Killing God Island

Chapter 1554: Q Zone 11: Chen Tian was almost killed!

Bei Qibu himself did not frighten Chen Tian's kingly temperament without fighting, but he has the strength of a king, so Chen Tian should be justified in trying to fight with the person in front of him. After all, Chen Tian has always been very good I want to become stronger, and since I came to this area, I haven't really found an opponent to fight. Basically, I have solved it without much effort. Therefore, Chen Tian wants to warm up with Bei Qibu in front of him.

Bei Qibu actually didn't want to fight Chen Tian's group. In fact, he couldn't look down on the strength of Chen Tian's group. He wasn't in the same grade as him. Fighting with them even counted on warming up. No, so he didn’t want to fight with Chen Tian at all. Originally, Bei Qibu usually considered their character to be a kind of good character. Although he likes to fight, he usually fights with powerful people, and he won’t fight. Pose or bully others at your own strength.

Therefore, if Chen Tian wouldn’t take the initiative to provoke him, Bei Qibu could be released directly like the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family and Ben Xi, but Chen Tianfei wanted to take the initiative to provoke Bei Qibu, and Chen Tian’s appearance was ugly. When I saw Chen Tian's face, I was afraid that no one could adapt to his appearance. The facial features and facial expressions were all the kind of irritability that looked angry and wanted to move with Bei Qi, and I could see it from words and deeds. Very unfriendly.

So Bei Qibu stood up and wanted to warn Chen Tian like to say the sentence just now, but Bei Qibu didn't know Chen Tian's bad temper, that is, he wanted to be as long as he did not affect the interests of the rest of the team. What he wants is what he wants, and now he knows that the strength of this ordinary person in front of him must be very good. Chen Tian just wants to fight him.

Chen Tian’s idea was too obvious. The rest of Chen Tian’s team knew Chen Tian too well, and they knew how strong Chen Tian was, and there was only one person across from him. Even Ye Minyu didn’t expect the North Qibu Strength Meeting. How strong it is, so I didn’t stop Chen Tian’s actions. After all, everyone on this island is a habit of killing and killing. It’s too easy to kill individuals casually.

But this time Chen Tianya's people are the type he can't afford. Chen Tian is a little bit fluttering after becoming stronger recently. Anyone wants to challenge. This is mainly because Chen Tian's entry into the micro realm can only feel this Human strength must be very strong, but Chen Tian can’t feel how strong he is. Bei Qibu’s entry into the micro realm is much higher than that of Chen Tian. He can easily detect Chen Tian’s strength foundation, but Chen Tian has nothing at all. Not detectable.

An opponent that is completely undetectable proves that his absolute strength is above himself. This point is also clear to Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian is relying on his own ability to fight, even if he cannot beat himself, there are Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng. The two were on the sidelines, so Chen Tian was very relieved to think that even if this person is stronger than himself, it would be absolutely fine. Anyway, how can we three people join forces to fight this one can definitely solve this seemingly insignificant person.

Chen Tian is obviously looking at Bei Qi's stride this time, and his body is not strong, and his appearance is not fierce, but the corpses around it can show that this person is still a bit skilled, at least comparable to his own strength. This is why Chen Tian feels that it is better to practice with such a person, so Chen Tian rushed directly to Bei Qibu before he finished speaking in Beiqi, and then directly punched Beiqibu.

But Chen Tian hadn't waited for this punch, but just jumped up and laid out this action to prepare for the next moment when the right fist hit the door of Qi Qi to the north. At the moment, Chen Tiangang raised his hand, even the fist was not clenched. , Chen Tian’s head has been directly blown by Bei Qibu’s punch. This punch is really unexpected for everyone, not only Chen Tian whose head was instantly hit, but also Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng. , And the rest of the Chen Tian team.

As Chen Tian's body without a head fell directly to the ground, Bei Qibu also wiped the blood on his hand and said, "All have warned you, but you haven't listened!"

