Killing God Island

Chapter 16: The strong

Dewei Sass was also rarely so embarrassed, but he did not fear Chen Tian's physique, but continued to sneer a few times and said: "I didn't intend to use Tiankai, it seems that it is not necessary to not use Tiankai. Now!"

Chen Tianren kept bleeding from the forehead with his blood, and he clenched his fists with his hands to walk towards Devi Sass: "It's time for your life!"

At the same time, Angelina behind Chen Tian also shouted weakly: "Don't let him open the Heavenly Tribulation, otherwise you will really die!"

Chen Tian looked at De Weisas's painful hands and crossed his chest at the same time, and his upper body also seemed to be constantly wriggling. Chen Tian did not directly attack him. He seemed to be looking forward to the Heaven Tribulation that he had never seen before: "I'm going to see what the so-called Sky Tribulation is!"

It was then that a young man came towards Chen Tian as if nothing happened. His age seemed to be around 188 years old and his height was probably 188. His figure does not highlight the lean and tall type of muscle type, especially he Of her blond hair and sideways bangs are like flowing water and uneven hair,

Gives a very smooth visual sense, and the left ears next to the temples on the left and right sides hang like alternative earrings that are very dazzling and shiny and symbolize the shape of the Printers family medal of honor.

Both Chen Tian and Dewei Sas also looked at him subconsciously, only to see that he kept applauding his hands while walking towards the duo: "Wonderful! Wonderful! Very exciting!"

Chen Tian stared at him with an alert look and secretly screamed, because this handsome man with blond hair was also wearing a black suit in a style with Devi Sass. Could it be that they were together?

However, a word from Devi Sass let Chen Tian put down a lot of vigilance: "What is your kid's way? I advise you not to go about your business, otherwise I will kill you!"

The thin tall man's first reaction after being threatened turned out to be a smile, and the smile did not show any maliciousness. He pointed his finger to the pendant hanging on his left ear and asked, "Do you know this?"

De Vesas looked in the direction of his fingers, and when he saw the earrings hanging on the man's earlobe, his expression immediately changed: "Are you one of the seven frenzies of the Prins family?"

The thin tall man in a suit still had a smile on his face and said, "Since I already know my identity, please stop!"

It’s hard to see decent battles in this beginner’s area. Pure men’s fists like you are very good at spelling, but you, as a tracker of the u-zone level, are forced to use the Heavenly Tribulation by novices in the primary zone. It is enough to prove that this kid has great potential! It's better to give them a face, and I was a little bit expecting how strong this person will become in the future? "

Dewei Sass said with a embarrassed expression: "It's not that I don't give you face, what will happen if my mission fails, I think you know it well, and the two women over there are people who must kill you, let me let it go It's embarrassing for me to pass them!"

"Are you embarrassed? I will take the responsibility, and you will report directly to the top and say that it is one of the seven madmen, let them go!"

Dewei Sas immediately bowed his head and whispered in fear, "I...I...I know, I didn't expect the Seventh Master to enter the island in person!"

Kuang Qi still nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Then you will retreat!" Dewei Sass just about to turn away, Chen Tian suddenly shouted: "I don't care what kind of young master you are, the guy killed I. younger brother. He must die, do you think in front of me. pretend. b. I can let him go by saying a few words?"

Kuang Qi continued with a slight smile again: "Although you have great potential, but you can't beat him at the current level, I advise you to be stronger and looking for trouble with him!"

Chen Tian was very dissatisfied and shouted directly at Kuang Qi: "Who are you when you are?" With this sentence, Chen Tian also punched him directly with a right fist. The door, but he still smiled with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Don't you feel that the fist hurts when you hit me?"

At this time, Chen Tian looked dignified, and his fist was retracted and he was hidden behind his back, because his whole right arm was trembling tremblingly, especially the raised joint of his fist was broken. : "Why is this guy's face so hard?"

Chen Tian stood in the same place with some wit, but Kuang Qi still waved at him with a smile and said: "Your kid has a good potential, I hope you don't get killed by others too early, I really want to see Is your growth qualified to fight me in a few months!"

In a large place outside the island. Betting. Gambling, there are a lot of billionaires worth over 100 million. After a few hours of fun, they finally waited for the most interesting game every month, which is legendary. Gamble. Life, but this. Gamble. Life. Of course not bet on their own lives, but on the lives of others!

The front of the entire casino, like a theater, slowly descended from the top of the huge screen, and then from the screen appeared all the people who are still alive on this island, whether they are Chinese or foreigners have their avatar and serial number on it. .

These rich people will buy the people they like. This person will transfer the money back to the buyer at ten times the price of how much money he buys a day in the island. Even if he dies, he will bet before he loses. , The avatars of these islanders, these rich people can use the connected tablet to view the information of each of them.

Of course, this fun betting game was also created by one of the four big families, which allows them to watch the real version of the mutual killing scene on the island together while betting on money, and Chen Tian has no muscle mass because of his ugly appearance. Chinese, so there are not many people who buy him to live.

