Killing God Island

Chapter 1498: R section 35: Ben Xi and Big Mac are two ruthless people, and they fight at the same

In Chen Tianxin, these partners who have gone through his life and death are as important as Chen Tian’s family, and even more important than his family. Because of his ugliness, his family is always not very good to himself, if he really meets Dangerous to life, maybe even his own parents will not control Chen Tian, ​​but these partners Chen Tian believe that they will come to save themselves, although they have their own ideas in their hearts, may save me only for not wanting to lose a big battle in the team force.

But for Chen Tian, ​​at least in this team is a useful existence for everyone, so Chen Tian does not care whether these people are good or bad before entering the island, or what kind of person, but at least now everyone is fighting for the same goal Team, so Chen Tian believes that as long as he works hard to manage this sincere heart for everyone, even if they will not be able to agree with me as a friend for a while, Chen Tian thinks that everyone’s ideas can be changed in this slow process.

In fact, Chen Tian did it. Chen Tian did use his unique personality charm to change the entire team, not with a handsome appearance or strong majesty, but with a simple and honest heart, and his own in this long In the process, he proved himself and won everyone's trust in him with practical actions in many things. Even the brain elite Ye Minyu, who was so pretentious before entering the island, changed a little character.

Ye Minyu, who has always been selfish, has to kill and rescue everyone at any cost. This has completely changed Ye Minyu. If Ye Minyu did not meet Chen Tian, ​​they did not experience so many things with them. This kind of thing Ye Minyu can escape alone will never put herself in danger again, after all, she is a person who lives on a teammate.

But this time Ye Minyu took the brothers and sisters of Zhuo family, and Ben Xi, the Big Mac duo came to this base again with only five people. With her smart people, she dared to make such courage and determination to come back again. Then I will definitely come back here again with the mentality that I will die here with everyone if I am unsuccessful.

Fortunately, the development of the situation is very smooth. In the five-member team headed by Zhuo Brothers and Sisters, during the three-way action of the soldiers, the most dangerous are the two teams of Benxi and Big Mac. After all, they It is mainly to attract all the firepower in the base, that is, the only one of these five people who started to kill and make trouble, but it has created an excellent opportunity for Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin for the brother and sister and Ye Minyu.

This allowed Ye Minyu to find Xu Shun, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan, and Zhuo's siblings to find Chen Tian and Chen Tian are now supporting Ben Xi and the Big Mac. Chen Tian originally asked this pair of brothers and sisters He pursued his companion's breath to rescue the rest, but was rejected by Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin felt that they were in danger. They will go to you first. This will be Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wen. Xin wouldn't go anymore, I'm afraid these two people will have an accident.

Obviously this is more urgent than Chen Tian’s search, Ling Zifeng, Lin Xue and Angelina, and Zhuo Yanxuan said a word, saying that they will guarantee the safety of these two people in the plan. Safety, although there is no guarantee that they will not be injured in this operation, they will definitely guarantee that they will not die in this operation, so Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin immediately ran to the direction of Ben Xi and Big Mac.

And Chen Tian also followed the two behind to help, and Ye Minyu could feel the fierce fighting in that side slightly, but Ye Minyu would not support, she had to find all the team members in the past, Otherwise, it is now the most important thing for Ye Minyu to rescue everyone.

Five minutes before the time, Ben Xi and the big fat giant Big Mac around them just entered here in order to attract more people, and they really made a **** effort. They came up with the Big Mac and put out all their strength. It’s not a joke for the two to fight with full strength. Both of them are ruthless people with super attack power and explosive power. The two are really not weak in battle.

Before the two started massacring here, Ben Xi rushed to the front with a double axe and a horse. Although there were many reinforcements in these bases, no one thought that the two would suddenly appear. Such a sudden attack on them, especially when they were so cruel, that it was really an axe and a head, and coupled with her super fast running speed, the rush into the crowd was quite lethal.

However, the powerful combat power of the duo, Benxi and Big Mac, instantly killed all the thirty or so people gathered around them, and all of them died without much chance of resistance. These people can't stand up to such crazy attacks of Benxi, with the huge body of the Big Mac and the brutal collision of his running, basically he and Benxi haven't killed these people for more than a minute.

While Ben Xi directly and quickly rushed to the past, the eyes of the enemy in front of him were waving their double axe in both hands. They basically used a fast and accurate axe in a well-known position, and they were very savagely blocking him. All the people have been solved, and there are some legs and feet that are quite flexible to avoid the people who attacked Benxi, but they did not expect that the tall fat man behind Benxi ran more fiercely, and he used his own powerful impact without using any weapons. Hitting these people instantly flew them out.

After the huge impact force knocked them off, they crashed into the steel walls in different positions and shattered the internal organs. The rest of the internal organs may be injured and repaired over time, but the heart was also crushed by them. The basic one has already stopped its heartbeat, and the brain may still be alive for more than ten seconds, but these two talents will not care about these dying people, so these two people continue to walk inside the base.

The place where Ben Xi and Big Mac went was not far from the laboratory where Lin Xue and Angelina were detained. As the force value of the two was quite powerful, even if they came over twice The members of the enhanced combat type, but in the face of the main training body, it is incomparable. It is still very easy to kill them. After all, don’t look at the body is not as strong as the Big Mac.

However, in the process of its own genetic evolution, Ben Xi’s evolution times and overall strength are much higher than the Big Mac, even the body hardness is stronger than the Big Mac, otherwise Ben Xi died early. The area’s melee is in the middle. Of course, besides being very domineering, Benxi also has a sword that can be turned into defensive armor behind her, but now Benxi is useless, killing these people looks very good. Have confidence.

In fact, this is also the case. It is really easy for Benxi to kill these people. On the way, Benxi and the Big Mac killed at least one hundred of them. Although they consumed a lot of physical energy, Judging from the combat effectiveness of the two, Stark can't easily settle these two people without sending his men's power to be no less than his strongest man, Jinchengxun.

Continue to let the other people die in vain in the past. Although this will greatly consume the physical strength of the two of them, it is too worthless to lose too much manpower to consume their physical strength. Although Stark now has three other avatars. But, because they are all the same thinking individuals as themselves, all three of them will think that they are the real ontology here. In fact, they are all split from the ontology. Naturally, anyone can say that they are the same as the ontological thinking.

So they can’t order each other to do anything. Only after discussing with each other and agreeing will they stand in the same position and fight. For example, it’s okay to fight together against the enemy. If you order someone to solve the problem, the two are absolutely I won't go, so I can only send Jinchengxun, who is the most profitable one, to deal with it.

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