Killing God Island

Chapter 1512: R Zone 49: Chen Tian is crushed, Stark’s head!

The continuous and continuous movement of Chen Tian's close attack made him only blindly distance from Chen Tian when defending, and in the gap between the distances.

Use various abilities to give Chen Tian different degrees of attack, but Chen Tian with Chen Zi turned on and Chen Tian without Chi Zi belong to two Chen days. This kind of Chen Zi will change with the delay of combat time. Itself is getting hotter and hotter.

In this state of continuous heating of the body, Chen Tian's various abilities used in a period of time will continue to increase by geometric multiples, until it increases to a state that he can't bear at present.

It will automatically burn its own vitality, and it will be fine to solve the other party when it is not burned out, otherwise Chen Tian’s move is like chronic suicide, but in the state of burning vitality, it is currently Chen Tian’s biggest. The killer, but Chen Tian’s current increase in his physical strength will also postpone the time of burning vitality for a long time, which can undoubtedly be an important reason for Chen Tian to be more confident to solve Stark.

Therefore, Chen Tian is so confident in himself, but at this time Chen Tian belongs to become more and more courageous, and at the same time his mood has become more and more calm, because Chen Tian has been attacking Stark constantly and found that In order to use his own attack and defense defects, he needs a little energy to use when he uses other people’s abilities to attack. Unless he does not use other people’s abilities, he needs to charge others for at least ten seconds to use them. come out.

This caused Chen Tian to force Starck to use the rest of his abilities as long as he kept attacking meleely, so after Chen Tian’s physical strength became stronger and stronger in all aspects of his physical strength, he could originally parry Chen close. Stark attacked by the sky has become more and more difficult, and has been defeated by Chen Tian’s forcible attack on the defense. In addition to Chen Tian’s very coherent and random attack, it even made Starr All aspects of Kebian are passive.

But even though Chen Tian has been unable to take Stark for a while, it is still in the form that Chen Tian has the upper hand, but in fact it does not take Stark, but Stark keeps being kept by Chen Tian It's just pressing, although it caused a lot of injuries to Stark, but Stark's physical recovery ability is only stronger than Chen Tian's and not weaker than Chen Tian. Chen Tian's regeneration ability is very strong, I am afraid there is a small wound It will be repaired instantly in the next second.

Therefore, Chen Tian’s injuries to Stark are basically not harmful to him. On the contrary, as long as he is not hit on the super deadly parts such as the head and heart, Stark’s repair speed will be faster, and Like Chen Tian, ​​as long as it is not a super fatal injury, he will not consume and lose his physical strength too much, so he is injured and he is also very concerned about the head and heart and other human parts that are very vulnerable to fatal injuries. He is also fighting. Attaches great importance to protection.

Therefore, Chen Tian was injured in some less important places on his surface. With his super-strong repair, Stark seemed to be hit by Chen Tian miserably, but in fact, the degree of injury was minimized, but if Chen Heaven may have nothing to do with Stark on this point, but what makes Stark less clear is how terrifying the combination of Chen Tianchizi's state and his super-blood control ability of blood color limit.

Once Chen Tian’s large amount of abilities are used together, although the physical exertion is too large, the power is really huge. Especially Chen Tian’s red child state is at the same time as his crazy attack, as long as he does not cancel this ability. Burning the red heat of his body all the time, the hotter the body heat will be, Chen Tian's power will double. Now Chen Tian's body heat is burning at a high speed with the passage of fighting time.

From the beginning, the light white gas has started to ignite Chen Tian’s top. With Chen Tian’s skin color changing from red to red and yellow, the flame has completely turned into crimson. Chen Tian’s power has been The three changes from front to back, of course, the degree of attack is also completely different. From the change that Stark was able to prevent to the later, it has to be prevented now. Duck had to use all his power for resistance and defense.

He can’t handle it as easily as he just did. Chen Tian’s crazy attack has made Stark start to feel uneasy, and about ten minutes later, Chen Tian’s strength has reached the strength to start breaking his defense, even if he The defense will also seriously hurt him. Until now Stark began to panic, and he began to shout to the other two himself: "Come and help me! My situation is not very good here! Come take your hands!"

Stark is no longer able to ask for help now. Chen Tian has broken his defense twice in a row and has broken his heart three times. If he had the same super regeneration ability as Chen Tian, ​​he would have been killed by Chen Tian, ​​he saw himself There is no difference between defensive and non-defensive, and he will not directly defend. He chose to fight hard with Chen Tian, ​​and after the two fists and fists were hit together, Chen Tian’s power directly hit his arm. The bone of the forearm pierced his arm directly, and then Chen Tian took a step forward and flew his head with a punch.

Stark separated his head and body directly, but Stark, who was blown out by Chen Tian, ​​only saw why the two did not come to help themselves, not because they did not come to help, but all The two were beaten by Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng just like himself. Although his head was separated from his body, he was not completely dead. Instead, he had normal thinking. He couldn’t believe that he couldn’t beat Chen Tian. But I didn't expect the other two people to beat themselves so badly.

To be honest, Stark really underestimated the strength of Xu Tian and Ling Zifeng in addition to Chen Tian, ​​but at this time these two men have already served his other two self-government, but Stark’s The head also sighed helplessly, it seems that I can only divide a few of myself to deal with these three people, just like this kind of similarity emerged from his head, I saw Stark's head fell on the ground. When I bounced, I saw a flash of red in front of my eyes.

Corresponding to the flash of red light is the appearance of Chen Tian. I saw Chen Tian smiled and said to Stark, do you think I will give you a chance to split myself? After Chen Tian finished saying this, he stepped on Stark's head. What greeted Stark was that his head was completely squashed by Chen Tian as soon as his eyes were black, and not only was it so simple, he also found out A way to kill him.

In addition to Chen Tian, ​​there are now brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family and Ye Minyu taking their respective actions with Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. Among them, Ye Minyu has found the positions of Angelina and Lin Xue through their analysis of this base. Ye Minyu, Yao Jun, and Wu Yifan have begun to study how to rescue these two people in the dark. After all, Xu Xun is not here, and he can't easily break the hard glass-like transparent barrier.

However, Ye Minyu felt that this matter did not have to be too entangled with Xu Shun being here. Anyway, there are so many experimenters in white coats in this place, and they definitely have a way to release Angelina and Lin Xue.

In addition, Zhuo's brothers and sisters did not participate in any rescue and support during this period, because their brothers and sisters already felt that Chen Tian's help with Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng should be okay, and on the other hand, for Ye Minyu to rescue the rest, the brothers and sisters The eyes are not the most important, so the siblings are currently looking for how to leave the exit area of ​​the r zone. After all, the siblings also have a strong memory like Ye Minyu, plus they are both siblings and Ye Minyu before entering the base. People who have seen the plan of the base and the layout of various orientations.

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