Killing God Island

Chapter 338: The Four Ghosts and Two Ghosts

Zhou Erzhan's expression was instantly furious, her eyes widened and the teeth of her upper and lower teeth squeaked, and tears were left instantly. She suddenly couldn't control her emotions and screamed, followed by her very stern expression: " Who did it to get out of me, who is it, get out of me!"

In fact, even if she didn’t shout, the two would come out. The two directly sandwiched Zhou Erzhan in the middle. Her position at this time is a very thick cement wall, and the track of the head should be thrown out. It was from here, and another person broke her escape route.

When the two appeared, Zhou Erzhan's expression became even more angry, and she could even vaguely see her scalp blood vessels after her anger. At this time, she was really angry: "It turns out to be you!"

Of course, Zhou Erzhan knew these two people, even if she didn’t know Shen Chongchong, a rising newcomer, but she knew these two people in front of her, because their reputation should be recognized by people in the industry. They are two of the four Asuras of the Fujimoto Clan named after the 12 shows of the Ruandi family.

The codenames of the four Asuras of the Fujimoto Clan are 魑.迷.魍.魉. The strength ranking is also the same, the 魑. charm is the strongest, followed by the 魍 and 魉, and this time blocked in front of the person in front of Zhou Erzhan It is the strongest man amongst the monsters, and the one who breaks his way is the charm.

After looking around before and after Zhou Erzhan, he asked calmly and asked: "It's really a coincidence, isn't this the two ghosts of the Fujimoto Clan?" Asura refers to ghosts in Japan, so Zhou Erzhan didn't call it that way. Any problems, of course, she can see that her current situation is a bit bad, but she did not show it on the outside, but she deliberately pretended to be the first to say hello.

But Jun did not eat his suit, and said coldly, "You don't have a relationship with us, you hurt our people, how do you solve this matter?" Yun pointed to the sinking insects, Shen When the insect saw the elder brother, he waved his hand directly and said with a bitter smile: "I'm so sorry, I never beat her."

Jun also nodded slightly and said, "Relax! We are here to bring you back."

Zhou Erzhan once again looked at the two demons, and then she fixed her eyes on the girl again. This worm looks like an important member of the Fujimoto Clan. It seems that this time I want to leave here safely. Rely on her, otherwise these two strong monster-like murderous madmen must have come to me this time, Zhou Erzhan thought of turning around quickly here, directly to the temporarily immobile Shen at the speed of speed Insects went straight, as long as they could hold this woman as a hostage, it was no problem, the inner calculation was so delicate but unexpected, just when her fingertips were about to touch Shen insects neck... ..

She was suddenly kicked by the charm Shura who had been standing behind her on the palm of her hand that was about to catch Shen Worm. It can be seen that this trick he did not use too much force, but just stretched Zhou Zhou. Just drive away.

This time she kicked her hand straight back, followed by Dura Shura and walked towards Zhou Erzhan: "All told you, we are going to take her away, you even plan to shoot her, it seems that you simply Didn’t you both look at us?"

Zhou Erzhan immediately shook his hands left and right on his chest: "No... no... no... I want to say that it was just a misunderstanding, you will believe Was it?” As soon as the words came out, Shao Shuola kicked it up with one foot, Zhou Erzhan directly blocked with his hands forward, directly blocking the attack of Yun, but she was also kicked back by her strength. It took several meters to stand firm.

"Hey, hello! Have something to say, can we not do it first?" At this time, Zhou Erzhan wanted to procrastinate and procrastinate. Her mood for fighting this time was two different moods to fight Shen Worm. Engagement is a normal state of mind plus serious treatment, and with the two people in front of them, Zhou Erzhan’s strategy at this time is to not fight, don’t fight. First of all, it is difficult for her to say that she can win either of them. What's more, there are currently two of them, so it's definitely her who took advantage of it, so Zhou Erzhan is trying to communicate with these two people, hoping that these two people will quell their anger.

After the kick kicked out, said: "I now say that this kick is not something I believe you can kick?" Zhou Erzhan does not dare to violate his meaning at present, so he directly followed his words: "Of course I believe Well, I believe as long as you say it!" She had just finished saying this, she only felt a figure flash in front of her, and she flew out directly the next second she saw.

At the same time when she was flied out, the Chara Shura behind him also kicked directly at the flying Zhou Zhouzhang waist, and kicked her back alive, this is the Four Shura, if anyone else dares to provoke The angry show is just looking for death in disguise, but now she has to swallow her voice.

