Killing God Island

Chapter 1193: Heaven Tribulation Wan Kai 160 Xu Shun's second tail blade beheaded a member of

This time when Xu Shun attacked Ali Constantine head-on, and when he was about to use a magic rod to block it, Xu Shun's facial expression showed a strange smile, which proves that this guy Ali Constantin has been hooked, and the hook means In his death, after all, Xu Shun’s attack did not have any minor injuries at all. As long as the light ones were seriously injured, the severe ones died, and the moment Xu Xu’s tail blade flicked, Ali Constantine also took his own out of the magic rod. When the magic pole in hand and Xu Xian's tail blade collided together, the power increased more than many times than the previous one. Xu Xuan, who should have been shot out, just took a step back this time.

The effects of force are mutual. The impact of this force is completely different from that of the previous one. This time Xu Shun made Ali Constantine fully aware of the change, but the other five people did not notice it. After all, this is just the same as the previous one. It’s just a fight, but in fact it’s not the case. This time due to the change in strength, although Xu Shun has been taken a step back, Ali Standin is now shaking his hands to Mo Gan. Numb.

Of course, the change is definitely more than that. The change in this second that Aristine was stunned was not small. I saw that the extra blade of the tail bone of Xu Shun's tail blade appeared directly from the other side behind Xu Shun. And the next second he clenched his weapon in his hands, another blade of the coccyx plunged into the ground from behind Xu Shun, moved from the ground behind Aristine, and then ejected from the ground instantly, the tip of the tail blade was just right Pierced the heart of Ali Constantine.

Although he has a brute force, it is a pity that his brute force is not worth mentioning in front of Xu Shun's tactics. Xu Shun just inadvertently killed Alistantin of the six, which really let the other five begin. Unexpectedly, Xu Shun suddenly had two tail blades, and one of the tail blades hit the weapon of Ali Constantine, and the other tail blade pierced the heart of Ali Constantine directly from the ground.

Except for people with special physiques like Chen Tian, ​​this heart basically has more strength and has evolved more times. A heart that does not have the ability to regenerate immortality is still fatal if pierced.

Although Ali Standin can be regarded as a relatively high-level evolutionary strongman in the t-zone from the perspective of strengthening human evolution, but his heart is pierced, it is definitely a death. After all, a person with Chen Tian’s godlike physique Not many people, or their own ability can make important organs of their bodies damaged and not die, otherwise strengthening people is ultimately a creature, and the two places of the head and heart are still very important.

After Xu Shun directly killed Ali Constantine, he directly squatted down and slapped his right hand down. The two tail bones of his body bowed directly, and he directly cut off the arms of the two closest to him. The other was stuck on his right leg. After all, they had just seen the form of Xu Shun. They had thought that this kid was going to die soon. After all, they felt that Xu Shun’s whole body was gradually weakening, so they didn’t want to. Continue to strengthen the offensive and consume him, if the forcible attack may cause unnecessary harm to himself.

After all, this kind of thing like a dog jumps the wall is normal. After all, this kind of strong strengthener is more aggressive even if the injury is serious, but if the physical exhaustion means that he is injured. They will stop their self-repair, so their tactics are basically to make Xu instantaneously exhausted, but Xu instantaneous changes at this instant, they really caught them off guard.

After all, Xu Shun directly wounded two people again the next second after Xu Shun directly killed Ali Constantine. After all, these two people did not expect that Ali Shun would be killed by Xu Shun. Of course, when they attacked Xu Shun directly , I didn’t expect Xu Shun to kill Aristante, followed by two tailbone blades to attack left and right, and the power speed was faster than that, which caused the two people who attacked Xu Shun from right and left to suffer. They didn’t find out. Xu Shun still has this hand.

In fact, this is the real full strength of Xu Xuan. Xu Xian started to attack with a tailbone blade, so he kept hiding his real strength. What he wanted was this unexpected kill, obviously Xu Shan’s kill. After getting a lot of play, instantaneously killing one of the six people and seriously injuring the two people, Xu Xuan was immediately relieved greatly, and wanted to once again bounce directly towards the other three with the tailbone blades at both ends.

Wanting to go directly to kill the other three people, I didn’t expect Xu Shun just flew past and didn’t wait for an attack, so one of the three was kicked directly on Xu Shun’s chest, and Xu Shun was kicked out three times. How far is it, and when landing, he was grabbed by one of the other two people. One hand was directly held, the body was directly restricted by these two people, and the other one also stabbed directly into Xu Xuan’s chest. Over here.

None of the three originally used all of their strengths, but Ali Constantine was just killed by Xu Shun because of his carelessness. The other two were injured because they underestimated the spectacled man in front of him, so these three people could not be again. Responsible for repetition, they have not consumed the imagination just now. It can be said that they now think that Xu Shun is too dangerous, so the person who first solved this danger will say that now that he has been killed and injured twice, even if he wants to beware of self-confidence, But not killing him now may be the next person to suffer.

