Killing God Island

Chapter 1562: R District 56: Not too confident, but really has this strength!

Zhuo Wenxin all knocked seven Starks down to the ground. I didn’t expect that Stark would still be dissatisfied. After all, he was such a big man, and he was also the ultimate ruler in this R District. In the future, he was asked how to face his helpers, and all of them watched from the sidelines. Although they could see that they deliberately avoided the fight, they came to death with their strength.

But Stark still ignored Zhuo Wenxin's warning, and once again returned Zhuo Wenxin with such a brave sentence: "What if I don't agree with you? Can you kill me? Don't look at me but I can't beat you, but you Can't kill me at all, do you think that the more you kill me, the more I started to use a knife, but now I have changed my fist to me? Since I can't kill me, I dare to say to me without hesitation, don't blame me for not Give you a chance? You don’t want this opportunity for you. You can try to kill me!"

When Zhuo Wenxin heard Stark say this, his entire face instantly became cold and frosty, and his tone was cold as the cold winter ice knife lowered his voice: "Okay! I don't think you can see the coffin without tears, In that case, I will send you back to the west directly. Anyway, there is one more person on my brother's side, even if I kill all seven of you!"

At the same time Zhuo Wenxin finished speaking, her delicate facial features, her eyebrows set up and her expression was very sickly, and her delicate red lips were split. Although she was still a pretty girl, her expression was like Chen Tian's mocking. The exaggerated expression shown by others is similar, except that Chen Tianchang's ugliness combined with this expression gives people a sense of resentment for wanting to kill him immediately.

However, Zhuo Wenxin's exaggerated and mad expression did not completely destroy her delicate facial features, but instead gave people a very sick and crazy feeling. After all, Zhuo Wenxin was originally beautiful, even if it was a grimace, it would not be difficult to see where However, Zhuo Wenxin only showed this kind of expression when he was murdering, and he couldn't help showing the expression when he was enjoying the joy of murder.

When Zhuo Wenxin fell into this kind of expression, basically it was when she was killing her. At this moment, except for her brother Zhuo Yanxuan who can stop her, the rest of the people may not be able to ask for mercy. Zhuo Wenxin's expression is not a good sign.

I saw that Zhuo Wenxin did not respond. The seven Starks lying on the ground immediately shot, but waited for the seven of them to recover after they were injured and prepared to kill them, so that Zhuo Wenxin would feel more fun, and Zhuo Wenxin also Knowing that Stark's body recovers quickly, most people are crippled by Zhuo Wenxin just now and are crippled. I am afraid that it will not be possible to recover in ten days and a half months.

However, Stark’s body recovered faster than Chen Tian, ​​and had a variety of Gart awakening, which naturally had a very obvious effect on the restoration and repair of bone internal organs, so Zhuo Wenxin stepped forward to this idleness The stage can almost restore their bodies, but Zhuo Wenxin didn't just walk to him without saying a word during this time interval.

It was a sickly and strange smile with a very murderous expression on his face, and he slightly ridiculously returned to the sentence of Stark that was able to kill me: "If you think I really can't kill you, Then you are totally wrong. It seems that you have not observed the details of our battle just now. Have you forgotten that I cut off one of your arms before? Before I amputated your body into seven segments, I cut it You lost one arm!"

Zhuo Wenxin did not finish his speech, but paused for more than ten seconds. These ten seconds made seven Starks sweat coldly. Sometimes they are smart people. There is no need to make the words so clear. After Zhuo Wenxin’s Remind, Stark is also a wise man naturally realized.

That's right, this woman did cut off my arm before, and my arm should also copy the classification cells by itself without accident and eventually form a me, but why the arm did not become me, and even if it did not become Me, but where did that arm go again? Why can't I see this arm at all, what happened before this? Since the seven Starks belong to him, the thinking and thoughts of these seven people are exactly the same.

That’s why Zhuo Wenxin sees the same dignity on the faces of these seven people. That’s why Zhuo Wenxin is getting more and more excited. She likes to kill others after they are forced into desperation. Looking at the death of blood spewing from his neck, it was only in her psychology that this was a kind of murderous art. Sometimes, the characters of these brothers and sisters were indeed similar when they killed.

However, Zhuo Wenxin is more ill and more serious. At this time, the seven Starks have all stood up from the ground. From their mental appearance, their physical injuries should have been healed, although Zhuo Wenxin likes to scratch the other person's neck directly. The arteries saw the other party spurting blood to death, or directly cutting off the other party's head, but Zhuo Wenxin knew that neither of these seven Starks could kill them, and the more they killed him, Will be more and more.

On the other hand, these seven Starks, although they were just broken by the mentality of Zhuo Wenxin’s words, after all, they are still not really sure that the young girl can really kill themselves, so they blinked at each other. After all, these seven people are themselves, and there is no need to say anything at all. Every move, every action, and deeds are understood by themselves, so these seven people immediately understand their respective intentions, so these seven people will directly Zhuo Wenxin Surrounded in the middle.

It can be seen that this time Starck did not intend to let Zhuo Wenxin live away from his encirclement, and each of these seven individuals launched an attack on Zhuo Wenxin at different angles at the same time, and they ran to Zhuo Wenxin at full speed at the same time, and At the same time, these seven people also used the exclusive abilities of different fortified people, and they all used very powerful abilities at the same time. It can be seen that Stark felt that this woman might actually kill herself. So whether this woman is a bluff or what she really has, she must absolutely cut her risk factors.

Therefore, Stark decided to kill Zhuo Wenxin directly. The seven Starks centered on Zhuo Wenxin used various powerful abilities at the same time. Using Zhuo Wenxin as their target, they each used their killer skills and saw Zhuo Wenxin standing in place. In the center surrounded by the seven of them, the exaggerated sick smile still appeared on the corners of the mouth, while both eyes closed, followed by the opening of the left eye, all the surrounding scenes changed instantly.

Immediately following the seven Starks, they looked at each other with different looks and shouted, "What the **** is going on here? Where is it? Is it an illusion or is there something wrong with my vision? These seven people's tricks are all short at the same time. , One by one, as if in a different and illusory situation.


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