Killing God Island

Chapter 1563: Q Zone 20: Great changes in the situation, the ground fissure exploded.

The huge tornado is accompanied by the mad qi and Bei Qibu's two people fighting, and is raging around the two people raging around, without passing the pieces of the armor. This huge tornado is like a black hole that swallows up and absorbs the ground. Whether it is a person or a variety of things, all are attracted to it.

Even the very thick trunk can't bear the huge power of the two. The huge tornado formed by the two people's battle directly took off the roots and flew out, and was directly sucked into the air.

The battle between the two is getting more and more crazy, and it is not limited to attacking each other on the ground. Although the two have not been able to fly away from human form and become wings like Chen Tian, ​​they are flying because The more and more powerful airflow in the two-person battle makes them like Superman, who can step on the energy body in the air at will by means of each other’s power impact and their own power and super explosive force, and the two are in the center of this huge tornado The battle is not affected by anything. This powerful force is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

This is still a battle in which the two did not show their true strength. Only by warming up their close-up attacks against each other, they have already achieved a powerful destructive force like a tornado around them, and the warm-up of both sides has not consumed any energy, and each other also There was no injury but only a close attack. The melee ability and responsiveness of the two were quite good. The basic close-range attacks of both sides were detected and prevented by the other side, and the attacks on the other side also did not work.

So instead of getting harder and harder on both sides, the more they both smile, the more happy the smile is. The two can already be sure that the other is indeed a good opponent, and both sides give the other a very good affirmation. , But may be temporarily immersed in the excitement of this close combat, so the close combat between the two sides did not end so quickly, but continued to attack each other, and the speed force is still increasing, resulting in this huge tornado As the diameter continues to grow thicker, the power also becomes greater.

Originally only causing damage to the surroundings, it has gradually become bigger and longer, and it has begun to affect the sky. It has begun to affect the empty weather. As a result, the hot sunny days have just begun to become dark, and the two seem to think To hit, first hit the opponent's position, otherwise it seems that the melee draw is not what the two sides want to see, at least one of the two is at a disadvantage to stop.

Therefore, the tactics of Kuangqi and Bei Qibu attacking each other close to each other, in addition to the attack speed and strength are in place, more importantly, they have no fixed moves, they all play as they please. The two are very free to use the most effective methods of various defenses to carry out the next counterattack, and the counterattacks evade or defend in the most clever way. The two people have reciprocal reciprocity and various randomness. The power of the attack.

In the battle between the two, they are expanding more and more to the surroundings. At first, the two were due to the strong impact of each other, causing the two to form a huge tornado centered on the two in the battle, but the two are nothing more than It is only affecting this small area in the battle, but as the two men become more and more courageous, the continuous improvement of the strength of the two parties has gradually increased from the warm-up level to the natural one.

With the destruction caused by the tornadoes sweeping around, it is really like a disaster for these fortified people who have not left the q zone. The huge tornado has left little damage to the surrounding objects. As the diameter of this huge hurricane became thicker and thicker, its power became larger and larger, and even a huge tornado directly reached the sky, resulting in a cloudless mine in a clear sky.

There was a thunder and lightning, combined with the mutual impact of the two men and the bravery of the war, resulting in a huge tornado splitting from the middle and showing two huge tornadoes. The outer ground began to shake the mountain, but it did not. Influencing Kuang Qi and Bei Qibu to continue to punch at each other with high frequency at close range, if the bones of others might have been beaten long ago, the two of them can still block each other’s attacks if they fight each other. Others may be unable to stop the punch with a punch and then be killed.

It is precisely because Bei Qibu can block so many attacks from Kuangqi, which also makes Kuangqi feel very satisfied, but although Bei Qibu can block a lot of attacks from Kuangqi, there is still a big gap in strength from Kuangqi. Although he He can resist the attack of Kuang Qi, but he dare not defend all the time. After all, under this power, Bei Qibu can not always be able to defend. His right arm or left arm defends the frontal attack of Kuang Qi, one arm is on the same part. There is no way to continue to defend against five more attacks, otherwise there will be a situation of bone fracture.

Although it seems that Bei Qibu can definitely fight hard with him while fighting Kuangqi, in fact, the hard fight is only temporary. There is still a big gap between the strength of the two. From their front fists and fists A head-on collision shows that Bei Qibu has been completely defeated by Kuang Qi in terms of strength alone, because the result of three consecutive fights between the two was that Bei Qibu was directly repelled back.

Although Bei Qibu was not beaten far away, from Bei Qibu's strenuous stop, it can be seen that Bei Qibu is not on the same level as Kuangqi from the strength level, but the strength is still a trick with Kuangqi, but if Kuang Qi was really serious, and the result was clear at a glance. Although the two of them didn’t really show each other’s innocence, they now reflected each other’s strength. Although Bei Qibu didn’t come up with his killer skills, he was alone. Judging from the close fight between the duo, he was defeated three times in a row, but he was defeated, but Kuang Qi saw that he still wanted to fight himself, and he was also very satisfied with the boy’s strength, so Kuang Qi was ready to play with him more play.

Kuang Qi also knew that he had just won because he was stronger than him, so he might feel that he was not very convinced of the power loss, so Kuang Qi was not going to use his natural power to suppress him this time, Kuang Qi was going to suppress it with tricks, Prove that even if I don't need strength, I can beat you.

Therefore, Kuangqi did not directly suppress it with his own strength. If he used his own divine power to suppress Beiqibu, even if Beiqibu's strength is the top ten in the world, he will not be able to withstand the powerful impact of Kuangqi, so Kuangqi is not Like doing this, I finally met such a person who has the courage to dare to challenge myself, and it is indeed possible to fight with myself in terms of strength, so I didn’t want to end the battle so early, I just wanted to experience it. Melee fun.

Kuangqi Melee has never used a variety of fighting techniques, Kuangqi has reached the level of no moves and there are tricks, which is the so-called real tricks, whether it is attack or defense, it can be reached, there can be one hundred in one second The kind of attacking style, but Bei Qibu is not an ordinary person. Although he is not an opponent of Kuangqi in terms of strength, he is still an absolute top-level strongman in combat. He has also achieved the same tricks as Kuangqi. The realm of strokes.

Therefore, the two can’t fight each other, they can’t easily avoid each other’s defenses by avoiding them, whether by hand or by foot, or by using various knees and elbows. , So if you continue to play like this, the result is not very big, so in their world's top expert matchup, the key to winning and losing is to fight against the real power to see, except for the power to fight Abnormal killer skills for each other.

However, it happens that no matter whether it is madness or North Qibu, the two have not shown their true strength. The two of them just want to warm up before the real battle, and this so-called warm-up is only more aggressive now. Both of them want to make a small difference in the warm-up process.

However, it is obvious that the two of them are super high in close combat, and on the premise that there is no flaw in each other for a while, it is not easy to win the other side, especially if they do not come up with their true strength level. Therefore, although the two have been attacking each other continuously, the effect is not obvious, but it has brought no small damage to the surroundings.

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