Killing God Island

Chapter 1584: R Zone 78: Yan Xi's Past!

At this time, the team of Chen Tian was carrying out a mass killing in the base of Stark in order to avenge Arrich of his team. At the same time, a helicopter on the hilltop far away from the base was flying there.

But Chen Tian is still killing people when he sees them. At the same time, the two people who cooperated with the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family, Ben Xi and Big Mac, now follow the Chen Tian team to help them kill many people.

In addition to Chen Tian's group, in the rocky area of ​​another remote mountain top in the R area, the four people of Qi, Qianda, Shirley and Yan Xi are standing here. It is obvious that this should be dealt with by the star himself. Ke Yi, at this time, almost nothing was left. After watching the Stark photo on his watch turned gray, he also sighed and sent a signal to the four major families. .

However, the three girls such as Qianda were very curious, why they have not experienced any risks since following Kuangqi. Instead, they were very free to take the three of them to play leisurely in this area, and it’s okay to chat with the three of them. In the R district, Chen Tian and their gang have undergone earth-shaking changes, but after a few of them came to this R district, they were as relaxed as they were on vacation.

However, Kuang Qi occasionally looks at his left wrist watch to see if the boy Stark is dead. If he doesn’t die, he can’t leave here, because Kuang Qi knows that this time let Chen Tian and his team go with Stark this time. They contested that if Chen Tian's group was destroyed, then the madman would personally solve Stark, but at this time, he saw that Stark's head picture had become gray, and the word "Dead" in the lower right corner.

Chen Tian immediately called on the other three girls to start climbing. Qianda, Shirley and Yan Xi didn’t know what was going on in their minds. They even took them three climbers inexplicably, and of course they climbed with the physical strength of their three women. It's not a problem at all. The physical strength of the three of them is quite good. Soon the four of them came to the top of the mountain. It's not bad to look down at the scenery here, except that the top of the mountain has nothing but the wild rock.

But Kuang Qi didn’t take them to see the scenery specially. Kuang Qi brought the three of them here to prepare for the next task. Before that, he was too lazy to find where the entrance to this area was, so Kuang Qi He directly called the helicopter to pick them up here, and then flew directly into the next area.

At this time, Qi, Qianda, Shirley and Yan Xi were all sitting in the helicopter. Apart from Yan Xi who was a gang, the other two were not surprised. After all, Shirley used to work in four family organizations. , Naturally know about the island, and Kuang Qi is a person he knows well, and Qian Da. Miss Wilson is one of the four major families, the elder lady of the Wilson family, and for this man Kuang Qi She also heard about it.

Only Yan Xi was completely unclear about the madness, and the identity of Qianda and Shirley before entering the island, so the girl felt very ridiculous that there would be an aircraft to take them to the next area, and before boarding the plane, The pilot seemed to know Kuang Qi, Qian Da and Shirley just let them get on the plane, but pointed at Yan Xi and asked who she was? Why should I bring her?

If it weren’t for Qi Qi to say something like: “She’s my man now, why can’t she take him?” As the Qi Qi became very serious, the person who was directly scared immediately nodded and said, “No! No Question, since it is naturally under the hands of the Seventh Master!" So when Yan Xi got on the plane, a very puzzled expression on his face asked the madman: "How come there will be an airplane to pick us up?"

When he heard Yan Xi asking this question, he also answered her question with a relaxed expression: "Because the identity of the three of us is different from you, we were all before the island and they worked for the controllers of this island. , And what identity do you come in? Should the eighth floor be a criminal?"

This sentence of criminal two times completely silenced Yan Xi for a long time. The girl looked cute but actually had a very miserable experience before entering the island. This experience made Yan Xi become more and more ignored. The life of others is a strong girl who survives step by step for her survival.

Yan Xi’s father was a very famous killer. Because of the killer’s destiny, he had to stay away from his family, even concealing everyone in the world, or even forcing him to think that he had a daughter, but later because he was too Only when I miss my daughter will you save the book by chance, and train her to change her name to the same as her daughter.

Because he knew the pain of being a killer, he didn’t train his daughter to kill when he was young, but chose a mother and her who were far away from Yan Xi, wanting their mother and daughter to live a normal life, but obviously now The technology is so advanced that even a number of agencies have been used to investigate, and finally the identity of the mother and daughter is finally learned. For a while, whether it is a government agency or various group organizations, they are eyeing the mother and daughter and want to use it. This mother-daughter control Yan Xi's father.

But fortunately, he had a very reliable friend who withdrew from the killer five years ago because he made enough money to kill all the people who knew him, except his friends and family, plus him I also spent money to establish a new identity for myself. I originally lived a normal life, but was once again involved in trouble for my friend's wife and daughter, and it was not that simple.

Although he was capable, he was eventually killed because of the large number of opponents, and all the members who had been professionally trained were eventually killed. Yan Xi and his mother were also arrested, and the mother and daughter were also treated inhumanly. , Including Yan Xi, who was not yet an adult at that time, made her young mind have a great hatred of men. Finally, because she learned that Yan Xi’s father had died, the mother and daughter had no effect on them. Originally wanted to control the two of them and let his father do things for them.

But I didn’t expect Yan Xi’s father to be shot to protect his righteous daughter, which caused the mother and daughter to have no use value at all. They originally wanted to kill their mother and daughter, but fortunately, the mother and daughter were all in shape. Very good, so Yan Xi’s mother was sold by them to white Americans, and even the cabbage price was half-sold and half-sent. As for why beautiful women with good looks and good looks would sell so cheaply?

That's because when she was sold, the woman had already been organized by these men to get pregnant, so she could only sell it at a low price, but Yan Xi was favored by an old British man, who saw Yan Xi's facial features delicate body shape He is an old man who likes to collect loli from various countries, and likes to torture and develop all kinds of young girls by various means, and the girls he fancy will be bought back with high value.

Yan Xi, with her own angry grudges, was once again ravaged by this old man, but Yan Xi understood the word forbearance under her ruthless appearance, and Yan Xi's figure became better and better as she grew older. This old man liked it, and this old man even started to train Yan Xi to make her her own personal bodyguard. Maybe he was confused and completely forgot how to torture Yan Xi before.


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