Killing God Island

Chapter 1536: R area 73: Biochemical right arm (below)

I saw the sound that had been echoed in and around Angelina's mind, and suddenly there was a burst of hearty laughter, but the laughter was also a female voice, and the source of this voice It was from inside Angelina's body that she heard so clearly, as if she had told her in his ear and nearby.

"Oh! Who am I? You know it if you look at it yourself?" As soon as this person said this, Angelina's left hand was raised without Angeli's permission, and there was still one in his palm. Eyes, this is not a person talking to Angelina, but the biochemical right arm transplanted on her left arm. At this time, there is a slit in the palm of the right arm. There is an eye between the slit It's very scary.

Angelina, who was scared in this scene, took two consecutive steps backwards. How could she not be scared with such an eye on the flat palm of her left hand, but Angelina also experienced strong waves on this island There are many people who kill themselves, and the girl’s timid heart has long disappeared. The reason why she was scared is mostly because of her inner surprise.

So after Angelina's expression calmed down, she asked her left hand: "I think your hand is just wanting, lend me strength to want to merge with my body and finally want to deprive my body?"

After listening to the right hand, the eyes in the gap suddenly widened a lot, but she smiled and bluntly said bluntly: "I didn't think you are quite smart, what if you see through it? Every one will not refuse to change. Is stronger, here you can only get everything if you become stronger, so I think you should not reject my proposal!"

In fact, this biochemical right arm was originally a female arm, so transplantation to men will only fail, only transplantation to women can succeed, but although this biochemical right arm is only one arm, but it has independent thinking and is still a A woman with an arrogant heart.

She determined that Angelina was a woman, and she would never give up on becoming stronger. In fact, Angelina was indeed such a person. After all, Anjilian felt that her current strength had become increasingly different from that of Chen Tian. When I was fighting, I could only watch Chen Tian fighting against a strong opponent, but I couldn't help myself. I felt that I could only help from the side. It was not worthy of being Chen Tian's girlfriend.

And Angelina also hates the huge spider form she opened after the catastrophe, so Angelina will not give up this opportunity to become stronger. In addition to these factors, accidents, because Angelina has not awakened to be strong The person must have the awakening to the micro realm, so she always cares about this, even Ye Minyu has awakened into the micro realm, but she has not yet...

It is also for these reasons that Angelina directly agreed to the proposal of the left arm, and Angelina also said to the left arm: "Since I don’t know what plan you have, but I am not afraid of the sky, since now you have already I am transplanted into my left hand, even if you want to play any tricks, I will not be afraid of you, even if you want to take the opportunity to **** my body control, I will not be afraid of you, when you want to **** my body when Both are random, but now the two of us must be unanimous."

As soon as these words came out, Angelina’s left arm also said to Angelina: "I didn’t expect that your woman’s temper is really like mine. Well, I let you look at me like you expected. Her strength is good!" Angelina hadn't responded to the words just now. Her left arm had directly punched through such a hard glass cover in front of her. With the punch of Angelina, Cracks in the surrounding glass began to form gradually. In this way, Angelina walked out with just three punches, and she also saw Lin Xue beckoning to him, and she saw Lin Xue wanted to let Anji even let go When he left, Angelina walked in her direction after seeing it, but she didn't run quickly to save her directly, but after seeing Angelina escaping from the surroundings, these hardened people who didn't know how to live All of them rushed towards Angelina directly.

At this time, Angelina's right hand used spider silk to attack the right left hand, fighting on her own with her thoughts and the left arm's own consciousness, and the biological arm of Angelina's left hand can naturally know her from Angelina's mind. Now thinking, because just before breaking through the glass cover, Angelina agreed to take over the strength of the biochemical arm, it was already integrated with the biochemical right arm.

Angelina is now a person with two personalities. The original Angelina's character is now mixed with another personality. This personality is the character of the biochemical right arm, so now Angelina after fusion still holds this. The dominant consciousness of the body, now that the biochemical right arm is not fully integrated, establishes its own main consciousness in this body, plus Angelina has experienced so much in size, both combat capabilities and field control capabilities are very strong.

Therefore, it is not easy for the biochemical right arm to add its own consciousness and personality to Angelina. At least now, Angelina has not been affected by it after gaining the power of the biochemical right arm. It can be seen that Angelina is also absolutely Not the kind of idle person, but after this biochemical right arm merged with Angelina, the eye on his left palm disappeared, and this eye became the current eyes of Angelina, which can be on top of Angelina’s head And any part of the body.

That is to say, when Angelina can fight with others, her eyes appear behind her and you can see everything happening behind her. Although Angelina still hasn't awakened into the micro realm, this eye has many abilities, although It can’t be compared to the eyes of evil emperor Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, but this biochemical mind also has many capabilities that can be developed, and with the powerful power of Angelina’s own biochemical left arm, you can see that Angelina’s strength has increased greatly this time. .

More importantly, Angelina's right hand can still use her own very aggressive spider silk, and her left hand can use high-power powerful attacking moves at close range. Now Angelina is a very powerful person in long-range melee, although it is Women, but Angelina also has a high sense of combat methods. Although Angelina has not been professionally trained in combat, she has long known the various methods of killing through such life-and-death trials.

Really stronger must be stronger from practice to be really stronger, and Angelina is such a woman who has completely walked out of this actual combat. Now Angelina is not only unilaterally using spider silk to fight in the middle Now, she is also quite strong in close combat. From the reinforcements who just swarmed up, she can fully see the powerful power of her left arm. She even flew these reinforcements into the front glass cover.

The impact of the reinforcements one by one is like a sledgehammer breaking the wall. There will be no cracks and a very hard glass cover. The cracks slowly show cracks, and with the reinforcements who fly over continuously, it is an impact. More powerful than ever, deepening the depth of the cracks again and again, and finally when Angelina walked to it, she slammed her left fist again. With only one punch, the glass cover that trapped Lin Xue was completely broken into countless fragments. .

After Lin Xue came out, he warmed up before the battle with a serious expression, and then said to Angelina: "But it came out, and finally I became a strengthened person like you. My physique is really too restrictive for my combat effectiveness. It just happens that I feel full of strength all over my body. I also want to see what combat level I am now!"

Angelina smiled slightly, and at the same time looked at the enemies in front. Although she did not say so straightforwardly as Lin Xue said, she also raised her left hand slightly, because he was also looking forward to try these biochemical right arms with these people. What a wonderful use.

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