After finishing this sentence, Bei Qibu put away his just gloomy face and smiled to the rest of them, saying, "If you don't want to die, don't be an enemy with me. There is also a buckle that leaves zone q, just behind me. I don’t want to embarrass you if you want to leave here for miles away!"

At this time, everyone in the Chen Tian team was still immersed in the look of Chen Tian’s head just being beaten by a punch. Although this scene is scary, for these people who are Jingchao people, they will no longer be beaten because of Chen Tian’s head. Frightened by the scattered flying, they were truly stunned and looked at Qiqi Bei with a surprised expression, completely shocked by his strength.

To be honest, they didn't expect that Bei Qibu's strength would be so powerful. If he was Zheng Chenhua, he would definitely give Chen Tian a second, but Chen Tian did not die, Chen Tian's The psychic physique will not die directly because of the loss of the head, and the superb regeneration and repair ability also makes Chen Tian stand up again intact after tens of seconds.

And he said angrily to Bei Qibu, "I was just careless about you, but I didn't expect your kid to be really capable, but he moved so fast, then I would compare the speed and strength with you. Look at this Whether you die or I die!"

Chen Tian stood up unharmed again, something everyone in the Chen Tian team knew, so they were not surprised, but Bei Qibu showed a look of surprise. He didn’t expect Chen Tian to be a strengthened person, his head was actually The whole explosion was still alive, and the ultra-fast regeneration repair ability made Chen Tian stand in front of Bei Qibu again intact, and Chen Tian now has no damage on his face.

Seeing this scene, Bei Qibu also showed a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "I really didn't expect your regeneration ability to be so strong, but if you think I can't kill you if you have this ability, then you are too naive. Now!"

Chen Tian originally thought he was talking big, but in fact, Bei Qibu didn't talk, but he saw him take a step here and punched Chen Tian again. This powerful speed made Chen Tian fast. I couldn’t avoid it in an instant, as if this punch had sucked your entire person over to him, so Chen Tianming could see this punch hit him, but he couldn’t avoid it. In the end, Chen Tian could only use his right arm Side block, and then give yourself a chance to make next attack.

However, Chen Tian did not expect that the power of this punch was so great. He directly flew the upper half of Chen Tian’s right arm, and Chen Tian wanted to control the blood to form the whole body with blood control. The non-human form merges the broken arm directly and instantaneously and restores the positive form.

But what Chen Tian did not expect was that this time he could be **** but the entire broken arm could not be repaired for the first time, which means that Bei Qibu has broken Chen Tian’s regeneration and repair ability, Chen Tian’s regeneration ability In the process of repair, we must pursue a range of strength tolerance. When this force tolerance range is larger than the growth of the genes that can withstand repair, we will completely plan the regeneration genes together, which will completely destroy the entire body's regeneration and repair cells.

Therefore, Chen Tian can't immediately regenerate and repair after the right arm is broken, and just when this punch is about to hit Chen Tian's head, someone suddenly shouted a stop. This sound is not just like a casual shout, but rather Along with the huge sound waves, although Ling Zifeng's exclusive weapon steel flute can emit such a level of sound waves, it also takes a lot of energy to do it, and this time the person who made this sound is not Ling Zifeng.

At this speed, Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun couldn't detect such a rapid attack. Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun, as well as the rest of Chen Tian's team, even Chen Tian, ​​were spitting blood on this sound wave, even Bei Qi The step is also directly elliptical after listening. Bei Qibu's punch will not be blocked by this sound wave. His ellipse is deliberately omitted by not hitting himself. This powerful sound wave does not affect Bei Qibu.

This just made Bei Qibu's expression look more seriously at the source of the sound wave. After all, Bei Qibu's battle with Chen Tian was a kind of non-winged loose mentality, and his expression was naturally very casual. After all, it is not necessary to fight Chen Tian too seriously. , And the person who can emit such a sound wave also made Bei Qibu pay attention to it, so he jumped directly forward, and after a distance from Chen Tianka, his eyes were very serious and looked at the positive that no one had at all. Forward.

The latest chapter of the killing island, chapter 154, q area, 4:11: Chen Tian was almost killed! URL:

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