Killing God Island

Chapter 306: Power after charging (below)

It’s been a long time since they stopped, so Angelina should be suspicious. Let’s go out! "Ling Zifeng said this, and he started to put on his clothes."

"Then when are we next?" You Di'an asked directly, and Ling Zifeng smiled slightly: "How come you have become so active now?"

"Hate! Not because of you"

Ling Zifeng gently stroked Udian’s long hair. Although she was 20 years older than Ling Zifeng, the enhanced gene cells kept her appearance at the age of 20, and the beauty was more beautiful than cold and traceless. So many, that's the reason why Endian is cold and envious.

You Di'an, who was stroked by Ling Zifeng's head, cleverly put Ling Zifeng's armpit under her head, and she looked very intimate. Unexpectedly, Yu Di'an, who looked cold and proud on weekdays, would actually be more spoiled than her 20-year-old man. This is the first time I have never had this with my husband. This heart-warming mood has never been with Kim Carrey.

Xu Shun and Wu Yifan, who stood 100 meters away from the door, whispered.

Xu Shun said: "It seems that Ling Zifeng was seriously injured! After treatment for so long, there was no movement at all, wouldn't it just hang up?"

Wu Yifan directly replied: "Why are you so concerned about this issue?"

"Hey! Are you too cold-blooded? How can he be our teammate partner? How do I look indifferent? Isn't you hurt? Should our emotions expect you to die?"

"Boy, you know a fart. The skill he showed when he was just playing with the woman was far stronger with us. Even Chen Tian, ​​even if he really started, he might not really be able to beat him. How could it be so easy? He died, let’s say how long he had just joined us, and we didn’t know what he and many things were, but he was invited by Chen Tian’s whim, and such a person would stay with us and would exist. Many hidden dangers."

"I think you are jealous that someone in the team is stronger than you?" Xu Shun said Wu Yifan's heart. Although this is one aspect, it is not the biggest reason for Wu Yifan to resist him, mainly because this person looks like Hidden too deep, and very unorthodox, he has a soft spot for women, sooner or later will be bad.

Of course, in addition to this aspect, he is also the only man in the current position to see through Ling Zifeng's routine. Although Ye Minyu has a good IQ, she has not considered it at all. Even if she has already noticed it, but with Ye Minyu's personality, as long as it does not affect everyone It’s not a matter of accounting for each person’s personality and hobbies. After all, everyone is an adult and is not completely a kind generation. It’s normal for everyone to have some bad things, so Ye Minyu Don't care about these things at all. Of course, Wu Yifan wouldn’t take care of this kind of business, but Wu Yifan knew that the kid wouldn’t have been so seriously injured even if he was injured, and the man and the woman would have been alone for so long. To tell some story, Wu Yifan was notoriously rich second generation before he entered the island. Not only is he so handsome and handsome, he has been pursued by many girls since he was very young, and of course he also didn’t meet Miss Qianda before. It was also a super romantic person, and the woman who was soaked in and sent to the door really had no way to calculate it with numbers, so this little routine, plus the eyes between the two, Wu Yifan knew what was going on the first time, It's just that he didn't see through it, and this kind of thing is not obvious. Whether it is due to factors such as teammates, friends, or other people, it is very unethical to say these things that are not obvious, and as Wu Yifan, who is also the same I understand the rules well.

However, when Ling Zifeng and You Di'an came out of the room, the two of them were flushed, which made Wu Yifan hate the man even more. Unexpectedly, this man was so powerful that he just turned the woman with the serious tigress. The whole red face is much gentler than before. It seems that this man is more powerful than me, but I think Wu Yifan is also a little bit wanting to do some things that men should do since he first met Qian Da. Wilson After Missy, I missed the top beauty of the Wilson family. After three or four years, I still haven’t touched any woman. In this life, he regards Qian Da as the first most sought-after goal in life, for her as a killer for him. She left China because she came to this island.

But God wanted to make people this woman really didn’t eat Wu Yifan. There was no lack of handsome guys around her, so Guangshuai couldn’t please Qian Da’s heart. Qian Da was the kind of strong woman who liked to be very strong and always pursued to become strong. A very proud woman, so it is not easy to suppress her and make her like it.

If you raise your strength, Wu Yifan is actually very powerful, but compared to the people in the world and even the masters, it is too different. Qianda’s own strength is much higher than Wu Yifan. How can you look at him? ? He is not as good as Qian Da in terms of strength. Although Wu Yifan’s family background is rich, Qian Da’s family background is a big shock to the world. Her family is the Wilson family, which is one of the four major families in the world. The power and influence of the family is enough to affect the extent of several developed countries. How powerful the family can compete with the country is to imagine...

