Killing God Island

Chapter 1525: R Zone 62: Three people are about to fight hundreds of people!


Stark's expression changed immediately after being threatened by these brothers and sisters. It seems that he has begun to think. After a moment of thinking, he still bowed his head: "Well! I don't want to die here after all. I promise you, You’re right, I discovered this entrance a few years ago, but I didn’t leave this area for my experiment, and in order for me to continue the experiment, so I established this entrance as today Base.

In this way, if you want to leave the fortified person, after all, I will personally come to the door, which makes me more trouble-free when catching the experimental body. I didn’t expect to meet your brothers and sisters this time. I will take you there! "

After Zhuo Yanxuan heard Stark say this, he glanced at Zhuo Wenxin, and the two brothers and sisters both nodded and said, "Okay! Then you personally take our brothers and sisters over!"

Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin’s brothers and sisters were solved. At this time, the most fierce fighting in the three roads was Ye Minyu’s side, and Ye Minyu’s side was the place with the largest number of combatants in this base, which also included a Star Ke led at least two-thirds of the strengthened people in this base here, originally Ye Minyu planned to outsmart, but in the face of so many people it was impossible to outsmart, and besides, Lin Xue and Angelina would be brainwashed soon.

Therefore, in anxiety, it can only be hardened. Ye Minyu will never do this kind of blind behavior. After all, it is not important to him before others die, but after joining the Chen Tian group, it really changed him a lot, so In order to prevent them from brainwashing Lin Xue and Angelina, Ye Minyu took Yao Jun and Wu Yifan only to be hardened, and now the strength of these two people has also been greatly improved, just let me see these two people and What has changed before than before.

At the same time, Ye Minyu also saw that Chen Tian and others were approaching this side. This is also because he felt that after a while, they should wait until Chen Tian came here, plus the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family, they were also coming here, so Ye Minyu Then he asked Yao Jun and Wu Yifan directly: "Are you two afraid of death? If you are not afraid of the three of us going now, Chen Tian and they are approaching here, we must delay at least five minutes, dare to do it? Dare Let’s go!"

Ye Minyu obviously asked this sentence a little bit redundant. The two Yao Jun and Wu Yifan were originally professional soldiers and professional killers. Both of them belong to people who listen to orders. Although this seems dangerous, it is On the way, did the Chen Tian team experience less danger? The danger is naturally a lot of experience, so naturally this is not bad this time, and now facing two of his companions are about to be brainwashed.

So the next second after Ye Minyu just said this, the two didn’t answer Ye Minyu’s words and rushed over to shoot. The sudden damage to Ye Minyu can only be shot now. He said that he was going to fight with them, but he also prepared some fighting steps. After all, there were too many people in front of him. According to the strength of the two men he thought in the past, plus he basically didn’t use the last Stark to shoot him. These men can make up Ye Minyu's trio.

So what Ye Minyu has to do is to temporarily delay the time, and she did not intend to really fight hard, but Yao Jun and Wu Yifan looked quite aggressive in this battle, as if they were fighting themselves, but these two people naturally want to see the current What level did they fully exert their strength to achieve, and Wu Yifan prepared to destroy them with a very angry and complicated emotion, after all, he had been transformed into a half-human and half-robot without his permission.

After all, I thought I had lost an arm during the fight. It was because of the chance that I got a mechanical arm called smash. My strength has been greatly improved, but this does not mean that Wu Yifan wants his body. It has also been transformed into most mechanical bodies. After all, he doesn’t want to be a half-human half-machine monster. After all, he is a handsome guy. How can he take off his clothes in front of the beauty?

Originally he was handsome and muscular, but now his upper body can be completely mechanical and semi-human muscular. It looks really scary. It is better to be mechanically pleasing to the eye, so this anger makes Wu Yifan determined to put Even if you share the hatred with them, you must report it. After all, although you look scary now, you have the power he has never felt before.

It is precisely because the strength of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan has grown so fast that they will now have considerable self-confidence, and it can be seen that the two decided to solve the matter directly with their power. However, Ye Minyu can't stop them now, because they have rushed to shoot directly, so Ye Minyu can only sigh, since it is already the case, it can only be so, I hope Chen Tian they will hurry here!

Of course, Ye Minyu is the last one because they are behind them, but the strength of the two people is really different from the strength of the two people he recognized before. It can be said that the strength of the two people is really Ye Minyu's overall improvement has been greatly improved, and some of them have made Ye Minyu amazed. There are two people who have opened the way in front of Ye Minyu.

Now Ye Minyu is holding the double swords and is just following them, and there is no need for him to shoot. The strength of these two people is really quite extraordinary. The two people have already rushed the previous ones. It is easy to solve. The reinforcements rushed up so far are not at the same level as the current strengths of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, so it is still very easy to kill these dozens of people who are rushing up.

But it was not just these dozens of people in front of the three of them, but densely looking at least six or seven hundred fortified people. At this time, the leader Stark, and the last Stark, now he All the previously split individuals appear besides him, and there is the person who took the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family to look out of the entrance of the r zone, and a total of two Stark survived.

The rest has been solved, but now Ye Minyu hasn’t shot the Stark himself. After all, there are so many people here. Although he has just been killed by more than a dozen people, there are still many, so it seems that he did not I wanted to do it in person, but I waved to so many people together, and I saw these people swarming at once. At this time, it was hundreds of people dealing with three people. .

However, neither Ye Minyu nor Yao Jun or Wu Yifan looked serious and did not seem to be suppressed by the number of people. However, these three people want to prevent Stark from brainwashing Angelina and Lin Xue. It seems that it is not enough after all. I didn't deal with this matter personally, I just wanted my men to block the three, and then I personally brainwashed Angelina and Lin Xue, and then staged a scene of their companionship.

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