So they decided to kill Xu Shun directly, kill the dangerous person first, and then say that this person in the province is causing fatal injuries to them. After all, his life is the most important in the end, and this person obviously has physical strength. Overdraft actually killed Ali Constantine, so the three of them directly used their real level. Two of the three held Xu Xuan's right and left hands and fixed it.

Then leave the last fatal blow to Tim among the three of them. This guy is besides Ali Standin's brute force attack. The attack next to his attack strength is quite significant. With this attack strength, I think It is still very easy to kill Xu Xun.

Mainly because Xu Shun's physical quality can't withstand any more injuries, especially this very powerful attack, once it is attacked, it can never be repaired quickly, and once the wound damages the internal organs, it is absolutely serious. It was a fatal injury, so Xu Shun, who is now holding his arms to the left and right, wants to try his best to break free and avoid or defend against the attack in front.

But unfortunately, I couldn't get rid of the shackles of these two people. I couldn't help but unfold the wings behind me and use the tips of my wings to bind the two people to the left and right. But what Xu Shun didn't expect was that these two people were totally different. Dodge.

At this point, Xu Suan panicked. Originally thinking that he could not break free with power, he used the wings stretched out from his back as an attack weapon against the duo. The tips on the wings were thrusting behind the duo’s body. The sharpness of Wing's wings wants to pierce the human body. It's as easy as piercing. Even the strengthened person who strengthened many times can definitely pierce his body, but the two people who hold Xu Shun's arm are not afraid Your body will be pierced the same.

There was no slight slackness and fear at all, still Xu Xuan's left and right arms were buckled to death. These two people's actions made Xu Xian panic a little. After all, the two men **** the whole person, tightly Followed by Tim’s fatal blow to Xu Shun. Of course, Xu Shun’s mood is really very anxious. After all, Xu Shun’s body is too exhausting due to the battle with these six people. Now Xu Xu’s body can’t bear it. Tim’s attack, if this attack is too severe on Xu Shun’s body, and the damage to the internal organs is too large, beyond the damage that Xu Shun’s body can bear, he will be killed, even if Xu Shun’s exoskeleton may be Because the strength of the toughened war bones will not be hurt by half, but Xu Shun’s internal organs cannot withstand such attacks at all, so Xu Shun is so impatient and tries to spread the wings behind him to attack the two people who restrain themselves on the left and right sides. This also belongs to the last step of the dog jump wall.

But what Xu Xun didn't think about was that these two people didn't evade the attack of Xu Xuan's wings, did they really think that my wings could not kill them? In fact, otherwise, it is not that these two people are really not afraid of Xu Shun’s bone wings running through the body, but they both believe very much in front of Tim’s frontal attack. After all, Tim also has a certain reputation in the organization, or else he Nor can he be the highest-ranking cadre, and he is best known for his attention to all three of his fighting skills, and all his fighting skills and fighting methods are related to speed. All his real The fighting level is quite strong, but he just kept face-saving for the other five people and did not use the real combat power. When Xu was injured, he was also the least injured. Although he was also injured, the speed was only to let Xu Moment's tail blade pierced the cut of his epidermis by 0.01 mm.

Therefore, the two people who bound Xu Shun’s left and right arms certainly believed that Tim would never lose to Xu Shun in terms of speed, so the two of them would tightly bind Xu Shun’s body and make Xu Shun temporarily. They couldn't move the body as a whole. As for Xu Shun's double-winged attacks, although they were afraid that their body would be pierced by them, they believed they hadn't waited for Xu Shun's wings to pierce them, and they had already solved Xu Shun at the speed of Tim.

Of course, these two people are also senior cadres of the Quartet Alliance. They cannot easily believe in one person, but as long as they believe in this person, this person definitely has this strength and ability, and Tim really has this kind of speed, and According to Xu Xuan's physical fatigue and the real running speed of this guy, he can indeed solve Xu Xuan within the first thirty seconds of the tip of Xu Xuan's wings entering the body of the two. Of course, the other two of the six are killed. One person lost his arm and is now stopping bleeding, and the other is that the tail blade is stuck on the large artery measured in the thigh. The blood is still flowing out. Even if he has the ability to repair it, he is stabbed at such a serious wound at this position and wants to stop bleeding. Emergency treatment is also necessary, so the two of them are now overwhelmed by themselves and how can they attack Xu Shun.

So now Xu Xian only has comfort to hold his left and right arms, and press Xu Xuan's tail blade with one foot to make Xu Xian's body immobile at this time, and the tail blade can't block and counterattack, leaving only behind A pair of bone wings can attack the two people on the left and right sides, but these two people are not afraid of the risk of body piercing, and put everything on Tim who is ready to end Xu's life.

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