But the two did not buy his account, and did not stop the shot because of her concession. Although the two did not go together, the consequences would be very serious as long as she dared to do it. Zhou Erzhan was kicked by the two for several consecutive times. After getting off, he stopped suddenly from the air using electrical energy, and said to him: "Our four big families have always been well-fed and not guilty of river water. Isn't it a bit of a bully for you to take such frequent actions against me?" After listening to it, a very evil smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he said arrogantly: "This is the point that the well water has not violated the river water. It is about to be broken today. The person in the situation is you!"

Zhou Erzhan froze for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Do you still understand this? Meaning, you will die here today, and your death will be the fuse of the hidden dangers in the four major families, so you don’t have to imagine that I will let you go today, Just let me know what you can do!" Zhou Erzhan asked again with a very serious expression: "What is the purpose of doing this? Does your family owner Fujimoto mean?"

Jun did not answer her question directly, but directly said: "You don't need to know this, because you are about to become a dead person. If you really want to understand the inside story, go down and ask the king!" Zhou Erzhan rushed away, and this time Zhou Erzhan launched a counterattack on her. She clapped the ground with one hand, and even pulled a black line from the ground with an electric energy magnetic field. This line was caused by the sandstone soil caused by the electric energy magnetic field. The force of this kind of object mixing, with her one-handed clapping around her, formed a light blue line that counted like life, and the crackling electric crosstalk around the instantaneously spread to the surrounding.

Mei Shuola was originally at the rear of Zhou Erzhan. Seeing that she really got out of it this time, she actually exerted all her strength. She also knew how strong the Fujira Bo clan Sishuura was. The average strength of the original Siura was more than ten. The second show is of high quality, and Shiraura is still the strongest person in Siura, so Zhou Erzhan took out all her strength without thinking, plus she had just opened the Sky Tribulation state and could just play Her current strength is 100%.

And Charlotte took a few steps forward to pick up the seriously injured sinker worm and jumped directly from the ground. At the same time, the ground was instantly covered by the blue current that spread out. This powerful electrical energy hit the surrounding electrical appliances and There will be bursts of explosions on the locomotive, but there is no way to affect the attack of the jun. She simply ignores the powerful current she emits. Although she is not afraid of this high voltage, it is surrounded by the blue formed around it. The current bar was isolated in front of her about three meters away. At the same time, countless blue shields covered the layer of sura, and then her hands moved forward as if pushing forward. Blue energy light, this is the main current generated in her body after the day of the catastrophe, this strong light current is injected into this layer of light, and actually formed countless channels of electric energy blades rotating in the barrier.

Most people should enter this barrier and they will be numb all over by strong electricity, and people with low strength will be electrocuted directly. If you have a strong person who can resist this high voltage current, then just use the method of injecting energy. The light beam is decomposed and cut in the restricted light beam. This powerful grid is a material that cannot be easily cut by some sharp blades such as iron.

Therefore, in the case of not being able to go, there is only one ending for the enemy who is waiting for Zhou Zhouzhan, that is, it is cut into several segments by the light blade, but the shaman who is covered by the layers seems not to be nervous, which also makes Zhou Er The exhibition was very uneasy, especially when Charlotte just behind me saw this kind of crisis moment and didn't even reach out to help. Why did he smile confidently? Why didn't Charlotte reach out to help him? Is there something wrong? "

Just when Zhou Erzhan thought about this problem, she suddenly saw her hand reaching out in front of the barrier, but this simple action directly stretched Zhou Erzhan from her neck and pierced her neck from behind, although Zhou Erzhan suffered such a serious injury and had not died directly. The two of them who looked at her in disbelief and looked quite far away from her asked: "Even if I die today, I want to die to understand, what are you doing? Use a knife. Insert it to mine?"

Sunshura directly replied: "Because of my ability to break through space and space attacks, you can easily find it no matter where you are within 20 meters of the distance, so you It’s your luck to die in my hand. I’ll kill you directly without leaving you with a bit of pain. So...” , Directly struggling with the neck and body that Zhou Zhou stretched out, the light looked very cruel from the scene.

The body that lost its head was instantly paralyzed...

The magical watchman has solved Zhou Erzhan, holding the sinker bug in his arms and saying to him: "How to deal with her corpse? Can the family really follow the trend of his thoughts?"

Jun also said bluntly: "Fujimoto Takeshi is a civil and military genius. Since I chose to follow him, I will believe in him from beginning to end, and he has promised us in the past few years.

It has also been achieved, so this time I also chose to believe in him completely.

"Just put her body here?"

"What's the matter? As special people, we should not have worldly emotions. Too weak and kind will cause us great trouble."

What you said is fine, although I don’t know the intention of the owner this time, but...Is the camera around here a bit too much, let’s openly kill here, if the photos and videos in these monitors are once Spread out, the consequences can be unimaginable. Instead of worrying about it, we killed the whole building of this parking lot, and then let the police know about it before destroying it. Too.

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