Killing God Island

Chapter 1547: Section 4 of Q: Illness. Gu Shouchuan

At present, the area in the q area is currently in a very tense atmosphere. Of course, in addition to these outsiders making a large-scale invasion of the original situation in this area, it is because the people who entered the group are not easy to mess with, except for the Chen Tian group. In addition to them, there is a group of people more terrible than them in this area. This group is the Gu Shouchuan group.

However, the Gu Shouchuan group, only Gu Shou Chuan is relatively famous, so this group is called the Gu Shouchuan group. In fact, this group of people is not a good deal, but they are composed of five people, respectively. It is the real leader of this team, Fez Germank, one of the veterans of the Ruandi family, one of the four major families, and an old man, but his physique is still very healthy.

The other four are the old man of Germank, the former special team lieutenant Pajson, he is a 32-year-old strong middle-aged special forces, naturally not the ordinary special forces, but also after the genes have been strengthened And the officers who received a lot of strength are very loyal to Jackman.

And Jackman's righteous son Orvis, he is a young guy who has just turned 20 years old. It is naturally impossible to follow the strength of Germank, but he is a very competitive character, and I always feel that I am very strong. Although he is really capable, he is far from Gu Shouchuan, but he is not convinced, and he likes Zhang Ling very much.

And the girl named Zhang Ling, who has been giving Gu Shouchuan a wheelchair, she is also very capable. She happens to be the best age group of women this year. Now she is 18 years old and has been in Gu Shouchuan since childhood. By her side, take her as her big brother, as she grows older, she is also fascinated by the strength and appearance of Gu Shou Chuan. This young girl's heart has been completely unconsciously captured by Gu Shouchuan, but she has always been There was no opening.

And Gu Shouchuan is naturally not aware of it. After all, he always treats Zhang Ling as a little sister. After all, Gu Shouchuan is many years older than her. Although Gu Shouchuan is a strengthened person, the anti-aging cells let him see it at all. It doesn't look like a man in his thirties. He has maintained a good appearance from 18 to 20 years old. His handsome appearance has always been morbidly pale due to his own illness.

This pale-faced and morbid person is Gu Shouchuan. He is also a legendary figure with many legends. He was once a heads-up man, and his strength is definitely the top ten in the world. It's a pity that he was eroded by his own terminal illness, and his body was almost running out of oil, but even then he still had very exaggerated strength.

Fame has naturally reached the level of no one in the world knows no one, of course, this refers to the circle, after all, he is not a star or a high-ranking government official, naturally ordinary citizens of all countries will not know him, but as long as someone with a certain identity background Basically, I have heard of Gu Shouchuan, the top expert of Gu Shouchuan's strength level, which naturally cannot escape from the influence of the four big families.

Gu Shouchuan used to work for the Ruandi family, one of the four major families. Of course, in addition to Gu Shouchuan, who has the world's top ten strong combat power, he also has a strong combat power like the twelve shows. These twelve people are all outstanding masters in every aspect. Everyone has the world's top ten combat power, which is inseparable from Gu Shouchuan's combat power.

However, although they and Gu Shouchuan belong to the same family, but Gu Shouchuan is different from these twelve people. These twelve people are only ordered by the one of the highest authority of the family, Fickie. After all, he is the family. The real owner.

Gu Shouchuan is responsible for carrying out family orders, but the person he really obeyed was one of the original founders of the family, Feis Germank. He was a hard-working member of the elder level of the family, and he was with Fitch An old man who founded the family to fight the world and has high rights and prestige in the family, Gu Shouchuan worked for this family, and it was because he had received the favor of Fez Germank, so he would work for him.

However, Gu Shouchuan's talents and combat strength have indeed been recognized by his homeowner Fitch, and he wants him to play directly with him, but Gu Shouchuan only promised him on the surface, but he actually took orders from Fez Germain. Orders, and although Fez Germain is very loyal to the family, everyone who stands at the top of the right, including the head of Ruandi, will always be under the embankment and everyone will control the actions of the larger rights holders.

I am afraid that their betrayal will shake the whole family, so there are not many left among the veterans who have beaten him in the past ten years. The family leaders who have been trained and coordinated are basically allegiance to him, or they have their hands. This kind of person is firmly controlled, and like the family of his peers like Fez. Germack, their rights and prestige are not lower than their own. If they have eccentricity, they will definitely replace it.

Therefore, as the head of the four big families Ruandi, Fitchie will naturally send people to stare at the actions of the old guy Fez Germain. After all, the older the person, the smarter, and he and Fez German. Ke belongs to a savvy person for a lifetime, so although they belong to a family, they have been guarding each other for so many years, but Fez Germank has been fine for so many years.

It is also the blessing of Togu Shouchuan. This point is still known to Fez. Germank. Now he is the old man who fought the world with Fitchie. Fez. Germank is the only one, and there is really no one except him. It can shake the internal roots of Ruandi, and it can also make the people who fall on both sides of the family see the form more clearly. Because Gu Shouchuan is very strong, and he has always been loyal to Feis. Strange, so he did not do anything special to Fez Germack.

Moreover, Gu Shouchuan not only has his own strength, but also has a good relationship with the strongest gangster in the seven forces of the Prins family, so he has not dared to clean up Fez Germack, but since After the Luandi family's twelve shows slowly became the family's twelve great fighting powers, as Gu Shouchuan's condition became more and more serious, a series of later internal conflicts appeared.

However, non-Cage still appreciates Gu Shouchuan's strength. Although he was seriously ill but still wanted him to follow his own side, he was rejected by Gu Shouchuan, and under Gu Shouchuan's hard guarantee, Fez. German It is only necessary to avoid death, but Fez Germank knows that no matter which country he flies to, it will not be a safe place for the Ruandi family forces. Only by killing God Island can he escape the Ruandi family. Follow-up chase.

After all, there are no forces on this island that can act arbitrarily here. Although the name here is that the four major families are in charge, the actual four major families are only acting for everything here. It is also because the four major families are not in control of one family, so the four Families restrain each other’s forces from interfering, so here is safer, and the island is more internally supported by countries around the world, so as long as there is strength here, it will not die, unless it is the four big families that meet madness. Send the internal cleaners, otherwise here is the safest.

Gu Shouchuan, a traitor of the Ruandi family, was naturally an individual on the clear list of the island this time, but Kuang Qi and Gu Shouchuan had some hypocrisy in private, so Kuang Qi released Gu Shouchuan at this time. Therefore, even if you meet him, it is impossible to shoot him a lot, but the real reason for Gu Shouchuan to give up his glory and wealth is to follow Feis.

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