Killing God Island

Chapter 1559: Q Section 16: Before the battle between life and death, the two actually talked and l

Kuangqi has always liked playing with powerful people, but he struggled to find an opponent who can compete with him. After all, he is a type who naturally likes to fight with others. Of course, he has such a terrible combat power. It's like finding an opponent who can fight to the fullest, but unfortunately he can't find a person who will not sacrifice his life to challenge himself.

After all, Kuangqi's strength and reputation are so high, there is no top master who is free to challenge him, so this time Bei Qibu took the initiative to find a door to fight Kuangqi, which is for Kuangqi It is also very secret in my heart.

Facing Qi Qibei's challenge, how can he refuse, so he is slightly grinning and saying, "Okay! I like your character, then I will satisfy your wish to fight me, but I have Conditions!"

"What conditions? As long as I can do it, you just say it!" Bei Qibu also agreed very readily. After all, his character is like this. In order to accomplish certain things, he is willing to do certain things for the other party first. He I think these are very reasonable.

However, Bei Qibu did not expect that the condition of Kuang Qi is not difficult to handle. The additional condition of Kuang Qi is to let Qian Da behind him, Han Li and Yan Xi leave the q area first, and then start to work with him, otherwise even these three women The strength is not weak, but Kuang Qi knows that once he and the person in front of him are really hands-on, then everything around this will change greatly, and now they can’t stand their level of battle fluctuations.

So Kuang Qi only put forward this additional condition, but Bei Qibu will of course agree to the thing Kuang Qi said, this matter is a small thing for him, but Qian Da and Han Li are not willing to leave first, they are very similar Watching the battle, but rejected by Kuang Qi, and forced them to leave with a very strong tone. Kuang Qi itself is still very masculine, really angry and really scary, in the end these three women can only follow the Kuang Qi Said to leave the q area first, waiting for him in the periphery of the p area.

After seeing Qian Da, Han Li, and Yan Xi, the two women didn’t start playing immediately. After all, the three of them didn’t plan to move with Bei Qi before they left, and Bei Qi Bu also knew that Qi Qi was ready. After the three people left, they would really start to work with themselves, so the two could not see the atmosphere of a duel of life and death, and the two went to each other to chat.

"Do you want to defeat me for the so-called fame, or is there any other purpose?" Kuang Qi sat next to Bei Qibu and asked this, and Bei Qibu's answer was also very interesting: "I chose to challenge you, In addition to satisfying your desire to fight, it naturally includes the fame that you said in the mouth. Most men ask for fame and fortune, but now fame and fortune I think we are in our position. I have had it, so all I want now is the supreme power. I once wanted to challenge all the top experts at the top of the world!"

After finishing this sentence, Bei Qibu shook his head again with a sigh, and Kuang Qi also asked curiously: "Why don't you challenge all of them, and then choose me? Don't you know that if you really fight me, Is it possible that you will not have the opportunity to challenge them in the future?"

The conversation between the two is now different from the one they just met, and the conversation they have just met is a tabletop conversation, and now the chat between the two is all in each other’s hearts. After all, there will be a battle between life and death, so the two at this time There is no need to talk about some countertop words that are touted to each other.

The reason why Bei Qibu sighed is that not all of the top experts in these countries are really capable people, some people just have nothing to say, and of course there are some of the top ten masters in the world who are really capable, but most people who are really capable , Have been tapped away by background forces, it is difficult to challenge them, and there are many such masters, but I don’t think they can do some people, so it may take many years to challenge them one by one. , So it's better to challenge you directly in one step, if I can beat you, it's better than challenging them. "

Kuang Qi mouth smiled slightly: "Your idea is good, I have no mercy on you in order to respect you so hard to find me, I think you also want to appreciate what is the real power, and rely on your skill now , And can withstand it completely, so I hope that when you meet your wish to challenge the strongest, you will also let me fight as much as possible!"

After Bei Qibu heard Kuang Qi saying this, his expression was awkward and he smiled back slightly: "I will try my best to make you happy!"

Although Bei Qibu's strength has reached the level of the top ten in the world, he was also somewhat guilty when he directly challenged Kuang Qi. After all, Kuang Qi was not really ranked in the top ten in the world, and the world top ten The first in the top 10 is not a madman. The madman is not included in the top ten of the world, but his name is a master of the God of War. Although he is not in the real list of the top ten in the world, he does Known as the strongest in the world.

It means the existence of the world's top ten, but since the world's top ten combat power level is already the top of all combat power levels, Kuang Qi is also classified as within the scope of the world's top ten, which stands at the top of all Super masters know it well. After all, the first place in the world's top ten rankings was once defeated by the three days and three nights of the madness, and this strong man who battled the three days and three nights of the madness was Wingers. IX He is the only real ancestor of the real vampire today.

It is also the last ancestor of the vampire in the world, and its strength is among the top ten in the world, but why should he be ranked first in the top ten in the world, that is, he just ranked the top ten in the world two years ago. The man killed, and absorbed all his strength to improve himself, in order to avenge his revenge, and prepare to fight against Kuang Qi in the future, because he still remembers the taint of the three days and three nights of the battle with Kuang Qi.

Because Wingers IX is the real undead king, he is the only one who has been singled against Kuangqi for such a long time and has not been killed by Kuangqi. It can be seen how strong Wingers IX is. The genes have been improved by Ms. Zhao and have become the original samples of the physical constitutions of Ms. Zhao and Chen Tian. Their undead physiques are derived from the blood samples of this undead king.

At that time, Wingers IX and Kuang Qi battled for three days and three nights, and the heaviest body was completely beaten by Kuang Qi. The reason why he did not die was that he was beaten by knights for three days and three nights. A drop of blood fell on the leaves, and then escaped the mad and tyrannical state of the violent madness. It was regarded as an escape from the dead, so the madness is the representative of the real power. It is really terrible than the monster.

This is why Bei Qibu has the guts to challenge the madness, but he has no confidence in overcoming the madness, because although Bei Qibu has been listed as the world's top combat leader, he has not even entered the top ten list in the world, but His strength has reached this top level, so his challenge is like suicide this time, but his suicide is completely different from some angry youth. He is a super master who really has a real combat level, that is to say, if the madness is not, he Whichever country you go to, and who you fight against in front of them all belong to the absolute level of God of War.

In this state of the world's top ten masters, it is very difficult to become stronger, just like a person grows up and you are almost impossible to make him grow, that is, they have already My own strength has reached the apex that I can reach, so at this moment I don’t want to continue to become stronger, even if I can improve it, it can’t be improved much. This is the real reason why Bei Qibu finally challenged the madness, not He challenged Kuangqi for suicide, but to prove whether his ultimate strength status can beat Kuangqi, and he can already reach the peak of his own strength. If he cannot be defeated, Kuangqi may never reach the true world's strongest.

So Bei Qibu is to prove this. He came here today and is still calm in the face of madness. It is enough to see that he has put down everything, just to fight against madness, in this battle no matter whether he wins or loses. Achieved Bei Qibu's wish to fight against the strongest opponent.

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