Only Ms. Zhao, who was wearing a professional attire, bought Chen Tian for 10 million yuan. At the same time, several of her team of Ms. Zhao’s research team also bought Chen Tian to please their boss. The monthly salary of these technicians is at least two. Hundreds of thousands, so they occasionally participate in. Gambling. Bo. Just betting is not as big as those rich!

Ms. Zhao pushed the door and walked into the special private room in the gambling hall. There are five people here, four of whom are the heads of the four big families, and one person seems to be a little like a professional. Seeing him as a man about 26 years old, wearing a casual suit with a very casual hairstyle is the kind of back that also sprayed a lot of gel water.

This man looks well-decorated, but has a strange accent: "Are you Miss Zhao? Really, it's not as good as seeing it. In Xie Jie Pei Russian, I just learned some English and may not be very standard. Please Zhao Don't blame Miss!"

Zhao Ying was stunned when she heard the name: "What? Are you called Jie Peiyu, one of the top ten in the world?" Zhao Ying really didn't expect the world-famous strong to be so ordinary. She bowed, and it seemed that this guy knew some gentleman etiquette. After paying respect, he got up and motioned to Ms. Zhao to sit down and talk.

"I really did not expect that the only person in China who is recognized as having the world's strongest fighting strength turned out to be such a beautiful woman. I really can't see you on this trip today!"

Zhao Ying, as a representative of the world's top ten, he clearly pointed out that Zhao Ying, who belongs to the top players in China, has the strongest strength. This statement does make sense, but Zhao Ying always feels that this man looks uncomfortable from the surface. Feeling, and what conspiracy does such a strong man come to see the heads of the four big families? What are the five of them colluding with?

Although Zhao Ying thought so, she had to say another set of words in her mouth: "Thank you for your compliment, but I am also very familiar with your name. I am also very honored to meet you today, but I am curious why you are Will you come today?"

Jie Peiyu immediately opened the laptop and replied: "Actually, my main business is to engage in it. This time, I also want to see the biggest underground. Gambling. Gambling. Just look at it. How much profit can the betting game of each month earn for the four masters. Although I am not a genetic engineering developer, I am also curious as to which of these newcomers do you value more?"

Covens, the owner of Plinters, also chimed in: "Miss Zhao is among the world's top ten combat forces with you. The four of us would also like to listen to the views of your two professionals. Just when you didn't come, Jie Peiyu Through data analysis and video recordings on the island in the past few days, some potential people have been preliminarily explained.

Next, we also want to hear that you are not only strong in fighting, but also as a project in charge of genetic research and development, do you think those newcomers who are new to the island this month are more promising? "

Zhao Ying herself has a very high IQ, and she knew her intention just after she interjected, so she immediately replied: "A total of 7642 people have entered the island this month. After a day and a half, the data sent by their watches shows that At present, 6322 people are still alive, and there are still scenes of mutual killing and fighting in the z zone around the island.

At present, everyone in the z district of the island is heading to the y district. If not as expected, the number of deaths within two days will be more. " The four masters nodded to each other and said, "Very well, everything is going according to normal steps, then let's talk about your views on some potential people!"

Zhao Ying walked to Jie Peiyu and said, "So can you borrow your computer?" Jie Peiyu also immediately replied: "Of course!"

Zhao Ying directly switched among the many members who entered the island, and quickly switched to the pictures of these people: "First of all, I fancy him!" Zhao Ying connected to the main screen with a computer, and the screen displayed on the screen at this time It is the picture of Chen Tian burying the superintendent.

"This person's name is Chen Tian, ​​Chinese nationality, don't look at his thin appearance and ugly appearance, but he is the only one who entered the island 7642 this time, and injected the ht series.ym mixed variant gene with no adverse reactions. The ability and recovery ability are about two to three times that of the normal strengthening gene constitution."

Jie Peiyu also slightly nodded his approval: "Chen Tian's information shows that although he has no experience in joining the army and special training, the fighting skills seem to be not weak. He is a fighting madman who relies on instinct to fight. He used to be a special grade in China. Jail. Prison. Known as ghost man during three years in prison!"

Zhao Ying followed the screen switch again. In the jungle area around the island, a middle-aged military man with a caliper and a young man with a handsome and handsome hairstyle and a layered structure are moving in the direction of Chen Tian. These two people are Yao. Jun and Wu Yifan.

"In addition, I think the two people with great potential are this middle-aged soldier. His name is Yao Jun. Although the gene strengthening is very common, he has more than ten years of experience in jungle warfare. In the early days, he was a Chinese special warfare elite codename War Wolf. And the young man standing next to him, I think you are no stranger to him?"

Wilson, the owner of the house, said directly: "His father once saved my life. He seems to be named Wu Yifan. This kid has a very good skill. It has been brave and scheming to perform the assassination of my daughter. It has been a pity to have pursued my daughter. She refused!"

After Zhao Ying introduced the three people, he cut the picture into at least ten directions, and these characters appeared to be more fierce than one. The most shocking of the four major families was that one who looked about 16 years old Young girl, she was wearing a ponytail hairstyle and was holding an axe to cut off a person's head.

As the head flew, the blood spewed upwards like a fountain, but she seemed to be more excited to dance around in the same place, and there were three bodies centered on her, and these three bodies had been cut off by her limbs. .

