting them tell the secret, in order to be more real and convince them, we must make them recite at least ten different kinds of rhetoric. It’s impossible to say anything to everyone, and it’s based on the entry point of different aspects of men and women, so these five days of preparation time are slightly insufficient. You think that the person who can be the boss of the organization will believe so easily. Do you want to make them believe? You have to do enough homework on them."

After listening, Chen Tian gave a thumbs-up to Ye Minyu and said, "You are right, then please ask Yao Jun to divide the group. We should gather two people to gather intelligence from various organizations in the T district." Chen Tianyi Everyone looked at each other one by one, maybe everyone was thinking about who was with whom at the moment, originally Xu Shun thought Chen Tian would be grouped, or Ye Minyu would be grouped, but unexpectedly Chen Tian took the initiative to retreat this time, Intentionally giving Yao Jun a face to let him, the nominal captain, finally be able to assign everyone's rights justly, which also made him suddenly nervous. His tension was not because he did not have leadership ability, but because of his heart. I already felt that he could not suppress the members of this team. From their expressions, it can be seen that they did not take Yao Jun into their eyes at all. Although Chen Tian listens to Yao Jun on the surface, he is a relatively arbitrary. People, once he thinks he has to do something, or he can't stop being attached to something.

As for Angelina, who knew her in the early days, she only listened to Chen Tian’s words. This time, his arrangement was based on Chen Tian’s proposal to let him distribute Angelina without saying anything, but it was obvious from her eyes. Out, she wanted to team up with Chen Tian, ​​so Yao Jun secretly nodded slightly to her, in addition, it seems that the strength is not Xu Xu, that is also a **** man wearing a pair of pants with Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Xu Shuna are absolutely It’s the same thing as Chen Tian, ​​but now it’s more than just these two. Ye Minyu seems neutral. In fact, she trusts Chen Tian’s temperament and ability very much, and trusts her far more than Yao Jun. She is so smart, of course. Who will be the leader of this team?

In addition to this Ye Minyu, the newly joined Ling Zifeng is very strong and understands medical skills. Although her appearance is familiar to everyone, the real reason for him to come to this group is to value Chen Tian’s character and ability. That's why I joined this group, not because I appreciated Yao Jun. Although Yao Jun is the nominal captain of this group, the person they really trust is Chen Tian.

This is a group that is full of people, and Wu Yifan may stand on my side, but normal people will not choose to let themselves fall into isolation, so even if he has a great relationship with me and Chen Tian, ​​it will not necessarily stand by me at a critical moment. In this respect, even though Yao Jun is now a captain fan, he also knows that this is only a superficial phenomenon. Once a major event occurs and a big decision occurs, it will still be Chen Tian and Ye Minyu who will take the initiative to solve it, and will slowly let everyone Have formed a habit that the captain of this team is Chen Tian, ​​and the deputy captain of the conspiracy is Ye Minyu.

"Then I will give everyone a team for this task. First, the first team is composed of Chen Tian and Angelina, and is responsible for inquiring the most difficult internal information of the Nanpai. The second team consists of Ye Minyu and Ling Zifeng. Three pairs of Xu Shun and Wu Yifan. Do you have any disagreement with me?"

As soon as Yao Jun's words fell, Ye Minyu answered and asked, "You have divided us all into groups, do you have any special tasks for the remaining one?"

"I have no other tasks, but I will investigate the information of the rest of the group myself!" Yao Jun added this embarrassingly, but soon Ye Minyu said: "I made this proposal, of course I'll finish the final finishing plan. If you think you can finish it well, I don't mind doing the exploration work."

After hearing this, Yao Jun immediately responded and said directly: "I almost forgot this, then I will make a group with Ling Zifeng!" Ye Minyu nodded and said, "Well, then! These days I initially hand-drawn three maps based on the basic images detected by the watch, which are the three key areas divided by the entire t-zone. Now you take one of each and then follow the annotations on me to explore and capture two members. I will continue to arrange the rest of the work five days later."

"Okay!" Chen Tian was the first to walk towards Ye Minyu after hearing it, and directly took a picture from her, and then said to Angelina: "Go, let's go first" he confronted Anji behind him Lina waved her hand, and Angelina quietly followed Chen Tian and left.