Therefore, Miss Qianda can only be a goddess in Wu Yifan's heart, and it is still a type that can be viewed from a distance, but she is a kind of high-cold goddess-level woman. She seems to be not interested in any man. In fact, there are also Two men can walk into her heart and make her feel the first man, Yumalu, who has a sweetheart with her. He is called a sword **** by experts in the world, and he is also among the most dangerous in the world. Known as the world's first sharp knife, it is currently ranked as one of the world's top ten combat strengths. It is also one of the world's top ten with Ms. Zhao's teacher Ms. Zhao. This top ten is also referred to as the world's top ten combat strength.

It is precisely because Qian Da played with Umariu from childhood to big, so Qianda has some good feelings for him. It is regrettable that these two people have ended before they start, because Umariu left for the strongest. The Wilson family, but Qian Da was influenced by him, so she still uses the knife as her weapon. At that time, because she was always unable to beat Umari, she became stronger and stronger, and made her stronger and stronger. Umaru is a man who has the potential to resist the sky from an early age. He is destined to become a powerful character in the world’s top combat power. Become a couple.

It may be that Umalu, the man who once made Miss Qianda feel good, is too good, so later she has encountered many masters who are also very powerful, and are unable to enter her inner world, not just their strength and The appearance is not good, the most important thing is that they can't feel the men who exude fearful kingly qualities, so Miss Qianda has been self-cultivating for seven years, although she has also been exposed to many high society due to her professional and family background. Celebrities and noble sons, as well as handsome guys who have met with their own strength when they were in a mission, but these can only be regarded as friends at most, and they can’t be compared with Umalu. And excellence is unmatched by these people.

So Umaru has always been in Qian Da’s heart, but Qian Da will not take the initiative to find her, she just wants to make herself stronger, and one day she will stand on the same strength as him because of her competitive heart. She suppressed a lot of girls' enthusiasm, but the appearance of another man completely broke the heart of Qian Da, and even had a better impression of him than Umari, and even felt his own beside him. Heartbeat.

This person who made Qian Da feel the temperament of the king all over again is the madman of one of the seven warlords of the Prins family. He is no worse than Umariu in terms of appearance and strength, and even more manly than him. On the right, although she usually doesn’t understand how to regulate herself, she is lazy and lacks the cleanliness and strength of Umariu, but her fighting strength is absolutely in line with the perfect candidate Miss Qianda has been pursuing the dream of the strong man. After all, she wants to become stronger. Only by staying with a stronger person will you gradually make yourself stronger. Although Kuangqi is not one of the top ten in the world, his title has not lost to the title of the top ten in the world because He is known as the strongest man in the world, and he is the first in the world's most dangerous person list. He once said that the only people who can really deal with himself are the top ten in the world, and the rest are only worthy of him to warm up. This sentence does not actually come from his own mouth, because Kuang Qi is a low-key person. This sentence really comes from Ms. Zhao’s mouth. Of course, most of the top ten in the world are men, and they are not convinced that Kuang Qi is the strongest man in the world. But no one has challenged, and it can be seen that Kuang Qi is considered by the world to have a truly amazing fighting power.

But Kuangqi is only regarded as the strongest in the world, and privately insiders call him a demon in a smile, because he always smiles but has a terrible fighting power like a demon monster, which fears countless top powers, even the world The top ten combat powers are also afraid of it. Although Miss Qianda is by her side, and Manifei is very approachable, but she can completely suppress the temper and temperament of the woman like Miss Qianda. I am afraid that there are not many people in the world. A man can do it.

Therefore, Wu Yifan can only sigh the goddess in his heart, and can only exist in his heart, so when Wu Yifan saw that Ling Zifeng had taken such a beautifully as a beauty of Udian, it really made him feel uncomfortable, although Udian The number of years may be older than them, but for genetically modified people, these are nothing.

Youdian, who was charged by Ling Zifeng, was full of energy. Instead of feeling tired, she expressed gratitude to Wu Yifan and Xu Shun. After all, the two of them helped her watch for so long. Relief? So You Di'an is very grateful to both of them. Xu Shuntian really thinks that Yu Di'an has been treating Ling Zifeng all the time, so he also said casually: "It's okay! You cured Ling Zifeng's injuries, but he is our team's The doctor is very heavy, and we thank you that it’s almost the same. You see how spiritual it is that you treated him?”

Judean's face suddenly turned red, and he embarrassedly covered his mouth and smiled: "It's also because he is stronger, so he will be so good, hey!" Judean smiled so much, even Xu Shun thought this Although women are older than us, we are really beautiful and feminine friends!

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