Killing God Island

Chapter 1527: R District 64: After Wu Yifan became stronger again, his strength was stronger than Y


However, this time, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, because they were strengthened by Stark twice, stimulated their body strengthening cells here, resulting in continuous evolution of the body many times. Now Yao Jun is really the perfect plan for his physique. With his fighting talent, his combat power is now growing exponentially, so Yao Jun's strength and the strength of these fortified people are two levels of strength, so it will be so easy to kill these talents.

However, not all of the hundreds of Stark’s men are rice bins, and some of them are highly talented for fighting. Because of this, although the overall strength of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan has improved a lot, they still cannot be among these hundreds. When the fortified people are oncoming, they are driven straight in. It is difficult to have at least more than 100 people with real skills among these hundreds of people, and each of these hundreds of people can single out against the current Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. The ruthless people who have taken the trick, but now these people don't want to act rashly, after all, people here are calculated.

They also want to let other people's lives consume the physical strength of these two people. After all, these powerful people are basically the cadres under Stark's hands, so naturally these consumption tasks are to let their hands go. To do this is also the main reason why it is so easy for Yao Jun and Wu Yifan to kill these fortified people now, not because these fortified people are not strong.

It’s that the strong people didn’t get started, and these easily killed reinforcements were not completely weak, but they had good physiques and abilities but were not talented in fighting. Both Yao Jun and Wu Yifan killed professionally. The people who had been trained appeared to be vulnerable. Before they used their tricks or abilities, they were killed by Yao Jun.

Now every time Yao Jun attacks others, it is not only from the trend of his attack that he can fully see his next move. After all, he now uses a knife that is different from the average person. Not only are the two knives clasped in both hands. It has great attack power, and the five knives in the sky are also unclear what position will attack the opponent in the next. In short, Yao Jun's attack line is difficult to see at a glance.

This is why Yao Jun is difficult to deal with right now, and it is precisely because Yao Jun now has this vacant five knives that can also attack enemies within a meter of him at any time, so that so many people attack him, he can still To calmly deal with it, even if several people around him attacked him at the same time, he could use this trick to attack the back, front, back, left, and right at the same time, showing how powerful Yao Jun is.

Unfortunately, there are still serious drawbacks to this move, that is, the defense is not good, only the attack is lack of defense. The only defense is to gather together with a dagger to defend, but this defense is afraid of the same strength as the strong attack, as long as the strong attack If his strength is greater than that of Yao Jun, his defense will be broken immediately, so although Yao Jun has become much stronger, there are still great fatal weaknesses.

However, these weaknesses are currently unable to cause him such damage. After all, the opponents around him do not yet have such a master at this level, especially since he has not advanced so brainlessly as Yao Jun, so this Although the number of these enemies in the surrounding area is a bit high, the strong ones are all behind Yao Jun's current body. He can still kill these people around with great carelessness.

And now Wu Yifan he rushed forward with a brain, of course, he rushed forward so crazy, in addition to hatred against these people, he and Yao Jun are soldiers and killers, and they are very obedient in nature. The person who instructs is just that Yao Jun is more obsessed with the order. After all, because of his long-term killer professional ethics, he believes that the goals and tasks must be executed thoroughly. Unless the other party cancels the order to terminate, it will be executed in the end.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that Wu Yifan is currently rushing forward alone. To be honest, if Wu Yifan is not transformed into a biochemical combat weapon of half man and half machine this time, Wu Yifan's strength should be comparable to that of Yao Jun. Completely flush may not even be better than awakening Yao Jun who is using seven knives at the same time, but now Yao Jun is still several times stronger than Yao Jun after being transformed by the whole body.

Originally, both Yao Jun and Wu Yifan were restricted by their own physiques. During this period of time when the cells could not continue to evolve and become stronger, it was because of the coincidence that he obtained the mechanical right arm, and the strength of the two was obviously opened. Wu Yifan, who has a mechanical right arm called smash, is obviously more than twice as powerful as Yao Jun, but this time because Wu Yifan's body has been greatly transformed here, the current Wu Yifan is still several times stronger than Yao Jun.

Although this transformation is not a human ideal genetic engineering experiment, it is also another development project of Stark for so many years. This kind of project is to transform the human into a semi-human and semi-mechanical structure to greatly increase the number of people. We have developed some very powerful weapons that we have developed. Then we will combine them with the human body to enhance them without destroying the brain and some internal organs of the person.

If it is completely mechanical, then it is a complete robot. Stark does not want to make some robots without brains and only use programs to perform tasks. Another of his enhancement experiments is to strengthen humans into semi-human and semi-mechanical bodies. Wu Yifan It is undoubtedly the latest biochemical mechanical weapon developed in this experiment. Although this kind of experiment can really make the fortified person several times stronger than before.

But to be honest, because most of his genes have been turned into mechanistic bodies, his potential for himself in the future will be equal to this. Even if the body can continue to evolve stronger, I am afraid that it will not be able to evolve many times. So This kind of experiment is not perfect, so Stark did not change all his men to this kind, and of course did not turn the rest of the Chen Tian team into this kind of experiment.

However, there were still a number of such experimental bodies before. Of course, the reason why Wu Yifan did this kind of experiment was that he saw his right arm is a mechanical arm, and this arm is made of rare precision materials. The most important thing is that this arm is made perfectly. It can be said that it is a more advanced technology than Stark Technology, not to mention the mechanical arm but it is perfectly integrated with Wu Yifan's right shoulder nerve.

Therefore, Wu Yifan did not experience any discomfort in battle and life, and Stark believed that he changed him here because of this single. He did not cut Wu Yifan’s right arm for research because of curiosity, but carried out on his body. This kind of technology developed by him is equivalent to strengthening Wu Yifan's various abilities as a whole, making him not only have a stiffer body and strength, but also better use his right arm strength through his transformed body.

After all, Wu Yifan used to be unable to exert all of his mechanical right arm, and he could not even exert half of his power, but now he can at least exert more than half of this arm's ability, which seems to be half of his ability. The growth of strength is not a small step, but a big leap. Stark is really a talent in enhancing the combat power of others. Any kind of strengthening person can improve him, unless it is a physical qualification. Too bad strengthened talents will be suitable to the extent that they will not only become stronger but degenerate.

But Starck’s selfless transformation of Wu Yifan is almost perfect, but it is not for him to be his enemy. He originally planned to give him brainwashing for his own use. Unexpectedly, he is now standing on his opposite, which looks like It's really the rhythm of lifting stones to hit my feet.


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