Killing God Island

Chapter 1484: R District 21: Zhuo's brothers and sisters once again domineering debut!

It's a pity that Ye Minyu didn't find Ye Minyu in the first place. She didn't expect that the siblings would be so far away from them. At this time, the siblings were far away from Ye Minyu, but the siblings were not killed during this time. Few people.

In addition to the Stark sent to arrest these brothers and sisters, they also killed many others. After all, Stark is not here, there are still many other small groups, of course, including many after being tested, Genes produce degenerative strengthened people.

All in all, this pair of brothers and sisters killed a lot of people, and it is obvious that this pair of brothers and sisters did not want to intervene in the battle of the large organization in the r area. Knowledge was secretly looking for how to leave this area. After all, the number of the brothers and sisters is two, there is no need to follow There has been a head-on conflict among those who have completely ruled this area. This is certainly not a low-level mistake for brothers and sisters whose IQ is so high.

This pair of siblings is notoriously high IQ, or it is impossible to be attacked by so many people and kill each other. This pair of siblings were very powerful before they entered, and now they have two major anti-natural abilities plus On the strength of his own body, this is the reason why Ye Minyu wanted to find this pair of siblings, and this pair of siblings killed so many people this time, also because the last time from the s area to enter the r area requires a lot of murder points.

And they are not like Chen Tian. They came in with crazy arms. These two people used 300,000 killing points to enter here. Now the brothers and sisters basically don’t have many killing points, so in order to prevent entering the next area. It takes a lot of killing points, so this pair of siblings will kill so many people, as if they were used to fill the killing points used before.

But the brothers and sisters belong to the same kind of righteousness and evil, they are the real people who do whatever they can to survive, and Zhuo Yanxuan belongs to the same sense of justice as Chen Tian, ​​and his sister is Female murderer, to put it bluntly, she is a person who is happy to kill, but sometimes she will take care of her brother, or her brother will let her stop her hand and stop killing, she will stop the hand otherwise Zhuo Wenxin likes to kill people at will people.

He likes to see the people who were killed by him. Their different expressions of struggle before death. This kind of cool feeling is irresistible to her. To put it bluntly, Zhuo Wenxin kills people just like a lunatic does not care who you are. What kind of relationship do you have with me? As long as she has a heart to kill, maybe she will not save face for a long time except for her most beloved brother, including Chen Tian who she knows, I am afraid that she will also kill Just kill.

And her strength is very strong. Basically, no one can easily control her, so the person who can make Zhuo Wenxin obedient is probably only her brother Zhuo Yanxuan. This may be the so-called one thing one thing!

But this pair of brothers and sisters is really very high in value. In general, the truth is that the values ​​of Wu Yifan and Ling Zifeng in the Chen Tian team are very high, but Zhuo Yanxuan is many times more handsome than these two. The facial features are perfect and refined. It was a woman who would always be impressed when she saw it, and her strength and mind were very perfect. Although Zhuo Yanxuan’s sister was young, she was very slender and tangible. Her slim posture also moved many people on the island. .

It can only be said that most people can't compare with this pair of siblings, no matter their appearance or wisdom, this pair of siblings can crush too many people, but there is no one who is perfect, this pair of siblings is so perfect, But their lives are not perfect. If they are really perfect, it is impossible to fall on this island, and the brothers and sisters are actually different from normal people in character.

Maybe the experience of the siblings is not understood by all normal people, and maybe even some traitors can’t be compared with the experience of the siblings, it can only be said that Zhuo Wenxin’s brother is too spoiling his sister, and he Her sister is too much different. She is a woman who is trouble-making. The beauty of the face is only one. The second is that her sister is also super powerful. She has the cruel heart to kill others in her bones.

Moreover, the love is more distorted, and the thoughts are more willful. In addition, Zhuo Yanxuan’s excessive pampering makes Ye Minyu actually a very dangerous and belligerent woman. The seemingly gentle and naughty surface hides the nature of the female murderous devil.

However, Zhuo Wenxin’s brother Zhuo Yanxuan is much more normal than his sister, but because of too much spoiling of his sister, they are basically left to their minds, plus Zhuo Yanxuan is also the kind of character that is also justified, although Chen Tian There is also a sense of justice, plus it also has its own principles, but if Zhuo Yanxuan is completely summarized as a good person, it will be wrong.

Including Chen Tian, ​​in fact there are no absolutely good people on this island. To be precise, absolutely good people on this island will not live long. Since they can walk all the way to the r area, they naturally have their hands covered with others. Blood, survived on the corpses of others. On this island, everyone should not evaluate any person from the perspective of positive and evil.

It can only be said that the people who can live here for so long are absolutely not simple in themselves. Of course, this pair of brothers and sisters also have an alternative existence on this island. With the super high IQ and combat effectiveness of the two brothers and sisters, they never joined any shares. The forces can survive on this killing island, and this alone is enough to show the ability of this brother and sister.

However, after entering the island, the brothers and sisters not only continued to grow in strength, but also increased the frequency of dog food. This is mainly due to the existence of the souls of the ghost king couple in the brothers and sisters. The couple has reached an agreement with the siblings. Their abilities can be used whenever they want, but the premise is to occasionally let them borrow their bodies. After all, their souls can no longer be separated from the siblings. Body.

This pair of siblings dominated the exclusive abilities of the ghost king and the ghost wife, and also trapped the souls of the two in their own bodies. Of course, in addition to the siblings who want to dominate their abilities, Zhuo Wenxin is also fighting. His little abacus, in fact, this plan is as clever as his brother who could not even realize it, but he has defaulted from the heart.

In fact, the most chic on this island is the brothers and sisters. With their super high IQ and strength, they are as if they are on vacation in every area. The two brothers and sisters talk and laugh every day. They are all happy and happy. They are not like Chen Tian. Each of them not only worry about all kinds of things, but also care about things outside the island.

The brothers and sisters belong to the outside of the island and there is no concern. Knowledge Zhuo Yanxuan wants to take his sister to leave the island. And the strength of this pair of brothers and sisters is unlimited, especially Zhuo Yanxuan's sister Zhuo Wenxin is hidden in the body. With great strength and potential, these two people now belong to where to kill in this r zone, as long as all the fortified people appear in front of them, whether you are a weakened person with a degraded body or a fortified person reinforced by Stark again .

As long as you see this pair of brothers and sisters, basically the end is just a dead end. After all, these two brothers and sisters have two ghostly modes and the eyes of the evil emperor, while their melee strength and physical evolution are far beyond the imagination of these people. In the past, Zhuo Yanxuan's combat power has always been much stronger than that of Chen Tian. In addition, his sister's strength is now close to Qian Da, who is mainly trained by Kuang Qi. The strength of Miss Wilson.

One can imagine who will live with them when they see them together? This is why Stark sent so many people who wanted to capture the brothers and sisters alive, but the result was how many people were sent and how many died.

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