Killing God Island

Chapter 1486: R Zone 23: Zhuo Wenxin cuts the sword, but it is axed.

Zhuo Wenxin’s current strength is likely to have surpassed the girl who has been sitting in a wheelchair in the women’s team, and this girl was Shirley who had mixed in Zone A, but Shirley is basically in a critical state. .

But she still has a lot of explosive power. Before, she thought that she was a master in the a zone, so her peak strength before she was not seriously ill was quite strong. It can be said that she completely reached the quasi-ten standard line. But Shirley and Chang Yan laughed because of her arrogance.

The result was severely injured. It can be said that his strength was almost abolished by him. Since then, all the masters in the entire area a have been seen. How strong is the strength of the real world top ten masters, after all, the quasi-top ten The gap between the strength level and the real top ten combat strength level is quite large, just like the strength gap between the master and the top master. It seems that there is only one word difference. In fact, the strength gap between the two is still quite obvious.

Although the personal combat strength of the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's family has not yet reached the combat level of the quasi-top ten, the strength of the two brothers and sisters should have surpassed the a level. I am afraid that the combat strength of the s level is only one step away, and The power triggered by Emperor Qian's Devil's Eye alone may not be able to bring out all the strength, because these two siblings are not both eyes of the evil emperor, and their brothers and sisters are each one eye of the evil emperor.

The other eye is Zhuo Wenxin's eyes, because when his brother's eyes were blind, Zhuo Wenxin transplanted one of his eyes to his brother, and the other brother and sister's eyes were the evil emperor Yan Xi transplanted to them. Eye, the power of this eye is enough to create space and make all the things around it change. It can be said that this eye can be used to turn around everything.

But people’s eyes basically have a focus problem, so this pair of siblings must be together when they can exert their full power, or a single person can’t use the full power of the evil emperor’s eye, because now the pair of siblings can’t fully control the evil. The full power of the Emperor's Eye, so now when the two team up to trigger the Evil Emperor's Eye and open the ghost mode battle, they can basically reach the bottom line level of the quasi-ten.

All in all, if the current two brothers and sisters of Zhuo really exert all their strength, unless they have the top ten masters in the world, it is basically difficult to live in the hands of these two, unless the brothers and sisters want to let it go. Basically, this pair of brothers and sisters is now absolutely powerful enough to subvert your imagination, but now the strength of the two brothers and sisters is not enough to fight against the quasi-world top ten masters and the real world top ten masters.

However, there are not many masters of these two levels. Besides, it is impossible to exist in this r zone. Except that there is now a madman in r zone, which is a top master who really has the top ten in the world, basically no one can achieve killing. This pair of brothers and sisters joined forces to form a state of strength.

So now it is conceivable how strong the brothers and sisters are here, in addition to making their evil emperor's eyes stronger, the brothers and sisters have become stronger, and their perception of subtlety has certainly improved a lot. Now they can master all the subtle things about ten meters, including the wind blowing through the vegetable field and even a grain of sand falling from the ground and falling on the ground, they can detect it.

Chen Tian’s finalist realm can only tell the distance of about three meters. Now the siblings of the micro-realm can easily detect that someone is tracking, and from the finalist perception, they can feel that the two are not weak, especially the two. A strength is more of a kind of having two sons, so this pair of siblings are looking forward to the sacredness of these two. After all, the stronger the strength, the more murder points they give. At this time, if Ye Minyu learns that a strong person is approaching, she will definitely arrange a trap and wait for these two people, but the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's are very clear in front. Waiting for these two people on the face, after all, these two people feel that the wasted effort of arranging the trap is better than going directly to solve the two people more trouble-free, so the pair of brothers and sisters Xianshi hide, and wait for the two to come suddenly Appeared to kill them.

This is the usual practice of Zhuo’s brothers and sisters. It can be said to be the simplest solution to violence. Sure enough, the two came here quickly, and this pair of brothers and sisters are also very keen in their skills. They have not waited for the two to react. Attacks have been launched on the two of them, because the brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family are hiding behind them to make a surprise attack of a sneak attack nature.

So these two were also very keenly aware immediately, but they still have a lot of difference in strength compared to the brothers and sisters. Although they were not dead, they were both injured. The men who came with them were a man and a woman. The men are taller, although tall but But Zhuo Yanxuan kicked and flew more than three meters high. If Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly stopped, this tall man might not kill Zhuo Yanxuan in the air.

Zhuo Yanxuan closed up because he knew these two people, the two were Benxi and the Big Mac, and thanks to the two people's sensitivity, they weren't instantaneously killed, but they also suffered a little. When Zhuo Yanxuan kicked the Big Mac with a sibling male attack on the man and the female attacked the woman, Zhuo Wenxin also cut the knife on the original axe.

Although blocked by Ben Xi, Zhuo Wenxin's speed is much faster than that of Ben Xi, so the strength of the axe is naturally not as great as that of Zhuo Wenxin. He was slightly cut by Zhuo Wenxin's chest. Although the wound is not deep, Zhuo Wenxin's The speed is definitely the next one, and the life of the sword is absolutely taken, but the sentence of Ben Xi: "It is me, I update it quickly!"

Only to prevent her from dying, Ben Xi sometimes may not be able to stop because of the attack speed is too fast, but this voice Zhuo Wenxin remembers, so Zhuo Wenxin only stopped, after all, Ben Xi has also cooperated with this pair of siblings many times People, so these two brothers and sisters did not kill these two.

"Why are you again?" Zhuo Wenxin asked with a knife on her neck, and Ben Xi also directly replied: "We are also friends who have cooperated many times, there is no need to face our blade? You should know that the two of us are not hostile to you. We still have self-knowledge. The two of us are definitely not your opponents, so you don’t have to be so vigilant to us?"

When Zhuo Wenxin's brother Zhuo Yanxuan made this remark, he also gave his sister a wink and said, "Let's put the knife down!"

Zhuo Wenxin wouldn't give Ben Xi a face, so he said that putting down the knife Zhuo Wenxin didn't have a bird at all, but her brother said it differently, so she let go of Ben Xi and put down the knife in her hand. Then, she walked in the direction of her brother and didn't apologize for hurting her.

"You can tell why you are following us now?" Zhuo Yanxuan looked at Ben Xi and asked this sentence. At the same time, the Big Mac, who was kicked three meters away on the ground, also stood up again. Not only is Tall's body not only tall, but also his physique is very impressive, especially in terms of defensive strength, but he is bleeding from the corner of the mouth just kicked by this foot.

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