Xu Xuan and Wu Yifan followed closely, and came to Ye Minyu and took a hand-drawn map and left. At this time, Yao Jun and Ling Zifeng were left. Ling Zifeng signaled to Yao Jun that he would first Go, this move shows respect for him, in fact, he doesn’t need to do this, but at this time, Yao Jun is a bit embarrassed, because Yao Jun knows that this guy is much more powerful than himself, but he does not look at it. It's not like the kid's arrogance, it just looks a little bit good. Yao Jun walked to the past and picked up the last post-map. After making a look at Ling Zifeng, the two of them left. After the two of them were gone, the Jin Kairui couple said to Ye Minyu: " It’s no wonder that you can wipe out the Nanpai Gu Siniang group. It seems that you seem to have a chaotic relationship but they are still very orderly, especially if you are so smart and they are willing to listen to a series An obvious series of layouts, but I feel that this time the entire t-zone may be panicked by the chaos caused by your group."

Ye Minyu whispered with a slightly evil smile on her face, "Maybe this is the desired effect I want, or if these people who have been rooted here for many years, can't they have a little strength? It is impossible for a few of us to be like As you said, to cleanse everyone to find things, as long as the situation is disturbed, we will reduce the maximum hungry range to the minimum range. When they fight each other's final winner, naturally it is our ultimate opponent. In this way, even if this organization does not gather nine gems, at least they can be sure that they have gems on more than eight layers."

This means that if we don’t do anything, many small organizations will be destroyed. As long as we wait for their last few organizations to be the strongest, the final gem designation will be collected by them. , Your move is really sinister enough. Although Jin Kairui's words are derogatory, but in line with his expression and the description at this moment, this sentence is instead praised for Ye Minyu's wisdom in Chen Tian's group.

Ye Minyu pretended to be very happy and said: "Thank you!"

And the route that Chen Tian and Angelina went to was the orientation of the southern faction. Chen Tian asked Angeline as she walked: "How do we collect intelligence next? I haven’t really collected intelligence. This wild mountain Who are we going to ask Ling about? We might as well grab a few of their men and go back and make a difference!"

"How does this work? If it's so simple, in case the two men we grabbed are an insignificant character in the other's organization, even if we grab them back, they won't have any value. We will follow Ye Minyu's drawing first. The map enters the area she indicated. If I guess correctly, this area should belong to the southern school, and the map should correspond to the quite high mountain in front," Angelina said. With this sentence, he pointed his hand to the mountain ahead, and Chen Tian looked directly at the mountain peak. The mountain was so high that he could not see the summit at a glance. The summit was covered by Bai Yun. I don’t know what mysterious this mountain is. Office.

When Chen Tian and Angelina climbed the mountain, the surroundings could ask such fresh air, and the surrounding scenery was as beautiful as entering a fairyland, which made people relax a lot at a time. Maybe Chen Tian was too relaxed. He even ran to the edge of a tree and started to pee, but suddenly the tree moved halfway through his urine, scaring Chen Tian backflowing liquid.

Because the tree just turned into a beautiful woman with a very attractive body, she kept wiped her face and shouted, "What are you doing? Even pouring hot water on my face? I don't want to live anymore." What water is there, why is there a strange smell?" When the woman found out that Chen Tian had not mentioned the pants, she suddenly became angry: "Dare you do this kind of thing while I am doing exercises?"

Chen Tian also froze for a moment, and immediately explained: "Don’t get me wrong, beauties, I just misunderstood. I might have watched fireworks. I just saw a very good tree when I was in a hurry, so I was there. Under the tree, I didn’t expect to make the beauty so embarrassing."

"Your kid is dead, and even blasphemy my face with such dirty water, I want your life!" The woman kicked Chen Tian directly, and Chen Tian thought of it at this time, just let them catch two, Wouldn't it be better to catch her back?

Thinking of the place where Chen Tian directly grabbed the kick that she kicked, this woman also expected that Chen Tian, ​​a skinny man who didn't look so powerful, had such a skill and strength that he could not only escape my attack, but even catch Who is he who lives my attacking limb? This woman's name is Bai Jieye Zeyi. It is one of the second generals of the Nan faction. The strength is okay, but compared with Gu Siniang who played against Chen Tian, ​​the strength is about 108,000 miles away, but the basic skill is still there. Yes, it was her and her sister who were guarding the main points of the Nanpai, which prevented many overconfident people from taking this opportunity to mix in the Nanpai.

Although Bai Jieye Zeyi's strength is not bad, but it is relatively ordinary for the strengthened person, it is really too ordinary for Chen Tian, ​​Chen Tiankey wants to fight her seriously, kill her in a second, but Chen Tian I wanted to grab her back to complete the task, so Chen Tian did not intend to use his real strength, but Bai Jie Ye Zeyi used all his strength but found that Chen Tian was not hurt at all, but Bai Jie Ye Zeyi was tired. Panting.

"Who are you? Why do you want to sneak into the Southern School?" Bai Jie Ye Zeyi asked Chen Tian directly, and Chen Tian refused her question with only one sentence: "If you want to know, Just beat me first!"

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