I saw that she seemed to be anxiously talking and laughing at the corpse, followed by another axe to cut off the head of the dead corpse that fell to the ground again, and continued to dismember for pleasure.

The pair of men and women on the other screen that Zhao Ying turned to look even more abnormal. This pair of men and women feel like a couple, but the dialogue between the two is very puzzling.

"Brother stops, then, where is not allowed. Yes, it is urine, urine. It's very dirty and can't be licked," said the sister shyly, blindfolded and flushed.

The elder brother raised his head and looked at his sister, with a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he continued to hold the toilet and licked it seriously.

"Sister, do you know? This toilet is the one my favorite celebrity has used. I hold it as if I can feel the taste of the goddess! Ah! It's really wonderful!"

After listening to it, my sister grieved and said, "That brother, I will also use your baby toilet to go to the toilet!"

Followed by Zhao Ying, she turned the screen again in six or seven directions, and also explained six or seven newcomers who didn't lose their strength and potential. They finally locked the screen in the last group of people. This group consists of three people.

They are composed of a man and two women. Before they entered the island, they were all members of the US Special Forces. The man’s name was Bencanos. He was the former chief of the other two women. The court sentenced him to three years and nine months, and the two female officers who had been very strong under him did not expect to meet again on the island this time.

In addition to Bencanos, his two deputies two years ago were code-named golden dolls, murderous but demon-like blonde women. Because of their curly hair and blue pupils, they gave a rag doll feeling, so they were often It is called the golden doll.

Another female officer, known as Youdie, heard that the strength is even more outrageous than Bencanos, who was her former officer. These three are militants, all of whom have advocated killing captives or a The cruel thoughts left, so they feel that this island is simply a paradise in their hearts.

Because there are no restrictions at all on this island, whoever wants to kill by speaking only on his strength, so after the three of them formed a team, almost all the people they met did not leave a live mouth. All three of them are of the same kind. They all have selfish ideas as long as they can evolve and become stronger. As for the rest of the weak, they will only die.

Here is the natural law that advocates weak meat and strong food, as well as human evolution. Bencanos looked at his watch. The three red dots shown above are the sisters Chen Tian and Angelina not far away: "Very good! Look! Here comes a new prey!"

Golden Doll and Youdie also have evil smiles: "Since being imprisoned, it hasn't been so cool to kill people in a long time. It seems that once we are addicted to killing and killing, we will want to continue to kill!"

Bencanos squatted down the general knife and pulled it from the body that he had just killed. Then he flicked the blood on the knife to signal her two: "Since we all want to kill like this, what are we waiting for? Not far away Let's go, two people!"

After Zhao Ying introduced everyone to his strength, Coventus, the owner of Plinters, said directly to Zhao Ying: "I think there is one more thing, and you should be very interested!"

"what's up?"

"Kuang Qi has entered the island the day before yesterday. I will let him help me do something for him this time!"

Zhao Ying's expression immediately became a bit unnatural: "What is a very important thing? If the situation is not serious, you should not send such a strong person to solve it?"

Cowens waved his hands in an indifferent expression and replied: "It's not a big deal, it's just that madness wants to enter the island to meet the people he always wanted to see, so I'll give some things that should be handled by others He is going to do the work for him, and he wants to see who I don’t think it should be said?"

I saw Zhao Ying's expression slightly irritated, but his words and manners did not show up: "It turns out that this is true, aren't you afraid that he will cause any trouble when he enters the island?"

At this time Jie Peiyu also answered the question and asked: "Did you just talk about the madness in the mouth, is that the world's strongest person who is said to be a god?" Although I have not dealt with him, I have heard that many people say that his fighting power is invincible in the world. , I really want to learn from him when I have a chance!"

Zhao Ying squinted at this time Jie Peiyu asked: "If you fight with him, you will die, but you have said that you can only play a few rounds with him. Only the top ten in the world, if you think you are dead long that day. May wish to compare with him remember to call me to watch the game when it arrives!"

Jie Peiyu heard Zhao Ying say this, and he just smiled bitterly and replied: "Ms. Zhao is really funny. Who would think that he has a long life? But if I want to do something with him one day, maybe I will call you. Oh!"

A tombstone was erected beside a large tree on the west side of the inner and outer sides of the island, and the tomb of Chen Tian, ​​Xiao Di, Duther Ai Gewen was engraved in Chinese. : "What did you write on this stone?"

"Neither of you understand Chinese? I wrote the tomb of Chen Tian. Younger Brother Duther Aegwynn!" Dai Lingsi shouted, "Are you having a problem with your head? Everyone Are you kidding him if you die? Did someone write that? Is there something wrong with your head?"

Chen Tian asked a little embarrassedly: "What should I write?"

"Remove your Chen Tian. Brother. You! You. Fuck. Egg! You die big and die, Brother. How do you like being someone else’s brother so much?"

Chen Tian realized that it was not really good to write this, so he removed those words. At this moment, Da Lingsi suddenly said to Angelina: "Sister! There are three people approaching us, see the speed. It was supposed to come to us. We all have injuries now. I think it’s best to avoid it!"

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